Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Inktober 2020 day two 2 “wisp “political cartoon for President Donald Trump diamond and silk Politico

Inktober 2020 day two 2 “wisp “political cartoon for President Donald Trump diamond and silk Politico

Inktober 2020 day two 2 “wisp “political cartoon for President Donald Trump diamond and silk Politico post thumbnail image
diamond and silk political cartoons inktober Day 2 it was wisp I love drawing diamond and silk they look really good here I really tried to do a do a cartoon I’m getting better and I love the Trump train behind them and the music and the twists of trump in the clouds
a prompt of the day was wish and I do these World art challenges because I like Collections and I like trying different things and I like preaching outside the choir and I like reaching an audience outside my echo chamber and I make a lot of art friends and I possibly turn people on to Trump and to supporting him. .through art!.. since I did it last year I’ve gotten a lot of artistic artist friends who follow me and I think sometimes every now and then they’ll do something supporting Trump maybe it’s because of me and anyways I need to preach outside the choir because you know Trump is about numbers and going outside your safety zone and wandering into other subcultures and inktober is extremely popular it’s trending on Twitter everyday
funny cuz in 2016 I was friends with the political cartoonist of politico. and he publicly on social media call me a liar and told me he told me 👺bad things happened to cartoonists who lie 👿and he got so angry at my cartoons and he wound up blocking me and I was so hurt because I really like his political cartoons even though they were anti-trump I like his style and technique and you know it wasn’t about politics to me really I just really liked his art but he just took it too far and he blocked me and he death threated me all on Twitter. I saved everything and posted it here to this blog he did he wish death upon me for supporting Trump….no I know I think what did it was I drew a cartoon of 💣Joe Biden and Obama playing ping pong at Comet Ping Pong 💦and that’s what threw him over the edge he couldn’t believe that I drew that

But that’s okay because I’ve made friends with political cartoonists 💟 more famous than he is. since then.. so there

Yes the political cartoonist from Politico told me that bad things happened to cartoonists who lie and that was in 2016 and its 2020 and nothing bad happened to me there you go nothing bad happen to me


I figured out why Pinterest destroyed and deleted an entire Year’s worth of political cartoons from 2020 it’s because Google Images they pull from Pinterest the most so there you go I’m taking off Google and everyone was telling me Oh my God I can see you online I never used to be able to see your cartoons online but whenever I type in something your cartoons come up so it must be because Google images and Pinterest are like married and they both are taking over hostage they’re holding hostage everybody and forcing everybody to not like Trump it’s like they’ve bought a company or hijacked it or did something whatever they had to do whoever they had to hurt to control these popular social media sites only to wage war with them and they don’t even care about their business it’s just about war for them they bought it just for war and bought it just for war and money whenever something’s popular they buy it just to make money just to scam people they’re like oh my God we got to scam people something’s popular we got to buy it and now they’re using it for war and their election meddling and they are doing The Conspiracy Theory by censoring people

How well do you know the real American history oh my God if you knew you wouldn’t believe it you just wouldn’t believe it

It’s what the globalists have done we were raised by the satanic cabal our education everything all the universities it’s all tailored it’s not even real

speaking of inktober which I’m on this was last year so you could see what I did last year
who built this a previous civilization in America that’s for sure all of these things get demolished I’ve seen countless things of these getting demolished a candle gets tipped over but actually it’s the globalist hiding the past and doesn’t fit the colonial narrative and they don’t want you to know and usually these things have other Technologies with electricity and saltwater but most of these have been destroyed in America it’s always the same story of Vandal a forest fire but none of these fires are natural none of them in our history

Before you make fun of people who research on the internet just remember you blindly believe everything that’s on the television or in your schools

I wonder what sanatorium means and is it like a healing therapy

infection of the lungs kind of like the flu kind of like coronavirus these the names may change but the symptoms remain the same

This one is blamed on a boogeyman this one is blamed on a demon germ this one is blamed on bacteria this one is blamed on humors I mean it’s all the same thing

I believe a lot of these lung infections are caused by people using heaters in the winter it dehydrates your lungs out I’ve tested this for myself I slept with all my heaters on in the house all night and I woke up with flu symptoms same things and hospitals in airplanes plus you get psychosomatic sympathetic responses to other people like kind of like Voodoo and if you believe something’s going around you can make yourself sick

Trump going to Walter Reed is very interesting because it’s a military Hospital on a military base and they provide Warrior care and it’s really hard to get into and they search people’s car is coming in and it’s a very safe place and remember Trump said that he’ll be going away for a while because he has a lot of powerful Rich enemies and he said this may be the last time you’ll see me do you remember that

I’ve written this in my blog also that October I would like President Trump to go away for a while I stress that I said it’s really really important my psychic intuition is going all the way up this is a tough month and I thought how could he do this before an election but it’s just his life is more precious than what’s going on right now his life is way more precious and you know I really suggested that her October he has to go away now there’s stuff going down and he he’s he’s too important and these enemies they’re really really really trying to hurt him and they’re very powerful and Trump will outsmart them he will but I suggested for a long time that October he should definitely go away and maybe that’s why he’s at the Walter Reed cuz you know everybody knows coronavirus is bulshit there’s no such thing everybody knows that everybody knows that it’s just you know people are playing along or you know they’re playing along with the media nobody believes it I mean you only get the TV zombies believing it in the corporation’s but when you talk to people in your neighborhood nobody believes that nobody absolutely nobody everybody knows it’s completely made up.

What’s bad as Trump takes the vaccine agenda away from the globalists and makes it sugar water with maybe some B12 in it and you know some imaginary whatever they do anyways and makes it totally safe can you imagine how rich our country would be if we produced it and people want it anyway and an executive order saying it’s not mandatory I mean it’s game over really I mean what’s bad about that you have to think that this is the world stage we are talkin about

Just remember I called into the Alex Jones Show in February you can look it up on my Instagram February I called in the Alex Jones Show and told him ..💪Coronavirus is imaginary 💪 this was back when everyone was going to die by July 4th and he told me God bless me but he still believed in it that it was real and it was coming in now he knows now Alex knows but just remember I called in really early and I told the world this. Not even a fraction of a second I believed it was real not even for a fraction of a second I mean there’s just some things you can’t lie to me about and that’s definitely one of them.

But all of us are playing long we’re just playing along we’re taking the narrative away from the globalists and we’re taking the power we’re taking the vaccine ..we’re taking everything away from them because in a way the entire world believes in whatever America does and they’re hearts are kind of captivated and most people’s minds believe the media outside of the United States..

inside of the United States no one trusts in the fake media.. nobody except the TV zombies and they’re the ones that have the positions of power ..

but Americans don’t listen to CNN..

but it’s on the world stage everybody wants to do what Americans are doing so they naturally they would believe something like CNN because they just don’t know because that’s all they’re getting you understand so we’re talkin the world stage here this is a world Stage Theater event when everybody in America knows it’s fake we’re just all playing along.

I mean how can 6 people show up for a Joe Biden event and people can’t understand that people think whatever is on the TV reality..but the TV it’s just making reality up.. it’s not real ..nobody nobody I mean not one person likes Joe Biden ..why do you think they have to fake it and have people write up boxes and boxes of ballots because nobody’s voting for him.. absolutely nobody.. it’s all theater it’s all on TV it’s not real nobody it’s not

if..Joe Biden walks down the street he would be cat called and yelled at. Can’t you see the power the left media has wow and Americans are gentle and kind like Lambs they didn’t even see this coming this evil creeping and buying up everything and selling us things that cost them for free charging us for things that cost for free there just making fortunes theyre parasites they’re literal mind parasites.

Honestly this isn’t a battle in the United States the battle for their world it really is I know what you’re thinking but you know President Trump is the leader of the Free World and you know hey maybe we’ll take their new world order also and make it completely capitalist and free market and liberate everybody but we can only do that by example no really this is the world stage we’re dealing with a lot of Americans think this is just about America …but it’s not… it’s about the entire world Trump will save the entire world😇 he is the world savior ..😇 and that’s not Blasphemous we’re all taught to walk like Jesus. That is why Americans can’t understand why President Trump does the things he does they can understand it but you just have to believe me you really have to I know what I’m talking about I know this it’s not a strong feeling it’s more than that it’s a certainty.

And yes America is far far far far greater than what we’ve been taught in our schools about American history oh no it is far far greater I mean the biggest empire ever I think you have no idea it’s a long long story and if you want to know more you have to read back my blog of few years because I’ve been researching this for a long time I can definitely prove this. using reason.

The new infrastructure of America was built on the old infrastructure and falsely attributed to the new one and when you conquer a nation you basically claimed everything’s yours and you tear down statues and replace with new ones so you rename obelisks memorials and you also tell Americans that some of your greatest landmarks were brought on a boat from France when the truth is nothing’s ever moved none of our city halls and important Government Federal Courthouse buildings they’re not built to copy the😙 they are the real thing it’s such a rabbit hole you won’t believe it it’s crazy I know but I can prove it

These things can be whitewashed these things can be demolished just remember that they can be totally erased from our history because we’ve been educated by the satanic cabal..ever since birth. We aren’t even on the right timeline they give us it’s a mass hallucination Mass hallucination everything the thought mythological that happened everything biblical it all happened here in America you have no idea you have no clue how important we are.

These secrets are the key to overthrowing the globalist once and for all all secrets shall be revealed and that day is now and it’s hidden in plain sight everybody can walk out their house and see what I’m talking about cuz it’s right in front of you everywhere all over America.

Please read my blogger please I have a plan and there’s just ideas I’m throwing out and just knowing these things might help you

What would help me is new art classes because I pay a lot of money to take online courses how to draw how to do caricatures and I learn fast I learn quick but it wears off and I got to keep learning to keep growing and it’s just really important for me to do this to do this for his entire presidency for his entire life term possibly or his for terms or his whatever as long as he goes I will be caught cartooning I promise you that I just remember I did this since he announced he was running and I think it’s important regardless of me being a rogue political cartoonist I don’t work for a newspaper and I didn’t start off as much skill and I had to learn digital art but still it’s a complete collection I have and I know it’s going to be worth something someday and I know that I want to be the best political cartoonist in the world and the best president of the world is right now so I definitely have a chance but I’m female and I do have that passion and it’s not because I want to be better it’s because I love the art of the political cartoon it’s something since a child my grandfather wanted me to do he would collect boxes for me and I never wanted to do it until Trump ran it just all made sense when he announced he was running so this is like infused with a lot of my blood and a lot of spirit and I follow the news everyday like you wouldn’t believe so I know what I’m talking about when I draw

And nobody’s helping me nobody not one person not the way I need but I do have people who are my patreons and support me and retweet and that helps a lot more than you think and I know I can’t do this with other without other people but it’s kind of like I’m kind of like Howard Roark in The Fountainhead on this by myself fighting the world no matter what I’m just going to do it I don’t know how but I’m going to do it and just remember I for a few months I did these political cartoons by candlelight I mean I have mountains to overcome I have so much responsibilities and I’m doing this basically for free so I’m a True Believer and in a war you don’t want mercenaries you want True Believers and that’s what I am

And believe me I’ve overcome everything and in The Fountainhead even the love of his life fights him and he still overcomes it and that’s true in my life the people I love have tried to stop me and it’s very hard for me to do this but yet it’s so easy a way it comes natural in I’m also overcoming like a lifetime of really bad thinking and really bad habits and in a way President Trump his running for office and winning in a way he’s helped me save my soul. President Trump has saved my soul he has yes I’ve been a sinner a huge one and now I feel like I can come clean and become good again for that I will be eternally grateful in this lifetime and the next and the next in the next or in heaven wherever I go I will never forget this opportunity.

This presidency will be talked about for centuries and one day it won’t be here anymore and I’m just I can’t believe I’m living it it’s I just can’t believe I’m living it I get goosebumps thinking about it my hairs are standing on end right now as I’m writing this.

I apologize for anything crazy I write. in this blog or in my past I just apologize.. I I have tried to mend my ways I really have and just know that my heart’s in the right place and I’m one of you. Anything bad I can fix that’s the thing when your Christian no matter what you’ve done you can make your wrongs right can you can be saved to nothing nothing beats Free Will nothing!!😙