Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Ivanka Trump in Morocco political cartoon for Donald Trump political cartoon

Ivanka Trump in Morocco political cartoon for Donald Trump political cartoon

Ivanka Trump in Morocco political cartoon for Donald Trump political cartoon post thumbnail image
Ivanka trump helping women around the world she is so respected so loved so fabulous these women have never seen a more beautiful and powerful woman in their life.
She is definitely a presidential model in many ways. There is nothing bad.. I can think of about her..nothing. She’s flawless and her reputation is perfect.
She is so beautiful and I definitely want her to blossom into a world leader one day.
She speaks for me better than me superior to me.

Her last trip I remember was in Paraguay and she was fabulous there too . Everyone seems to be smitten by her. Trump brings her everyone wants to meet her. In London Prince Harry sought her out.

Matt Drudge Report is also dazzled be dazzled by her. Hes always posting pictures next to the headlines of her she’s so beautiful.