Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Joe Biden Stormy Daniels Manhattan D.A. District Attorney Political Cartoon nft Starring President Donald Trump

Joe Biden Stormy Daniels Manhattan D.A. District Attorney Political Cartoon nft Starring President Donald Trump

Joe Biden Stormy Daniels Manhattan D.A. District Attorney Political Cartoon nft Starring President Donald Trump post thumbnail image
Donald Trump Political Cartoon nft
Thta is why he is like ” ZOOMING WHO”

Link for the nft sale is

The name “DONALD TRUMP” cannot be used for A TITLE OF one of my NFTs on OPEN SEA, as the platform says the asset name is not available and advises me to reach out if this is a mistake. However, I don’t want to draw attention to myself by contacting them, as I am accustomed to censorship and would rather name my NFTs without using certain names.

President Donald Trump Alvin Bragg Joe Biden Stormy Daniels editorial cartoon from the PoliticalCartoon nft Collection collection has been listed for sale. #donaldtrump #nft #stormydaniels #politicalcartoon #alvinbragg #manhattanda #joebiden #trump2024

I do not know why the screenshots are so blurry.

Here are some healthy snacks. To inspire you in a good way!

Frozen mango processed up. Its like a sno cone slush. The packages of frozen mango cubes in the food processor. That is how you make a nice cream. But not all FOOD PROCESSORS are the same or equal. They are all unique, like mine is. It makes a slushie. This was very good. I ate 2 whole bowls.

Nut milk plus spinach and frozen banana. I never knew. It was like a shamrock shake.
It was so yummy. I had to soak the dates they were so hard! Just dumped blueberries in, as much as I could.


Has to be frozen banana cut in coins so it doesnt break your blender!