Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized LAURA loomer Nancy Pelosi political cartoon #donaldtrump #caricature #lauraloomer #nancypelosi #politicalcartoon #loomerforcongress #loomer #loomer4congress #editorialcartoon

LAURA loomer Nancy Pelosi political cartoon #donaldtrump #caricature #lauraloomer #nancypelosi #politicalcartoon #loomerforcongress #loomer #loomer4congress #editorialcartoon

LAURA loomer Nancy Pelosi political cartoon #donaldtrump #caricature #lauraloomer #nancypelosi #politicalcartoon #loomerforcongress #loomer #loomer4congress #editorialcartoon post thumbnail image
Laura Loomer taking back the House. With..her wit..and charm. And bravery those eyes. So pretty
Maybe Laura loomer will be able to hold the real one in her hand its giant it as tall as a person it’s like some ancient secret something. Antique technology. Holds great power. The mace. Of the house of reps. Held by George Washington the real one. Maybe she will appreciate it. Nancy doesn’t deserve it.

Knowing the satanic parasites they would definitely switch this out for a reproduction and I’m sure if Laura loomer ever got to Congress she should hunt down the real thing because it holds great secret some sort of free energy Tech something it wielded power electrically are there was something they could do with a field in the air and then it made all these equipment work and you could shoot sparks stuff like that and all this has been taken out of all our ancient books it’s been all sanitized of electrical weapons even Gilgamesh…erased. ..

They dont want you to know why these objects great important. Not just a symbol.

It could be something you screw on to the Capitol building.. Which is an ancient building by the way you didn’t think man in horse wagons built that did you. The construction photos are even more hilarious what bad photoshop jobs with no workers they just like photo shopped double exposed a basket on top of the capital and said they were “just finishing up”
Know the capital was intact when we arrived just as it is today and it was there before we arrived but a lot of people claim they built all of this stuff in mostly tore down so you can’t see the truth about America’s past that in the old world order we were the power structure. It’s such a long story I can’t even talk about it here but I’ve written about it for many years on this blog with pictures and everything I can prove it.

And the goddess on top of the Capitol building the statue of freedom that’s not its name and no guy in the 1800 built that no the capitols never moved it’s always been there for countless of cultures it was here before we arrived and I can’t believe MADAME Laura Loomer has a chance to be INSIDE every day to touch the stone to find out its secrets to be in SIDE of a dome all DAY God I wish her all the luck on pushing her up as hard as I can up to trump.
Classic I drew. I feel the synergy. Energy. Great..stuff coming. We will all witness her ♥ getting there. Let’s push her up. To Trump.