Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Joe Biden Facebook Censorship Political Cartoons MATRIX memes

Joe Biden Facebook Censorship Political Cartoons MATRIX memes

Joe Biden Facebook Censorship Political Cartoons MATRIX memes post thumbnail image
This is actually a true story. I was banned for a Matrix Meme that looked just like this. I draw a lot of my cartoons that reflect personal experiences.

This is one of my cartoons from 2016 on the same topic. Its weird I saw it today on my facebook memories. This was before heavy censorship so I got it to go through.

My matrix meme banning. It happened over Easter too Exactly. LOOK at the date. 😇

Here are two fiverr blog articles I wrote. See if I do article writing right:

If you want one written for 5 dollars I can do it here. Keep in mind I am a beginner. I downloaded LINGOFY to help me, but I do not know how to use A.i. yet. I will get better.

My heart is in the right place. A lot of blogs sell products to conservatives and need content. It is just good practice. And it helps me research right-winged topics I may not know too well. I have paid for the Grammarly account.

I am mostly a cartoonist. But I understand even with cartoons, you need an ap style article to go with them. SO it will help my cartoons in the long run too. Once I get to know all this software that formats your thoughts into outlines and gives you basic starts to paragraphs. My blog here is a lot of poetry. Its not well written. Its just like a diary here. But I will get better.

Here is an article I wrote on Fiverr called DELETE FACEBOOK

And the article links to these tweets. I did not draw them, but articles posts tweets a lot.