Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Melania Trump and President Donald Trump Official White House Christmas portrait political cartoon FLOTUS

Melania Trump and President Donald Trump Official White House Christmas portrait political cartoon FLOTUS

the official White House portrait for Christmas 2020 political cartoon with Melania Trump FLOTUS first lady and President Donald Trump giving us four more years for Christmas

This was a Bible given to our president in 1955 Holy Bible

do you get the secret message?
I’m reading a poem of a painting that belongs to our family

my family owns the painting. The late Catherine Parker. Charles Burchfield‘s daughter. Voted best visual artist in Buffalo. What do you think of the poem?

you have an army of True Believers
the wind is blowing away and he’s thanking Governor Cuomo
The biggest lie of the year is that Joe Biden 🏆 🏅 won…
I drew that 2 years ago in 2018 the joke is he never remembered anything and he’s ironing his socks with the veneer of respectability iron James Comey

I drew that in December 19th 2 years ago today 2018

Me re faced as Elvira with Santa and me again re faced as Ann-Margret. Deepfakes are fun to make but they’re not as good as the ones you see on TV of like powerful people. and stuff and movie stars.. bless you ..showing you if this is what we are allowed can you imagine what the Deep state is allowed?

😊 they can even do a deepfake of voices they can even reface and do a deepfake of voices

I didn’t feel a thing I wonder why

there are shots with orange caps on them like that but it’s still suspicious anyway because I mean how long would the needle have to be it’s just a suspicious and these people have an answer for everything so it’s just something to look at

I read the articles they say that it only lasts a few months so there’s no cause for worry

And all the people who died after taking the vaccine they say out of nine people who died four of them have the placebo 😋so it isn’t the vaccine 😛but my question is 😜 they lie so much😜 how do you know who got the placebo 😋and if anybody got the placebo🤐 because you can’t trust anything they say 😛and they lie so much already 😁

I’m not sure if I posted this I did it a while ago

Can’t remember if I posted that either just in case

dec 8