Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Matt Drudge thinks DONALD TRUMP should have a VICTORY PARADE Military March, Political Cartoon

Matt Drudge thinks DONALD TRUMP should have a VICTORY PARADE Military March, Political Cartoon

Matt Drudge thinks DONALD TRUMP should have a VICTORY PARADE Military March, Political Cartoon post thumbnail image
I agree Trump needs a military march..
Here is my video description, of this cartoon for you, for those, hard of hearing, those not following politics, 

Russian Show of Power May 9, 2017
North Korea Military March April 15
And then I do Islamic women marching show of force why not
I missed the tweet, I dont usually get his tweets even though I follow him, I have to rely on my followers retweeting. Or going on his page. Twitter does that on purpose, I tested this many times before.
I love his tweets, its news when he tweets trust me.
Yes I agree with Matt Drudge, Trump needs a military march !

He did a tweet
but drudge always deletes

The russian women are hot, the north korean do these weird high kicks and well the other are draped in black and nets and covered in dynamite and have with them children with missiles
 I love his comedy.  I relate to. Famous Political cartoonist liked me back. 
Best explanation why is TUCKERS above. Find it on youtube.
Here am I today sitting at the desk I cartoon at. I have a view of mountains and valleys and rivers and streams, and miles of nature. 
I live above a bird preservation. I have seen many wild eagles, American eagles, Hawks, Blue Birds ( THE GIFT OF GAB TOTEM), Giant birds and at night, BATS. I have rabbits, and lynxes that come outside my window. I have lilac trees and rose bushes and cherry blossoms!

I live on ten acres. The only problem is, I cannot get internet. Its so bad out here. It doesnt exist. I have to use my tethering on my phone but I only have 5 gb. My internet is ON, only 2-5 am at night, and its hard to wake up that late. I have tried. Only thing the guys at Frontier could do is give me 2 am bonus bytes. My phone didnt turn on today, I use it for news Drudge reading. The charger jack is so wiggly, that it doesnt work anymore. I need lots of things. But I do what I can, to get these cartoons once a day. To educate. To share what I see. I can see in the dark. I have gifts. I have a good eye. I an also see whats light. I know who Donald Trump is. I want to support him once a day, for his whole rest of office, it may be longer than 8 years. He truly is an EMPEROR GOD. The ideal man. 

I am a Trumplican. Party of the LION. And GOLD. And Beauty. And SUCCESS. There is no limit with DONALD TRUMP. You will all watch him conquer and rebuild.  Evil has had its day. Thanks, but we will take over now. The meek will inherit all the jobs.

This is the man who takes care of me. 
He is in the cannabis industry. He has a gift. He can get 97% thc pure out of full plant extract. Noone else can without buying $20 thousand dollars worth in machines. He can.

Looking at BUDS. They are many different colors, some are purple. 

using natural alcohol instead of chemicals.

He is a cannabis oil god. 

Thats Anthony hanging with Tommy Chong before he passed. Tommy, who wasnt taking photos with anyone at Cannacon 2016. But Anthony, yes. I told him not to come home without a photo with Tommy Chong. He obeyed.

I bought him that tshirt at Olympia Wa Cannafest 2015
This is the man who takes care of me. My DADDY. My BIG DADDY. Thats what I call him. I call him Daddy. He supports my cartooning. He does. I support his dreams of ” The gold “. He puts the CO2 machines, BHO MACHINES, to shame. He can do far better far purer.
In case you were wondering, people ask me all the time.
This is Anthony, he built that shed behind him with his bare hands. He doesnt even do sheds. He is very smart. 
Look at him. I love this man. 
The only thing that will keep this man, in love with me, is if I succeed with my cartoons. Love is imaginary. But money is real. I would like to make money doing cartoons, so that he loves me more. Because he is so smart, I have to be just as smart. I have to focus on my political cartoons for this reason.  If I do not succeed with my political cartoons, our love will not. I am sure of it. I would like to impress him. I would like to make money. Thats the only way I will win his love forever.  Love is not a right. You have to earn it. You have to fight to keep it. That is why my political Cartoons, I can never give up. I am nobody without them. I have nothing without my cartoons. That is how I feel. If I succeed with my political cartoons, I will win his love. His real love. Not just words said, or his presence as duty.  I want him to be VERY IMPRESSED with me. I want him to look at me and share my values, of hard work, and capitalism. Doing whatever you can with whatever you have, I want to prove I can make money as well.  Its very important to me. 
Mike Cernovich in GORILLA MINDSET says if you dont give up you already won.
I will never give up. One cartoon a day. That is all I have to do. It will all happen organically. I will try everything I can, to see what works, and if that does not work, I will do something else. One day I will get my big break. 
When I focus on alpha male Donald Trump its always a good day. It affects my life positively. I love his speeches. He is a chess player. He is a negotiator. He is a mentalist. Its beautiful. Its an art. I listen to his words between the lines. I know who he is referring to and speaking about, the American Public have no clue.  I know whats going on. I love the language of the news. 
Matt Drudge showed me what that was in his autobiography. He said the journalists have a language with which they speak to one another, in codes, like they put the truth in the last paragraph of every copy. In code. Matt seeks this out and ITS HIS HEADLINE.  News is what everyone wants to know. It really is where all the action is, politics.  So not just news, but POLITICS and NEWS. What a beauty.