Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized “Hillary Clinton Rachel Maddow Ukraine Vladimir Putin Political Editorial cartoon” NFT collectible!

“Hillary Clinton Rachel Maddow Ukraine Vladimir Putin Political Editorial cartoon” NFT collectible!

“Hillary Clinton Rachel Maddow Ukraine Vladimir Putin Political Editorial cartoon” NFT collectible! post thumbnail image
Rachel Maddow Hillary Clinton Political Cartoon

..Yes. the witches..candy refers to what Hillary Clinton says when she’s sacrificing a chicken to moloch.

Political Cartoon NFT

Yes..for an in-depth description of this political cartoon.. where I got my ideas and an analysis of the whole cartoon.. is in the description in the nft link you have to click on the link to read it.

I’ve just created “Hillary Clinton Rachel Maddow Ukraine Vladimir Putin Political Editorial cartoon” NFT collectible!

#putin #ethereum #hillaryclinton #rachelmaddow #digitalasset #nft via @rarible #politicalcartoon #nftart
#vladimirputin #ukraine #nfts #nftart #nftdrop #maddow #maddowblog #hillaryclintonmemes #meme #editorialcartoon #politicalcartoonist

Do you see the red cord around her neck? That definitely means something
Ukraine is the Keystone of so much red pills coming. Ron Paul said it best tonight in his tweet.. he said that there is something to do with NATO w all of this Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ stuff ..and it’s true.. read my notes below.. I got the burning Russia from an old painting of Napoleon burning down Russia and robbing it blind and taking everything back to France and reassembling it there.. maybe Putin should ask Macron for the jewels back..
That’s my sketch for my political cartoon and as you can see I was very loyal to it..

..the Ukraine war is the fakest thing I’ve ever seen besides the Civil War..


Girl soldiers ??? πŸ˜†.. well you know they’ll win the war then
7 men in uniform.. in the show. They mean business!


Civil War Fakery. Not one SINGLE picture of any action.. not one picture of any grand ball.. A heist! Blowing up a abandoned ancient structures with dynamite.. all you get is Gone with the Wind and some Noble ideals that we’re not really important back then all world history is mythology

They were used incorrectly …? That’s not a war photo that’s just posing with some ruins.
Were they making love movies?
Why? The Civil War happened in the proof is these pictures. He’s reaching in his jacket to grab a hamburger

Staged War pictures are nothing new

Look where hands are. Is that a Masonic thing to put your hand on a guy’s lap?
Thanks Jon Levi

Vladimir Putin single-handedly ended covid

PUTIN SAVED the world he did.. and only him



This is definitely the end for Fox News

Purple Tie Revolution

I drew this years ago
Dark red is like purple
There there is a lot more but I’ve covered it already in a previous blog

I don’t think purple should be their color ..that is our color ..and you can’t let them have purple ..and I think all the regular guys on our side.. they are using purple just to take the color back and to troll the globalists…


.. so that’s where they were making all the coronavirus vaccines? Nobody on Earth would trust China with that task.


Elon Musk starlink satellites are on …switched over….except there’s no satellites ..and remember 🌟 starlink.. is for Lucifer….

Okay so where are these satellites then?

..anyone who has the word⭐️ in their logo or in their business name is luciferian ..I promise you this ..I definitely have experience and I know a few people into that stuff that secret society stuff ..and all of their businesses have star in it. It’s such a giveaway if you cant see it I don’t know. Greedy lustful envious people.. they have to have all the attention ..even if they pretend to be on the good side.. they have to get all of the attention.. and all of the money ..and they have to show off all the time ..they are attention Hogs.. they rob and steal every day. If you show a luciferian like a photo …you took .. of something you are proud of and created ..he will not enjoy it.. and he’ll have to one-up you. And he’ll send you something totally fake.. and try to get you jealous.. something he didn’t even make.. or maybe he just get a pic online. Everything is an illusion with luciferians ..everything ..whether it’s Piousness.. goodness ..and believe you me.. there are just as many of them on our side ..playing the savior’s and they could play the savior’s their entire life.. but when it comes down to business like genocide depopulation..that is their agenda too..and they all are in on it..for your own good. And they aren’t scared of each other ..the good guys and the bad guys.. are not scared of each other.. they are only scared of regular people like us ..and we have such an innocence and such an interesting life that they envious us. so much .but yet they have to parasite off us.. and take all our ideas and charge us look at beautiful things they claim they built.. yep they own everything everything in life that’s brilliant and good they have taken the credit for.. they would never let someone like you or me have any famous event.. or make it.. or make a fortune.. and never ever have to be one of them you have to have done it. And if you do fall in with them and you are a good person and you’re very popular they will find somebody that the good people believe in come out and discredit you… and if 🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊🍊President TrumpπŸŠπŸ‘πŸŠπŸŠπŸŠπŸŠπŸŠ of us. But smart. He is playing all of them… if he hires a regular person.. a regular person.. these people will do everything in their power to get rid of you.. as fast as they can .. they will refuse to work with you. All of them at once will say something really mean about you. So he’s playing them first.. and letting them destroy each other ..because regular people can see right through it ..but it’s almost like unconscious until we say something.. and unless we Talk Amongst ourselves’ll just be like a fleeting thought .but we know the system is rigged against regular people..

..Yes..remember if you create something they will steal it ..if you won’t let them have it ..they’ll shoot down your plane. they’ll get it ..

Yes..if you created something popular will have all these Captain NPCs show up and take the credit for all of your ideas ..but twist it to their agenda ..even if it’s to make your movement look silly to discredit you .. they don’t mind they will play the clowns ..and then you’ll have Google back them up.. and then delete you offline ..and when someone searches for what you created.. only these people will show up.


Sure like donating money to the truckers just to make a fortune.. he was in on it. The heist..

. it’s funny because him and his girlfriend Grimes.. I bet you he dated her.. because he thought that.. she would be into like drinking blood and doing all sorts of creepy stuff ..because of her music ..but I bet you ..when he got to know her ..she was like..that’s not me.. oh my God ..that’s just an act ..that’s not really me ..and he couldn’t stand that.. he got so bored ..that’s why he dumped her..’s called Project Loon. Because they think that those people who believe in satellites are really Loons..If there were really satellites up there don’t you think you could like zoom in on yourself waving to yourself?

Just because you saw it on TV or in a movie it doesn’t make it real. It’s called science fiction. The idea of a satellite was written about in a science fiction story ..and then all of a sudden it was real. Why can’t you get signal when you’re in a forest? The only people that have seen a satellite crossing the moon in their telescopes are these space agencies. Nothing can sit above us in the air and not drop there’s a thing called density and things actually get lighter above you. It would not float a heavy piece of metal the metal would fall to the ground that’s just common sense it’s something we all know. And it’s not gravity that does it it’s just the law of density there is no gravity that’s just made up. An apple falls to the ground because it’s dense and the air is light. Now butterflies can fly up. If you think you saw a satellite ..when you were stargazing.. you were seeing a plane flying really high ..because you only see them when they come closer in order to land.. on a non-rotating stable ground.

you see the fisheye lens in the background please if that were really a picture of Earth Africa would take up half the globe
.. yes they all say this.. if you’ve ever noticed on NASA’s website ..and will never say a photograph ever.. it will always say an image . or an artist’s description ..and you have to look at all of the fine print.. it’s just artwork fantasy imagination ..just as real as the coronavirus bug.

You got to let go of this stuff.. it’s of the old ways.. there’s no place for this in a future can not..bring this craziness into the Renaissance.. you cannot have to leave it ..behind.. I promise you.. I swear to you I’ve been studying this stuff for years decades.

.. you know what I really think is that the regular people should save the world.. really because these black and white chess pieces ..playing each other.. they just want so much attention ..everybody wants to be the star of the show.. it’s like they’re in a constant play.. they’re like actors in Broadway.. and everybody wants the main spotlight..their name in lights . and to be the hero or the villain ..and everybody just wants their turn.. and let them fight.. because they are so filled with vanity.. and you just got to let them fight over play Parts..

.. while we the regular people save the world .. we can Dazzle them with our Perfection and Grace and intelligence and we will take the stage away from their stage and they will be the ones watching us with popcorn ..and we do this by not believing them any more just learning for yourself ..looking over your life and letting the stuff go.

.. and a doctor sitting next to you is not smarter than you . they just know a certain things that they’ve been studying in textbooks ..and you wouldn’t want to be them ..and have given up your life to this pharmakeia.. and have all sorts of Independence taught out of you.. and all those Oaths to Fallen don’t want to take ..I’m just saying you’re not Dumber you’re not.. you are smarter.. and if a doctor cant explain it to you ..without word Wizardry or fancy words.. and you don’t understand’s probably BS okay it’s probably b*******

.. what has he been promised or what has he been forced to do this where the devil ask for his soul? I can’t think of one person rather than him that would totally not be interested in Ukraine it’s totally made up it’s fake it’s a cover for something else something he’s involved with or maybe somebody he works for is threatened by this.

..and you know what .I’ll probably never know what is really going on in Ukraine or in Chernobyl or in the tunnels whatever ..because these people will never ever tell us really think that they’re going to Red Pill us? No we are going to redpill ourselves! We are going to Red Pill each other!..Yes. these people are not going to do it for us fact they’re going to take any knowledge and..keep it from us..

but I am telling you.. without us they have nothing . they are feeding off us..Parasites off our love for them and our delusion of them.. and how we admire them.. they are addicted to it so they’re feeding us lies. everything about them is lies lies lies… and they know it . but they do deception because it’s the only way that they can feed off our admiration ..its false.. but deep inside they hate us ..because we are so dumb we cannot see who they are. And we would probably not love them for who they really truly are.. inside ..we probably would not ..because I’m sure.. they don’t even know who themselves are. And you get you Mr..Musk..whoever he is.. in a room ..with regular everyday people and it would be like a freakshow.. they wouldn’t know how to act ..these people just can’t mix with us. They are only voyeurs on us.

..the few good people on our side ..that are interested in these Players in the game.. may not be interested in them ..but more or less for their celebrity because the thing is it’s like being soccer player you have a lot of fans.. you know so a lot of good people use these people.. you know trying to get more people directed to their Channel.. or you know try to sponge off their celebrity get more views..but I’m just telling you this is an army of vapid empty people. you don’t want.. yes they may have money ..but really it’s like taking candy from a baby. You shouldn’t become the bad guy.

Sit down and figure out what it is you love to do more than anything and try to make a business out of it and it’s like a relationship. it’s like the relationship lasts as long as the love lasts…. and really just make work pleasure.. like figure out how to do it ..the right least read a book.. never leave the scene of a good idea without taking one little baby action ..and not be lazy but ask.. what do you really want to do? YES and how could you make money off it ?..and if you don’t like customer service then try to find some wallflower work like art. And just have your artwork sell itself. Don’t become a thief in the night ..just because it’s easy.. I mean you have to look in the mirror ..

..and you have to look into people’s forehead instead of their eyes.. when you’re talking to them.. because otherwise you would see the human in them ..and you would feel guilty for ripping them off in a scam.

you say you’re doing it just for the money but look at how you are living your life is a total lie

.. it was really exciting I found someone who was using.. one of my cartoons a profile picture.. it was ecstatic moment for me!! ..I was really really happy that somebody liked my drawing… sometimes I think that I just don’t have the energy for viral cartoons …and my energy is really closed.. it is energy is really closed around my cartoons.. I don’t want fame.. I just want someone to like them know what I mean ..even if it’s one person ..and even if it’s a regular person with a hundred followers means so much to me really does.. I don’t know if I want the attention of the left ..and I don’t want the attention of the bad guys but even the good guys ..are on the same team.. so I don’t want their attention either but it’s hard telling Who’s Who.. and sometimes I’m Smitten by charm and fabulousness ..I am ..I’m naturally attracted to it. and I think the more fabulous and charming and beautiful you are ..the less of them they are.
Yes the heroes and saviors of the game are on the same team as the bad guys they make each other look good… so you’ll never see them interacting with one of us ..only the regular people interact with regular people.. that’s how you can tell them apart..

.. they might adore us from afar.. like you know stalk Us online or something ..but they would never publicly say anything nice about you. As soon as you got fame or made money they would become very very jealous. They would try to steal it from you or get one of their guys in on your organization.. or copycat you completely.. or have the media write something false about you ..or have social media delete.. you they all work together.. even in wars they work together.

You know that saying from dark to light? While the coronavirus is the dark and they were all in on it and none of them helped us.. none of our Good Guys in Heroes helped us .

For example you know you hear stories about all these Old Kings getting executed well that’s just for show.. it’s just a look-alike ..they got you ..the bad guys always get shipped off somewhere else .. if you believe there’s Maxwell ghislaine trial going on your foolish you really are just theater it’s just drawings courtroom drawings.. that’s it.. if you really believe that these people committed suicide prison you don’t know them.. the guy Epstein probably has a new island now and he’s probably a farmer and maybe got some plastic surgery .. or maybe he’s like I don’t know lounging out by the Sea that’s why they have to have all this lockdown stuff..

You didn’t really think they’re rescuing kids in the underground’s do you? No they just used you from dark to light they just played off your emotions.. to get those in power out of power ..if they caught anybody they would be released with new identities.. from dark to light is one of the most ancient Masonic things.. it’s literally written in statues… and with their Compass.. it always says from dark to light ..that’s totally the black and white chess pieces on the chessboard.. they’re not enemies ..with each other.. they’re best friends.. they need each other.

..the heroes and the villains of every single story are them..both. in fact the good guys allow the bad guys to do a job.. that they can come and rescue everybody from later. .

..they would never ever execute the Queen of England okay one of them.. she is one of them and.. probably lives in a beautiful palace somewhere far far away..retired. but they’ll play out some horrible Fall From Grace.. or maybe even a mock execution like a peek at it ..really bad filming.. always hear the story of the romanovs being executed .the whole family ..but that’s not true ..because every single one of them has been snuck off somewhere else because they are all on the same team.. it’s a play you are watching..

.. I mean how many kings in England all have the same name like you’ll have 20 in a row history is all made up..

..only the regular people ever get executed for real.. brothers are brothers.. they have agreements and agendas they all have to follow..

..every single savior you have.. is part of the play they would never ever let a regular person be a savior ever.. and I mean ever.. especially in the news and media it’s always one of them set up to be the people’s hero.. down to the littlest lady on a bus or a child hero ..who defended his neighborhood and shot up some antifa …all of them.. they’re all on the same team ..and you can tell them from a mile away ..and just because something is shot on a cell phone ..does not mean they couldn’t make it into a Hollywood production.

.. you will never find out what happened to Ashley Babbit..never you will heal from will never ever find out.. because it’s all theater and these are just actors.. and they disappear into the night ..maybe they were real once but had faked their death in a freak accident

..and it’s very easy to figure out who they were before or who their real names are ..and just because someone has social media account where they’ve been posting Pro Trump stuff for years..doesn’t mean they are like us.

I mean if Hitler was really bad then why did he live his life in Argentina? And why are all the Nazis moved over and start a new life over here and what’s all this about Walt Disney . They weren’t valuable.. they didn’t know things normal people didn’t.. they weren’t experts.. what they were.. is players in the game they were the villains.. all this stuff about executions and gitmo.. it’s just for show none of these people are going there.. all of it is theater and they are just such hams ! Yes.. they have to play they have to get your attention ..they have to be the hero.. and everything is For Your Entertainment.

..I mean unless you are a regular person you really will be hung but if you’re one of them they just give you a new identity and Operation Paperclip and you know ..that’s how they do it.

they know the game is rigged

but if you know that is something totally different. You know I’m still waiting for the hero of the Convoy to pop out of them..I guess the lady run over by the horse didn’t quite make the audition. The camera always pans away at the critical moment. Just like the guy in front of Buffalo City Hall… the camera pans away and then all of a sudden he’s on the floor and his ears are bleeding.. It’s acting. Plus there’s these things called blood pills and if you look close at some of this footage you will see always see somebody put something in that person’s mouth that will make them bleed. Whoever’s footage didn’t show that part will probably make $28,000. And they will split the money from all the GoFundMe to support the actor victim was of the day.. it’s all a heist all of it..tens of millions.

and these people are really good at green screen courtrooms.. if you’re looking you will always find the fails..

.. it’s time we take our attention and put it to something that will benefit I..the individual. It always seems like politics puts everybody else before you know what President Trump never ever put anything else before the American people.. except when he’s playing these win them. He plays to beat them at their own game ..and he’s actually getting them to play each other and destroy each other. it’s amazing to watch. And there is no reason why we the regular people can’t try out play the game also because you know what the game has to evolve and without regular people it just dies .

..we have to get into politics.. we have to vet each other carefully ..and we have to watch the voter scams..we have to do it. And who wouldn’t want to take part in it? Because politics is the creation of reality.. and who doesn’t want to create reality? In our own image. Just like God creates us in his own image we gotta create politics in our own image because we have to strive to be more god-like.

God is not the devil upside down no not at all he’s not the Republicans versus the devil Democrats now that’s both Lucifer ..God is the REMEDY OF ALL EVIL


Lucifer is not God’s evil twin. You do not worship the light worship who made the light. And God is within you but you are not God you did not create everything but he who created everything is inside of you looking out experiencing life. You should aim at what feels good and avoid that which feels bad and if you are ashamed of something you should make it right and you should make up for it.

..what’s the point of stealing if you know what you’ve done to get your money? You know that money will fall right out of your pocket.. know what I’m going to tell you darktolight chess players ..what we want to see and that is we need some Giants or we need something new like a Titan. or something we can’t just have another hurricane.. another asteroid Another War. another disease ..this is 2022.. I mean that old stuff..fake space..fake inner…blah blah so boring we want to see some Giants.. battling some democrat Giants battling some Russian Giants or… Titans that battle in our cities and step on skyscrapers..

..we would like to see something interesting this old play is boring.. if I see another one eye symbolism or pyramid ..I’m just going to be like oh my God this game is stupid .it’s like Dungeons & Dragons. it’s boring we’ve evolved..we have grown up.

..artificial intelligence is garbage and robots it’s all hype. .. it really is it’s just the stupid machine that you program… chimera’s never live to see past few days.. and adrenochrome seems to make these people old as hell and nasty and ugly ..none of it’s beauty powers are true.. Immortal Life is how you control’s a deception. But hey some people in the game prefer to be the Goblins they like it and they feel safe these are some of the most wimpy people you’ll ever meet do you really think that they would play these villainous Parts world leader evil people Parts knowing that their life is in danger? Know the good guys are propping them up okay it’s the good guys are allowing them to be bad they are such wimps and nothing they say is what they feel it’s all scripted all of it they’re just playing a part.. even the bad guys and they make the good guys look good ..specially when they come save everybody. but you can tell them because they all have the depopulation agenda that they must that they must adhere to. And the one I New World Order is not just a bad thing it’s also a good thing the New World Order is for the good guys not the bad guys but you know of course that wherever the good guys go the bad guys are hand in hand..

I’m just saying if you were a world leader.. letting these people play these games ..they’re going to double-cross you one day ..they’ll make you the most evil man in history in a few decades.. I mean they are so jealous.. and they want all the attention .and they want to copy you and Maybe when you die. they’ll put out a body double in the morgue. and they’ll get together and they all drink your blood. I mean really these people are sick.. and if they really allow you to get power ..the entire time you were in power.. they will never allow you to build anything ..they will constantly barrage you with arguments.. and back and forth ..then me me me and heroes and saviors and villains.. they will never ever let you build America the way you want to even if you’re a master architect.

if evil is gone only good can flourish and as long as these players are allowed to play all of us inside of us will have a bad side and a good side and it’s not called balance it’s called pollution… don’t you want to be all good? All those bad thoughts. you’ve been having ..your entire life is just a reflection of these players ..on the main stage creating reality. The fact is we are in paradise ..It is not a dangerous world.. we are like perverted animals as long as these people take the stage Century after Century after Century taking everything from us all our hopes all our dreams and leading us into our demise or into our freedom by their permission.

.. and to the people who say okay I’m going to sell my soul.. but I’m going to do good you know you still have a soul.. you are a descendant of Adam especially if you haven’t taken the coronavirus vaccination you are still descended from Adam you are original human.. nobody can take that away from you.. nobody.. I don’t care what kind of signature in blood..u have could always ask Jesus to forgive you ..and he will let you know what it is you have to do to make your wrongs right . and be real ..again be human…. and you can’t be controlled by fear.. you can make your wrongs right not can ask for forgiveness.. remember ..he died for your sins and as long as you desire this.. it will be shown to you to do it ..there is no person who is dammed up to the Grave only by choice. Remember Jesus is your blood.. he’s the blood ..he’s your blood.. you have to keep it pure ..and you have to be like Hercules and battle the Hydra trying to come and parasite off you.. Jesus is also the son ..he is likevthe 🌞sun.. he is risen .. after three days of weakness every year ..if he didn’t come and save you everyday would be dead .. he is the light of knowledge where he comes to you and you can see that evil is just a lie ..he comes to you every single morning πŸŒ„. He is the world savior. And this time around he’s not a Shepherd he’s a very beloved leader. It’s not that you are born Christ it’s that you act like him and you try to be like him and you aim to be him and everybody can be a Christ in their life and help and be the light at everybody else.

..and no more genetically modifying medicines no do not want to feed the Hydra.. big Pharma big medical ..they all have to go .. even those doctors coming out that say the coronavirus vaccine is bad but the coronavirus is real they got to go to because they’re holding up big Pharma and they have many skeletons in their closet they all have to go. nothing they have done is real ..they’ve all done lies that’s what they do they are murderers and killers and perverts and they sell body parts and they poison children and give them autism ..and they’ve been doing this the entire time they’ve been in business every single plague they’ve been at the heart at. ❀️ stop accepting their blankets you will get syphilis .. they have never cured anything .. only on the news or in TV or in Hollywood they cure people but in real life they debilitate you in fact they’ve created everything bad and every disease they have created ..and even polio ..back then polio ..everything was polio there was no test for polio . so if you came in with anything it was polio.. it’s just like the coronavirus is today everything’s coronavirus …even if you get in a car accident. it’s coronavirus .. it was the same thing they were spraying all this ddt and anybody who had an illness or was all polio’s just like the coronavirus is today .and their polio vaccines spread it.. they gave people polio ..they’re the ones ..same thing with the black plague and all the plagues before it’s called ..poisoning the wells ..look it up. Look at what Bill Gates did to Africa…they did to its people.. look at what they did to the people of India.. they sterilized all these women ..and they do it over and over every single time and they get away with it..they created AIDS via the hepatitis vaccine ..and then they killed the AIDS people with more medicine Azt.. and nobody even figured it out.. and they got everybody scared to not have sex ..just like the agenda ..and it’s the same thing. and they gave people blankets with diseases on them…tested on military..blacks.. and even the Spanish Flu was the same thing’s just genocide that’s all it is ..genocide ..and Rwanda in Rwanda they gave all those men the AIDS vaccine

…Bill Gates just left ..and they told the United Nations to leave the Tootsie undefended.. and it’s basically.. they just set them up .and all you have to do.. is play a low frequency and you got the hutus so angry. .. that they chopped up their own family members ..I mean it was like a rage they didn’t know where it came from ..and they had just gotten the AIDS vaccine and then they were playing some sort of weird frequency .after they offered them all this free food at a place ..and they just went nuts for days just started hacking everybody up.. and it’s called Zombie Apocalypse ..pretty much ..they started it they created it. all these stories about vampires it’s them… all these stories about zombies it’s what they make …nothing they’ve ever taught you was true. all world history comes from the Encyclopedia Britannica ..they’ve destroyed our culture. they’ve destroyed our history ..they’ve robbed us sent everything over to England ..even our first presidents aren’t exactly who we think they are’s all mythology..

King George ..George Washington ..King ..George.. is George Washington .with wooden teeth to disguise himself it’s so simple.. when you got the wooden teeth in you look like George Washington but when you take the wooden teeth out you have King George just compare the photos .. just look at the history King George disappeared George Washington appeared.. George Washington disappeared King George reappeared magically.. look at the dates look at the time it’s all there for you..

They can repaint any founder of Any Nation .. over the old leaders and old gods and old ways they can repaint anything when you conquered Nation that’s what you do you take down statues and replace them with your own but the base of the statue is where all the secrets are just remember that there’s like time capsules inside ..
and a Founder means it was found… maybe those were angels and maybe that was Jesus …and all of a sudden every Empire that comes repaints over it ..and their own style and dress and I know they weren’t wearing clothes like that in the 1700’s and that’s a phrygian cap they’re wearing a Scythian.. cap.. and did the Romans copy this dress or was this the Romans? Surely you can’t believe that this was all done to copy the Romans as if the Romans took credit for everything civilized in the entire world it’s just not true America was an Empire way before we arrived… all of our American cities look just like the Vatican and they were all blown up with dynamite you can prove this by looking at the world’s fairs …The architecture.. been falsely attributed to the Romans and it’s not …because obviously it’s here in in America.. and look what of the Angels is carrying.. the fasces and this is in America.. in our Senate ..same thing with Michelangelo maybe he was repainting over the old gods in the Vatican ..christianizing it..maybe he didn’t paint those at all but took credit for it you have to go with the easiest answer… you have to watch the hand signals and they point you in the right direction whenever there’s a hand signal that means there is a great Heist or deception… I mean why is there a blanket over him in colonial dress .. it’s like there was a woman there before and then they just repainted American symbols on top of it and put his head on it maybe it was Athena I don’t know ..think about it. Anyways George Washington would be the light World Order he would be the savior and the villains and him would have worked together to have created this.. the good guys know that their time is short and they got a swap with the bad guys throughout all time arguing over who’s going to be the bad guy who’s going to be the good guy in the theater of life..

DC used to be called Norumbega and it was famous for its domes of gold ..and pillars of gold where did all that gold..go to? Where did it go I mean the masonry was all free it was everywhere it was free for the taking.. it was robbed we were robbed obviously..

I mean.. Statue of Liberty it’s obvious it’s the Colossus of Rhodes ..Rhodes as in Rhode Island.. you didn’t believe the Statue of Liberty was a gift from France did you and it came over on a boat? That’s completely crazy look what it is built on it’s built on a star fort. 🌟 were you so easily taken in by the Vintage Photoshop of its construction with no workers and they just erased the sky was erased.. and maybe a toy model was used also and then you have drawings of its construction and people are climbing on ropes it’s completely ridiculous.. why were you so easily taken in by an obscure Eiffel guy who never built anything before.. in his life? Follow the hand signals and they’ll show you everything. I can’t keep talking about this over and over again it’s just we got to move forward. We inherited an ancient empire and it was abandoned and half buried in mud everything was buried in mud. The White House had to be dug out of the mud it used to be called The Mud House. Where did our Jewels go where did our gold go where did our energy Tech go where did all those statues go where are the images of our history …go? We were one of the greatest empires in the Old World Order. And prehistoric ..all our history is much much more important …we are led to believe it’s like you’re blind unless you see it’re completely blind unless someone tells it to you.. and at least I told you. Because nobody ever told our ancestors.

.. he went completely missing during George Washington’s reign..and reappeared after it was ove..r if you read the story it’s Fantastical ..King George went crazy and was in an asylum locked away somewhere..during George Washington’s reign..hey if you put in the wooden teeth he becomes George Washington.. and the joke with the Freemasons is they tell it every year at their events ..I actually heard them say it …but one of their jokes is that “even in alternative History George Washington could never tell a lie “..and the whole crowd erupts in laughter. And the year that George Washington stopped being our President ..King George reappeared… . To rule over the United Kingdom ..he became sane again. Magic! Top 🎩…

..when you look deeper into our history you realize that a lot of these pictures are just pictures.. they’re just images they’re artistic reproductions..and things have may not been like they were pictured..and we’re giving this narrative which is very similar almost exact to the narrative were given today..

Cowboys and Indians nothing existed before we came along and we have no history but everybody else has history but us . and everybody else has ancient ruins.. but us we have nothing..

The United Kingdom the United States something about United makes them similar. Is it the United States or is it America? Is it the United Kingdom or is it England? There you go…
I’m going to ask you this George or is this..Cincinnati? Just..say his name.
With the wig off .
George Washington doesn’t really fit the 1790s style of dress does it?
all you have to do is replace the head of a current leader ..

it would like be putting Joe Biden’s head on top of this body..

You have to remember we are dealing with Master Liars. The most Fantastical answer was this was just a copy the ancient ways and just copy it like just imitating the Romans.


so is it a Roman Statesman or is it George Washington or is it something else?
so is it a Roman Statesman or is it George Washington or is it something else?
These people are in charge of our world history

That George Washington and our founding fathers were owned by our controllers.. or did they even exist?

Anyways we will never know this is inconclusive in unsolved but I’m just saying it’s very mysterious but I promise you if you look at the timelines of their Reigns one of them disappears… and then the other one disappears . when the other one reappears. Maybe the old Roman Statesman of America has been falsely attributed to the other.. or maybe if you took the guy on the right and put in wooden teeth his job would stick out like the left’s
Under the Library of Congress ..
That’s the year J. 650. It’s an I with a boot at the bottom. It’s not 1650. You will find this on every map every gravestone it’s not 1650 there is a J in front of it a weird character that tells you what calendar it is on.
GEORGE J 347 the year
looks familiar
782 year
the J could be for Julian calendar… seen above or the year of Jesus.. I mean your guess is as good as mine
All the cities are laid out plainly each one has a name and it’s detailed and sometimes you can see castles and towers and domes instead of cities and another thing is you see that uninhabited land it’s not because it was undiscovered electricity those parts of the United States were uninhabitable. But the Ancients.. the ancient of ancient America.. knew about electricity and that’s what the obelisks were …therefore they lit up the cities with light gathered from the atmosphere ..and all those domes and gold domes had mercury in them.. and that’s how they would gather the atmospheric electricity but we didn’t figure that out for a long time.

Cowboys and Indians do not build Vatican like structures out of solid stone with horse carts.

as it was.
..the..old world..order! In Jefferson’s own words.
populated like crazy.
False..chronological ..hey… how could everybody be in on it ?..well..look around at everybody wearing masks..
This is Boston after the great fire every city in the United States had a great fire. but fires do not do this damage. every city was bombed with dynamite ..and blamed on an earthquake or fire and you can look up no matter where you live in the United States can look this up in your own City and our history starts from there..
I have the book it’s true I also bought that book for my father. They forgot to mention that in the Ingersoll books the last president is described… the last president…

Yes .. the secrets of America are all around us if we look. It is not unpatriotic in fact it is super patriotic it is our history. That’s been stolen..

did they say the Christian era?
.. this is what wars are about ..and in the 1950s did you really think they were nuclear bomb testing in the desert ? they were blowing up ancient castles..right? Why are there beaches on Military forts with colored glass as sand it’s because they were blowing up ancient cathedrals..
Compare this Shield to the shield in Nashville ..Tennessee
in Tennessee
None of these ancient structures are designed for people of our size . With every reset we get smaller.
. all of this is 100% brought to you by Generation X.. this belongs to us! We are not the idiots you BOOMERS..made us out to be our entire lives are we?
I will let you figure out what this is in America
Living inside already ancient structures in America reality is crumbling and it’s filling a void that’s just so vast and scary but we have to fill it up. The old ways won’t do no more ..and the old lies wont work no more and all the stories we’ve been told have to go ..cuz they just weren’t true.

These people create the problem then bring you the solution and they have their people create the problem and then they bring you the solution so good and bad guys are both on the same team. But you look at it as right from wrong good and evil when they are both evil.. they make each other look good. and they can’t be in power without the other the heroes in the villains of every story ..are on the same team.. but there’s one thing that they fear the most and that is the people… now the chess board has black and white teams …good and evil ..and the chessboard itself has black and white tiles ..meaning they both do good and evil in their conquest of the king.. but the whole game is evil it’s just competition it’s like sports and you are watching it… they have one agenda.
They will never let a regular person be a hero… all of your Heroes today are one of them ..all of your Martyrs all of your child Warriors ..they are all them. they would never let any regular person be famous. As soon as something is popular that’s when they pop up as one of you.. all of the donations you’ve given thinking you feel sorry for the victims you’re just giving money to them these are all heists..even today.
Salt Lake City was founded that means it was found.. it was not built.
Ruins all over America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

..and I said this from the start but everything that President Trump does is real ..and all our history is fake.. but President Trump’s history is real.. and we have to protect it ..because these people will be so jealous ..they will destroy it in no time and they will take credit for everything of course. I mean you’ve seen what they’ve done with Ukraine it’s all fake what do you think they’ve done to our world history? What do you think they’ll do with our future history they can make anybody into anything they want.. they can turn our TRUE ❀️ HEROES into villains… but what they hate…the most is Outsiders playing in their game they hate that the most..

. this is a Biblical script they are playing for us why can’t we make it real .and and make it for the Battle of our souls inside? Are we individuals …or are we the demons enslaved in Chains writhing around foaming at the mouth trying to get off masturbating just hanging off the walls in Chains in cages waiting for Master to bring some bugs. We have people don’t need these players anymore. We are in charge of our own Destinies and that’s what President Trump promised us…

I mean this when I say this ..but George Washington has nothing ..nothing on President Trump… George Washington only wishes he could have the history as glorious as president trumps.. you have to believe me.. I know a few things. The difference is believing in a fairytale versus seeing and living it now and watching it and it’s the best time for Humanity ever to be alive. All we have is mythology and fairy tales but everything we have with Trump is the true history..he is real!

President Trump does not need those secret societies to make him look good ..he doesn’t need Hillary Clinton to look good… he just needs the freedom to rebuild America way better than it’s ever been. He needs to be an architect for us and build beautiful bridges and federal buildings and parks and water fountains and take care of our water and liberate our inventions and bring back free energy and bring back blimps.. I don’t know there’s so many things I want him to do ..He is already good he’s already beloved he already has everything he does not need for the players in the game strutting around . He doesn’t need four more years of Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer.. he doesn’t need any of that.. he doesn’t need any of that doesn’t make him look better. .. and it does give people a sense of competition and black versus white ..but there is another competition Americans want to do and that is building back the best better than all the other countries . .people don’t need that strife of another four years of Democrats versus Republicans… they already love him. Without that. He could be the winner of the greatest game ever if life and he could find other Rivals that are more powerful than small town politics …he’s the center of everything.. for a lot of people.. most Americans . he’s so beloved. if you are reading this in another country not believe what is on the news is not reflect us .most Americans love President Trump and most Americans are good.

.. and the original energy of America was goodness… and it definitely didn’t start with George Washington ..America is eternal..prehistoric.. and it was one of the greatest Empires ..before we came along.. and none of this is known because …the parasites and their jealousy and they’ve taken it. .. and they blown everything up so we could never know but they didn’t blow up everything and the truth is everywhere around us you just have to have eyes that see. Let’s just say it’s all been repurposed


I have been vetted!0 I am the real thing and I am the real thing and I know it

I was calling him smart because he says all of this has something to do with NATO
his boobs look weird I’m just saying is there a scar there? Shouldn’t the nipples be up higher is he showing off his trans surgery or something? Why is that person wearing a hazmat suit? It’s all theater it’s all fun and games. It’s like Justin Trudeau wearing many different costumes..this is what they do..
Well they have to switch over to the new system somehow don’t they?
You need somebody who can appear convincing especially after they play the president.. it was all pre-planned.. like a magic trick for the people strictly for entertainment.
Mr. Stem cell himself John McCain
UkraineπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ so quiet 🀫

.all of this brought to you by Genx. We have had it with the lies and the phony wars all the Boomers have been having.. all of our lives like attention Hogs. They are such drama queens I’m watching everybody freaked out because they think there’s going to be a nuclear war it’s pretty funny.. we’ve been through it..

. Yeah generation X will see through all the lies we’ve been through this stuff…

. I definitely do not want to be on Hillary Clinton’s side or George Soros.. or Rachel Maddow…

..even mainstream conservatives like Fox news is saying that we should all pray for Ukraine.. and even President Trump in his last rally was saying something similar but that just proves my point is you can’t go by words spoken.. you kind of have to read between the lines and this is an example of what I was saying.. is sometimes if you are a leader have to say what the group thinks the crowd…even though you don’t think so ..or know better… President Trump isn’t just the leader of us but he’s also the leader of those in The Matrix …but you can put little hints here and there. For the intellectuals and for history ….You have to make up your own mind. Just because somebody you look up to saying something you disagree with ..doesn’t mean they really believe it themselves ..and sometimes when you speak you have to kind of reflect with the masses are thinking for the moment. You never want to the enemy to know what you are thinking also.. because in the game you can exactly show your strategy.. and you only can fight one battle at a time. So for those who Pick-A-Part Trump’s words just know that he’ll tell you without telling you.. he’ll use phrases ..he’ll put things together that don’t belong together you can figure it out for yourself. You cannot ever turn your back on him.. for one thing he said. That you didn’t agree with ..because he says a lot of things. that we don’t agree with all the time .. praying for Ukraine is just one of them ..and it’s just he’s playing honey With the Enemy that’s all. Trump is an outsider he is a regular person. He is one of us..but smarter. And he doesn’t need to hold our hand and explain everything to us.. we are very smart

Reality is going to be falling apart pretty soon and all we will be left is is a void that we can fill with something entirely new and good. The old way was evil. Haven’t you always waited for the other half of your life to start.. where everything works out good ..and you are rewarded ..and you can actually succeed in life? The old way you would never succeed.. you would always be kept down ..Regular People Like Us would never ever make it. We would be poisoned ..we would be lied to it would go on ..and on scammed no rights everything taken away …I mean .you don’t want that …do you?

Things had to change and I hope you can see that the only way that this could have happened was for the things that have happened ..because it was getting so bad had to stop ..somebody had to do something ..and a lot of people did ..but in the game of Good and Evil

.. evil always trails along ..that’s the thing you got to stop playing the game of Good and Evil… life is the absence of all evil ..that’s what it’s supposed to be I understand where we all have all been mistaken.. but from now on you know.

I mean honestly what would a regular person do if they all of a sudden had something the entire world wanted ..including all the evil people? If they wanted what you had ..they would try to buy it.. they would offer you millions of dollars in cash.. and we have been broke all of our lives . I mean a lot of us wouldn’t be so good at times like that ..and we made be good all the time ..but we might be caught at one weak moment.. and maybe back in the day.. when it was cool to be bad ..and everybody was bad it’s not looking so good know it’s not too late you can turn back time can make your rights wrong.. but you have to prove that you’ve made your rights wrong ..and you have to come clean and you have to bring proof positive of your knowledge of evil ..and who’s the ringleader.. and bring proof and you got to help the people .. not in a communist way I mean the people but in the individual way you have to bring proof positive to the individual ..the regular people ..the Angels have to help them out we are the Angels.. and my have we fallen ..and we got to get back up and just be good again… it doesn’t matter where you came from or what you’ve done we are all sinners.. all of us ..some more than others ..and some evil may be at fewer times in our lives or maybe some our entire lives ..a little evil.. or maybe a lot of people in one short time..super evil.. but whatever it is we’re all together ..and we have to come together as individuals ..and not parts of collectives ..clans..colors..or Bloodlines or secret societies ..we have to come part individual ..all of us and ..nobody is more important than me.. you have to say.. that you have to believe that.. and I need to be represented in government.. and I’m not asking for much ..I just want my rights to be absolutely protected ..and I don’t need permission to drive a car.. I don’t need to get a license.. I am free to travel without it.. I don’t have to pay paycheck tax.. and all this other crap and all this regulations.. red tape and birth certificate we are free.. we don’t need a birth certificate.. we don’t need an ID ..we are free people .. of course you can get one it’s voluntary though ..we can use our own judgment. Women will look to their men more instead of to the government and Family Matters can be handled within the family.. and the neighbors can help each other out.. as they used to before government came along.. like we can all be good again… we can actually start a business and make a fortune ..and it’s all ours ..we can buy a home and nobody will ever bother us our entire lives about it .it’s ours ..and we could pass it down to whoever we want to pass it down without permission.. we will discover that we are so rich we don’t know what to do with our money in we’ll just give it to each other if we want to ..whatever brings us value …we pay for everything we want.. our money can be gold coins..or bars..or jewels.. it could be pure silver coins.. it could be pure copper coins.. it could be diamonds and rubies and cacao beans ..I mean whatever..a horse..a mule..some organic veggies! We don’t even need to pay for the label organic can just be organic. Spraying crops does shit

for-profits we don’t have to have anybody snooping around. asking us stuff ..we can just do what we want.. we could put anything on the label ..we want ..because when you leave people alone.. they are good.. they are good and things travel ..Word of Mouth. The only evil people come with this evil system. 😈

..and think about this new world order.. I mean do you know what a huge responsibility this is ? Yes..and you understand how lazy that evil people are ? Yes they’re so lazy.. there’s no way they would even want to rule the it’s just not in their nature.. they are introverts ..they just like talking big and bragging.. whatever . ..they hate on things.. they’re jealous and envious.. and what they’re most scared of.. is us ..and they don’t want to be the center of attention ..because they hate themselves.. I mean think about it ..this is a huge task to control the world can’t do it without the good people.. the good leaders ..the black and white hats know all on the same team ..the black and white hats are on the same team.. so it’s up to the white hats to control the world ..and maybe it’s the black hats that brought it in through fear.. I don’t know ..but they’re definitely working together.. and I’m just saying ruling the world is not in their interest ..they..are slothlike hermit creatures because they’ve had to hide their crimes all their lives and they feel like regular people can read all of their sins on their faces so they hide in darkness… it’s too big of a responsibility.. none of these people are good at what they do ..they pay people to do it for them .. with money that they’ve robbed or scammed ..and the thing is ..when you pay people and they aren’t true believers’re just paying them it’s kind of like a weak energy… and even the evil people are controlled by this creepy old family from Transylvania I mean really don’t you think they Envy their masters? Don’t you think they want their castles for themselves?

it’s not just a revolution …it’s not just a revolution of black versus white.. of good versus evil .of democrat versus Republican ..of Generation X versus Boomers.. it’s also a revolution of the Puppet Masters..against the elite old-money families ..that have robbed Every Nation on Earth and taking the credit for every thing. You don’t think their little puppets are pissed off at them? I mean Envy is as Envy does.

I was watching a 1940s crime film and the theme of the plot .is there’s always a scam. there’s always somebody ready to steal the jewels.. and murder if they have to.. and set up the nice husband with the crime..

..there’s a lot of humans out there who took some bloody oaths… they cross their fingers behind their backs when they took those outs ..them saying ..I’m just doing this so I can do good in the world but now’s your chance.. you know a leader isn’t led by anybody.. a leader leads others…

There’s No Agenda this future..every situation is different ..and every situation has a different answer in problem solving. . You do not need a secret society to keep the threads of reality afloat.. the people can do this organically.. on their own ..with their own Heroes.. their own missions ..their own desires ..and we need a leader a Shepherd to watch over us that’s it and protect us.. imagine musicians singing what they created themselves and not having an Illuminati hit on them? America would see great Heroes that would be world-famous and morality would come back and entertainment would be different.. it would be what inspires us and what teaches us . how to be our best..

The United States incorporated was a great experiment. It taught us how not to be ..and we got to go back to the way things were before!

There would be no more involuntary celibates.. life would improve. Remember God hates Abominations and they won’t last. The only help satanic people ..get is from each other that’s all the ideas they get bad ideas.. or ideas stolen from us ..they have had the knowledge of right wrong..taken away from them ..on how to do anything. And remember evil is a cancer that grows inside and they will fly away from this plane.. of their own free will ..because that’s where their guilt would take them ..unless they come clean.

So if it’s okay with you.. I’m not going to take a side on Ukraine or Russia I’m just going to opt out. I suggest you do too. Think about what matters to you as an individual. I know they like to use fear but think about it.. why would Americans be scared about Ukraine and Russia that is so far away ? Why…? Yes..and it has nothing to do with us. In fact none of these games.. we don’t even know what it’s about ..we have nothing to do with it..we don’t know and we can try and figure it out like a game like a puzzle .. until the next big thing comes along and all of these things all of our lives are still unresolved .. and that’s how the game works it’s supposed to confuse you forever and ever so why play anymore? ..yes..but you know what.. why don’t we figure out the puzzle of our own simple lives?

President Trump’s energy is the greatest of all time ..but if we look at our own lives.. we all have little versions of trump.. all around us our children.. in our family members.. and you know just focus on your life ..and I know it’s not what everybody is thinking.. but yes it is what everybody is thinking ..we all have families ..we all have children ..we all have friends.. so let’s look for the answers each other instead of on the main big stage where all the attention Hogs are. And there are many many stages around the world also ..that we can give our attention to.. that actually might do something for us.. instead of entertain.

What is it you want to do ..if you knew you could not fail.

..what may come up is a silly I want to be a ballerina or something like that.. and you know you’re like 30 years old and on the couch a lot …no..doesn’t look realistic at the moment .. but that’s a bad thought that’s been keeping you from your goal..but that’s okay.. because that’s not unrealistic could simply take ballet lessons off the internet your living room.. you don’t even have to do a full hour . it could be 15 minutes of it . Or you could just watch it that would be a baby step..and I know that that is a baby step closer to your goal and that’s how you start with baby steps.. and in that 15 minutes something will happen a door will be opened..

but you have to know what it is you want what is it that you really really really want

… as long as you know you take baby steps. tiny tiny baby steps that direction.. as crazy as your goal is ..and unrealistic as it it’s what you want to do right? So you just take baby steps ..simple baby steps ..even if it’s a phone call to find out about X ..or where.. or even if it’s looking something up on the Internet.. you’ve taken a baby step towards it.. all you need is one baby step.. that’s it and you got to do that one little tiny baby step.. and every day do that baby step.. and with each baby step you take it will be so amazing for you.. you will find out what Joy truly is..

… you could be like an ugly old hag and decide..hey.. I want to be beautiful.. so you take a baby step just brush your hair more often ..or you buy one little thing towards your beauty one little thing at a time.. and with each baby step comes a feeling of renewal and rejuvenation but you must take the baby steps which are very tiny and maybe look at yourself in the mirror.. that could be a baby step. Maybe that’s something you’ve been avoiding for many years now.. do not think of what you are avoiding think about what you want to be. Do not think of the excuses think of the feeling you get when you think about that item you want…

..and it’s better if you don’t know the answers ..because the answers will come… with every little baby step you take.

..Yes..what do I want more than anything? Is I want to be an amazing political cartoonist ..I want to be the very best there is. I don’t want to work for a newspaper. I don’t want to be a player in the dark to light white World Order ..light World Order.. New World Order ..evil world order ..I don’t want any of that . I just want to be a good political cartoonist and I want people hundreds of years from now to look back and say wow this is amazing.. and I do the best I can and I try ..and I think I want to overcome my Rush impatience because sometimes I put will put out a cartoon way before it’s ready to go out ..and I need more patience.. so I want more patience.. and I want more time.. and I want to spend more time and I want to relax more. And I do want a day off I don’t think I’ve ever taken a day off from political cartoons but I think I want a day off but only because it will make my political cartoons better ..because sometimes I just have other things.. I need to focus and work on ..and I do have a big family and I’m always wrapped up in the news ..and I just want one day where I can relax ..and do nothing and maybe go on telegram all day and night if I want to.. Yes..literally the past 6 years ..not a day has gone by when I haven’t stressed out about the political cartoon for the day.. and just because I didn’t put one out ..didn’t mean I was racking my head over it ..every single day.. and I think I just need one day off.. and maybe I’ll be even more productive and consistent..

..there is a reason I like to relax. I just find daily toil worrisome.. errands..relationships.. house cleaning’s sometimes very overwhelming and I know sleep is important ..and I don’t get enough.. I haven’t dreamed in years like I used to. It’s been 10 years since I stopped having flying carpet dreams.. so I used to dream flying carpets..for real . And it’s not that easy it’s very exhausting and it takes a lot of energy to ride in a carpet in my dreams sometimes I wake up and I’m sweating ..and I was flying in a lot of my dreams.. and I was going to places sometimes very dark places.. and I would find lost souls and touch them and turn them back to God.. sometimes they just needed a touch on the shoulder and they would go back to the light.. I would see these souls in crypts..just dribbling away w insanity ..and I would put my hand on them.. and they would see the light and go to heaven.. I would have this dream over and over again.. and I would wake up exhausted I stopped having those dreams..

.. I used to have these strange dreams where I would be in the dark city ..and I would always lose my wallet .. or I would try to call somebody in my cell phone didn’t work my cell phone never worked in a dream ..or I would be looking for something very important to me.. or I would be missing a plane.. like anxiety dreams I don’t have those anymore..

I and very in control of my Delta State like for a long time I was eating raw cacao beans grounded up like in hot chocolate or in medjool dates. The beans. and what happened is I would have a lot of energy than I would take a nap and then I would wake up. and it would still be in Delta and it’s the most Blissful joyous feeling you’ve ever felt.. and when I was working at the law office I used to come home I was the latest who left everyday and the earliest who showed up so I worked a lot and then I came home and I would take a nap on the couch and I would go into the state… Delta is the best ever and I knew that I was sleeping and I knew that I was not awake.. and I could think’s just an amazing feeling I really miss having those naps and I feel like I wasn’t taking advantage of them and maybe I should educate myself on some tricks I can use to manifest some things in my life by feeling happiness around it.

There was also a period of my life for 2 years I would basically talk to the sun everyday.. talk to the Moon everyday the Cycles the sun across the sky every night. and in the winter and summer it had a different path ..and I used to communicate with the stars in the night and the grass in the forest I don’t do that anymore..

.. all work and no play makes Jack a Dull Boy. it’s very true’s so true that you know sometimes these goals can be compulsions.. and it’s all you can think about . and you can’t take a break or you going to miss something. and everything around you falls apart.. and you know sometimes you can’t remember the last time you were truly in love..🍌..

..when I was a teenager I found true joy to happiness true everything it was the most beautiful experience of my life. when I read 75 books a year.. all classic literature.. I mean I’ve never been so happy in my life. My expertise was French literature and I went on to study the lives of the greatest courtesans the world has ever known and let me tell you what an adventure.. it was a very slippery slope and I found myself attracted to books I should have never been attracted to.. every day I was reading Emile Zola everyday I was reading Tolstoy everyday I was reading Thomas Hardy every single day.. I was reading on the bus at home on my break. I was always reading I would go to the park and just read all day.. I would read volumes and volumes . and it was like I did this for ten years straight ..and I didn’t watch TV shows.. during that entire 10 years and it was the best time of my life .. every night I fell asleep listening to classical music on the radio ..I was wrapped up in another time ..another era and I was privy to a lot of the secrets of the world. I knew everything on what a Victorian household entailed but I couldn’t manage my own household ..My house was clean .. because all I did was lie in bed reading ..and reading hours and hours in my private room.. and I never let any man in my room.. it was just my books. I truly understand what autism is it’s just when the world is so ugly you just want to know turn it of… the real world is just unbearable.. to even look at it’s so flat and Dead.. compared to the beauty of these masterpieces like Victor Hugo.

Like that movie Somewhere in Time with Christopher Reeves I just fell in love with characters from a Faraway place in the past. And all of my favorite authors I wound up visiting in Paris . . I went to their homes and visited their gravestones and I had definitely my moments… their stories are priceless. I’ve been to Balzac’s house ..Hugo’s house touched his furniture saw his stained glass windows his big giant bed…Dumas..

.. if I could go back in time I would ..but nowadays I got work to do money to πŸ’°make and politics and I’m connected with the world that way ..and it’s a new feeling. the new interest .. I’ve been pretty consistent conservative activist since 2003 ..and I’ve always been an artist deep down.

I honestly don’t see romance on the menu for me. Just no one’s good enough.. that I know that’s it. I have to be perfect in order to attract Perfection and right now I just want to throw myself into work.. and not care about my body or anything like that.. like I used to. When I was younger.. my body was everything. I was so fit and always so skinny ..and on the perfect diet and only ate fruit.. only ate raw vegan .. I still do but sometimes my body doesn’t match up to my will ..i only ate healthy only.. and to farmers markets and gyms.. and walked around in high heels and expensive dresses.. things are different now..

I used to have lots of friends ..a roommate I loved so much..and parties all the time ..people all around me day and night.. boys like crazy ..girls like crazy.. music’s concerts..bars.. I don’t have any of that anymore ..I just have a small family life now. I mean my heaven is my couch ..I’m on it all the time ..I never drive anywhere ..I don’t want to.. I just want to be at home. This entire pandemic . ..nothing has changed for me nothing. I mean this whole lockdown thing did nothing for my daily routine I’ve always been happy by myself. I am an INFJ

I’m the real thing . We are considered The Advocates meaning we always advocate for somebody …and help them out ..and support and we do everything for free.. our ideal partner is the opposite ..the popular hero. we are attracted to Heroes and saviors ..and they are attracted to us.. because we can see their greatness. We are also famous for the permanent door slam if hurt πŸšͺ

INFJs are usually high achievers and excel in academics and the workplace. They can be perfectionists at times and tend to put a great deal of effort into their work.’s funny because when I’m on social media I always say the nicest things to people and I really really mean them.. I’m like the nice comment Fairy..I don’t know why big tech..they gives me such a bad hard time..

When an Infj sees a heroic’s like time stands still.. I see a hero’s like everything in my mind stops I have to focus.. and I would do anything to protect them because I get so much out of it by following them watching them hearing them talk and there are so many good Heroes around like President Trump Matt gaetz Devin Nunes and it’s like I just get filled up with good feeling chemicals when I hear their good ideas. πŸ‘.. and in my comment everyday interactions One in a Million chances I’ll meet somebody who is just totally different independent strong-willed heroic kind has good morals and I’ll be whisked off my feet.

Now a popular hero would not be attracted to someone in similar in personality.. they would need somebody who believes in them.. not an extrovert themselves…that would be like the difference between President Trump when he was with Ivana versus when he was with Melania ..he gets a lot better with Melania ..because she’s an introvert and he’s an extrovert do you understand? And she looks up to him like he is like the sun.. because introverts are attracted to extroverts like a naked body is to the Sun..

Injf people are heroic beings. And we’ll be there with them when no one else will be.. and they will Outlast everybody else in loyalty.

we are Advocates

All or nothing. For the hero.

Yes. Everything. Except the vampire part
Actually I think that’s the Generation X theme .. we’ve been watching Boomers our entire life look down on us and lie to us and believe in their own little fairy tales we just got to tell them!
We are here to help. To solve problems. To support. I am a True Believer in Maga.

HEY.. when I said the good and bad guys are on the same team ..I mean that they split the money… everybody gets a cut.. the good AND the bad guys …both.. get a cut…. πŸ’‹

Yes..this is what President Trump’s can bring back ..he’s the only one who can do it.. I know this for sure.


…Maybe just maybe the USA states are named after the old rulers of America I’m just saying…

…Maybe we should call New York City in the new world …TRUMP City? MAYBE WE CAN DO THAT.

…so to sum up what I said above George Washington was really King George and what we think of is George Washington the likeness..statues…mural in senate…on the dollar bill..his name is Cincinnati.. and in Roman times ..well…that narrative..he was like the Emperor of America.. it our biggest secret. Brought to you by gen x. Look around. The proof will show itself to you.

I hope you like my short story. I have a big imagination.

They tricked you!

And remember that the Romans were also inheritors of the ancient structures they didn’t build them and they also told their people they built it and they didn’t..


.🐴.DEAR CRITICAL DRINKER AND NERDTRONIC REVIEWER..TYPES..🐴.oh and you have to see the new MATT FROM Quantum of conscience video it’s absolutely incredible the title is..up above.

..he says all of our institutions are destroying themselves on purpose.. no …this is one of his genius moments …this explanation makes total sense… all of our institutions are destroying themselves on purpose …on purpose ..on purpose ..on purpose… not by accident….

Yes.. so you got to get ready.. because the world’s business is going to fall on us.. and if we don’t have nothing.. we have nothing… so maybe you can get a little Amish …I mean we got to go back to being honest Amish.. again …it’ll be fine everything will be fine …if everything collapses will go back to being Amish…figuratively…we will live like them…

…This is why we need God! @#$!