Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Kamala Harris Political Cartoon

Kamala Harris Political Cartoon

Kamala Harris Political Cartoon post thumbnail image
I cant get my pen to work though. My kids must have taken the box it came in or something.

Have not used yet!

taco werewolf made me this thats my alice in wonderland dress


put your own text here

Daddy Deplorable told me I spelled dilmena wrong. Please change it if you want to use it.
Ilhan Omar Political Cartoon

David dees the very famous illustrator artist I know his work from the 1990s he invited me to join his Facebook group flat Earth cats so I’m really Excited I’m a big fan of his.

One must bypass the Chinese censors With emojis.

Short story
By me

.The father of my kids making cannabis oil. Yes, according to thePentagon his oil is in the top 60, And they want his oil in 400 military bases. No, he doesn’t make this with expensive 20k machines he has a technique, he just uses filters and buckets and vodka ethanol no one can figure it out.
I just ask please God Get a good team around him because the parasites the lawsuits the people frantically all around him trying to steal this it’s just been really hard for us and the poverty because he hasn’t gone paid for any of it. We been going to food banks three years while he makes millions of dollars in oil, 3 years testing to see if its good enough for a company to be built around it. PUHLEEZ.
In 3 years hes just Getting a check for from a design Company and he was supposed to have his own business. I don’t know what his investors are doing. They squeeze him. They took his plans and backdoored and sold his still, a 3 million dollar one, the plans to a company, that turned around and actually contacted him. Even the tank company wants to work with him. Instead of his investors.

People around him get so greedy, they cannot move. They thought they could get steal it from him. Nothing has his name on it. Nothing was signed. They hire really dumb boys from hamburger restaurants to try to steal his IP. They are too greedy they do not even tell scientists. One IVY LEAGUE plant biologist has been after Anthony for his secret also. I love all this attention. Yale man. Loves him to pieces. They have many theories. I know how its being done. Noone can replicate it. Anthony does it with his mind.

He is and a savant he is rain man when it comes to cannabis oil and he knows many things hes not telling anyone. Noone can do what he can its not replicable. Only he can make it. I cant explain. He is very BRAINY. I seen it myself. He has razor sharp focus and has relationships with plants.
Yes he grows cannabis crystals, the highest purity… for fun nobody can figure this out it’s the highest potency oil top of the food chain and here we are locked up with this man whom I have never met, who keeps us. Yes, he keeps us just BARELY ALIVE.
Its about control. You cannot control a rain man. He has the mind of a child. His oil one rice amount of his cbd and you feel the love of god in your blood. Burns heal, the burn itself, the black of your burn will turn pink. It saved me from many trips to doctors.
The cbd oil you get in shops is so watered down. If you took the purity of it, you would be healed.
Its the only thing that helps my moms hand surgery. She wakes up in the middle of the night when the cbd oil runs out and she has to put it on again to sleep. Then I send her his and there is no more pain after a high dose. Its beyond, noone knows, because YOU DO NOT HAVE ACCESS TO THIS KIND OF PURITY FOR CBD oil.

He can stop HEMORAGGING a high dose of cbd during UFC fights. He is working with a fighter . He heals PRIZE HORSES who have injuries!!! Not to mention celebrities who love him I dont want to mention their names cuz they hoes. They love my man.

THIS, is the manna for health and doctors all over the world. Anyone can grow it, distill it, you need a still and you need vodka. You will make a good clear..For his process. but to get HIS PURITY, its a secret. Liquid gold. Machines are sold for 20k plus to do something similar with less results. I wouldn’t lie. On Trump. This is your guy.
He is just with the wrong people and since he started working for them he became an anti trumper.

And a flat earther he is too. A big one. He is best friends on the phone with Antonio and we just got a signed copy of his new flat earth book. He is bidding it and hand printing and each book is BEING BID ON for 400 euros each thats like 800 dollars usa, FOR EACH COPY….a flat earth book on SUN tracking experiments him and Antonio did a few summers back. He wont let AMAZON sell it because they rip off authors. Anthony and Antonio live on google hangouts air.. tracked the sun with people all over the world, and the authorities all over the world changed things just because of him. Weather people were lying about where the sun was traveling. Cities posting stats were lying, all that has been changed now.

We are just being kept alive here. I have no car. I had no internet for 3 years I have it now. I didnt even have furniture 6 months. We have ex wives ex girlfriends all coming around trying to get money off him, but he isn’t getting paid. We just are kept alive. He still, after 4 years of being here in Portland, does not have any permits or business. His Boss hiding behind this design company, says he isn’t ready yet. If I say anything I am the bad guy.
Its too much for me really. Its a tragedy. I just hope he can get himself out of this.

Right now his boss, Anthony is pagan, I am Christian. They’ve divided even me and him.. for years, they even talked about if anything happens to him, I get nothing. And they won’t let the world see what hes done because they’re trying to get ownership of it. Its a real dark cloud over our lives.

I don’t date losers ..or ugly men, but hes brilliant. Hes so brilliant I can’t even have a normal relationship with because he likes to be Alone because that’s what his magic happens. We have 3 kids together.

I got him a commercial on Infowars for his stills once, once around Louis Farakhan week.
I called up one of Eliot Spitzers scandal attorneys I remember had a great voice and he read the commercial for me into a phone. It was aired a week on infowars. We were selling copper moonshine stills then. At home set up. Make your own ethanol with the federal permit we sold it with. Hey if it falls in your martini glass wink wink but people were using it to make cannabis oil. A pretty good rso. That can be cleared. In days to come, alcohol is a good thing you can make to keep your little town afloat. ITS SAFE. All you do is throw out the first few shotglasses of the bad part of moonshine. Its clean vodka after that, stronger than Everclear. The feds want you to mix gasoline in it, and call it ethanol for your car. Thats how they get the loophole.

Butane is the evil cannabis oil. It will kill you. You will blow up your bathroom. Yet George Soros, invests in this TYPE of crack. All shops sell butane derived cannabis oil. The NON TOXIC ones made with the 20 k machines, are very very expensive., they are not butane, but they only alternative. Butane, will throb your head and make your face numb. ..

There is a market for his oil and his goodcharacter.

PS you cannot overdose on cannabis oil. Never forget this. Even if you took too much. You will just sleep. You will wake up hungry interested in things. The CBD oil. I cant even explain, because I dont want people to know how good for us, it is. Most will only try whats in the shops. Most will never know.

I hope u liked my short story