Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized General Mike Flynn Nancy Pelosi Tulsi Gabbard Political CARTOONS Qanon Mitch McConnell Coronavirus Easter Eggs

General Mike Flynn Nancy Pelosi Tulsi Gabbard Political CARTOONS Qanon Mitch McConnell Coronavirus Easter Eggs

General Mike Flynn Nancy Pelosi Tulsi Gabbard Political CARTOONS Qanon Mitch McConnell Coronavirus Easter Eggs post thumbnail image
General Flynn political cartoon self isolation tip and I thought who knows more about self isolation than general Flynn and if you notice on his jacket I wrote something in blue I’m trying to be more interesting about my cartoons and I’m putting in things but you know what I really rushed through this I could have made the lettering better and if I ever had time to spare I could make my cartoons really really good it’s just I try to get these out really fast and I am I don’t trace the face that’s a real caricatura I know I didn’t go hard but I still wanted to make him look handsome and I made it a little colorful and the chess piece he is the night. KNIGHT.
Nancy Pelosi throwing Easter egg Corona virus Easter eggs at Mitch mcconnell because they’re just arguing about the Corona virus bill and nancy Pelosi is putting in all these crazy things trying to sneak them in there like abortion in to .. all sorts of weird free bees ..and also rashida tlaib said in a tweet ..or re tweeted David Hogg saying ” fuck your prayer day!” when our president Donald Trump had a national prayer day and he asked all Americans to pray for those worried about the Corona virus or something.

I just can’t believe David Hogg hes like the meanest person in the world is and Isnt supposed to be like a victim a child ..victim why is he such a horrible horrible person.

Coronavirus comment The power of belief why everyone is both believing that they have the Corona virus in their all rushing the hospitals it’s like a psychosomatic thing I mention it in this comment to Alex Jones.
This little girl is inside all of us you know you can only be so sweet and so kind for so long but when you are ignored or abused.. the curses. FLOW.. just come out and the possession takes over I don’t know.. We all should know what evil is but not act upon it. This Corona virus is going to bring this out of all of us like we’ve just had it we’ve had it with the drug commercials we’ve had it with big pharma we’ve had it with year after year after year having to go into the doctor’s office and get vaccinated and now we do it to our kids are we crazy are we really falling for the same things our ancestors fell for and now China big pharma and China and the innocence of America how nobody can see this but you it’s just so frustrating and you have to go along with the general consensus but what if that consensus is wrong based on a hoax surely you can’t be the only one who thinks differently that’s an argument you can’t win
I been to her house. Wasn’t boca this posts not boca raton..

its on this island off sobe. I touched her gate. Her neighbor hired an attorney I worked for to look after his house. I waited outside..He brought me. People really do have pet alligators. There . It’s a gated island. one way driving in. Yachts everywhere. Not boca Raton. was South Beach intercoastal. Island. Paradise Island? I cant remember..

Have fun in the underground Oprah. Sealed inside. Noone ever knowing. They will think you died of corona. But that’s not true. Every one will know what you did. Anyways.
Hope you can grow your own wheat down there w fiber optics. You can finally have Hillary as your leader. Merry Christmas.


Do you remember a long time ago in the blog I asked God to give me a psychic connections to the animals the farm animals that I take care of. Well since then I said to myself over and over I should not have asked that.

I woke up this morning with a panic… I mean I jumped my my heart beat said I raced outside barefoot and I ran into woods.. get all cut up with BlackBerry sometimes because I always know when one of them is..too far in.. and absolute panic and …started when..

This morning..I could hear my chickens like talking to each other or they were some sort of chorus that I could hear… I got up I ran outside and I didn’t think anything I thought maybe they got stuck in the blackberries or something so..

I see a cougar in my backyard and it was so fast it was not my lynx. it was not a Bobcat it was as big as my pig and it jumped over the BlackBerry bushes and it was heavy and I could hear it in the woods I can’t believe it in my yard. Very massive.
It was like a mountain lion or cougar I was not seeing things.

I ran Into the Woods like looking for this thing a rage..chasing a cougar..and I realize suddenly…I was alone in woods..I didn’t bring anything with me..and so I kind of ran back out of the woods fast but that’s how brave I am I would Chase something Into the Woods without being prepared.

This self isolation is really hard on me. I’ve been isolated anyways for a few years so this is not anything new to me it’s just that I have to wait on my grocery delivery order like 6 days and Amazon is only delivering a few things A-day.
I have lots of kale. I don’t even have to plant it just sprout’s year after year after year I have lots of it.
I have lots of eggs but that’s more for my pets..I it.

And I have like a 3 year supply of storeable foods..I mean I have stored up for years just boxes of soap bandages first aid stuff wheat like huge tubs of just wheat berries you can grind that up and make red or sprout them and make cookies.
At these days I’m just trying can coffee hot chocolate tea with our good Creamer that’s and lots of bananas dehydrated..just banana smoothies all day.. I usually eat all raw foods but since there’s a shortage I’ve been eating rice and beans stuff like that.

They say that 2020 will be a year of change so I ask God please please I would like new friendships and a new love for me and I know that I’ve done a lot of bad things my younger days..and I think I really made up for it and I suffered and I felt like I almost got punishment in a way but I understand now and and ready not to be a bad person anymore.. I just really want to be a good person.
I know the price to pay . And I paid it.
I ask God no more isolation should have no more loneliness no more evil no more lies no more betrayal I’ve suffered through it all I’m ready for something new.
There’s only so much a person can take before madness and I have lived through it and I was a good girl the entire time.
God I need you to send me an angel I need a friend.

And I really like to eat fresh food fresh raw fruit greens you know I’m not much of a processed canned food person.
I am sprouting sprouts now.

Hmmmm ..I took this photo. I ate this meal. This is example of a perfect meal for me. Flavors. Raw veggies. Tahini dressing. Greens..hmmmm..kelp noodles

It’s the all you can eat diet and you’re constantly losing weight until you get to your ideal weight..which is you’ll look like a teenager your you’ll have like a teenager’s body.
That 1st time you hit the 100 mark or maybe for really tall people it will be like 105 you’ll look beautiful absolutely gorgeous in it’s the all you can eat diet you could eat all day and you can eat raw crackers raw cakes and you’ll still his way it’s amazing it’s there’s nothing like it the 😊Raw vegan😚 fruit diet the vegetable diet

it’s not the same as vegan because vegan is disgusting. The vegan is very unhealthy for men and women cause of all the unnatural foods like flour stuff like cookies and rice and pasta that still vegan. Now the soy for the boys not good.

Don’t listen to Ashton Kutcher but listen to just reason. Celebrities arent truthwielders.

There is such a thing as a life force or sunshine in certain foods that you can either pick sprout or grow yourself that’s different than something you boil or cook🍐

you get like of a glow about you I’m it’s kind of like our life force a good feeling especially with grapes like the grape sugar …nice feeling. if you ate grapes just for one day straight while maybe the 1st day would be the hardest. because you have a lot of bad food in you yeah you might take a big big dump

BUT you know if you do a week of just grapes just different kinds of organic grapes just straight ..

GONE all every cancer inside you it would just vanish and any dead scarred TISSUE..or anything anything bad it would heal itself instantly

and they always say MANY BOOKS..that the cure for every disease is water . I read THEM books.. and you now people when they’re sick are sick because their lungs have dried out with heating left on overnight or something or cold air at night that I don’t know dries their throats.

But always drink water even when you’re not thirsty especially when you’re not thirsty.


I cant eat like that now!! what people need for health.
And a winter. The heaters left on overnight…burn your lungs. Hence flu symptoms.

No flu is the same as your neighbors No individuals flu is the same.. what you have is a mass hypnosis .. mass belief that everyone is feeling the same flu that’s kind of sweeping by in the air like pollen in the air everyone gets it and its mysterious isnt it

but no that’s not how the flus work if you’re in an office and it’s got lots of hot dry air everyone will get sick it doesn’t mean there was a germ that tiptoed and caught you why would nature that we’re not sick were healthy.

People always ask well what was the reset what was the reset??

and I think these pandemics are covers for mass genocides I think The PARASITES OF MEN.. use a pandemic to explain away why so many people died ..when actually it was genocide..
Fake history.. Is gonna be just as wild fake science fake weather fake media fake cnn..soon.

there is now genocide ..

when you see footage of China see authority man caught breaking a woman’s neck on camera..and you’re sitting next to someone who saw the same thing and they say “Look. she died of the virus !”

and you just saw that cop break that woman’s’s very very scary world it’s like you have to wake each other up from the from the dream state or something the the matrix the matrix isn’t real there’s no such thing as viruses..ever.. and it’s not just that ..

it’s every science almost everything we believe is a lie and when you look close at it it’s like you can never come back you have fallen into the abyss.

I have fallen. I have seen it all. My senses are just so sharp but I find that I am more intuitive when I eat fruits that are ripe and sweet and exotic you know but blueberries will do strawberries will do bananas will do I just don’t like this grocery shortage thing because now the food I eat us like boiled grains. Can stuff..or something but
You know what my absolute vice absolute vice

just came in the mail today..

Businesses are boarding up their businesses with wood right now.
I get it……I think. I thought a long time.

Were just observers. Happy flock. But not anymore
2 tailed lion w a ball and spikes thingy. An old fairy tale? Family Crest? Something astrological. Or a renaissance of this old world order culture?

Why would they teach you anything about mankind’s history why would they give you even a little bit and the little that they do give you has been sanitized and is only a reproduction or re written or re translated as the artist sees fit.

You guys wanna know what they’re reset was it was probably something just like this but all the old resets they have one thing that this new 1 doesn’t and that’s our president trump they were not expecting him so maybe we’ll see a little but I don’t think we are going to get too cooked but maybe we’ll just be a little warmed up..

But for all those countries outside that the United States will see great loss of life ..

America truly is the last stand.
And it’s Americans that will save the world we have to figure this thing out we have to find out

1st of all do viruses really exist we have to find out we have to have it explained to us like over a radio show and if something doesn’t make sense it’s probably BS so you should ask questions say show me a pictures show me an image and you know and just look at that image ..

if they tell you that that’s a virus just look at it maybe maybe it is or maybe it’s just computer graphic illustration image with the neon green glow tool and you can ask like why is the virus always changing colors like why are some have triangles on it and other ones are red and green and why do they have suction cups and when you get an answer

say do you have a picture of this happening or how are you following it in the air living for 20 days how do you know that and just ask..questions like you really got ahold this up and qanon q anons needs to hold up ..this to a light..

question big pharma and I don’t care if it’s a huge part of our economy if it’s evil it’s evil and there is always the good within that don’t like the evil that really wanna help people you know

so maybe you bring those people up and it’s good there’s going to be a Civil War within the medical industry too because this Louis Pasteur crap is archaic..look up his death bed confession. He was wrong he said…doesn’t even make sense and it’s I’m kind of thinking it’s you now just like fake space all those images you see far off galaxies.. they’re just artists interpretations..and nasa admits it they don’t even call them pictures.. they call them images and recreations.

So why is big medical different? Satanic? Check!
The oldest plant is seaweed..just came..all the minerals from the ocean 092 minerals and grass it’s a grass…grass absorbs.
Add some soy sauce … Very addictive treat.
Your body just craves minerals..the black nori is raw.

Roll up avocado in it roll up sprouts roll up Carrot from the garden tomatoes shredded beets shredded roots anything really you just roll it up and it’s a roll.
Them times like these you do not want empty food you want food which the cells in your body will use anyone interaction with your body and your food you don’t want it just to pass through as waste…
You are not a fertilizer maker machine.
Raw food tastes amazing it’s cooked vegan that is just awful this is all live food gently dehydrated still alive.
Coconut is man’s medicine. In World War II you could do blood transfusions with the water. But not pasteurized like this one probably is.

The baby cow that drinks pasteurized milk dies. The baby cow who drinks…raw milk. Lives. Raw is law. But this close enough.
Nothing like a head of kale eaten in few minutes. Raw. Under 110 degrees dried. Still alive.

The reason these are super foods is they are concentrated health and it’s the most Bang for your buck and it will take you the farthest in energy and it won’t wear your body down digesting itself digests and it activates with your own cells in it carries energy everywhere it’s not a dead food.
Fig cake raw..high force count.
I need A-line from my tulsi gabbard cartoon.. I just wanted to draw her to make this lasting goodbye.

I really don’t think she is out of the race I think she’s just suspending her campaign until this Corona virus fake stuff goes away because it’s really freaking everyone out except for trump he is the only one there brave and confident and I’m so I just love the man so much I love our president trump dearly in the highest platonic way I think hes like the most perfect man ever.

Tulsi gabbard political cartoon
Aloha means hello and good bye it’s very subtle humor
Hilarious. What perverts. How can you believe these people after all we’ve been through you believe them now the something unseen and unseen enemy it can even be verified what happened to trust and verify trust but verify isn’t that like a Republican saying well let’s verify this because if it’s so small how can you verify it can we see some stuff can we see it in the act of infecting someone can we see it living in the air for 20 days can we see what it really looks like or do we just get cartoons.