Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized IMRAN AWAN LAPTOP POLITICAL CARTOON #debbiewassermanschultz


IMRAN AWAN LAPTOP POLITICAL CARTOON #debbiewassermanschultz post thumbnail image

This is my political cartoon based on DAILY CALLER and ZERO HEDGE. This story was linked on DRUDGE. SO now the story turns that Imran AWAN who tried escaping to Pakistan already, who had this laptop supposedly filled with satanic kiddie torture porn, blackmail clubs, half congress, most government compromised etc.. Also the Democrats trafficked children for decades this proves. Oh there is a media blackout on it. This laptop given to the Police who refused to give it back to Debbie, even when she threatened a police chief on tape. FOR IT.

They are very scared of this laptop.

SO now MAYBE IMRAN was given a deal? Because now he is the hero of the story, leaving the laptop for police. He left ids, an apple laptop, with REPDWS