Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Jeff Bezos Amazon Warehouse Thermal Scanners Political Cartoon for President Donald Trump. Matt Drudge Report.

Jeff Bezos Amazon Warehouse Thermal Scanners Political Cartoon for President Donald Trump. Matt Drudge Report.

Jeff Bezos Amazon Warehouse Thermal Scanners Political Cartoon for President Donald Trump. Matt Drudge Report. post thumbnail image
I saw the article in Drudge Report and I really wanted to do this political cartoon. Jeff Bezos holding a rectal thermometer.

Word is he hates more than anything criticism and I’m just doing this in good fun. I’ve had an Amazon account since about 2005 and when I tried opening up a seller’s account around 2009 they rejected me and I send emails back-and-forth maybe 20 times and they told me they didn’t have to tell me why..

so around 2015 I tried again to open up with seller’s account on Amazon and I was denied it’s the strangest thing and nobody can tell me.

My brother has an account on Amazon and he has sells books WOOF Makes a lot of money but even he complains that they take just too much.

All through these years I was wondering why Jeff bezos had such a brazen courage not courage I can’t think of the word it’s like brazen Affrontry.. It’s like he could change laws he had power everyone did everything to suit him so his business would succeed and get all these breaks I was asking myself why does this guy have so much power… and he just has an attitude and now I know why because he knew this Corona virus thing was coming a long time ago and he was setting himself up for this..

and the last thing I ordered on Amazon I ordered bananas from Amazon and they came green and mushy I was just testing it out I ordered another Box of fruit and they came OK.

Now I see why all those years of he had some sort of secret knowledge and he knew this day was coming.
I understand president trump is having a tough time with Matt drudge but my intuition says trump has a lot of respect for him and it’s just like a pep talk and may be mad drudge needs a pep talk that yes you can get lots of hits by posting I think they are funny headlines because I understand his language he doesn’t believe all the stuff hes posting and he doesn’t want you to believe it either he is just showing you the craziness of the mainstream media by picking out the most outrageous things they say he is reporting on them hes not hes just a little too smart and I understand you really have to dumb yourself down to get in with the masses especially if people are reading your headlines …as the don’t just read Matt drudge’s headlines you go read the articles hes trying to point out something to you something that’s shocking something that’s wrong and I understand he might be a little bored and he needs a pep talk from the president he needs a little attention shined on him like what are you doing and he wrote back to day he wrote a letter to CNN and I know that’s a joke I know him hes funny hes just hilarious note just don’t take him seriously hes super funny hes just too smart for regular Americans I know how he speaks he speaks in headlines he picks out the sentence in the article and makes it the headline that he wants you to see and hes on a level that’s just it’s only like really smart people can get him hes not promoting Corona virus hes showing you how crazy the MSM is about Corona virus he showing you how outlandish they are hes not promoting them.

I can read between his headlines because I have that kind of analytical mind and hes definitely on to a lot of things that the masses having accepted yet because in a way you can’t embarrass the masses by secret knowledge because it makes them feel badd it makes them feel dumb that they fell for such stupid things you can’t you have to go slowly you have to compromise you can’t tell the people the truth because it would make them feel bad.. that they didn’t know you

Drudge just can’t come out and say what he believes he would make the masses feel dumb he has to do it in a way he hints at things..

Pay attention to the headlines and how they relate to one another it’s like a map when he wants to say something or feel something about a certain topic he will contrast it with the headline right next to it that’s seemingly unrelated but when you connect the headlines He is speaking in a language
I just want to say mad drugs definitely does not like Amazon and Jeff basils … You know I’m gonna leave my auto correct mess up that you see how my voice to text translates things..

I know this for a fact and I remember when Jeff basils bought the Washington Post that really pista Matt drudge off so we definitely have a common enemy and yes.. He just needed a little pep talk from the president I’m sure he just has to realize that most people aren’t taking his headlines the way he is putting them they are reading them as fact as truth and it’s about personal responsibility and responsibility and if Matt drudge really is a conservative he should try to focus on a little more positive things and I think he’ll do that on pretty sure he got the nudge and in the president himself commented on him I mean what an honor and Matt drudge’s response was it’s hes very very good very polite..and a champion answer..

and I you know what I just don’t wanna lose Matt drudge I really dont. he is one of us we are taking him with him some people are slow to join up with the crowd some people are introverts and just have to be a little different and they can’t help it it’s in their nature I just don’t wanna leave Matt drudge behind I’m not ready to yet and I have not seen what everyone’s talking about I really haven’t seen it I go to at Drudge Report to see how crazy the msm are reporting on the Corona virus I’m not actually believing what drudges posting do you get it.

It’s like William Randolph Hearst he got criticized for sensationalism glorify and the single mother instead of the hard working ones… It sells newspapers buy it there’s just something about respect you know it’s jumpy come the mainstream media like don’t look so long at the mainstream media that you become them that’s all I’m saying it’s this is his awakening and twenny twenny is the year for change and match raj is dealing with the change right now in his heart and he is going to figure out who he is this is a big year everyone will be shown for who they are and we have to try to do right and be good by God and sometimes money is good but at what cost do understand you kind of need to balance so I understand the heart of America is sick right now and it’s getting better and we just need more positive headlines he gets that he fully understands that and we’ll see what happens and I definitely don’t believe people are gonna leave him hes just really good at what he does and it’s he speaks through his headlines hes not a famous person like he talks a lot…
He is famous for his work and it’s just absolute genius and it’s not easy this is a daily toil the and we all go through funks we all lose momentum we all take the easy route sometimes but this is the year to figure out who we are going to be for the 2nd half of our life’s life is going to change after this so I’m not ready to leave him behind I’m very loyal and trust me he sees and hears everything he reads the comment sections and sometimes now I’m serious I’m not crazy sometimes I feel like if I’ve put out something for him a cartoon of him he is think back that he has headlines like I’m not kidding and I’m not crazy but I couldn’t explain this because you have to understand how he speaks he speaks through headlines and hes really funny and hes got dark humor he just needs a little inspiration.

But if you are on his wavelength it’s he will communicate with you through his work it’s really hard to explain I just I would sound crazy but if you wanna talk to Matt read his Drudge Report

Cartoon classics

I am only posting the cartoons with both the Drudge Report and Jeff bozos I have a lot more but it’s has to be relatable to this post

I have one political cartoon I did of Matt drudge as the guy in American psycho and he invited Jeff Besos over and Jeff bezos.. is on the couch asking why there are Washington Post newspapers taped all over the floor and mad Drudge is putting on his raincoat and there’s an ax in the corner but I can’t find it online I don’t know I just I lose track of my cartoons I have a lot of them.

Jeff Bezos w Drudge

He has a hatred of him unlike any other so this is a common enemy and a kindred spirit and he also has a hatred for David Brock and they used to be friends and hes very valuable and he has much insider information I am sure and he also I think he really wants the wall built you know maybe it’s one of those things he wants the wall built well.. it’s definitely coming Matt.
Things can not happen overnight you will get your wall in fact you will probably have a piece of the wall thanking you. the introvert is extremely extremely loyal so we deftly..I want him on our side and I’m glad trump gave him a little pep talk a little on the spot a little attention and I’m sure after trump said that Drudge Report went off the charts.

No one gets Left Behind I want him to come along with us maybe we should get Matt drudge another interview on Alex Jones or savage or maybe something on Fox he would really like that believe me he is very important person hes not a nobody