Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Ghislaine Maxwell Wayfair political cartoon

Ghislaine Maxwell Wayfair political cartoon

Ghislaine Maxwell Wayfair political cartoon post thumbnail image
with all the Wayfair breaking news I figure I would do a political cartoon of just laying Maxwell in jail denied bail but she’s allowed to get Wayfair packages and it’s a coronavirus plush toy meaning she’ll probably faked her death using the coronavirus plush toy
Interesting choice words
there is a place for everybody..politics about addition. Knowledge of evil of great evil can definitely help in the fight against it
so now when you go look it’s like an attorney is there so I don’t know if it’s the same person it’s just like mistaken identity or changed identity it’s just really weird and there’s no connections now so I don’t know if it’s the same girl but Chandler is like child Handler and James alefantis is like j’aime Les enfants is the argument
now I’m not sure this is the same girl but it’s a coincidence isn’t it Chandler is child Handler but I don’t know not sure it’s just what’s going around the internet it could be someone else with the same name I don’t know it’s just a coincidence it’s just funny making connections they could be ory could not be

These Pages change so fast and get shut down

Plums blueberries from the land
Dinner!! It’s so hot right now I don’t feel like cooking it’s so hot and I have three roosters which is a big pain because I have to put saddles on my female ๐Ÿ” chickens so the ๐Ÿ“ don’t rip their feathers off when they over mate and sometimes the hens look at me like I’m the protector and you know it’s really hard because they’re such sweet hens and the roosters just very Randy I have to explain to the chickens you know in a telepathic way that look your chicken this is what chickens do I try to separate them but I can’t take care of them all day and boy to The Roosters attack them
Adobo seasoning is where you want to start it’s like saffron yellow for your rice I love Ivanka Trump she’s so beautiful she’s the ideal American Woman
I made some Goya black beans with some shaved bacon onions and cheese and then I mixed it with Jasmine rice cooked in broth all boy Goya black beans ๐Ÿ˜‹
what I think the solution is for police officers is stop giving them so much work and limit their interactions with people what I think the solution is for police officers is stop giving them so much work and limit their interactions with people because yes it is true more whites get killed by police officers and a lot of this is over traffic stops seatbelts insurance stickers you know just pulling people over and they always say if you look you can find something but you’re not allowed to stop people and look for something I’m sure you’ll always find something but you have to limit their interactions there’s supposed to be peace officers so I think to help everyone you know police do not like quotas..

Quotas really put a strain on their work and they don’t want to feel like you know quotas.. are really stressful I mean at the job is stressful enough and you know going to work and a nice store and you know you have a quota..on how many credit cards you’re supposed to sell well then you know you’re not only a cashier but you’re a salesperson and it really puts a lot of strain and you know you got a Twist wrist to get people to get this credit card I’m just using this as an example and you know you wind up dreading coming to work and you know you really got to kind of hate people to like get this out of them you know to be successful because you know you don’t want to pressure people especially if it’s something you don’t personally believe in so I think you know stop with the quotas

you know there’s just too many laws way too many laws I mean insurance you got to check a car’s insurance I mean that’s crazy there’s nowhere in the Constitution says that you need insurance it says ur free to travel in the transportation of the time I mean that’s it insurance is up to the people you know maybe people will drive better if they don’t have it ..

I’m just saying there’s got to be other alternatives you know checking people’s breath you know there’s other ways to do this instead of more control and you know it’s not up to the police officers they should just be there for violence you know emergencies even domestic violence that’s like family matter I understand if you know there’s cases where it gets really bad and especially nowadays our culture is just so rotten but if you know the stuff like that is a family matter when the cop step back the family steps in and they deal with this and you know when cops when you call the cops for everything then you know you can’t you can’t make decisions and you can’t step in and you can’t help out and I think you know give the power back to the families give the power back to people and you know the police officers they’re just doing way too much work.

You know when police step into the family that breaks the family apart it really does this is a fountain these things are Family Matters you know enforcing child support laws I mean I understand there’s a war on men but when a man you know especially you know keeps abandoning women after impregnating them three times and leaving them without rent money and you know there has to be a way does persist deities to step in and kind of police this you know it’s everything’s falling apart in all culture where we’re really depending on police for everything they become like our parents

Just give this power back to the people and neighbors will step in family will step in this stuff can be dealt with .

In a free Society there is really no crime you know just liberate people allow people to buy guns you know I’ll stop with the checks in the background checks in the credit checks and all that you know give the power back to the people trust them more

It will work maybe not right away at but there has to be like a Renaissance I’m in a complete going back to the basics no cops should not be involved with family issues with you know checking to see if drivers are drunk or checking their insurance you know how people have become totally careless because of this and just trusting that the cops will take care of everything when they won’t

Nobody likes to be a control freak nobody likes to have that much power over people it becomes you know you become a tyrant nobody likes that cops don’t like that that’s not helping people just step back the people will step up I know it’s really revolutionary idea but Society will shun those who are criminals you win the cup step back you know what I’m saying like that’s what gossip is originally for is to warn women about bad men I mean it’s not up to Cops to tell us who’s bad and who’s good you know just go back to the basics cops making sure there are no Prime Breakers that’s not up to them that’s the society the family the community you know they say when welfare came in neighbor stopped helping one another that’s how it is you become dependent and it’s like a racket it’s not good nobody likes doing it
Give some power back to the courts the courts are there to decide who gets a warrant who gets this it’s not up to Cops to roam around looking for trouble makers you know they’re people themselves they’re there for emergencies and we have individual rights that need to be protected and you know if someone violates we go to the courts I understand and yes if there’s an emergency you need police officers that’s what they should be trained in emergencies only.

The police should not be watching people driving looking for tags that is such a waste of their time you know there should be police officers you know in every major place in case there’s no shoplifters or rioters whatever but they shouldn’t be pulling cars over so I think the big thing is like traffic stop reform back to the olden days no searches unless there’s a search warrant you know it’s someone looks crazy I mean who decides what’s crazy you know that could be anything you know I understand if there’s a situation where there’s a child and someone looks like they’re on drugs but who decides who’s on drugs and people you know we have to have our right back and I’m pretty sure that once you give the people the rights back they won’t want to be on drugs they won’t want to be criminals they won’t want to hurt their kids it’s just that you know everything’s broken down and there needs to be like are reforming Hollywood Movies TV music the whole thing needs to be fixed it’s not just the police officers it’s a whole Renaissance.

So for me is liberating police of the huge responsibility they have over people you know like they’re supposed to decide who’s on drugs who’s a good parent who’s a bad parent you know people forever have been raising kids themselves and if you’re a parent you know that’s your child and there’s places all over the world where kids are raised much worse than a parent who has like an alcoholic problem you know these things are family issues and the pressure should be on the family to take care of their family not on the police officers to be parental figures and decides who’s a good parent who’s a bad parent that just give that power back to the people I mean you know at least the kid has a parent you know and just start from there she just stop putting so much on the shoulders of police officers it’s just too much you know they aren’t the courts they aren’t the lawmakers they’re just there to protect our rights and when you say oh you know watching cop TV shows and then rescuing you know a kid from a drug person well that’s good but most of those cases aren’t and you know it’s too much pressure for a police officer to decide that stuff at a traffic stop or something and they just need to back off and take care of themselves and you know if I see someone doing something wrong you know do I get involved do I call the police or do I just gossip until the community and and they’ll deal with it you know what I’m saying you know women will be wiser friend will have talks with friends this is just something that people need to pull together and take more responsibility for each other and you know it’s not just you know the more you put on police officers the worst is going to get I swear to God if you just pulled back the police from all these responsibilities the people will take over you know neighbors will help neighbors the family will step in you know father’s will come back

You know it’s like if I raise a child wrong that comes back to me I get punished for it God deals with it you know you can’t have these police officers being fortune-teller psychologist or you know looking at people with suspicion it’s just not up to them it’s not what they do it’s not what they’re supposed to do it’s about Society teaching us it’s about the TV it’s about movies it’s about radio songs they’re supposed to be teaching us how to raise our kids and you know it’s like leading by example you watch people who you want to be like you know and you put out good morals and it’s everywhere it’s a whole Renaissance that needs to happen so this police officer saying it’s just too much you know if someone murders somebody they need to be on it and they need to put away those criminals but that’s it that’s like it you know if someone has a warrant from court because they broke a contract in the courts decided something will they need to bring that person you know back to the courts or to prison if they don’t comply and that’s it this traffic stuff is no good you know cops should be you know patrolling but only if there is an emergency if someone’s like crashed or driven or you know there should be laws that hey if you crashed your car that’s it you get in trouble and if you don’t crash your car and no one is hurt well maybe you shouldn’t be arrested for that you know because you’ve had a few drinks or something I know it’s revolutionary but just hear me out private property individual rights need to be protected and people once they’re given that responsibility back to police themselves they will do it and if they don’t their neighbors their friends the community will do something and insurance should be voluntary I mean there’s other ways to fix this you know people will stop driving recklessly the community will take control of this bad people will be weeded out they’ll be ostracized

Go back to God’s laws the original Constitution just that’s it that’s our rules I mean imagine the freedom that that will give us and the responsibilities for us to police our own lives and each other

There is a deadbeat dad well you know the responsibility is also on that woman you know for choosing wrong for not paying attention maybe for her own behavior you know the family has been broken down women don’t want to serve men their husbands and cook and clean for them and you know maybe they’ll be better at that you know it being indispensable

I mean in a welfare state if your husband abandons you no matter how rich your family is they won’t help you because it’s just a society trains you they’re like oh well why don’t you get welfare it’s not my responsibility you know what I’m saying with this whole welfare state is like your Rich parents won’t help you they won’t have you moved back in because you’re independent there’s plenty of options for you you know what I mean could take all that option stuff away and the families will have no choice but to help you out that’s what I’m saying you can’t depend on the government they’re just scamming you for money

when people are peer pressured by Society they do the right thing
I mean it’s just like you know there is Free Will people have to have free will and if there is Charity it has to be voluntary and has to be given back to the churches and you know in a capitalistic free Society people are are more charitable and it’s easier to become a bum even if you wanted to be a bum but people like you know they do like to work and they do like to make something of their lives and everybody has dreams and in a free Society they’ll be more options you know all these taxes all these rules all these regulations if nobody wants to work anymore it’s like you and when you do work your complete slave and it’s just so much paperwork and you become a burden on your employer I mean it’s very disheartening you know when you have dreams and you can never attain them because you know you have to pay the bills
and I’m telling you if President Trump brings in free energy and you could read my blog how I’ve put this a President Trump gives America free energy..heating g options for free heating natural free Wi-Fi free lighting electricity..illuminations all that is Trump can bring that back I mean there will be much more happiness much more productivity you know … brings back gold standard I mean that money will be worth more will be worth more things will be built to last and not cheap your Society will be better and imagine you know instead of being a slave you can actually create what you want be what you want you can live out your dreams they’ll be no crying every day at work just to pay that damn electric bill and nobody owns electricity nobody owns free energy nobody owns that be nobody nobody owns Niagara Falls nobody owns geothermal steam there’s so much ways we can live you know especially with free Wi-Fi free Heating and I’m pretty sure that’s what’s on Trump’s agenda that will totally change our life and you know they’ll be no violence you don’t need police officers everyone will be living out their dreams you’ll only need them you know when disagreements with contracts and courts you know maybe really bad seeds but there won’t be any
Capitalism is individual rights like preserved these globalists for all eternity they’ve taken away free energy from us and bought all the patents and done everything to take it away from us and they chargus a killing..

even for flight all airplane flights are supposed to be like $50 it’s are compression which is free energy in a way but they charge you they tell you what’s jet fuel that’s taking you places when it’s not it’s not at all you know there’s just a small amount of fuel you need and all these movies in Hollywood got you thinking that you know when a plane runs out of fuel that’s it but there’s just you know there’s definitely limited power but all this can be taught differently
There is definitely slavery going on with these bills every month and it’s free it’s like free it should we shouldn’t have to pay for this you know why is steam heating radiators been taken out of all the apartments why is everything electric that they own everything they’ve taken away everything wood stoves aren’t even allowed geothermal Steam from our homes forget about it solid stone structures that are built to last forget about it we just get cardboard you know what I’m saying it’s like we got to stop doing this..

You know the cops don’t need to be everywhere patrolling everything you know when the cops pulled back the rooftop Koreans show up you know instead of rooftop Koreans have rooftop blacks rooftop White’s roof top Chinese rooftop Italians you know bring that back there’s just other ways of doing things that you don’t need the police for just you know stop have them control every aspect of our lives whenever we have a problem with somebody it so let’s call the cops you know imaginative you couldn’t you know you would take care of it with friends Society Friends Community the group you’re in the workforce you know these just other ways of dealing with things and it might be a lot better than what the police would do especially with how everything is public information with the police you know your life could be over when you’re very young just because you have a fight or you’re drunk or something and you have a fight and say some crazy things you know the police will put that in the report you know your life is ruined what happened to protecting the individual and you know personal responsibility and trust me when you go to another country and there’s like a domestic violence situation imagine if every time that happened the police got involved in it was public knowledge your life would be over nobody would hire you that’s it I mean your whole family would be shamed you know some things are better off dealt with within the families
I mean what is the Second Amendment for if we have to call the police for everything and then we get in trouble I mean what is that what’s that all about why is there a 2nd Amendment so we don’t need the police we deal with it on our own.

Seat belt laws child seat belts car seat laws they’re just absolutely ridiculous it’s like absolutely ridiculous you know that is not the job of the police to make sure you have a car seat it’s just so stupid. Let the parents be parents themselves let the drivers drive themselves you know if you want to tackle drugs and Liberate the people from the slavery
The way things are all of our kids are set up to fail and to be hurt by these things are family lines are in Jeopardy all of these laws I mean you know your sons are in trouble forever you know bring Family Values back that’s how you’re going to solve this bring morals back

Let capitalism deal with this you know let the car manufacturers deal with this.

If you have a problem with somebody take it to the courts you know speak up people will listen and capitalism will find the Cure