Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Joy Villa portrait Grammys 2020 political cartoon

Joy Villa portrait Grammys 2020 political cartoon

Joy Villa portrait Grammys 2020 political cartoon post thumbnail image
Joy villa looks so beautiful I just wanted to draw her I didn’t want to ruin it with the gag or a joke I just wanted to draw a portrait of her like a cartoon portrait that anybody can print out and stick on their fridge or their wall.
Impeached and re elected in a way all of us have been impeached and we are now being re elected it’s very deep. The Testament of the soul I read her article in The Epoch Times and she definitely was impeached once in her life when she was down-and-out but you know what she came back and all of us can be impeached and re elected. I love her story I relate to her so much I want to defend her she’s so talented her talent is what will save her and doing the right thing .. All of us can come back from anything.
No matter what they say you can’t bring her down no matter what headline you can’t bring her down she will be re elected.. Impeach her all you want with your mean headlines but she will come back
Look at that jacket that is great I love patriotic outfits.
That’s my father he was in the Buffalo News to day.
I love Stephanie Grisham so much my goodness look at the way she dresses I love it I could love it she so cool she reminds me of joy villa in a way also. She’s a tough woman and many are be sotted with her.
Dershowitz ..has to win this. To get his soul back. He has to win this.
I too won award! 😇
I am now a TOP FAN FOX NEWS. TAKE NOTE. Just kidding
Eric Dubay always comments back. But I hear..he doesn’t comment on everything. Nor like many people. Flat Earth..the first one. The first flat earther. Like 7 years ago first. I was there
Kobe Bryant stuff.
The Corona virus is so fake it’s faker than fake and I’m angry that patriots are taking it up just because they’re selling masks or supplements.
What have we learned just these past 4 years about doctors and viruses and vaccines it’s a hoax it doesn’t work that way nature doesn’t work that way there’s nothing out there to get you.
What have we learned about China that alone should raise red red flags..
You can get doctors to go along with anything in China for the state.
You can get crisis actors to do anything plus you can poison people.
So you’re telling me that they put the electronics device in your face and it tells you whether you will live or not and they can quarantine you away their already quarantining 11 million people locking them away.
They can give you a medicine that kills you.
I have we learned about the aids virus hoax that all those people who died died from the medication AZT it was all murder.
These things that show up in your blood come from U they are house cleaners and they don’t cause anything.
I knew this like 15 years ago.

But as Roger stone says there is some value in disinformation and possibly we could use this in our favor such as banning China.

Do not believe men in hazmat suits or men with white Coats do not believe what the media tells you about doctors it’s not true it’s mind control our entire lives and they’ve got us and they are farming us.

Don’t believe all the Hollywood actors with their movies about outbreaks and plagues it’s just not true.
Think of the actors that play these roles and their alliances.

Almost everything taught to us is a lie.

Nothing can hurt us we are in paradise.