Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Inktober day 9 Throw 2020 political cartoon secretary Mike Pompeo Hillary Clinton email scandal #politicalcartoon #donaldtrump #mikepompeo @realdonaldtrump @secpompeo @mikepompeo86 @drrandpaul @tomilahren @tomfitton @dbongino #clinton #clintonemails #clintonemailscandal

Inktober day 9 Throw 2020 political cartoon secretary Mike Pompeo Hillary Clinton email scandal #politicalcartoon #donaldtrump #mikepompeo @realdonaldtrump @secpompeo @mikepompeo86 @drrandpaul @tomilahren @tomfitton @dbongino #clinton #clintonemails #clintonemailscandal

inktober #inktober2020 #inktoberday9 #inktoberthrow #inktoberthrow2020 lori lightfoot Chicago mayor #lorilightfoot Beetlejuice

secretary Mike Pompeo today’s prompts for inktober was throw day 9 so I thought I would have him throwing up because he came out today and said that Hillary’s emails they have them and they’ll be releasing them before the election you know maybe they really do have them or maybe they don’t have them and they’re just I don’t know playing poker I hope to have them I hope to read them I think everybody should why not don’t you want to see
I figured Lori Lightfoot was jealous of the attention that Gretchen Whitmer was getting because you know supposedly kidnapping it sounds so romantic she’s thinking I don’t know I couldn’t tie that into my cartoon so she said all roads lead to Trump in response to Gretchen Whitten worst kidnapping by antifa and I don’t know I figure I would draw her as Beetlejuice that’s because everybody says she looks like Beetlejuice
this is my Facebook page and next to me is my college roommate and I told you she’s crazy anti Trump and I’m crazy Trump and we still talk to each other a few times every week and we send each other videos stuff like that almost every day and we get along and I’m just saying it’s possible it really is it’s rare but it’s possible and I know my friendships go beyond politics that’s how cool of a person I am and yes we rub each other the wrong way it irritate each other but deep down inside we love each other
good show
will Johnson retweeting UAP Channel thanks to me

Pay attention this is a set

this is really old I don’t know why it’s on my phone
see the flat earther mud flood people they like me I make sure if anything is said about Trump that it’s positive and if it’s not I educate people fast and I do it in a way that I make them really see no I really explain myself because honestly not everyone’s into politics so they just kind of like don’t know anything and they just go by hearsay so once you tell people the truth I understand totally and it’s good to be in all the subcultures anyway especially the right I mean the right is what makes everything every place!!

It’s like a war zone over there with the memes

so remember that video I posted by John Levi do we live on a crater and no I don’t believe we live in a crater but this is I mean falsely represented it just doesn’t make any sense it’s even worse than the original Theory I’m telling you there’s never been more troublemakers then in Flat Earth I mean there is a lot of people that are working hard to undo the work that other people are doing
not quite..what jon levi meant do you see the troublemakers trying to make the whole movement look bad by making memes that totally confuse people if there’s new information that’s come out and it totally throws everybody off
Those are crepscular rays so that’s not like a disco ball that’s the same exact picture ..but it’s been edited..

yes they prove something they prove both things but the thing is there is an easier answer and the easiest answer is 3,000 miles away and the hardest answer is 93 million miles away it’s still geometry but why are we picking the hardest answer this point. when the easiest answer would be that is 3000 ..

and it’s like you know railroad tracks the vanishing point that’s why it looks like the Sun is setting but it’s not it’s traveling really far away and that’s why it looks like it’s going to a pinpoint doesn’t mean it’s set over a globe so hard to explain this stuff to normal people.. I’m just explaining to you the theory ..I know it very well

Just in case you wanted to know what people were talking about and to go over some memes for the day

I better stop I can psychically feel when people feel strongly about something I’m sorry I’m talking about this stuff… I know it’s really disturbing to hear someone talk about Flat Earth especially if you ..even. if u don’t believe in it but I’m just going over the memes I saw.. I mean we trust the universities We Trust our first grade teacher we don’t think other men would lie do we?

but I doubt it might be too advanced ..I don’t know I’ve just got a sense of humor ..

I really like life and I’m just trying to point out something that you may not see what I’m pointing out. I’m not pointing out what you think I’m pointing out but there’s like a pattern there… I’ve seen these movements get destroyed by Just an Army of really dedicated posters that really ruin all the forums and groups and I’m just showing you an example

How many times have you investigated something only to been so embarrassed.. and felt like an idiot for believing something when it could be easily explained Away by one of these Pricks with word word Wizardry Magic. I mean anything that’s true you’ll get this like Shadow online people …coming..I don’t know if they’re paid to do it or if they’re just truly like screwed up like even if they truly felt like this. they work like clockwork so these online Badgers they call themselves.. get into these Flat Earth groups and not just flat Earth ..everything you’ll see them everywhere that someone’s talking about something that they don’t want you to know about . they’ll do like plagiarism they’ll do exactly what they left us to the right they’ll just copy and twist and spin…

Last night I got hit with like 20 commenters all about my cartoon and they were all saying the same thing so I know these are coordinated and when I was getting spam attacks on my blog I would get like a hundred comments that would spring up at one time on all of my posts from now back till 2009 all of a sudden a hundred spam comments would show up so it’s like coordinated and it’s like clockwork it’s like once an hour or this was happening so when you get attacked online I know the cycle it’s not like random they got these times that they post and it’s the same time it’s like a schedule so it’s hard to believe that a normal person would be commenting a hundred times over thousands of blog entries of mine all at once you see what I’m saying and it’s the same thing with these forums and these groups. there’s definitely these paid mercenary trolls that just to get really creative and they take the theories that are being talked about and make them look so ridiculous and that’s the first thing Google will show you when you look it up is these fake people so when normal people come to the theory there met with all this Ridiculousness fake Photoshop stuff and then they run away from the idea forever you get what I’m saying.

That’s why nobody can hold your hand when you go down the rabbit hole tons of booby traps and you just got to look around and become familiar and just be open-minded and I know it takes a lot of time and nobody’s got time to do this stuff so that’s why I’m your girl I’m the one looking and I got my eyes open and I got the time.. you can’t train someone to be ingenuous can’t pay someone to use their brain ..and that’s why I think I’m one of a kind. I’m not a simple photocopy machine person no I see patterns that’s what makes me different from someone normal researcher