Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized GOP LEADER KEVIN MCCARTHY Political Cartoon


GOP LEADER KEVIN MCCARTHY Political Cartoon post thumbnail image

Drawing Gop Leader Kevin Mccarthy. WOW. Yes I have done it before and I forgot what happened and it all came back to me. I worked 3 hours on him. I could not get his likeness. I tried upside down inside out. Then I remembered. I drew him before and I had the same issue. How I solved it before was.. I had to ask him permission, in my mind of course…to draw him. I tried it again and I got it right away. Its daydreams I know. So I clasped my hands and closed my eyes and asked him permission. Just to draw him. But it worked. I got a yes.

Some people have strong psychic barriers around them. Its almost impossible to read them from afar. Because there is something called will. And if you do not want to be pray or ask for it. And then God puts a barrier around you so noone can read your mind.

I know it sounds weird. But its a short story ok?

There are lots of psychic spies out there and anyone of importance needs to ask god to put a barrier around them. Psychically. I mean, you could have even a reporter who zones in on your idea.. and she will pick up ideas and stuff. Everyone is a little psychic. But not if you have a strong barrier. Which is why its important.

Don’t act like you don’t know. This is like REMOTE VIEWING 101. If you read any books on it. The will discuss the psychic spies from China for example. Which are children.

Anyways, the force is strong with Kevin Mccarthy. Very.

I believe he is a good man at heart. He loves beautiful things. But he really is scared of the bORG. Its a very scary big thing. If you ever watched Star Trek. He is NOT about to go Kamikaze into it. He needs Republicans to be UNITED and strike as a whole.

A freedom Borg of sorts, of ideas, thoughts and one culture…individuals who think alike. Why not. All the Borg do is copy us. We can copy them. We are not robots though. We can feel. We know what is right.

Very few people get my German Humor.

I just heard David Wilcock do this long prayer. And he ended with WWG1WGA

Its live so I dont know where it is in the video. Maybe you can ff or REW to find it… I just got on when it started. Changed my life. I did it. I feel so much better about our future.

I feel weird putting this on a Kevin McCarthy post. He is not into this stuff. But why cant worlds cross over? Its like DIMENSIONS travelling. In the good old days you watched the television to get away , Travel OTHER WORLDS..and these days its youtube.

AND if you watch the LIVE CHAT REPLAY you will see my COMMENTS!!!!!

I drew that in my cell phone w stylus pen.