Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Mike Cernovich political cartoon

Mike Cernovich political cartoon

Mike Cernovich political cartoon post thumbnail image
Mike cernovich political cartoon with Michael Bloomberg and Hillary Clinton

Someone requested I do a take on his new profile pic which someone drew so I said sure. I wanted to do something really know so I went by his last tweet.

Michael Bloomberg is offering people a $150 to say nice things about him so I tied that in ..
Mini Mike Bloomberg forgot his box to stand on.
Light bulb and Gorilla remind me of Mike Cernovich..the lawyer fairy. Gives great advice and does free research.
I signed Roger Stone White House petition
Nestled in her bosom..
Great article. My favorite quote. A townhall article
This is Amazing. Healing 432 hz singing in Washington DC Cathedral.

Very Right.

Michael cernovich once said that..” if you want me to read something then.. Write a blog and then put my name in the title “

So here it is.

Readers sit your a** down and listen to this music close your eyes and focus on your goal and that’s all I want you to think about is your goal and listen to this lady sing in a cathedral on 432 hz .the whole thing.

I also resonate with all good goal setting plans and I just wanna share this one with you it’s so beautiful.

You may not know what your goal is just close your eyes and ask… What do I want more than anything. And before long your emotions will push your goal to your mind and you’ll be able to see that maybe you didn’t know what your goal was. Maybe it’s something much more personal. Much higher.

You.. Should feel such complete and utter Bliss.
Today is Daytona 500 and that is Air Force one arriving for the big nascar race. My friends took this picture

I myself try out different things and and Valentine’s Day I was really upset and sad so I tried to follow my visions because when I’m upset that’s when I get visions is strongest under stress and I have to calm them down and I have to actually look at what I’m seeing in my mind.

I was really successful and that’s why I decided to record it but I wasn’t successful recording it and talking at the same time but you could at least see what I see sometimes..

The process should work if you’re not busy talking and recording and noise all around you.
Like I said I tried it before the recording and I got my answer and it was a vivid a vivid waking dream I was in.
And I got the answer to my question.

I tried again here but I
Couldn’t quite pop out to where I wanted to pop out this is how serious remote viewers do it and I’m not that serious.

I do it the paperwork way.. that’s how I was trained to do remote viewing.. but certain people like ingo Swann real real spies political spies etc this is how they do it this is how they describe it they can pop out anywhere they want and see things.

But at least you see my process it’s really messy.
Anybody can do this and you could be trained.

I was try to do it again way political questions someday but I really have to master it but here I am not quite getting there but almost.

If this didn’t exist and why did so many governments and Hollywood try so hard to discredit it. Because they’re doing it in secret and a lot of top secret meetings they have people just to put barriers so nobody can psychically spy.

You better believe the Chinese are doing it they steal all the children with blue eyes and they train them. Plus when kids go missing they always contact these people to look for them.
Successfully many times this was my thing I was trying to do this and trying to learn this for a very long time and I got caught up in some bad places and people from ever green were studying me and sometimes I was blindfolded straight for 3 days.

How could I see these things there’s just a light with there’s a light inside my mind and I could see.

I just have to master this. Someone in the info chats talk to me about this and he was trained also..
He actually worked in an institute I never got paid to do this work but I was trained by the same people and I’m definitely not allowed to talk about my experiences.
But he deftly believes this is real and maybe he can be my remote feeling buddy on political things super top secret.

I sound sick with a cold… but I’m not I was just not happy on Valentine’s Day.

Visions short story fiction

I will try doing this speaking at the same time which is really hard because .. you get thrown out of whatever you’re in and it’s like this gel like fluid you just fall out of it and you fall and then have to start over again.

Fox news livestream Trump Daytona 500
He left arriving at an air base. Now.

Back to remote viewing when I said I learned the paperwork way this is the way most remote viewers do it and it was straight from the US military this is how they did it this is something you could teach everybody…

It’s never stopped it’s just gone underground and it’s pretty much taken over by demonic forces

So if you wanna be a remote viewer for trump here are the practice sheets OK .

This is like how the beginners do it and sometimes this is how they do it their whole careers this way.

There are 4 main templates. This is one.
Your target has to be completely blind. For this discipline your mind has to be completely empty you can’t have anything hinting nothing because that’s called an overlay. Even when you pick up something you have to dismiss it and write it down and dismiss it.

A lot of top secret meetings they are protected by psychics.. I know it sounds crazy but I read a lot of literature and I know the BS from the real stuff. What would you do if you knew that other countries had psychic spies that were trying to penetrate your secrets well you would try to protect them.

All governments have psychic spies it’s just gone undercover and it’s been ridiculed all over the place and people set up as completely crazy…in public. They dont want anybody knowing about this.

A good way to protect yourself is just by prayer invoking God Jesus ask to set up a force field so no one will be able to see what you doing or where you are or your thoughts. You could protect targets this way.

Because there’s a law that if you forbid somebody to witness something then that person can’t see it. And in a way when you psychic spy there are laws of free will that maybe you’re not really wanted there so there’s are all sorts of energies… That may block you.. The higher up in power.

I’ve hit targets so many times even when I had no idea what I was doing.

My 1st target was the parthenon. It wasn’t remote viewing the way I did it in my recording I was doing at the paperwork way which is your body is talking not your mind but more experienced remote viewers can travel and their processes and same as mine they travel light speeds. They pop out at the target and see clearly.

They don’t teach this in public.

All of us know how to do this inherently and especially when you were a child when he laid in bed you thought you saw things.. When you closed your eyes… you were looking at light… But fear prevents people from pushing past and actually going places because like I said it’s pretty scary place . But for some reason I am not scared.

My best friend in coconut Grove Florida actually worked at the remote viewing institute back in the seventies. His mansion was so beautiful. He had an injury as a child and it made him that way and Me Too! I’ve been in car crash I’ve had brain injury coma. He was first name basis with McMoneagle. Very world famous. Us Army Intelligence.

He knew everybody and he told me many stories.

Hey why not use your skills for good?

I still remember all my disciplines but I can’t even mention their names because they’re trademarked. I mean really really protected. Just can’t write about the stuff online. I think I’ve seen enough stuff to know they mean business.

This one school I went to 1 of the on line students was the leader of North Korea who still the leader of North Korea today. Legit..on paper. We weren’t even allowed to bring phones into the place. For him to have been a member of this place I studied at its peculiar peculiar isn’t it… So there were a lot of people probably there for power money.

I draw the line when there’s craziness and what I am notinto…. no craziness ..

it’s all natural and something we can all do. But most of the schools.. the ethics is just horrible and there’s children born into it it’s terrible and the mind control and the experiments it’s just really really bad places but I took all the knowledge with me.

Sleep deprivation constantly having this … I have to watch what I say.. Chorus playing waking up early morning to early night trying to see things freezing exercises staring at things focusing

And I remember that the entire walls were taped up successful remote views people that had completed and gotten the target would stick your paper up on the wall to show everyone and the entire arena was just covered in these papers.

There’s nothing like doing sports blindfolded and they make sure you’re blindfolded they tape you up. Entire labyrinths that take U minimum 5 hours to figure out… And you gotta pee in your pants sorry that’s the truth. You walk into this knowing this and it doesn’t matter because there’s just something irresistible about learning how to do this.

There is a man named reverend doctor James cotrell in Toronto and his process is very similar to what I was trying ..but he Is a pastor for God and he does this to heal people for healing and he does it for free on a radio show for people who on a call in but it’s not the same as when he goes into trance …

..and hes been in a trance for me so I have that experience and what he said it absolutely changed my life and it was so revealing and none of the questions he knew in advance. This were like questions and answers that perfectly describes me though they were me…I even gave fake email fake phone number everything. I can’t even talk about it because some things are just very very private. But he definitely saw inside my mind and there’s many beautiful things in there.

Edgar Casey I’ve read so many books on him I read everything I could..

I believe he was really talented and he could really see things that would help people.

but there are very Dark Places and dark people and scams and hoaxes and cults that I’ve also been through. I’ve tried them all there isn’t one famous medium out there I haven’t gone to or 1 Channeler I haven’t met.. I know them all and I’m on tape I’m I’m on a recordings and they always call on me in the audience.

But the ones for God are the only ones I think anybody should work with. The Christian ones.

What do you think political cartoons is..

I read a story and I see the cartoon in front of me and it makes me laugh and that’s what I asked for and I don’t know where I get these visions and sometimes it’s really hard to pull a cartoon out of one tweet.

I ask God to help me . Every time watch the sunset.

I know the sun’s path for every season. Like a clock.
I watch its path rolling above.
I took this picture the 1st day it changed for the coming Spring. It’s perfectly at my window. For the summers it sets to my right.

One word about the Tarot cards. As with all things even within ourselves there’s… negative forest so you can’t put put too much faith in Tarots cards ..

but if you really are good with them like I am..

you know when it’s talking to you and sometimes when you most need it and you’re desperate for an answer you’ve got nowhere else to go sometimes it may play a trick on you.

Usually it will be beneficial though and most the time very accurate and it will solve problems instantly sometimes healing you of a worry because you didn’t see something but nothing is a 100% anything.

Thats something to remember that when you least expect it or need it most..they might give you the wrong answer on purpose it’s just really mischievous and you can’t seek that out a 100% of the time.

But it will give you accurate information especially if you do a one card reading and you do no more than 1 reading A-day and make that a rule and they talk to you in ways that only you can understand thru symbols numbers emotions work love…

Definitely a communication there is definitely a communication going on. Stuff only you would know and the Tarot is just simply pointing to something you already have in your mind that you haven’t seen yet. Or thought of.

But even with me I find they are very playful and they do play tricks and in the end when I bust them like Hey you lied to me it’s a funny joke and I can tell ..when they tricking me. I’ve done them so much throughout my life. I’ve been an introvert all my life pretty much.. but they definitely talk to me and I would love to start doing political readings.

And just like that you could have demonic beings appear so beautiful but they can’t be beautiful for so long because it’s an illusion so you have to be really slow when you try to do anything spiritual.. And the tricksters always show their true colors…

Have you ever thought of how you see when you dream like how do you see what you’re looking at? You need light to see.

And life is the same way you can’t just say all demons are bad because look at politics you have the left they are complete demons we would not be good if it weren’t for those demons to show us the contrast.

So demons are a fact of life all of us have to deal with and in every idea in every thing there is either a dark side or a good side that is why you should just be safe and stick with God.

Because being a force for good in the world will create a good balance.

Oh you better believe it and mockery is their biggest weapon about anybody doing this publicly
They got Hollywood in their real deep with all their special actors Completely discrediting this kind of work.

And this is just the stuff that’s been declassified. The real stuff they would never ever ever look at

 bizarre psychic experiments — but what about China’s? Let’s explore the strange phenomenon of China’s psychic children

One of my old remote viewing buddies always contacts me when I talk about this stuff. She was psychic because of her diet but she only ate fruit for like 7 years and she was the most beautiful creature in the world… A fashion model… she would do these with me..these ” srvs.” She loved it and got really carried away. We had stacks of papers between us!

There’s nothing like a beautiful remote viewing buddy to do targets with each other. She’s proud of it and she even went on to meet some famous remote viewers that you see on TV.

I’m not sure if she still eating all fruit though called the fruitarian diet..
Those were the good old days.

That’s her and me.
We…rode up a mountain together in the rain. Total totally platonic. What cemented us was remote viewing .
There’s just nothing like it.

I just wish I could have more training more time.

If the Target was Sodom and Gomorrah and I did not know this and it was sealed in an envelope and I draw fiery rocks falling from the sky on top of a city that would be considered a failure. Your mind has to be trained .

By the way that was my 2nd target I ever did and that’s exactly what I drew and I didn’t know what I was drawing. But even that’s a failure.

They make sure they make sure that you get it perfectly right.
That’s funny because when I Google this and I look at it that’s exactly what I drew fiery rocks falling from the sky.

It’s almost like I’ve been there .

And if you got one detail off they throw the whole thing out.
I can’t explain it but it’s not like it’s guessing and coincidence and you got they make sure you got the target correctly you have to have a lot of details..

Me and my friend actually did a missing person’s once for fun.. and she saw the same thing. I DID. missing child was in a river. Map similar. We did not KNOW target before hand.

There are lot of groups we belong to who would have targets and we all would write what we got and then at the end they would reveal the target.

There was also website called target monkey which would send you an email of what the target was and it would just give you a number when you pressed a button on line.
I just checked the website no longer exists.
That’s me in the Coral Gables bookstore where I was a regular I would just order a fresh squeezed juice and meet authors and I would sit in on authors talking about their book I would go to every single one and meet authors I met really famous authors like Daniel Silva.
Yes and my friend live down the street from me and she would ride her bike to see me and we would talk remote viewing. We thought we would be doing this as a career.
I remember how itchy was that dress was it had beautiful things like sequinned onto it.
I lived behind Coral Gables city Hall overlooking the Granada golf course and I would walk bare feet every single night on the golf course. Or I would walk over to the Biltmore golf course and walk on that these places are completely empty at night.
I lived Kitty corner from Jeb Bush. I remember the constant motorcades. And when they put in a round in front of his condo building. There would be car accidents every night at 2:00 in the morning and it would wake me up and I always had to run outside and help whoever crashed.

You can see the windows bricked in they look pretty large the whole building looks stripped of everything. Always screen save these just in case they’re tearing down something really valuable and I’m sure this isn’t the only picture of what they’re planning on tearing down.
What on Earth happened to The Bronx. New York State which is America and should concern all of us.
It’s a technique. Legit. It’s not wooha.
I know how to do it. The ” protocol”
And this is just the stuff they don’t mind you seeing.
You better believe they are doing it
I met the general stubblebine I met him and I talked to him and he this was after this was released and he just called it the biggest hit piece in Hollywood!
He was very disappointed and he wound up moving to Costa Rica. He was not a crazy person.

I also met if the guy who wrote a book on the declassified CIA mind control experiments and I also met Roseanne Barr when she was doing talks about the mind control in Hollywood but I just briefly met her.
She hinted that we definitely should get out.
I’m kind of glad I left the whole thing because like I said I was caught up in something really bad.
I write my experience here not to be a weirdo but just to talk about my experiences.
And put out the possibilities to the public.
I’ll prolly just do political cartoons but my curiosity about all of this will never die.
But if I ever could have the chance again I would love to do it because there’s nothing on Earth like srv viewing it’s the best feeling in the world it’s amazing.
It’s going to be nearly impossible to get the public to like this because of all the mockery … It has to be underground.

As you can see general stubblebine is not one of them and hes always spoken out about this stuff.

Below is the man who played him in the movie and you see the man focusing and then he runs towards the wall and bumps into it. That is not true that never happened that’s figure of speech that they twisted..
When he said you could travel through walls he did not mean literally physically he met with your mind and that’s how this movie twisted and made him a laughing stock.

This is how Hollywood works on the minds of American people they can put hit pieces on anybody and you can never recover.

I met him…15 years ago. He can’t talk about anything practically. But he is dedicating himself to the betterment of people. Is a good person.. That’s what we briefly spoke about.
I stood in line while he got an organic barbecue chicken and I was behind him. Very nice man.
I did get an autograph. And I did hear him speak.

All that stuff on coast to coast am you can dismiss and you can leave it behind just like John B Wells did. There are.. Terrible shills on that subject.

The original viewers that were on paper had survived Vietnam war using their intuition and clairvoyance.

Like all things it’s gone to the dark side.

The word stargate has been implanted in American minds as just a science fiction movie.

Operation Blue Light: My Secret Life among Psychic Spies Philip Chabot reveals for the first time the powerful story of his growing psychic ability and the government’s growing interest in him
By the way the father of my kids is just like.. Henry sugar he can do this but there’s something about him that he can’t make money off it and whatever hes made at the casinos hes donated it to charities.. I’ve seen his books and he doesn’t do it anymore he only does it for fun. Once you make money off these skills you’ve gone to the dark side..

Plus at the casinos he drew a crowd and everybody would come just to watch him and they didn’t kick him out and he would only win about $2000 a week and he would only play once at the roulette.
Trust me I know you don’t wanna go to the dark side because you see spirits and things then he was really crazy when I met him and I had to take him out of it.
Believe me I tried to make a fortune..and I helped him escape it took a year to get him out and I tried to get his skills into the business world.
Yahoo news finance wrote a story on him just a month ago.

He is unworkable and as a husband unable to have a relationship with anybody because this gift makes him such a loner and I’m the longest woman who’s ever been with him..I study him.. and hes abandoned 3 families before me. But such a genius. Yet off somehow. He has an uncanny ability to get women to fall in love with him. And… They even try fighting me…Anybody.. hes met has invested so much money into him. Because they believe in his talents whatever he puts his mind to… You really don’t want this gift. He has relationships with objects and things…

Yes he is a real henry sugar in the flesh. It’s even on video way before you could edit videos the way you can now.

Henry Sugar summary

He wants to be able to see through playing cards and win in casinos. He steals the book and begins to practice at home. He begins to make progress immediately, and discovers that he’s one of the one-in-a-million people that can develop yoga powers with amazing speed. Three years later, Henry can see through a playing card in less than four seconds. He goes immediately to a big London casino and proceeds to win over six thousand pounds. When he gets home, though, he realizes that he doesn’t feel as happy as he expected. 


You just can’t keep the money it’s completely insane it’s like why even have this gift at all?

What the father of my 3 kids did was he would donate anonymously and he did this every week. He wouldn’t even tell me but I found a note book with all his winnings and how he GAVE IT AWAY..believe me I was hysterical.

I’ve never seen any that 1 in my life with his power over people… Can drive for years without a license and he just doesn’t care he can travel with things you’re not allowed to travel on airplanes and get away with it and when cops pull him over they wind up falling in love with him and taking his business card.

Usually these skills destroy people. When I found him he was drunk in a ditch and believe me I cleaned him up and I made him who he is today.

These skills…

Always the broken people the ones who had accidents the ones who’s been in comas the ones who have had near death experiences and it’s something you really don’t want.

With him as child he was electrocuted by accident.

I’ve seen many people you see on the red carpet run up to him and hug him so tight… These things mean nothing to him.
I always told him please teach me your gift and I’ve studied him for so long. But after all this I come to the conclusion that I really don’t want his gift the price you pay is your soul I believe.

This isn’t really the same as remote viewing though. About anyone can learn and most people who go into it..doubtfully..yet when they always get their 1st target..
It’s incredible self esteem… and it just changes their life.
And as with anything you should take these top remote viewers not a 100% at their word because like I was explaining what the Tarot cards above every now and then they will give you false information… When you most needit…There are many of them on the dark side working. If they can’t get you they will discredit you.

Shill level high. Stay clear!

..And more startling yet is his account of the U.S. government, an organization bent on the destructive use of psychic powers…

By the way. My vision recorded is 20 -10 or 20-15 which is better than 2020. But that’s not the sight they are talking about.
I can see things most people can’t. This with my regular eyesight. It comes in handy when I need to read signs and still far away. I’m just babbling.

What they are talking about is they can record some light around objects when remote viewers focused on it in another
When I have vision is I always look very close because I want to know how I am seeing this and there is a light that shines in my mind when I close my eyes on these objects and I can see with that light.

It’s as if you can put light on anything in your thoughts.

‘She went into a trance. And while she was in the trance, she gave us some latitude and longitude figures. We focused our satellite cameras on that point, and the lost plane was there.’ Former President Jimmy Carter, recalling a 1978 remote-viewing operation (Schnabel 1997: cover).

Stanford Research

Now in that clip above there is truth and there is a lie in there. There are no satellite cameras by the way. The other stuff is true.

  Price through remote viewing accurately described ‘details of a secret Pentagon facility in the hills of West Virginia village of Sugar Grove…’ Among its secret functions were the interception of intercontinental telephone communications…

Chinese are certain to have highly gifted psychics who can read documents locked away in a solid safe (Dong and Raffill 1997

 we skeptical so researchers from Yunnan Wenshan Teachers’ College took five children said to have this ability to do research on. The researchers blindfolded the children and gave them something to read. They found the kids were able to see with their ears, mouth, nose, , tongue, armpits, hands or feet. The children could do these tests without any mistakes.

You have him forget everything you learned in Hollywood and on TV about this because it’s all to mock at all to make fun it’s all to discredit and there’s so many fraudsters out there who use these words and lump in a bunch of new age nonsense.
There are many half lies in these papers it’s extremely secretive.
And they are all sanitized.

Try to research this on YouTube you will not be able to get any good videos unless you want to listen to

“Mr. Moot “

talk about it

Like I said it’s to discredit it to mock it..and to make fun of it and they pick the worst to remote viewers who just say something at the top of their head and that’s not how it’s done.

And it seems like the Internet’s changed and I can no longer find anything that I used to be able to find I can’t even find anything anymore on the internet everything’s moved to the dark Web.

But if you want to hear people like Mr. Moot talk to you about remote viewing just be warned it’s all to make it look silly and they pick UNexperienced people and they have them do remote viewing on demand and it’s really not set up that way you really need to go into a trance and be calm.

A real remote viewing session is about 20 minutes of handwriting and drawing it’s not just something you can answer on the top of your head which is what most of these YouTube videos are…

A real remote viewer will draw exactly what they see and it will match up exactly ..
Anything less is a failure..

but you can’t find these videos anywhere.

So if you go to YouTube just be prepared to see a bunch of big breasted tarts talk about it with Woo woo music.

It’s really hard to find the truth on the Internet all the truth is on the dark Web …now..politicians only communicate on there too..and it’s way bigger than the Internet.

Nothing on the dark Web is scary like they scare you in videos but there are directories in red that you don’t wanna go on.

You’ll just have to take my word for it that the Internet changed and you won’t be able to research this on the Internet at all it’s all stuff that’s 20 years old

Plus as a human being with free will you should be able to access all sorts of information.
The Internet is the cable news of today coming up pretty soon.
It’s really supposed to be done like this and you are asked questions and you’re completely inside your mind and you describe what you see.

Or the srv way

And it’s supposed to be absolutely perfect with details.

That being said most people are really genuine in their love for it.. they are just not that experienced. With practice everything gets better and nobody is born with this it’s something that you have to practice and practice and practice and practice…

There is no such thing as talent just hard work.