Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Inktober 2020 full collection #inktober2020 #inktober see you next year

Inktober 2020 full collection #inktober2020 #inktober see you next year

Inktober 2020 full collection #inktober2020 #inktober see you next year post thumbnail image

I got a full collection for an entire term I have it

Here is last month’s full collection inktober political cartoons

Why do I like to write and I just Ramble On that’s doesn’t mean anything it’s just how I relax as I write whatever comes I don’t edit it

I just want to say that inktober was the hardest thing 😩 in the world.. for me😢 the anxiety 💩I just can’t let her relive it again😱 it’s high octane🤡 I mean I’m just burning out thinking👿 and some days I just draw whatever and somehow it fits

And yet I wait all year for it🤩 and now it’s gone and I look forward to next year’s just like I did this years and it’s over😪 it’s hard to believe it’s over and 💘did I share it with anybody 😜maybe a little😝 I don’t know🤗 was I a part of something 😜yes.

After Trump wins 2020 🐆it’ll be like the second part of my life has started🐎 completely different🐋 and I’m completely changed 🦜and I have evolved and I know what it is I want🦁 and I take the best of everything that I’ve ever learned🦮 and I use it now..

you know drawing a cartoon based on a one word prompt is not really that easy and it’s definitely not easy when you have to tie it into a daily current event.

Mapping out faces like someone with OCD to get the best exaggeration is a study that it’s very intensive

The more you do anything the faster the easier it becomes so I just got to practice practice practice push it push it push it keep pushing hoping that I Can Break On Through To The Other Side

Political cartooning ..🌹 is a high Noble art form

look my cousin sent me.