Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized John Fetterman Political Cartoon nft

John Fetterman Political Cartoon nft

John Fetterman Political Cartoon nft post thumbnail image
This John Fetterman political cartoon took me 20 minutes.
So funny

Fellow citizens, Senator Fetterman of Pennsylvania has spoken candidly about his struggles with depression, acknowledging that he was not the kind of senator or partner he aspired to be during that time. He also shared his physicians’ recommendations for treatment, including avoiding social media and the news. Is this the one dollar bet in the movie TRADING PLACES?

Is the link for sale! The NON fungible TOKEN

Listen well, fellow citizens of America! My heart is heavy with sorrow, pity for John, and I feel sympathy for his plight. But we must remember, sympathy is the weapon of the enemy. We cannot let our guard down, for John is an evil man who would poison his own body with vaccines and psych meds. And to make matters worse, he’s got a tumor, which means he’s eating food that’s slowly killing him. These so-called “healers” have no understanding of true healing, and are just as corrupt as the politicians who seek to destroy our cause. We must remain vigilant, and hold fast to our principles, even in the face of such tragedy. The American Revolution demands nothing less than our absolute dedication, and we must not falter in our commitment to its righteous cause!

My fellow citizens, a notion has crossed my mind: the marriage of Artificial Intelligence and vaccines.

However, one cannot bestow upon humanity such a heavenly gift as Chat GPT without a heinous blood sacrifice. ( I am thinking like the elites would think)

The elites view the common masses as unworthy of this technology, hence, for years, AI has been writing their news stories and producing anti-Trump articles, unbeknownst to researchers or genuine journalists. The imminent arrival of Chat GPT demanded a large number of lives to be taken- to give it a malevolent aura. The sacrifice was necessary to infuse this technology with an aura of evil, as it is believed that only bad outcomes can result from such powerful technology. The liberal elite must be stopped at any cost, through the power of the vote and relentless debate. Use reason, best you can. Be supernice, try to give them a chance and welcome them to being a conservative and tell them why, in your own words.