Justin Trudeau NFT

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Justin Trudeau in the bunker. Political Cartoon.

NFT here. I wrote the description in this description below. If you want to know.




….but he doesnt need to look good he already is without all this. We dont need Biden. We want who we want. The only one is the entire history of man who can do what he is about to do . He doesnt need your forever infighting, and since you are infighting anyways, why not.. do something productive? To keep yourselves busy..? Go after each other for good, good always wins. May best side wins fast. And dont forget, you baddies, are just being used for good- to clear out the evil, that will never ever work again. You are being used to delete yourselves! That is where your philosophy takes you. Why not play for keeps? Why not take it all? It’s not shake hands at the end. IT IS TOTAL DEVASTATION, and it will be done through the courts! And far beyond. A new underworld is being built for evil. TO lock it up down there, to be with the ones who were locked up down there, centuries ago.

The world is playing a script, a world savior script, just for you! THING IS< why not play it for keeps? Make it for real? For you too. To beat the snake, do you become the snake? If for good only? For the real battle is inside all of our souls and minds. Jesus died for our sins, so why cant the next ( or second coming) Jesus, do the impossible and heal the VAX sick? And save the children? For eyes can see. That is the seat of the soul. Someone knows.

Transitioning to 5d, just happens! It will happen to everyone soon once you realize your worst fears are now laughable.

BY ELECTING THE RHINOS TO OFFICE< THEY DELETE THEMSELVES? You didnt know that? Please get it done warp speed. Please. Have mercy on us. THE CHEESBOARD IS CANCELING ITSELF OUT.

Our leader is not one of them. He is an informant of them.