Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Kayleigh mcenany Republican National Convention RNC Donald Trump coronavirus political cartoon Anthony Fauchi

Kayleigh mcenany Republican National Convention RNC Donald Trump coronavirus political cartoon Anthony Fauchi

Kayleigh mcenany Republican National Convention RNC Donald Trump coronavirus political cartoon Anthony Fauchi post thumbnail image
I love drawing her she’s so pretty she looks like an angel really and I put a golden rattle in there to represent Trump’s presidency for a baby it’s just go there next who doesn’t want a cold and baby rattle I’m a pure solid gold that’s what the Trump presidency is that’s what Trump is he’s the golden one and he can make America gold I mean really he’s amazing anyways Kaley Mcenany political cartoon
President Donald Trump in the Republican National Convention said this and this is the vision I got Anthony fauchi every century ..genociding people with fake pandemics .. killing people with the medicine that’s what’s going on I know you can’t see it because the mind control is so big with all the drug commercials on TV portraying doctors ask the people in TV shows and all that I know Hollywood I know you can’t believe it but you know when you step back and you don’t ever watch cable TV like me you can see things Crystal clearly they are there for a purpose and you know it’s not to heal you the doctors are not healers no I mean there are some doctors kind of like trade school vs gender studies there’s you know like if you get your leg cut off you know they might save it but the only times you hear them saving it are the times it’s on a TV show there’s more malpractice than cures with these people that’s what I thought when he said that and he also said America is the torch that will light up the world and remember what I’m saying about how he’s going to bring free energy to America or what do you think that means I think he knows what he’s doing I think I’m on to it I don’t know it feels like synchronicity
I think they’re killing people with the medicine and the rewriting history to make to blame rats or to blame imaginary floating unicorn green neon green bugs. There are other reasons such as personal responsibility why people get sick in the winter maybe it’s because they sleep with heaters on all night and when they wake up they got the flu because hot air dehydrates your lungs and drives it out and infects it fastest out for yourself sleep with your heater on full blast all night you will wake up with the flu has nothing to do with flying beings in the air living there without wings and alive but not dead and impossible to see and the theory invented before the microscope

Ronald Reagan says trust but verify so how are you going to verify that the coronavirus is real or even catch it in the act of making someone sick I mean a pile of dead bodies is the proof the coronavirus is real people getting sniffles and colds you know there’s such a thing as Voodoo also and power of belief

Her speech touched me but on her doctor’s advice she got a double mastectomy and you know I just want all you guys to realize that she probably was fine but a doctor told her to remove her breasts and I love her but I’m just I’m just reminding you that this is what doctors do and you know breast cancer there’s many ways to cure it that doctors don’t want you to know about because I don’t know why I can’t say anything about her because I love her and I’m sure she made the best decision cuz I I really like her a lot but you know shame on any doctor that tells women to take their breasts off just because of their genetics or something you know I don’t know I just I care about her and you know I am a supporter so I’m not going to say anything but just remember who told her to remove her breasts on a hunch of fortune telling guess that you know she may get breast cancer and you know the whole breast cancer racket it’s just they don’t tell you that you can cure all of this with nutrition or the grape cure or just eating raw foods for 2 weeks so you know all this tumor stuff disappears even stage 4 that you can change it with diet and I don’t want to say anything because it was her moment and it was beautiful and I really really love her and you know but I’m definitely skeptical about her doctor definitely skeptical cuz I don’t trust doctors so I’m kind of being protective about Kaley mcananey I’m just being protective remember Angelina Jolie supposedly did the same thing and everyone thought that was pretty satanic but her story is definitely there’s a lot of women like her that can really relate and I think it was beautiful I think it was beautiful and I’m looking at her breasts and they’re absolutely perfect she’s right about reconstruction and you know she’s just a beautiful being and I really love her but you know like I said I’m very skeptical about her doctor telling her that you know for example I took my. My daughter had a cavity when she was one years old because it’s called Baby Bottle Syndrome baby bottle Decay syndrome where she slept with a baby bottle a lot and I didn’t know cuz it was my first born but she had a cavity and I took her to 3 dentist to all wanted to pull out all of her teeth I repeat they wanted to pull out her entire mouth I couldn’t believe it so I took her to three more and they all said the same thing and I didn’t listen to them and the cavity didn’t really hurt my daughter and it fell out and she’s got beautiful teeth so I’m glad I didn’t listen to Three dentists who all agreed with each other that I have to pull all of my daughter’s baby teeth out at 1 years old just because of one cavity so like that’s my point I don’t know if you’re getting me that I’m not saying anything bad I’m just saying you know be skeptical about doctors and you know but it was definitely Kaley mcananey MOMENT to shine in her story touched me I don’t want to take anything away from it just remember just remember don’t forget what happened to her

These doctors are so Suave they can convince Grandma who goes in there to get rid of her legs and they’ve done this took my family members legs…they convinced my mother that she needed an implant in her hand that wound up causing her so much pain and she had to get it removed and you know it was definitely malpractice definitely misdiagnosed I mean how many misdiagnosis have you even gotten in your life have doctors screwed it up or terrified you in there so Suave they can talk you into anything they can convince it all these old people that they have imaginary illnesses all these doctors do is type in symptoms in a computer and it’s like fortune-telling they’re like witches and warlocks and they make money they have quotas they don’t really care about you they just you’re just one in 20 patients they have to see that day it’s all about the money and they buy their luxury cars with cash and and you know what these doctors and nurses they’re the first ones to die they’re like the lowest life spans because they take their own medicine. Remember they killed my baby cousin with vaccines and they convinced my aunt she must have rolled over on it just remember that. The only time they cure anybody of anything is when it’s on a TV show that you’ve seen so you think like this is normal that this is their healers or something but they’re not

King Trump gave a speech you know it’s really funny because when people watch Donald Trump speech they have a reverence for him to have like almost like a worship he’s like the ideal American and all the people on the left and all the Communist they use fear so they forced people to pretend that they worship them but Donald Trump he is so amazing he doesn’t need to scare people into like really reverencing him cuz he is such a a king a leader
I got a retweet or an original post rather I like that I like when people take my cartoons and post them and they don’t need to give me credit I’m not like that I draw cartoons that are for everybody I I don’t even sign my name I just put an m it’s I don’t don’t have to give me credit any newspaper any article they can use my cartoons they don’t have to give me credit I just want my cartoons out there because I want to inspire people
when I saw her dress I was trying to figure out what it meant and I couldn’t until I saw this meme but she looked absolutely ravishing she looked she stuck out neon is so cool everyone’s going to wear neon green now she stole that from Billie eilish
the torch that will light up the world yes he’s talking about free energy Americans shouldn’t pay for electricity or heating or any of that that should be free and can you imagine what the world will look upon American as the light free energy means free energy hits geothermal at static electricity it’s illuminations it’s a long story I can’t get into it but if you read my blog I really look into this a lot there’s many ways to heat your home you know steam radiators excetera and you know I’m Americans really need to get on this because we really need to illuminate the world
these are some memes I collected tonight about Kenosha
what a cutie what an absolute cutie is the 17-year old Kyle
so I noticed she put on her Facebook profile a drawing I made of her a long time ago this woman runs the conservative Goths Facebook group meaning they all look at Trump like he’s Emperor God you know how Goth’s are they’re not communist they’re not socialist..they are aristocrats! Goths for Trump definitely want a life term for Trump he is King to them

Yes Goths for Trump it’s called The Goth right anyways that’s my artwork I drew it years ago and she posted it I think that’s sweet that’s on her account that’s her profile picture

when I think of Nick Sandman I think of that song He’s a beautiful being and I hope he gets into politics he’s a future world leader
all of them are really bad people isn’t that something I mean isn’t that something

Who in their right mind would March up to somebody with an AR 15 or an AK-47 or who would run up bum rush someone with a gun like that I mean that is so stupid and to think that the guy had a gun in his hand and you could tell the seventeen-year-old just wanted to shoot the gun out of his hand and wound up blowing his arm up I mean it was this is what the American Revolution is about it’s like this is this is that we’re here and there’s going to be a lot of Heroes and a lot of action it’s going to be action packed like I said the fake Revolutions of the past could have been faked could have been just stories or distractions but everything with President Trump is real so he’s the real deal okay

Now all these Communists they scream Revolution all they want is Revolution that’s their big thing is revolution revolution revolution will guess who’s going to have the Revolution and that’s our President Trump this is so these Communists they dream about it and they can never quite accomplish it and when they do it’s a total mess their total mess ups their screw-ups they can’t do anything they can’t even do a revolution properly and they can’t even all they do is just bring misery and darkness and nobody wants to live where they live their unpopular they’re just idiots there like pure Terror and President Trump is filled with love and guess who’s going to have the real Revolution and I’m pretty sure I’m 100% sure all the Revolutions in the past a lot of them are fiction you know to explain some things away or distraction cuz there’s a lot of other stuff going on but President Trump’s Revolution will be a real one.

So if you know these Democrats want a revolution while we can have a revolution ?

..and instead of keeping things the way they are which you know as great as America was before Trump there were serious problems especially you know in the hierarchy .. President Trump he’s not at the top in the system he’s like in the middle somewhere and he really should be at the top and congressmen should be at the top so you know Senators should really be at the top I mean I don’t understand what’s going on with this deep State crap but it’s definitely got to go I mean there has to be if they stay want Revolution so bad why don’t we give it to them why don’t we give them the revolution that you know is like Free Will and individual rights and true capitalism you know not slave masters but true freedom and what’s freedom I mean we really think we’re free when we got to pay electricity and home tax and all that that’s not capitalism that’s socialism so you know is we’re just like the least socialist but with President Trump we could truly be free you know free from bills and imagine the capitalism that will exist when we’re no longer a slave to our bills you know they’re hiding free energy technology from us this is like Niagara Falls this is like atmospheric you know even flights they scam us flights are only supposed to cost $50 they lied to us about everything big medical oh that’s the worst oh it’s one of the biggest demons out there big medical is the worst they are not healers they are not into this for healing there’s fake everything with the Democrats the set the evil people there’s fake everything fake fake fake fake fake judges fake this fake police you know with President Trump he can bring back things he can set things straight the way it’s supposed to be and make it even better cuz he’s a businessman and he’s a problem solver and you know I’m just telling you if Revolution is near ..if..Conquest in the is in the air…then why can’t we do it?

Yes. you know.. why we have to follow rules if they don’t follow rules? we could do whatever we want I mean you know I said if they want Conquest well why don’t we Conquest ? Yes..why don’t we have a revolution you know these Democrats they want their new world order their one world communism well why can’t we have one world capitalism that’s all I’m saying individual rights private property business ownership and I don’t mean patents on seeds and patent on electric .. a lot of that stuff not supposed to be allowed like you can’t patent nature.. nobody can own illuminations from static electricity and you can’t patent a virus you can’t patent..words..all your patenting is the narrative you know you can’t own words I mean these people have abused you know the laws of nature.

President Trump is the light President Trump is the torch that will light up the world and America will reclaim its Glory and we’ve always been this way and you know that there will be a thousand years of peace

here is my plan we Conquest the Democratic party and we take all those people out you know turn them in for Major …out them the right way of course and you know cuz they’re all guilty all of them they’re guilty so we put our people in we have people like Laura Loomer I mean I’m just saying like similar to her and we put them make them run as Democrats and people will vote for them of course and then we get our people into the Democratic party so it’ll be like we’ve taken over everything that we put our people in the Democratic party 🥳 like take them over you understand that’s my plan I think that’s a good plan I mean I’m just thinking you know if you’re going to Conquest.. if Conquest is in the air why can’t we Conquest I mean if that’s on the table why can’t we do it?

I’m not talkin you know maybe we’ll put Tulsi in there too you know she can be like the wild card to make it a little legitimate you know cuz you have to have a little challenge you just can’t make it too easy. And she has legitimate Democrat kind of you know what I’m saying I’m not talkin Blue Dog Democrats you know I’m sure they can run also but I’m talking about putting full on Republicans running as Democrats so all of us are in the Democratic party and the Republican party after all Donald Trump’s prove it could be infiltrated he’s made the party his own I mean I’m just saying you know it’s about tradition and keeping it intact if you want to keep it intact that’s like my this is like actually my second plan that seems a little more reasonable..

Why should the Democrats have all the fun really like I mean they’re they’re writing rewriting the rules really I mean anything goes.

If you want to save America as it is as it is.

The more I listen to Owen Shroyer the more I really agree with him that you got to get rid of the Democrats they’re a threat. Yes they are a threat you got to get rid of the Democrats but who are you going to replace them with that’s what I’m saying so just replace them with Republicans running as Democrats easy easy peasy.

The Democrats have made such a bad name for themselves that I’m sure I’m almost sure.. it possibly can be saved this way you can’t just get rid of them and I like President Trump’s idea that there should be more parties I mean you at least get to hear what they have to say like I think he joked there should be a vegetarian party well let’s hear what this party has to say you know because everything everybody brings something different to the table. And there are issues that affect everybody that these little parties are experts and you know what I’m saying

The Constitution is the law of the land I don’t think the state should make up their own laws and rules no they should all the law of the land is the Constitution and think of the money you’ll save getting rid of all those agencies no more deep state but give the power back to Congress give the power back to the Senate and President Trump those three should be at the top and of course they can have their little versions of deep state that they control you know I hate using that word more like a you know classified information type thing like they can have their own agency like that and they just swallowed the CIA library …they just swallow everything you just give it to the congressman you give it to the Senators you give it to the president and I’m pretty sure that the president should know everything…

And he should be in control of the military 100% and they are allowed their little classified information secret stuff they can be allowed that but the president has to know what’s up really a little bit like he has to at least know what he’s funding.

It’s like a little power but not a lot because when you give agencies full power and they don’t have a boss things don’t really work well..

And that really puts pressure on the people make sure they got the right guy after President Trump’s life term is up you know I’m just saying there had it has to be a little challenge it can’t be too easy.

Just think of the money you’ll save getting rid of all those unnecessary agencies and it’s absolutely true to the spirit of America the land of Freedom while you know I’m thinking free energy bring free energy to America literally it will be the torch that lights up the world illuminations static atmospheric energy geothermal Niagara Falls I mean free Wi-Fi cuz that’s free nobody can own that that’s free that’s like in the air we pay that with the fact that it’s going through our bodies that it’s out there that it’s all over with that’s that’s how we pay for that you know just imagine and this is free energy it doesn’t cost anything to give everybody free Wi-Fi because it’s free you know this could even be you know a little taxpayer-funded even.

We would be the Envy of the world and I’m pretty sure this phony false new world order that these perverts have wanted for hundreds and hundreds of years we can get instantly just by example we won’t call it that we’ll call it a Renaissance but we will lead by example and the world will follow and think of the wealth and well what’s in it for you you ask what’s in it for you if we do all this

The globalists have taken the world’s gold they have taken Treasures that you wouldn’t imagine artifacts they’ve destroyed buildings they’ve destroyed art they buy things just to destroy them because they hate Beauty so they either have huge huge places just of stored stolen Treasures I mean that’s the incentive. You just seize it using the human trafficking act I mean you seize all of it. You can return the treasures to their countries that work with you this is something that everybody I think once is their history

Just imagine what’s been seized from Christianity true knowledge Nebuchadnezzar’s Treasures I mean just imagine what’s been stolen from Christianity as far as all the things that have been written about in the Bible’s I mean where did their Treasures Go I mean get out to imagine the people would be 100% behind this

It would be biblical literally

Here’s a thought I have now it’s probably a bad idea but could someone like Ivanka Trump run as a Democrat and I know the only thing that stops that is the media but I’m going to work on that I’m just imagining could she run as an imagine her and Nancy Pelosi’s position like you know everything Donald Trump would want would pass I’m just imagination talking like she’s known as a liberal people know her as a liberal that’s the number one issue and you know this is just something that would take time but I just imagining it how could someone like Ivanka Trump run for government as a liberal I mean it’s just wild I know it’s wild it’s definitely possible I mean I’m just saying she’s already known as a liberal I mean I love her but it’s probably a bad idea she could probably run as a Republican and win anything she’s really brilliant but I’m just saying you know and I just got an idea popped onto me but you know what the media is what’s holding that back and you know people do forget and they do forgiven if people saw how bad it really got things really might turn Nobody Knows the future and I’m just saying but the media are the number one issue here because they pretty much control the minds so I’m going to work on that and I’m sure when the idea comes to me I’ll lay it out.

Now this idea might be too obvious and this may have to be done covertly at first to get people in trust me things change at the drop of a hat with in mines and media and you never know the future I’m just saying I’m it’s just about getting into the Democrat Party I’m taking over that’s it and just imagine just imagine Donald Trump would never have a problem ever again passing anything through the house

Argument number one who says family members have to all be in the same party it’s this is something that happens constantly argument 2 is who says liberals can’t vote against their own party happens all the time happens all the time.. it happens all the time this is just politics.. Rand Paul doesn’t vote for everything Trump wants and sometimes liberals vote nay and support Trump on things argument 3 who says liberals and Republicans can’t work together we’ve lived through Decades of that with the cabal I mean..

It’s not too crazy and idea the only thing that stands in the way is the media who has a hold on the minds of the people that’s it and I’m sure the idea will come to me because if I ask for something I get it so I’m digging deep for crazy imagination ideas because sometimes you need to get ideas that are so out of the box to like put things in different perspective that how things could work how this could be done

All I’m saying is if Conquest is in the air if Conquest is in the air if Conquest is in the air it’s on the menu why can’t Republicans do it because everything we do is better

Look at the Kennedy family are all Kennedy’s Republicans are all Kennedys Democrats no I know that’s a really bad example but variety is definitely in the interest and having your hand in many places it could be beneficial I’m just imagination talking and you know this is just like I’m putting just an idea out there that’s probably a unheard and unthought about

If you could get the media under control in a fair way like honest way you know I mean I loved President Trump’s idea that Ivanka could have worked for the United Nations..even you remember that idea I love that idea but maybe it would be better to start local. Remember that he threw out that idea that she could replace Nikki Haley I thought that was brilliant but a bit too soon too much so maybe start slower locally the head of the democratic party’s how would she would rise up so quickly I mean it’s possible but there are huge mountains like the media for example and I’m going to think about this

I’m sorry if it’s a bad idea and with all respect I really really love her but it’s like the idea came in my mind but I think it would be best start covertly replacing Democrats with Republicans running for Democrat positions and that’s not far-fetched I mean look at history

it’s just that it’s gotten to a point where there needs to be the way things are now there needs to be a mediator between the Democrats and Republicans that can work with the president there needs to be a mediator some sort not all party members are the same some of them are vastly different than one another right now we’re seeing them stick together but in history they don’t stick together so it’s a wild card it really is it’s a wild idea

President Trump is just way too popular I mean you can’t just have all the Democrats who don’t want to be run by Communists running over to Trump it’s it’s just too easy of a victory it’s it’s too easy it really is it’s it’s a landslide I mean you know it it’s a landslide kind of looks a little unfair you know because American history there’s always been two parties really since Abraham Lincoln. All Democrats are not TV zombies they’re normal people there wealthy people smart people not all of them are into satanic child trafficking you know that they make up the majority you know it’s just people think they’re in some sort of game I think the people running the agenda are the ones that are guilty of the most crime is in they need to be removed by vote the right way or arrested or put on trial or whatever they need to go so..who we can replace them with is the question you know you have a huge pool of people on that side who don’t agree with everything Nancy Pelosi is doing they really don’t agree they’re like the silent Democrat majority I think people are wanting Unity I think people want a mediator I think people want to see people working together

I think I just becoming a soap opera and it’s really boring I mean it’s taking energy and attention away from President Trump this competition this is definitely distracting and in the world sees everything and we want the world to focus on President Trump and what he can do so I think you know there definitely has to be some working together and all this drama it’s just you know in Celebrity Apprentice the troublemakers always got voted out they always got fired you know you just fire them one by one that’s it you can bring back those previously fired if you like for drama but it’s just too soap opera like you know this war between the Democrats and the Republicans and the attention should be on our President Trump and things he’s getting done it’s really taking too much attention this is not America America’s not Nancy Pelosi its President Donald Trump and the people of course.

Democrats are just looking so bad and they’re all ashamed of themselves really they could really use being saved

Question yes or Celebrity Apprentice to spice things up didn’t people switch teams all the time didn’t they?

yes..or no???

President Trump is the boss he’s the boss he’s the boss of the Democrats and the Republicans all Americans he’s the boss so I don’t understand but at such a far-fetched idea..😙 to switch people up in both parties why is that a strange idea???

What about the Senate is it crazy to think that “Trump people” can be put in… both parties in the Senate also ?

I mean just look at the history of America the last hundred years it happened all the time it happens all the time we watched it

I think people are sick of the fighting it’s becoming you know it is becoming very selfish of these politicians to not think about Americans and Americans want them to get the job done and I I think deep down inside all Americans no matter what party if you’re good hard-working you all want the same things really with just a few differences that’s it. It’s like watching your parents fight you don’t like it you don’t like that you know they’re both different Sexes but you want them to work together. It begins to feel like your parents are being selfish when they do that to you and they’re taking the attention away from you I think the silent majority Democrats are so fed up so sick I think it’s a possibility.. I think they want a representative who will listen to them and maybe deep down people will find out we all want the same things