Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Jack Dorsey, Twitter, Project Veritas, James O”kEEFE Political cartoon

Jack Dorsey, Twitter, Project Veritas, James O”kEEFE Political cartoon

Jack Dorsey, Twitter,  Project Veritas, James O”kEEFE  Political cartoon post thumbnail image


We can save all your pics, and all your private messages and sell them to advertisers.
Your illegitimate wives they are on my server.
Yeah, twitter we is so gangster.

Look who liked this cartoon. I love him so much. Pieczenik! Look above. I love it. He is like the dream army general in this battle.
 The brains behind the revolution. I love him, its not just me. He has a CULT FOLLOWING on YouTube. Check out his page. His OPUSes. His talks, are so serious. He is always on Alex Jones, even when he disagrees and yells at Alex its radio heaven!

Cernovich also retweeted a tweet I did of him and his January 20th night of Freedom coming up. I posted everyone should go to it and bring a date. He retweeted that tweet I did, It was like a cherry on top of  a sundae. I went from aboring day to the most exciting magic moment!

and now I have all these new followers, because his touch is GOLDEN, everyone wants him. He is the hottest journalist right now, and very feared…and I got some love. I did. A RT feels like a tic of love.  I love you too Mike very much.

I started making videos for my cartoons AS SOON AS I PUT DOWN GORILLA MINDEST book. As soon, as that, I started my YouTube channel. I have always been soft spoken. It gave me the courage. When I do my videos and I dont know what to say I hear MIKEs voice Be in the moment! Be in the moment I heard him say from his audio book. You can hear it in 4 hours if you speed up the audible.

When I hear that noise. DONG DING DING on my alerts….all day.. you know someone MANY PEOPLE LOVE…must have rt’ed you.

Someone is feeling happy or mad about me and what I think.

I love tweeting out people. I love when they respond with a rt. Its amazing to be able to follow your real live role models and heroes, daily, as if it were a tv show and have them interact sometimes online. Its the best feeling.

Trump I have followed my whole life. He has always been the golden one, to me. He is the reason I have all these powers to do these cartoons everyday. This feels like it will be my life’s work.

Its not easy to even understand the news these days.

When I wake up. I watch Alex, David Knight, etc I check DRUDGE before anything. And then I speed read all the headlines or I turn on text to speech app and get all the articles on drudge read to me 2xs the speed.

Sometimes I get jokes from the articles, the photos on Drudge are always important, or from memory, too, Popular Culture I know a lot about.. I grew up with SCTV or SNL religiously. Lou Dobbs I was watching a a first grader, with my dad on the couch every night MONEY LINE!

I followed Alex WAY b4 he even knew who Drudge was. I remember hearing him talk about Drudge like it was CONSERVATIVE news site and he didn’t know much. I remember when Alex scoffed at Islamic extremism. Didn’t believe it was a thing. I was there at all his aha moments.

I got new sub on Patreon. Thanks my friend. I cant do it without you. I will text you ..later lets find some news together! Hope you like my gift in the mail.

I listen to Pjw, Lionel, I follow Q updates, All these groups rising up, I see google hangouts sniping them. I see many many misinfo and disinfo and the majority of what Humanity believes is all disinfo, thats why the elite hate us, because they hold secrets over us, that are so obvious that we are that stupid. They cant believe its so easy to rape all of us with lies on tv in Hollywood and fake media and fake school books, fake history books.
The EVIL run things, they make up their own history, which is all lies too. America History especially. Its We the people. Not we, the secret societies.They have the powers to put things in movies, on tv, your first grade teacher will teach you. You will believe it as truth, even when its so full of holes, you still go along.
They will tell you 2 plus 2 equals 5, they do all the time. You buy it. You mock people who would EVER DARE question it too. 
The masses really are irrational beings. Thank god for TRUMP a light … a golden light.. for all of us to aspire to be like. A good person. MORAL, someone everyone wants to do business with. Someone who makes gold out of nothing.
The masses have been so dumbed down. This is like an overnight new tic in our system, A refresh. Trump here just being there will fix a lot of things. What people think of as good or evil will change.
Trumps agenda is PRO WEALTH. People will admire their own work and talent and the freedom of being able to do things without government interfering. I can speak from experience.
Government is too big. Almost everyone is bogged down by it. Fees fines, permissions, acts, laws, rules, and everything is wrong! Based on old ways, that dont work anymore. Nothing new changes. Its all about who you know, theft and taking things from people.
Its basically evil nogooders giving themselves comfy jobs for life. As OVERSEEing of the rest of us. And they are bad people with no skills.
Trump is aware of all of this. Its in his books he speaks of this.


I was going to do this one but I waited too long, overnight, and it was old news aready.