Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Judge Brett Kavanaugh political cartoon

Judge Brett Kavanaugh political cartoon

Judge Brett Kavanaugh political cartoon post thumbnail image
I really really liked him even when he voted against stopping abortion. I was a little upset but I understood that he just did not want to raise any alarms and he had already won his seat.
Plus Donald Trump said republicans need to stick together so I got over it and I’m glad hes there.
This was a commission on fiverr someone wanted this drawn.
Small town politics. I drew this commission
Janie dlux liked my comment
He worked for Trump!
Destroyed. They took all of this away. The fair was the excuse out in the open.
All of these were torn down and they were all over the United States it didn’t fit the colonial narrative so they all burnt down

The statue of liberty has never moved its always been here believe you me the photo shop of the past through double exposure or white washing vanilla sky was so prevalent they were worse photo shoppers than we are to day.

I’ve studied this I studied the construction with photos it’s phony phony I have studied the drawings just look just any builder can tell.

And look at the star Fort there’s 33 of those around the world. That’s more ancient than Rome. Hey maybe America was Rome it sure is older than that there’s lots of proof even Central Park has more ancient walls than you would believe but they try to tear it all down so you can’t see they really don’t want you to know this for some reason
This was torn down it was too glorious for us to have and no one could prove that they built it themselves so they just had to tear it down because it didn’t fit the narrative of cowboys and Indians here.

Martin leidtke I’ve been posting his videos he does a lot of research on this stuff his account has been hacked and it won’t be long before everyone else’s accounts are gone so I have to start screen saving these videos.

I want to show you proof that America is as old as Rome it’s even older and every city was fully in tact when we 1st arrived.

Everything that was too fantastical they destroyed and I mean if there were buildings of solid stone that were so ornate so beautiful filled with such beauty you’ve never seen such beauty in your life and they were all in every American city especially the top ones like Chicago or Buffalo or Indianapolis or San Francisco they created fake fires fake civil wars in order to destroy all of these or to explain how these cities have been destroyed they were completely empty when we were arrived.

There are many of videos about New York City and each one has a different approach this 1 is Central Park and even a builder like trump knows that you cannot displace that much soil with horses. Another culture built Central Park the one previous to ours. This is the source of all the secret societies power is deceptions like this and there’s even bigger ones but I don’t feel like getting mocked today at least this one you can stomach.

This along with other things is the source of all their power and wealth basically deception is how they make money and this is the biggest one of them all about our country. And its founding and who actually built it.

That’s the real thing baby we did not build any of these these were here when we arrived. People Seem to the taller in the olden days because you can see the arches have been filled in all the stairways and all the old plumbing is for larger people but this has been hidden from you.
The flagpoles and the crosses are all ancient antennas. All these buildings are warm using geothermal heat steam and they all had electricity running down the chimneys.
Trolleys were all wireless and the lights were so beautiful .. ancient times.

Man of secrets took all this and they took credit for discovering electricity. Which is as old as the world is as old as the stars people been using electricity.

Most of them all torn down but the bases are are all there. All the construction photos when you actually look are fake.

Cathedral were machines

Auto chrome photography. Has always been around for all time. But we have only been around 300 years. There is 1000 years missing time. Long story. All of our information about our past has come from the encyclopedia Britannica that’s where all of America gets its history of the world from its the Internet of the past and it’s created by the Jake Tappers of the past

Camera obscura has always been around too that’s those old drawings you see of buildings and they look like drawings but they’re actually photographs
goths for Trump
He is wearing a Rozz Williams Christian Death. Very beloved singer. Look his T-shirt you don’t get more goth than that. Hes a singer who was actually murdered when he found Christ so.. They blamed it on a suicide.

He changed his name to daucus karota and started singing David Bowie like songs and he publicly said he found God and then they killed him.

People who work for evil think that they’re gonna rise above the ranks but actually you’re the 1st person they use or set up or make a Patsy out of. And if you ever decide you want to live a Christian life they… kill you because they look at you like they own you.

Look at all the rapper deaths the suspicious rapper deaths they’re always coming out saying I reject the negative message I want to promote a positive peaceful loving message and that’s when they get killed.

Like John lennon after all those years with Faul Paul. He also wrote songs about the Sun and you’re not supposed to do that because the Sun is the biggest secret of them all it’s not what you think it is and it’s not 93 million miles away that’s such bullshit. It’s the same size as the moon. It’s very close to us and it’s a light it’s white light is not hot magma. And rotates around the North Pole and then goes out further for the 4 seasons. There is no South Pole.

Unless you think flags in snow are proof of that.

All of Congress knows this for years and all the great minds know this but I don’t see patriots talking about this yet. Don’t find anything about this on Google unless you go maybe 3.4 pages in. They only let the satanist the trans talk about this and it makes it look so stupid and they give you fake photos to make it look like it’s a hoax. It’s theory…of nuts…looks like..and Google Earth is definitely in on it. Just take a look at the United Nations logo will see the Crown of victories the laurels well what’s missing in it what country is missing. It’s out in the open just like on our dollar bill. The God of child sacrifice it’s part of our history it’s who we are in fact Jeffrey Epstein works for our country him and Ghislaine they were CIA they did all that “for the country.” True

But our world savior trump is here son of a carpenter his parents John and Mary.. His family’s related to Tesla work.. And he is also Howard roark of the fountainhead just look at trump towers.
Yes..he is going to turn the White House completely into gold hes going to cover the White House in gold before he leaves. hes got an affinity to gold he will find the world stolen gold and stolen treasures he will get the The American people on his side and they will support a life term.
And then trump dynasty will start.

You say men can’t keep secrets while when they’d been forced to eat feces and eat intestine from a child that still alive um yeah they can.

Christians are strictly forbidden in these clubs. If you show up at a party and they’re torturing a child by strange gynecological tools.. and you don’t get An erection .. they take your head off and they all have sex with your torso..

Please do not repeat what I write here because no one’s going to believe you.

But just the fact that I put these ideas in your mind that’s freed you a little bit and when you go in your life and when you go in your city and you see stone buildings with high arches and stairs made for giants just think of me.

When you notice that the stars have never moved constellations have stayed the same for all eternity think of me. The North Star has never ever ever move not even once for all time.

The next time you fly in an airplane you know that you’re flying on autopilot flat for sometimes 12 hours you’re not curving around any curve of any sort. Every 20 minutes the pilot would have to readjust if that were true. NASA has lie to us about where we live and they do this strictly to separate us from God. NASA has lied to us about where we live and they do this strictly to separate us from God It’s a satanic pedo club just like CIA FBI are .. at the top and all we know about these is what we learn in Hollywood movies OK so think about it.

Fish eye upper atmosphere.

It’s the law of density you know like when you put oil and water in a cup the oil rises to the top where well we are on a level we can go a little above ground we can go a little below cuz that’s it..because that’s where we belong.

All we know about these agencies are what we learn in Hollywood movies with gay actors who stick fish inside them for rituals.

For example the CIA logo have you ever noticed the necklace on the Eagle while in ancient Babylon there was a God who wore that same necklace Nimrod as an Eagle. And then the star of Babylon you know that looks like that’s behind the CIA logo a star.. The star of Babylon.

Now these people are not descended from Babylon..

They could only wish.. Boy do they wish that they were.. just like Prince Charles is not descended from Dracula vlad tepes..he wishes.. Maybe he just fixed history maybe he put himself back in time too that’s what these people do a lot..they just showed up like pirates and took up where left off and robbed us all

I apologize to Justice Kavanaugh for drawing that 1 cartoon where he voted against stopping abortion I should have supported him and I’m sorry and I hope this cartoon made up for it like Steve Bannon I turned on Steve Bannon and started doing a bad attack cartoons about him when his book came out but then he started speaking about China and trump loves him now so I changed my mind on him too.

I know to make it through ” twenny twenny ” 2020 one must appear a certain way and this only the smartest will survive the censorship.

Every time you get censored send the tweet with the screenshot to rep Louis gohmert.

You send it right to the top and hes got a Twitter account. Is the one working on this the most.

Dinesh dSousa says moderates cannot be moderates anymore because you will just be taken over in a way.. I hate using this language but it’s “extremists” who run politics who run the world. Who conquest.

I love you and I love humanity and I love our history and I love our past and these buildings these machines were so incredible the Tech they had kind of like Jules Verne under the sea. that was from a different time that was the victorians coming across tech they could not understand.

Just like bibi says.. their land belongs to the Jews as the christians as well. But we got America now so..

My friends Christianity is the oldest religion of them all it is old as the stars Jesus is the son God and his life story is in the stars every year it plays out.

The Bible is just a book attached to us. And other religions attached and next to us but we are older than them all. We are the greatest.

The Bible needs to be updated with a trump chapter because it’s part of our history and America is now the chosen land.

Then we can say it’s biblical.

The Bible says almost 700 times that we will not on a magical ball floating in nowhere.

Even Werner von Braun..a verified ss nazi Hitler’s rocket man wrote that on his tombstone.

He created NASA. Look at their logo there’s a Chevron in it that’s the forked tongue of the snake. Why

are all the telescope’s named Lucifer?

The entire world wants what the christians have. We own most of the buildings

I do have German humor. Very few people understand my humor. They think I am dark. But to me. My jokes are really really funny.