Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Inktober 2019 day 11 12 chinese fentanyl dragon snow

Inktober 2019 day 11 12 chinese fentanyl dragon snow

Inktober 2019 day 11 12 chinese fentanyl dragon snow post thumbnail image
#Inktober2019 prompt is snow for the day 11
Donald Trump junior is so gorgeous.
Donald Trump junior said this that that’s what he wants for Christmas is Hillary Clinton to run again.
That is Donald Trump junior his tweet that I did my cartoon on it’s also an #inktober prompt snow
He cannot go to China or sell anything in China because he liked to tweet.
I posted my other cartoon in his thread. I hope south park sees it. I seen the very first few years. I got the merchandise around season 4. I loved chef!
The inktober prompt today was dragon so that is why I drew the dragon.
DJ zedd with fentanyl dragon
There is his tweet. He probably liked the video the apology Matt and Trey South Park creators did to China. China banned them.
Alex Jones is the best accent on this.

My video

This new story upsets me because this is what the parasites do they take an ancient building and besides destroy them or lie about who built them they tear it down and make them uglier and this is definitely an ancient building Tartarian. I used to take art lessons here on the weekends. It’s just about the little that was left after the world’s fair and 1900s when they leveled all of the ancient buildings and Buffalo because it doesn’t fit the colonial narrative. They were gondolas moving sidewalks And the great pylons of Buffalo which president McKinley spoke at and then they destroyed it.
It’s like that ugly glass thing at the Louvre.
And there’s tons of articles every week about these buildings being remade remodeled or they burned the roof down and then they rebuild it and then years later they say that they built the whole thing.