Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized John Brennan Eric swalwell political cartoon Rudy Giuliani dni John Ratcliffe

John Brennan Eric swalwell political cartoon Rudy Giuliani dni John Ratcliffe

John Brennan Eric swalwell political cartoon Rudy Giuliani dni John Ratcliffe post thumbnail image
I drew this two years ago what is it with Democrats and Chinese spies I wonder
finally completed and I remember this because I drew this political cartoon a year ago of her starting it
so when he farts it’s like the Chinese flag colors
he said this in his interview listen

Listening to John Brennan the voice I can tell you he has a sissy voice.

I always like John Ratcliffe I really do I remember him from the impeachment the fake impeachment that went nowhere he did such a good job and he spoke out and I remember when he cornered Adam Schiff with what about Sweden what about Sweden
very mysterious likely he was giving classified information or something he was busy cuz the coronavirus is felony unless he was poisoned by Nancy the covid fairy
I hate these puzzles every time I try to leave a comment and I wind up never getting it because as soon as I press it more ones come up I hate them I know they fight spam but they also lose people signing in a lot.
something’s happening
let me introduce you to this nurse and her friend who they both get around 🥕it’s funny because our entire lives we’ve trusted these people 🥑and everything’s theater 🍆everything’s not real 🍑and they create news 🍓they make it 🌶they have actors🥕 and you know if this coronavirus pandemic is fake ..then they’ve all been fake 🌽just remember that🥭
these are the real ones..
to go to the bathroom and to get toilet paper in China🍏 you have to show scan your face🥔 that is ridiculous🍅
I think I found America on an ancient map but I’m not sure I think 🍆 used to be called September Trionalis. 🥕I think that was like North America 🥕and America has always been America 🧅it’s just now we are the United States.🍅

Whoever controls the structures controls the world

Now you know why they’ve called them..Queen’s

he is so mean and so nasty🥒 and I was listening to his interview🧄 and I turn the screen upside down because you can really read a person that way🧅 and all I saw was snakes coming out of his eyes🥑 and just Slither🥕 and just he has this little lisp 🥔I can’t explain it it’s affected and it’s insincere and it’s dramatic and superficial and demonic🥞 I got scared looking at his eyes.🍞 And he has this really Sissy voice 🏖you know💒 I bet you 🏗they make him wear women’s clothes🍆 and they like call him a sissy and a fairy 🏠and they whip hislittle bum .. little saggy butt. Boy do they make his behind turn red and bleed 🥑and he loves it🍄 he loves it 🥜he escapes and he says I love it🌽

He has no idea that when he dies Allah and Jesus are going to battle for his soul🍆 I mean I’m not sure Jesus wants him🍄 but I don’t think he’ll let Allah take him🥑 I don’t know🍒 I think he’s going somewhere fiery hot 🥂

Look at that flat plane of clouds 🍒 and I think the plane actually flies on autopilot 🍆completely straight 🥝the entire way 🧅correct 🧇you’ve been on a plane🥜
There’s another church that’s been set on fire🍑besides this one 🥑 I thought I hadth4e screenshot 🍺but I didn’t 🍵 just a vandal nothing to see here🍻 just tipped over candle 🥃remember Stone doesn’t 🔥 burn.
the reason the reason I took the screenshot🥕 it’s because it looks like a Titan with a human 🍋our size 🍆it doesn’t look like a child🍉

I’ve had my suspicions the longtime🍍 a lot of these paintings have been repainted over and over and women have been made men 🍓with beards added on and stuff like that🍐 I just know it🌶 this isn’t an example of it but when I see it next time I’ll post it🥑

You know I’ve always wanted to know the future 🏵and I wanted to be a type of psychic where you read the news you look at pictures you meditate on eyes and you could kind of get the scoop🐛 like you can get the hidden meaning 🕷I’ve always wanted to be psychic like that 🦗and then use my skills for good 🐡you know like mentalism🕷 in a way🏵 I notice all the details 💮trust me💮 and I’m sensing something in the air 🏵that I don’t know 🌸I’m I’m just so anxious 🏵I don’t know what it is 🏵but sometimes I think you know I’ve been doing this for 4 years straight without a break🦋 and I thought maybe I could just take a small break for Christmas 🌸and I think all of us need a break for Christmas🌸 but I’m just so anxious about what’s about to unfold 🏵and you know there’s a lot going on in my life with my family🌱 and sometimes I think I should take a break 💮it’s just I feel something 🌹I know this is a test for all Trump supporters 🕸so I don’t want to give up🌱 but I’m just saying you know there’s just so much in the air 🌺I don’t think I will take a break but I think I am two cartoons behind🏵 and I haven’t been posting I’m so overloaded with housework🌱 and I’ve got tons of farm animals🏵 and I’ve got other things that I should be doing that I’m not🏵 I’ve got lots of laundry🦗 and I’m just overwhelmed🌹 and I just want you to know that this cartooning stuff🐄 it takes a lot out of me🦝 and I’ve been doing it for 4 years straight every day🐖 I’ve been thinking about it and usually every day I get one done🐖 most of the time 🐫there’s been months straight where I haven’t missed a day🐖 and I’m just like literally I can’t sleep🐷 I’m following the news🐖 I’m following Twitter🐎 I’m like a News Junkie🐗 but I think what I want more than anything is to be psychic🐖 when it comes to news🦓 and I want to know the hidden symbolism in wording and codes and I like all that stuff🐷 and sometimes when you draw people 🐫you look at their eyes🐖 and you could totally read them🐖 and I love doing that and I do I fall in love with the people I draw cartoons of🐽 and I know exactly their weak points 🐖sometimes you know especially with the Eric swalwell cartoon sometimes I think I go too far🐗 but I really want to get these people 🦙and I’m just letting you know that drawing a caricature of someone is not easy 🐷like I can go through a drawing you know sometimes over a hundred times 🦏but the 101st time..that’s the one that looks like them the most🐴 so I don’t give up and there are such things as right or blocks in drawing and sometimes I wake up and I’m not in a funny mood but I know I have to draw something anyway and it just turns into something artistic or editorial🐆 so it’s not easy and I know I need to learn to exaggerate more 🦄to make my cartoons more funny 🐄and I take courses 🦄and it’s a lot of work like I can’t tell you🐖 my eyes hurt at night🐖 I just can’t see🐷 like getting blurry eyes🐖 and I also get a newspaper that I have to read the epoch times🐪 I get that every Sunday and I read the whole thing it’s a lot of work 🦄and I’m not giving up🐖 and I just hope I passed the test 🐖even though I need a break🦓 I don’t think I’m going to take one🦌 I just want you to appreciate me🐱 I know I make it easy but remember I started with no knowledge of digital art at all 🐷and I never did any political cartooning in my life🐷 and I just went for it🦄 and I’ve been doing this every days since Trump ran🦌 before he got elected🐷 I was cartooning everyday of him so I have a full collection 🐎and I plan to do his entire life term of presidency or Emperor or whatever he turns into🐴 my dark humor comes naturally🦌 I mean I’m a sweet person if you met me and I’m caring and kind🐖 but I’ve been to some Dark Places🐖 and I know dark humor 🐽and I grew up with SCTV 🐖so you know being funny that way isn’t hard 🦒it’s being slapstick that’s hard for me 🐖which I sometimes try to do🐖 and some days I wake up and I don’t know how to be funny 🦓so I just wind up drawing you know for studying like I draw people just because I want to study them 🐷or maybe sometimes I like the shirt that Congressman Matt gaetz is wearing 🐄 I really liked his shirt 🐷so I have to draw 🦓and then the idea for the cartoon comes later🐖 so these things are not easy or simple🐗 and you know I can go hours trying to figure out what’s funny about something and then I finally get it🐖 and it’s the funniest thing in the world to me🦄 so I just don’t give up 🐷 but to me truly there’s nothing more orgasmic then drawing a good cartoon🐷 there’s nothing more orgasmic🐖 it’s I’m on cloud nine 🤔 I know I did a good job and I don’t judge a good cartoon by how many retweets or shares because a lot of people don’t share🐄 so how do you know that they didn’t enjoy your cartoon🦒 and if I did that I’d be very depressed🐖 because I mean not a lot of people share me🦌 maybe my profile picture is too sexy or something 🐫I do experiment with that like if I have a profile picture with a Maga hat on I get retweeted like crazy🦒 but I don’t want to wear a Maga hat too much🦒 my profile pics 🐗because those are the accounts that get banned or deleted🐷 so I have to watch it and kind of appear like I could be on anybody’s side 🐗if you just scroll down my page🐕 and what I’ve been doing has worked because I haven’t been deleted off Twitter or Facebook yet so I must be doing something right🐪 it’s about who stays online who wins this war🐪 you just can’t be too obvious and I’d rather be Cloak and Dagger and stay online then out in the open and obviously a trump supporter🐷 so there are ways that I appear like I’m not and then at the same time I get my cartoons to a lot of people🐷

I just know that I should have taken Matt drudge’s advice about what we all should do and he said that everybody should just focus on their website and stay off of social media and put their heart and soul into their websites and I should have taken that advice years ago but I didn’t and I’m telling you social media it just takes such a big part of my heart and my mind and my soul and I just don’t like the way they treat people and how they claim they own everything and it’s just it’s definitely I feel like a big piece of me I’ve given away to them that is why censorship is so evil it’s just so cruel especially when you haven’t done anything wrong it needs to be punished severely and we are Justified

I know everything with a Maga hat on Tik Tok got me removed. 🐴And think whatever you like at me think🐄 whatever you like of me 🦓but I know that I love the art of the political cartoons so much🐗 I just love it I love it so much 🐖I wish that could be 100% of my attention but I’ve got other interests such as America’s history’s Mysteries and stuff like that🐎 I collect pictures of giants 🐗and I feel I can bring that to the table🦄 because I think you know the right could be interested in looking at some of the things I’ve been researching for years🐗 and everything all the subcultures I’ve been in 🦄and researched it can benefit the right🦄 there’s always a way 🐖and you can’t just be cookie cutter Trump supporter ..u got to reach everywhere🦒

Nobody’s perfect we’re all sinners and I don’t want you to judge me because I’m earning my salvation by doing these political cartoons because it’s what’s right and it’s what’s Noble and Worthy

And I think you know starting from nowhere practicing everyday working really hard🐴 try to be funny 🐎having intimate knowledge of the news because it’s such a part of my life 🐗I think I do have some skills 🐫I can bring to the table🐱 and I just really want to give.🐎 This is my life’s work and I found it late in life and I feel like a teenager🐴 I get so excited about drawing political cartoons🐄 I mean I just I feel like I just can’t stop like I’m really prolific at it 🐖and I’m female and all the cartoonists always say we need more females.🐮

And honestly if this 10 days of darkness comes I’m kind of secretly scared that I’m going to lose everything🐖 but I’m ready 🐖I’m ready to start completely new🦙 and start all over again🐗 with my new skills and my new technique🐃 and trust me there’s a lot online I wish I could delete🐘

Would anyone remember me all the hard work I’ve done though ?🌹

And I love America take a look at this video I made about Galveston Texas in the United States history 🐴 is like my hobby too🐷 and I think it I can bring this to the conservative table just to look at I think it might be something the right might take an interest in

🦂 or maybe there’s something more nefarious going on with why these structures got demolished🕸

All of these roads lead back to the globalists 🦙so 🐃