Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Governor Florida Ron Desantis NFT

Governor Florida Ron Desantis NFT

Governor Florida Ron Desantis NFT post thumbnail image
Sargent Brush Oil Painting of Ron Desantis Portrait in Corel Painter 2022

The Original is as an NFT only. I am taking my art offline. I can post links to the NFT or screenshots to share. I am moving. But this is a screenshot of me working in Corel Painter 2022. I am figuring out how to make the highest resolution. I can do a vector svg, but rarible only uploads the basics like png jpg gif etc.

Rarible is good because BUYER CAN MINT, so you do not have to pay. But it is not an nft until that happens, so you are just waiting for a collector. Everything has to be perfect. Sales bidding expires, and you have to relist. You have to MANAGE your accounts. Now you can list them for 6 months. Before it was only 7 days or a month.

Now Opensea you can mint with polygon. But you cant ever change that back to ethereum. It is locked to Polygon. Its not Ethereum, but it works with. But do you trust polygon? And when the listing ends, you have to remint. And I am not sure you can switch coins. And it is offline when sale ends, so, you got to pay the mint fees to get it back up after that. I think.

So, I think creating them with Ethereum is best, and waiting for a purchase to mint. I dont know. I would rather my nfts be in Ethereum not polygon. I just do not know. But there are other places that will mint your Nfts for free, like Voice. But the high rollers may not be on there. Opensea is pretty popular. Rarible also. And I do not want to get too confused. I have two accounts for my nfts. If you see doubles, that is an accident, they are supposed to be one of a kind but sometimes the uploading doesnt work. And it looks like it did not upload.

I cannot trust any account either, so I will keep a copy of my original political cartoons and art, somewhere secure in case anything happens to Rarible or Open sea.

  1. I have a url to get payments in crypto to. It is Politicalcartoon.nft , Now, I bought it, minted it, but, I have not tried this out yet. I think it is hooked up to my wallet, I see it in there. Noone has tested it out for me yet.
  2. I can also use that as a domain name. AND I NEVER HAVE TO PAY ANY RECURRING FEES, it is MINE PERMANENTLY.
  3. Unless of course, you want to buy it. You send me offer or bid. That is how it works.

So for those who made a fortune buying up domain names and selling them for millions, later on when everyone needed a website, I knew people who did that. You can get into this now. You can get these domains for like 20$ now. I think the place for this is called UNSTOPPABLE DOMAINS.

Rarible RON DESANTIS NFT on sale for .02 eth which RIGHT NOW is 50$ but as the price of eth goes up, it goes up. Especially if it is minted. Which not, buyer pay mint fees. I cannot afford minting yet. But they are ready to go. Minting can be 14 dollars if you do it at 4 am. During the day minting gas fee can be as high as 250 dollars.

My account for Rarible NFTS Political Cartoons

Here I am drawing it step by step

LINKS to the NFTS of RON DESANTIS, Florida’s beloved governor.

Yes, and this one with a preppy plaid background!

Ron Desantis doesnt care about Hollywood or the Corporations. He cares about Governing Florida. The great state. He knows Florida needs him. He is the great protector.

Remember THE ORIGINAL COPY IS NOWHERE ONLINE> this is a collectible, one of a kind. Well, three versions. This is the new art gallery. The metaverse, whether good wins the war or bad wins the war or the people win the war, this is the purest form of art collection.

MOST ART IN ART GALLERIES ARE REPRODUCTIONS. They have been stolen centuries ago. So many counterfeits. SO MUCH BAD CREEPY DEMONIC ART, too. Support Conservative Artists, its the new art gallery. Help me, and I will help you, and give give give. If I see people want or pay me for something, I can produce alot more.

And if you are an NFT creator, follow me on Opensea or Rarible and I will follow you back and we can like each others stuff AT LEAST. Comment on each others work, etc. Makes it more living when that happens.

I am sorry but I am NOT PAYING people on instagram to promote my nft by simply posting it to their followers. That is like so loser. Nft creators, need each other. Not these sharks. I am not sending 5k to someone in my instant message to create an nft website. We can all do this ourselves.

Digital art can be copied by anybody and shared. You can take a low quality screenshot of an NFT also. Clip art has bots and licensing fees. Digital artists do not have the means to protect their art online. Who would buy something, if anyone can print it out an share it? Its a fraud ridden art world. Rigged against artists

NFTS SOLVE THIS PROBLEM FOR ARTISTS authenticity. An NFT is a smart contract with its own address. NFTS address you can find the smart contract. If the smart contracts address matches the artists wallet. IT IS AUTHENTIC!!

NFTS have PROVIDENCE- CHAIN OF TITLE. Every transaction is verified. Providence means proof the artist did it, for example with a Picasso, you have a bill of sale or a letter or a photo. Proof of stake method. Proof of work. Sending address receives from wallet b, to wallet c to wallet d, etc.. on and before, all the way to the genesis block, YOUR ARTIST OWNER. The GENESIS block on the bloackchain is the original.

It is RECORDED, no-one can take your proof of stake away from your art EVER! It is an “iron clad chain of TITLE”, also called permanence, They will not degrade or be accidentally damaged. FOREVER. YOU HEAR? Forever!

ONLY THE ARTIST CAN BURN it. Or owner. Same with Art Collectors. Only they can light it on fire. Same with NFTS.

This may not be a BIG DEAL today. But in ten years, if you missed out. “FOMO” Fear Of Missing Out”

I am an ESTABLISHED POLITICAL CARTOONIST. I work with noone, have no contracts, only serve one master, President Trump. All my cartoons are for him, really. If he wanted them, I would give them to him. If he liked an nft I would send it to him for free, But at the same time, I want to play the game of NFT and I think Conservatives should be allowed to play too.

Been doing this cartooning, since 2016 so I am a baby of the Trump Revolution. People will be talking about this time, FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

In future sales, the royalties to the original artist, go on forever. Can be 2% or 10% whatever you set it too.

I just need a whale to get me started. Any interest, I will work full time and afford help for my chores that stick me up all day, COME ON I want to play. THE MONEY IS NO INTEREST TO ME> I ONLY NEED MONEY TO CREATE MORE BETTER POLITICAL CARTOONS. Plus money can help me think better, I can buy better food, more raw vegan foods. That will give me more energy to work. Clearer visions. I can dress up nicer, because that is KIND of a brand too. You have to look good, to sell cartoons. The creator of DOONESBURY always wore business shirts and ties. You dont need a tie to be a cartoonist, but it helped with his fame. His target audience. I do wish my cartoons can sell themselves. But I do not want to live in poverty because of it. Like I have been doing. I do not want to chit chat just to get donations. I just want them. Therefore. My POLITICAL CARTOONS must be perfect everytime. I would be so bored if I drew them like everyone else does. My dad tells me simplicity is key. But I am an artist. I will work hard to make it look simple, but really not be. I want to oil paint them, but also, I only get one hour a day to draw. I have so much work, I have a big family. I have NEEDY friends. . If I could get more hours.

Can you sell art using beauty? If your art isnt that great, yes, that can make up for whatever you are lacking in art talent. You would need money for the newest tightest dresses and accessories, ballet classes and proper organic raw fruitarian vegan foods. You can use that to sell ART. BUT IF YOUR ART IS REALLY THAT GOOD, you could have missing teeth and unshaven legs, and STILL MAKE A FORTUNE>!!

Also, do I have to write my NFT in many languages? Should I do sets and for every one in the set I write in a different language?


It is free to play this game. So why not. It is FREE TO PLAY,

I actually got more money. When I first started I did Learn and Earn…meaning I took tests to get free crypto it was all 1 dollar here and 2 dollars here. That I earned, for taking easy tests, learning about crypto, for example, and you get 1$ in whatever coin you want, if you get the answers right. Now my account is 30 dollars, after I took out 40 for xmas gift , after I minted two nfts total for 30$ and after I bought 20$ domain. ALL OF THAT WAS FREE- FROM ORIGINAL LEARN AND EARN. That is how fast it is rising. And in a few months that 30$ will be over 100$.

I am not lying to you. Sorry to give you some hype. But that is the least of my success and it is so little really. Compared to the rags to riches stories online. But beware, usually the rags to riches stories you hear, are on youtube, where they have an established account, talking about it to anyone who watches, and youtube promotes who they want.

You cant let the left have this.

BEWARE. The actors come along and make their own stories and promote their own agendas. Just like they do with the fake news. Do not believe anything in the mainstream media about NFTS. Or the ..”rags to riches oregon pro-bernie lesbian couple” who made millions of dollars selling duck nfts. TRUST ME, when you look into it, it is impossible, many of these stories. They push people to buy THESE NFTS. Usually these are heists with actors, just like.. crisis actors and boards and whole companies using MSM to advertise, THESE ARE PUMP AND DUMPS SCHEMES.

and the hype is high, but the ARTWORK QUALITY IS LOW, usually just photocopies…and it really is like modern art. The banana taped to a wall. Its very interesting how the left ruins art. JUST LIKE HUNTER BIDENS ART COLLECTION, or GEORGE BUSH JR his paintings, they sold..for a lot. But just because who it was, not the artwork. So who knows what will be successful. Just be true to yourself. And if you are not good at selling. Then read a book about it. I know people 30 years been doing the same thing on youtube and never have made it. I know others who are viral and now sell books, just because they hired a team. Logan Paul sold NFT for 5 million dollars. Clickbait won. Sometimes, you need a team. That could be your friends and siblings.

Maybe I need a team. Maybe I need a manager. I do not know. It helps when you have someone pushing you and making you work harder. Not everyone has a political cartoonist partner who helps them with ideas. Some of us, have mountains to climb with everyone, noone believing in it. ” WHEN ARE YOU GONNA GET PAID” nagging… and no support from anyone but maybe one superfan. Howard Roark had all these problems.

IT is not only art, you can post video!

Lets say you love President Trump and have live video from his rally or photos from there. You can upload GALLERIES of it, No one can take it unless they buy the NFT of your video. If they tried screen saving, It would be low quality. The origin is you, forever. As long as you did not post it anywhere else. It is ONE OF A KIND COLLECTIBLE. And its REAL value may be in the FUTURE, just like any POLITICAL MEMORABILIA. Your children can inherit the collections.

There is no customer support for any of this. You are on your own in the blockchain. Noone on youtube is going to give you the REAL SECRETS. That’s it. You got to learn it by doing it.

Save your seed phrase, do not even save it online. Your private key, is private. There is a public one you can post, that way you can enter in raffles and stuff like that. My friend got a stoned ape that way. Only do business with reputable people.

ALSO trade with your friends. I am willing to trade with my friends who make conservative art, just to see how that works.

These are digital assets and scarce. There is NO RHYME OR REASON to see who will be in high demand. It is THE FREE MARKET. The more people want of one kind of art, the higher the price. If you fail, it is your fault. Only yours. You have noone to blame. You either become a REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD ARTIST. or you become a REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD SELF PROMOTER.

ANDY WARHOL at the restaurant Serendipity would trade his drawings for pastries. He was not a good artist, he was a GOOD BUSINESSMAN. You can make it, if you are not good at art. Picasso painted like a child. It showed. But he was a good businessman. Dali was not the greatest artist, but he was CONNECTED. You can be a good nft creator using what you are good at. There is so many different ways to make it as an artist. Andy Warhol used to draw illustrations for magazines like Vanity Fair,. Warhol before pop. His ambitions grew, he wanted respect. If he was a straight man, he would have never ever have made it, so he used what he had…with the leftist agenda’s help. There are many easy shortcuts in the art world. If you are satanic, you will be promoted. Or Mapplethorpe, and on and on.. Deviant Art, before Reddit banning my art, was the first to ban me. I thought, DEVIANT ART banned my art. WOW> My art, is too deviant for deviant art. I have the receipts. Maybe I will make NFTS from all the notifications I got BEING BANNED. You see, only satanic art they promote.

BUT if you are in the conservative Christian world, well, YOU GOT TO BE THE BEST OF EVERYONE AROUND YOU, TECHNICALLY. That means constantly improving, watching tutorials. Everyday learning new digital art program techniques. I been doing digital art for 6 years and I am still like, woah, there is SOOOOOOO much I do not know.. You need to overcome demons, you need to walk thru fire. You need to fail everyday for weeks until that one MASTERPIECE. You have to suffer, blood sweat and tears and prayers and curses. You have to wake up thinking NOONE CARES but do it anyways. You have to watch while leftists drawing baby chicks in a few lines, get thousands and thousands of dollars every month in tips. While you are BANNED on PATREON ( true story I have receipts). If you are female, it is even harder as NOONE takes a FEMALE political cartoonist seriously, unless your husband is a famous cartoonist helping you out with your drawings!

You could be doing all this online work thing for decades, and still do not give up. Hey 500$ over 5 years is still 500$ you didnt have. Everyone has to get a break. It has to happen. Do not give up. Everyone needs a hobby. No matter what the naysayers say, ITS ENERGY-that is PRODUCTIVE. No matter what you can get away with…food is even art. Food is art too. You could create meals, take photographs of them as NFTS. Anything. Can be an exhibit, art is breaking barriers. Your stamp collection, can be an NFT if you take photos of them. There is no limit.

If you are likable, you will find a following. SO ACT LIKE A SERIOUS ARTIST. It is how godly people have immortality. Through your work. Never can they be replicated or mass produced. It is so PRECIOUS> especially if you are PROLIFIC.

DO WHAT YOU LOVE. BE WHO YOU ARE. Life is art. Your life, is art. Something that is mundane to you, can be so fascinating, 200 years from now.

PLUS MY EARLY POLITICAL CARTOONS ARE IN GOVERNMENT CLASSIFIED FILES! I know this! It doesnt belong to the deep state. My Political Cartoons CAN BE YOURS!

FALSE BELIEF- The deep state is our enemy and the good guys are our friends.


Does not ANYONE need the services of someone, whose SOUL is conservative? To bring the extra magic, into the painting?

—–DO you want LARGE PRINTS of DIGITAL ART, well. I need a few things.

  • A laptop that will hold the 16 gb ram, are these called “gaming computers”?
  • I need HARD DISK SPACE to store higher quality images.
  • I need a better tablet. But not sure it is like 3k, for a professional one, and mine cost $300 which was a lot for me anyways. There has to be a middle between those.
  • Cloud service or email service I pay for, that I can store the originals safely. How safe is NFT, though. I mean really. Just in case.

I am working on all of this. We are at a point where FOOD is more important than any of this, but I may take the jump and buy this equipment very very soon. I am Getting Better. With NO HELP. from noone…

And one thing I need more than anything, is an office. And time. And free time for myself. And a TO-DO LIST. And a “DAILY ROUTINE” written out for me, that I follow to the T. ( I am German!) and there is so much more I need to THINK about than what to do everyday.

Oh yeah, its that time baby!

OH MY GOD it is 15 minutes until ALEX JONES TIME. I am so blessed. Noone knows what I been thru listening to Alex these past decades. No one. I am so in sync. I may even put some skin in the game and buy some new infowars outfits. I dont think they sell pants though. So I will be walking around with INFOWARS tshirts and no pants. THEY NEED TO SELL PANTS. Fox News sells jogging pants. Gab sells drawstring pants. Fox news, even sell socks. INFOWARS.COM needs to sell, COMPLETE OUTFITS for OCD people who shop like that. I just cant buy an outfit with no pants. I cannot. It is not how my brain works. DO I have to wear old pants with my new tshirt? Must I get a fox news pants to go with my infowars new tank top! This messes my brain up. It doesnt work. I need infowars pants to go with my shirts I buy and socks too. It has to MATCH, it has to be a COMPLETE OUTFIT. He wouldnt want people showing up to his events, wearing Alex Jones Tshirts and no pants?

Only 15 minutes left til it starts. . The first ten minutes are the best. OH yeah. The first ten minutes of INFOWARS, is the BEST. Please…give me the truth, Alex. I need to hear it. I dont care if it hurts. Tell me.

When he talks about, live, on other political cartoons..and he raves about a political cartoonist, I always feel he is secretly saying. THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO SEE IN POLITICAL CARTOONS. And I have to say no. If I drew political cartoons like famous right political cartoonists, I would be so bored.

…You have to draw IN THE SAME STYLE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. You would have to do the same wash gradients, cartoon after cartoon after cartoon.. and you cannot change your characters , you cannot, they have to stay the same. You as an artist, would wake up HATING your job. Seeing the same old same old. Never growing, but stagnating. It would be like a dead routine. A ticking of a clock, to the same minute locked in, never to go outside. ESPECIALLY SYNDICATED, or if you work for a newspaper. YOU CANT GO AGAINST WHAT THE NEWSPAPER WANTS AND THEY PICK THE JOKES. You political cartoon for the masses, who, arent that smart about whats happening in politics. Whats REALLY going on. A ping pong game. That you are not allowed to play. You just have to watch! You can only speak and cartoon in code, to show off what you really know. But only in code. Because the masses, well, if the cartoon is too smart, they wouldn’t get it. Political cartoons are for insiders only. Not the masses. But everybody comes to your publication FOR THE CARTOONS. Remember that! But if they just DUMB CARTOONS, then they entertain the masses. NOT THE HIGH ROLLERS WHOM YOU WANT TO BRING TO YOUR WEBSITE! And not TO THE FUTURE who will remember history FALSELY. Reputation MUST Be guarded thousands of years from now too. Political cartoons are immortal. They outlive you. Every single one, is important. But not if they are fake. Artists are BOUGHT. That is why the price of them is so low right now. But political cartoons will make a comeback. If the artist, is a true believer!

Cannot you go any higher? In regards to what the PERFECT POLITICAL CARTOON should look like? Cant you think BIG? Is little scribbles with watercolor wash, all you are capable of, enjoying? Is your brain, that unable- to process, fantasy art? Or do you gaslight your viewers, thinking, this is what the very basics of what they can understand! Do they know, what you think of them?

Do you, even know, what art even is? Without compositing of any kind???

FFFFFFFFFFFrom Imagination?


DID YOU FORGET….do you really want that, to go away?


No, Instead their followers get Harambe political memes!


Lots you can talk about. Why, why? Where is all this funds for CONSERVATIVE ARTISTS from the government? Why ONLY THE STRONGEST SURVIVE the market. Never to surpass unless your soul is sold.

Ok so. If I sell an NFT. It is not oh. I sold one. No, instead it is like, NOW I GOT TO WORK HARDER BECAUSE IVE BEEN ENGAGED.


And I want contact less sales. I do. Nobody has to see anybody! You can zoom in and interview my cartoon characters, welcome to crypto! I AM MY WALLET ADDRESS!

We dont bring in the old world here! Someone can make an NFT NEWS WORLD in there with little movies. You make make an NFT news channel. But it has to be real. We will never go back to the old ways. Only what YOU TRULY BELIEVE…is going on.

We will see what free market does, in here!!!-

What if the stuff is superior? If anything happened it would governments fault, not the blockchain! In a business sense. DISASTER CAPITALISM. Make any bad event, make you rich, by providing a valuable service to your fellow men. Something they can afford, all of them. These high rollers, these whales. They like to throw around crypto. They like to walk around the casino of NFTS with a wallet full of cash in their hands. Everyone can see it. They show off. They play games, like video games but with your life. They will say, lets get the news to highlight this one artist who is one of us, so we all split the money, and they do stuff like that too. Or they buy entire collections, all your nfts, create a hype, and then you profit by that yourself, if they like your agenda, but you got to be a satanist. Yet the angels are silent, to their own. They prefer their watchees are skilled to get themselves into the game to play. Its a very wise way, and noone is coddled. And evil always pushes its own , to the front of the line.

Oh its SOOOO risky>>> Crypto is soooooo risky! So.. what is risky about putting in 20 dollars?

Hope you like my short story