Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Hillary Clinton Hunter Biden Washington Post op-ed political editorial cartooning

Hillary Clinton Hunter Biden Washington Post op-ed political editorial cartooning

Hillary Clinton Hunter Biden Washington Post op-ed political editorial cartooning post thumbnail image
political cartoon Hillary Clinton

I don’t know why but this mention on gab totally made my day and it made my night and it made my week
Almost everybody I know can’t comment on groups they can only comment on each other’s comment I mean everyone’s talking about it being a coordinated effort.on Facebook
I never noticed the wings is that the owl of the flag of tartary? Molech is a golden calf. Not an Owl.
Well I thought that came to mind is and this is just story time, is that if people- bad people hurt children to the stupid owl of like Bohemian Grove.. and what a perfect spot to do it for the globalists ?

hey I’m just collecting memes and this is what people are talking about.. I’m just giving you a peek.. I collect memes and sometimes gives give a short story on them, Im not necessarily saying this, but this is what comes to my mind in my imagination, looking at ..memes.’

I collect them so don’t get offended I’m just telling you what people are talking about and its like writing a spy novel. I really love political propaganda of history and I think these memes are works of art ..sometimes just what they say and what they don’t say. Maybe I’ll write a short story .

Ok this Owl flying, the great sacrifice, of the globalists? Ok theory number 1 is all the globalists who were allowed to run amok, like the devil being let out to play, are allowed to because, they need to be caught in the act. Allow them to commit treason to..well. Execute them. Is Joe Bidens inauguration, going to be a great sacrifice. Trump did bring back the federal hanging law. That’s fiction number 1. Now number 2, is that Joe Biden will be allowed to be executed by, someone they will say is a patriot. Like Antifa dresses up like a Trump supporter..and commits this horrific sacrifice, to be blamed on Trump supporters. And Then Kamala will be the first black woman president, Like her husband brags?


There’s benevolent counter secret society..groups that are really good..that are around..Ron Paul may be one. I’ve been saying this since 2016 there are secret societies that are Angelic.. and do works of good and God.. that counter the bad ones.. so don’t always look at this stuff as evil, these secret clubs. They are both good and evil, just like society.. Yes sometimes evil likes to co-op stuff and culturally appropriate myths legends and they even move stuff around geographically… and sometimes the symbols they could have double meanings and if it was known it wouldn’t be a secret.

There are angels watching over you, ruling you. Helping you.

Now I did two tarot readings for entertainment. I am really good at them. Who will win, this war. And the first time I got the two of swords. The second time, I only do one a day. I got two of pentacles. So right now, the cards tell me there is a equal force of good and evil, in play. And the winner is not in sight yet. If it was easy it would say different. It could go two ways. Noone knows the future. This is the final battle of good and evil. So bet on both, but hope good wins, it always does. But as right now, the energy is halved. Until something different happens, declass or trials, it could go two ways. The war is on. Good may win, or evil, dont underestimate evil.

The deception is so magnificent, the fear strong. The believers legion. It will take a big show, to change the energy. I feel good may have alot going for it. But evil may do something like shut off all power so noone will be able to witness..they have many tricks up their sleeve. I am just using examples based on rumors and whispers. I dont know. I love to use imagination. Dont be offended. I am just having a good time writing fiction in this blog. Imagination time. I love to write. These memes are online. For you to look at. Lets!

So its like a prison, isnt it. Keeping people on the inside. WHO? High profile criminals?
I dont know what this is, social distancing tents, or little places for people to sit with their backs turned? Look at the chairs, they are turned around?
WOw, a parking lot? A barrier? A movie screen projector?
what is it REALLY they dont want you to see? Is it they dont want you to see the antifa false flag? Or dont they want you to see, the military executions?
I have several of these posts. Yogurt, Salads, Fruits all over the world are testing positive. But ice cream. Oh. That was from GAB TRENDS. It was the cover story, So dont blame me.

Now this is from 1991 card game. Vote for…someone who has been executed? Or does it mean, that you can put someone away and a deep fake is inserted on tv? And the body double, gets put in a basement or something? Or that you can be hiding in airforce one flying around for days meanwhile your Body Double Personality makes speeches/ Note how his neck looks different. I hear thats always a way to tell.

A plague of demons around the capitol, pretending to be Trump supporters, dressed up as them, but really communists? Or just plain old devil worshippers doing their voodoo? Why 50 k troops for an event that is..virtual? Maybe there will be a fighting war on the steps trying to save the criminals, being kept inside? I am just story writing for a movie screenplay. Maybe all the forces of hell will be battling and there will be a week of blackouts everywhere so normal americans, cannot see or fathom, All cellular, internet turned off, as to not alarms the gentle lambs at home. The innocence. Hide your wives. Stay indoors. Do not answer the door.

Many demostrations have been in front of the capitol. This could be a tactic, a distraction or a set up. If the card is played with a plot card.

Interesting times. Noone knows the future. Things are so weird, that even the masters have no idea whats going on. Their communications been blocked. They lost their laptops and emails.

What can get granny to kill? oh, INTOLERANCE…we have to accept every weird thing or else we are intolerant.

Could this be like.. the Jupiter Saturn conjunction? Like planning for and by them, doing great events, by the stars? Astrology, and important dates, both the wicked and the good follow?

This can mean several things. I see Candles and some sort of skull ritual magic or it could be you see this in the window after a KNOCK ON YOUR DOOR? Thinking you are safe. But you are not. He could be coming for you, or he could be the avenger..or she…or it..Zee?
You have no idea how evil these people are. And you have NO IDEA how good these angels are. They can crumble a weak man and ruin him forever. And the angels, they can stop evil in their tracks, with just a smile. And the sword of strife versus the sword of truth. Be a man, and take the arrows. Dont let them beat you. Dont retreat.
I need your help Grandpa. Be with me. Witness world history through my eyes. Your memory will live on in eternity with me. I will see you in Heaven. Greet me there.

So how else will our President be able to talk to us? What is he going to tell us. Goodbye? Or will he declass some things? Or will we witness a trial? Will he wish Joe Biden good luck? Or will he play us some videos, showing us their crimes, of the worldwide human trafficking of kids for money? Noone knows. Anything could happen. Even the tarot cant tell me. Its the battle of good and evil. The demons will come out, they will knock on doors, so dont open it. The angels will be there for your protection. Dont be deceived.

So, only your mind is all that is left. Be right with it. Be right will all that is good. And benevolent. Dont look back or you will be turned to stone. Look forward. All will be forgiven or exposed. You will be saved or damned. Choose now.

And thank you for letting me write. I did go to school for humanities. In an ancient old world castle. That is disguised as a college. With a statue of George Washington outside. I know how to write. Forgive me. I have an active imagination. I like to explore.

I dont believe in anything but me and all that is good. Angelic. Helpful. Loving, sweet, right, nice, pretty. I love beauty and I love GOLD. I love the sun. The flowers, the statues of titans and the structures of Giants, I love. I love this paradise we live in, this unmoveable plane, solid underneath our feet. And I love the stars above us rotating like a perfect clock. I love electricity, lightning and machines that you dont have to plug in or recharge. I would love to skype one day with a black mirror. I love water towers. With Fresh spring water to every house and city center recharged for health. I love 432 hertz music. I love cathodes and cathedrals. I love griffins and Lions. For every evil, there is good. And they are everywhere equally right now. Fighting for domination. 1000 years of peace coming? Or One world Global communism. You decide. Crazy spinning Ball, or paradise? Everything in balance, or duking it out?

And you can change destiny. What you thought was permanent, Can be changed in the blink of an eye. Evil can vanish and curses can be lifted, just by a poem. You have complete control. Just whatever you do. NEVER LOOK BACK. You dont have to live with evil within. It can be killed in a moment. Time is nigh. Your life will change forever. In a few weeks. See yourself on the other side, looking back at you.

Love people. Love your enemy when they come to the door and the lions jaws will be shut, for you will be blameless. Or Slaughter evil, like the archangel michael, with his sword or like apollo…with his arrows. Or be like the sheep, protected by the shepherd. That can be a good thing. Be with your family. Tell them you love them. Make your wrongs right. Be honest and stop doing voodoo manipulation. Or be crafty and hit from the back. Whatever it takes. When evil knocks, bring a rose or the smile of the alice in wonderland cat. Do : whatever: with a smile on your face. All of us are being tested. All secrets about you will be known, or all secrets about you, you will be SAVED FROM. Youve been waiting for this all your life. A second chance. A new slate. A new start. Wiped clean. Saved. Or damned. So choose wisely.

You can pay for electricity your whole life like a slave. Or your home itself can get the tech, to harness it itself. And no more plugs. Objects, work without it. Technology like you wouldnt believe, like in the ancient engravings of the gods. Your head can light up like a lightbulb like the old saints, you can too have it. Or forever you will be in darkness trying to watch netflix with 2g, thats metered. You can drink fresh spring water in your tap…or pay the city for fluoridated water, you have to pay for. Each Month. On time, or you get bad credit score. Clean warm air or cold poisoned lined skies. You can fly spirit airlines and be yelled at.. for your mask slipping, or instead, fly in a fancy giant blimp..that can be your choice of travel. You just walk up the steps to the empire state building to board. Instead of thru TSA. You only pay 50 dollars. Instead of 800. You choose.


I hope you like my short story. Everything on my blog is a short story. I have to remind constantly because sometimes my ideas…people may judge me as a person. There is no limit to imagination. Its not an auto biography. I am blameless. Sometimes I write horror other times political thrillers or sometimes, science fiction..a new kind of. I am in love with Marilyn Monroe. I love mythology. I love histories mysteries as pertains to AMERICA. Bring back America. No more United States. Thats not its true name. Say her name.

No more magical costumed actors. I like the real thing. Its far..grander. Bring back the saviors. Bring back the knights. Rescue the innocence. Every person, save the world, by themselves. Each. WHAT CAN YOU DO< THAT WILL SAVE THE WORLD? You have to ask to get the answer.

Now that…

LOOK AT THAT BEAUTY, the structure. WOWZA That style isn’t GRECO ROMAN at all. Please. That is ALL AMERICAN. Rome copied us. We have the living ruins, right here. Theirs are dead. Polluted with Demons. Don’t believe fake history, ask for the blueprints and see proof of construction and look for the workers and vintage photoshop clues.

Tunnels or underground cities buried in the great flood? Domes and towers, down there? Gold jewels, statues of the perfect male body? When a news story shows you what the undergrounds are, they will always show you a drippy wall so you lose interest They are HIDING the majesty for themselves

I remember him. That’s right, He is Antifa. Posing as a Qanon person. Why do they always hire the antifa greats? They are ruined once their mugshots are posted all over Andy Ngo’s twitter. They are useless. You cant re use them for pretend trump supporters, these are high profile arrests. Everyone knows their name. They are no longer effective. Boy are they bad at “organizing!” Saul of Rules for Radicals would be ashamed. Mr. Alinksy has a special chapter on this. Dont reuse protesters for protests later on. The devil no longer is interested in them. Or maybe part of their deal of letting them go back on the streets, was that they had to sign up for this day. Against their will or not. Who knows. He is probably so addicted to super meth, that they supply him , in the tents before hand. He doesn’t know what he is doing. Imagine him carrying a flag, of his enemy, while committing a crime. Its a false flag. Imagine what he feels like wearing a Trump supporter outfit, in a crowd that would put any Antifa protest, to shame. How he must have felt. Like a Trump supporter, for one day. A few minutes. Feeling patriotic in spurts. Being right, all warm inside.. for a few hours.. Wow. Its like role playing. He must have felt, a little bit better as a person, for a few minutes. Then angry. Why, why is he doing this, He must be raging at his controllers. WHY WHY did you do this to me. Look what you have turned me into. LOOK WHAT I HAVE DONE FOR YOU. I want my money. 1k is not enough. I did what you told me. Bail me out. They must have given him a haircut and a shower, to look clean. a Makeover. I bet he took a selfie. Damn I look good. But look at his thick neck. I bet he felt all American in spurts. Signaling to his controllers, look, its me. I AM ANTIFA> This is what I do. Its so fucked up. Boy, these people are evil. This is Evil. I am evil I just want my money!! Look ma! I am at the capitol! Wait. Never mind ma. Please dont see me doing this shit. I am…cobra commander army! Am I the baddie Ma? Where is food not bombs. I am hungry. Oh wait, we just get a small bag of chips? Thats it? Cant wait to trash the hotel when I get back. Work sucks. Wait, I think I shot too much coke in my veins. I think… I think…I am going to throw up.

I do I have pity. Poor lost soul. Used by the system. Indoctrinated into something he may not even believe. I feel pity. Walking around the capitol, thinking. WOW. So THIS is how they live, this is where people work. WOW I am in awe. No way I can burn down, SUCH BEAUTY. Look at the statues. I aint destroying this. WHY! They dont pay me that much! Imagine the energy of the place coursing through his heroin veins.He must feel GRAND, even for a second. This is what he read about as a child. This is what he dreamed about in movies. No wonder they all walked through the red velvet rope. Thats not storming is it. Walking thru a red rope. Being guided by security inside. He must have thought. This is FUCKED UP. SO this, is America. He must have felt sad inside. Because he was ordered to set it afire. SET WHAT AFIRE? ITS ALL MARBLE…He must have been in awe in shock when he wasnt shot down, but instead lead by guards. Guided in by his coworkers dressed as POPO. Yeah, All cops are..wait? This is FUUUUUUUCKED UP he was thinking. I am one of them. I am a baddie. MOMMA. Mother, do you think they’ll try to break my balls? When he looked up at the dome. He swooned with the beauty. So thats what god feels like. He thought.

You get really cut and strong lifting weights in Prison. That’s how you usually tell someones’ been in. Its like a calling card. Really really strong body, yet lowest income status. Only can afford a bike. He thinks, this is his ” NIGHTFAM” that he belongs to a big fantasy family. “where is the smack? Lets party.” Like he can pick any hottie he wants. He is respected. Thats so and so! You like me baby? Watch this! ( breaks glass) picks out stolen shoes. And the hearts flutter. Hey I got you a present in my hip bag. Its called a joint but it has BOTH tobacco…and weed and speed. Here baby. Check out my brass knuckles. Look. It looks like a tiger keychain. But look. The ears are finger holes! I cant wait to get a new TAT when I get the debit card deposit! You should of seen my old squat. Now I stay in a hotel! Can you say, tiny fridge with drinks! Pretzels lala fancy. I got a key for it too. Lets party baby. Here’s a hundred dollar bill. You can use to make a straw. Roll it up now! Lets go break some windows at S-bucks those fools. We take what we want. These are our streets. What kind of frappychino do you want. I get you. Baby.
WOW THATS A POWERFUL SUBLIMINAL> THE STRUCTURE. I aint looking at the people. SO BEAUTIFUL. The real thing. AND THEY DIDNT WHITEWASH THE FRIEZE> They are all supposed to look like that. ARE THOSE FASCES they are holding??? ‘

Back then you didnt see Trump supporters, dressing up like Antifa ,storming. it. Trump supporters, WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT. So, according to these ancient Structures, {falsely attributed to our civilization} the structures.. Antifa are bad. And Trump supporters are good. What harms these buildings is evil. What protects them, is good. If the structures could talk. And All the buildings that cried, screamed out, IT WAS THE COMMUNIST Globalists!
I really liked parler. I didnt like that you had to show your id in order to be able to post a photo comment on other peoples posts. I am glad I didnt do it ..cuz they were hacked. But I feel bad.
I think social media asks too much when they ask you for your address. Like Twitter asked me the other day. To undelete a post 4 years old. Like, I have half a million posts, and I REALLY NEEDED THAT ONE POST. Then they sent me emails saying all i had to do was send them a copy of my address and phone number.

I feel bad. I think its a tragedy to have a successful business like Parler, doing nothing wrong. Being forced to close, because of monopoly control. Of information. Why cant people talk? To one another. Thats how you solve problems. Thats how you solve mysteries. And solve cases.

and people like to blame its all disinfo. DUH thats because you have shills making everyone look crazy. They get paid to ruin popular forums, forever. Where do they get this money? I seen this one troll work so hard ..since 2005.. and he is still posting crazy stuff TODAY. Its just too perfect of a job…and …noone moderates him… and the forum is completely empty… because people think , wow, this community is nuts.

For example..let me introduce to you MR MOOT

He makes the flat earth look really bad., Now say what you want. But noone is allowed to look into possible abuse of money in nasa. or their artists recreation instead of real photos. Noone. Because you will look stupid. People will look into it and see mr moot. First thing.

Now if you are interested in remote viewing, or powers of the mind, you get lumped in with MR TACHYON, first think that comes up on google

This is the spokesperson. Now what do you think of remote viewing now?

Then there is this guy. If you look into qanon or the trump movement. This is the ONE A**hole the media will focus on, like Jerry Garcia said. He knew of their work well.

and if you want to heal yourself with raw foods.. of terminal cancer. You know, unprocessed foods, You wont make it far. Because you will meet this guy all over every forum clogging up the comments section and posting tabs

I think you see the pattern. And they work in ten year contracts. They are good at what they do. So noone is allowed to have a popular community. They flood the groups with stupid questions. And they arent original. I can spot them a mile away. They love to post photoshopped fake proof. Or make the community look retarded or badly overly religiously fanatic.

It looks like the men in black are the deprogrammers. But its not. Its the WEIRD GIRL. They are bringing her out to do her work. Its the hidden meaning. In plain sight.

Destruction of the Pylons of Buffalo Ny, Ancient. Fairy tale story hidden history. Notice the sky whited out. The whole thing illuminated,
1901 how was this powered. Oh yeah, that tesla was everywhere eh? It wasnt general electric. The stone itself illuminated as did many of them.
see how tiny the humans

It wasnt light bulbs, what was it. The balls of the stone itself, lit up. Well whatever. We couldnt have it. It must have looked like the most beautiful thing ever. Lit up the skies at night. Noone paid the electric bill. The structure itself, was a machine. The glory of Buffalo ny. Now Delaware park. If you wander you will find clues. To this ancient civiliation that was here way before we arrived. The structures and statues of giants. Its beautiful to behold. Would have beaten the glorious structures of europe. It had a purpose. It proved something we are not allowed to know. You wont find the truth on google.

who were the statues of.. leaders of the greatest empire you never heard of?
and whats the beauty in the background? Illuminating too? Demolished also with dynamite?
A detail
during the day. No light bulbs. And what is that beautiful statue of, its blacked out. Thats how they edited it. They dont want anyone to see. Dont you want to know why?
How did these little people achieve that
why is the head of the previous ruler?, covered up..and his hands covered in gloves?
oh look President Mckinley! Us President
Is that the “Albright Knox” in the background?

Is that the cat? City Hall Buffalo in the background? The one supposedly built int he 1940s? But wait, this is 1901. I guess they forgot to white it out of the background!

It could be the OLD electric tower. Why did they call it electric? It was demolished with dynamite. Why? Why couldnt they have a ” George Merrick” of Buffalo to take credit for its construction? Oh. Electric. I see.

You mean to tell me, houses can light up, without a plug? Or paying the electric bill every month? That would mean…electricity is free? It comes from the…atmosphere? Ohhh

Thats Buffalo Ny? No kidding. Castles?
WHO BUILT IT? They called Buffalo. THE CITY OF LIGHT. I wonder why.

Before they were demolished? You mean to tell me thats the old electric tower? Why do they call it electric. Are there christmas lights on it or something?
Do you see light bulbs?

The old electric tower was demolished. It rivaled stuff in the vatican. Did you know there were GONDOLAS in Buffalo Ny also? LOOK AT THAT LASER. Its like night morning. Keep in mind, that doorway you see. Isnt for little people like us.
The little knobbies lit up. The stone Knobbies. I dont see no plugs. THAT CRAFTMANSHIP.


Look how large compared to the little people.

What kind of civilization was this? And who were the men in black , who took credit for building this? Supposedly. FRESH SPING WATER FOUNTAINS? wow and the statue on top?

wait let me guess. It was designed, to ” COPY ROME” because Americans are just a bunch of “copiers”

So LASERS in 1901 were shot out from the statue on top?

Thats a powerful laser and it looks like one big laser but divided, as if something in the little cubby, was so bright, you couldnt stand looking at it.
It had to have fitted inside there..
If you take any of these old photos and run them thru a photo editer, you will find anomalies everywhere. I dont have time now. SO is that they laser beams? Like a searchlight? I cant tell. Its unreal. Thats like a spanish mediterranean castle. In Buffalo. The queen city. Before we arrived to this, abandoned city. Fully intact, I wonder what its real name was..

Conclusion. This is an impossible structure to have been built by people of our size with tech, that was out of this world.

I hope you like my short story

oh wow a hot air balloon they were having fun back then!

Whoever demolished this, they are our enemy. And dont run to google. Its such a phony story.


oh sorry, doesnt exist,

Now the NEW electric tower..they renamed a new one to throw you off

Its …not quite the same is it

so throw out ancient rome nonsense please this style, is All American.

Rome is the shittiest place and they didnt keep their structures well.


Ours in Buffalo were better

Hey you know its true if its a drawing

Hey you know its true if its a drawing
ok yeah sure

One day. I am going to write a hypnosis script, like the movie SOMEWHERE IN TIME and I am going to this exact moment. I will tell you what I see. Someday. For was the ” time of their lives”

Nashville, St Louis, Denver, Salt lake..Ohio Cleveland. All of them, looked like the vatican once. They were all destroyed. The south too. Covered up with phony fire earthquake and phony war stories. It was THE THEFT OF A LIFETIME. Nothing but rubble. But if you visit the sites. YOU WILL FIND CLUES> Every American City. History is all fake guys.

Ask for blueprints. Ask for construction photos with PHOTOSHOP eyes….ITS ALL AROUND US. Dont be satisfied with something, LOOK CLOSER. Look for workers. Look for Stone materials. Ask where the stone was quarried, and also always look at the portraits of the ” Architects” and follow the hand signals. And see what they have built previously. If they even created a work of art before. Look for decadent clothes. Look into the eyes. See whats been erased, or if miniatures were double exposed, ON TOP. Also dimensions study, and the size of men. Are the builders, looking like men in black? Or do they look like artists. Ask, if slaves built it.. or how much they were paid. 10 cents a day? To create THOSE? Are men posing on skyscrapers? Hammering on nothing? Or are they CONSTRUCTING..or just posing…Are they drawings? are scaffolds proof of construction? Analyze the cranes, are they painted on, And when you see american flags, are they on flagpoles or antennaes? Are they painted on the photograph. Ask ask ask.. Is something inside of a tarp, proof of construction. Is a ladder leaned on its side, of the structure…proof of ” finishing up?”

The old world order is all around us. Noone can see. And its more beautiful than you could imagine. Its been my obsession for my imagination writing. My short story telling. I hope you enjoy it. I love America. WHAT IS REALLY IS and WAS.

The Buffalo Obelisk…er.. “MCKINLEY MONUMENT” Illuminating at night. HOW STRANGE, maybe Mckinley brought it down the mississippi on a boat.. ( like Caligula) Or maybe it was.. a gift, from France LOL ( statue of “Liberty”) or ..maybe we just call it a memorial, to a president. Yeah. Or.. maybe it was built, in honor or a unknown soldier..Mr. no name. .. or dedicated to a great war ( Napoleon) All rulers are the same. And its ALL ABOUT THE STRUCTURES. The biggest secret. Ever. They are so fantastic. They must be kept secret. In plain sight. SHHHH

The old world order isnt roman. Not at all. Its’ ALL AMERICAN, as well as all the greatest mythology and I could go further. It all happened right here. Clues everywhere. But its ..the truth is too hot. Too politically incorrect. I must stop. Nothing you were taught, is real. Thats their goal. “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

If you can bypass all the Mr Moots