Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Freelancer Political Cartoonist

Freelancer Political Cartoonist

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Cruella Deville Tish T-shirt design you will find soon in stores.

In the heart of the MAGA Revolution, there lived a passionate political cartoonist pampleteer named Abigail. Abigail was not armed with a gun, but rather, with a pencil and paper. She was a fervent believer in the power of visual storytelling, and her cartoons and pamphlets were highly sought after by those who shared her beliefs. She loved the ancient political cartoonists like DAUMIER and Dr. Seuss.

Abigail’s work was often satirical and critical of the mainstream media MSM, which she felt was out of touch with the needs of everyday Americans. She drew cartoons for journalists like Gateway Pundit and Loomer, drew attention to issues like illegal immigration, the border and the persecution of Trump, the erosion of traditional values, and her bold illustrations sparked conversations and debate both online and off.

Her pamphlets were hand-drawn and distributed at rallies and protests, and her cartoons were featured in local newspapers and online publications. Her work was loved by many, but also despised by some, who saw her as a threat to the status quo. She wasn’t a cartoonist for the everyday masses, but for the thinking elites. She exposed deep secrets of Facebook and how they sold your accounts as mortgage backed securities on the secondary market,,,But Abigail remained undeterred, and she continued to create and share her art, using her talents to help spread the word about the MAGA movement.

Abigail’s humble abode doubled as her command center. In the dim light of her computer screen, by candlelight sometimes, she feverishly typed and posted, bringing to life vivid memes of leftist tyranny. Her posts, often featuring a stout and arrogant socialist, went viral and spread like wildfire through the MAGA community. No one was safe, not even , Trudeau or CHINA. She attacked also those within who were suspect or had ties with globalists.

As the revolution gained momentum, Abigail found herself at the forefront of the battle for America’s soul. She was an unrelenting voice, calling out the hypocrisy and corruption of the establishment. Her words struck a chord with the masses, and her memes became the rallying cry for the movement. Youtube banned her cartoons daily. Just like yesterday. She appealed saying YOU CANNOT CENSOR A POLITICAL CARTOONIST, we are allowed to comment of public events like NEWS.

The international conservatives reached out to Abigail, recognizing her talent for rallying the masses through her political cartoons. They offered her a platform to share her work with like-minded individuals around the plane. Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. She accepted the offer, understanding the importance of spreading the message of freedom and conservatism to every corner of the world.

Abigail began freelancing for international conservatism, spreading her message of patriotism and liberty to a world audience. People hired her in Africa and Spain. Her memes found their way into the hearts of conservatives everywhere, inspiring them to stand up for their beliefs and fight for their countries. Tv stations in europe put her cartoons on their news!

As her influence grew, so did her responsibilities. Abigail found herself at the center of a movement all over the earth plane, a beacon of hope for those who yearned for freedom and justice. Her memes became synonymous with the struggle against leftist Satanic tyranny, and her name became a rallying cry for conservatives everywhere.

Abigail, the humble blogger who once fought for America’s soul, had become an international hero. Her legacy would live on, inspiring generations of conservatives to stand up for their beliefs and fight for their countries.

Dans les dernières nouvelles, notre président Trump a promu un homme à un poste, que j’ai personnellement, il y a des années, embauché pour discréditer. J’ai ressenti une telle honte. Je ne peux pas refaire une erreur comme celle-ci. On m’a dit que cet homme était un RINO. Il semble qu’il soit le meilleur ami de Lindsey Graham et je l’ai vu comme un drapeau rouge pour l’attaquer. Mais quiconque Trump promeut, je devrais le défendre. Je n’avais tout simplement aucun moyen de le savoir à l’époque. Il y a une guerre civile parmi les patriotes. Je ne devrais pas remettre en question, mais Trump choisit des gagnants, ceux qui gagneront, qui sont de notre côté, même s’ils ont des liens RINO parfois. C’est comme avec Kathy Barnett. Les gens l’aimaient, mais Trump et Hannity ont promu le Dr. Oz. J’ai attaqué le Dr. Oz. Les politiciens qui sont élus, finalement, c’est la préoccupation des gens.

In the recent news, our esteemed leader President Donald Trump has elevated a man, promoted him to office, SOMEONE whom, years ago, I had been employed to discredit. This situation has filled me with profound remorse, as I must not repeat such a grave error. I was informed that this individual has connections to the so-called “RINOs,” and it looked like it, he was buddy buddy with Lindsey Graham, and I have observed his close association with Lindsey Graham, which I perceived as a warning sign to challenge him. However, it is crucial to support those whom our leader promotes, even if their political leanings are unclear. I was unable to foresee this situation, as I lacked the necessary connections and information.

There is an ongoing conflict among the populace, with strong opinions on both sides. It is not my place to question the decisions of our leader, as he has a keen eye for identifying those who will prevail and stand with us, regardless of their past associations. Take, for example, Kathy Barnette. The masses rallied behind her, but our leader Trump and Hannity championed Dr. Oz. I directed my efforts towards undermining Dr. Oz, as I believed he was not the right choice. I thought maybe Trump was pressured by old friendships. Sometimes he has to play along, and extend branches.. sometimes he has to come to his enemies with chocolate.

Yet, in the grand tapestry of our journey, the ultimate arbiter of our fate rests in the hands of the people. A recent testament to this truth lies in the election of JOHN FETTERMAN when, in retrospect, we ponder the path not taken with Kathy Barnette.

There exists a curious nuance in Trump’s endorsements, a subtle dance between strategic calculations and the loyalty to the cause. In the realm of political chess, it seems Trump occasionally champions candidates, not as guaranteed Maga supporters but as the obvious victors, but as preferable alternatives to Democrats. Rinos, better than Democrats..Perhaps, in his intricate plan, there’s a method – to introduce a semblance of incompetence, a stark wake-up call for the masses. To put in those who are so terrible, to mock the democrats… A calculated move, not without the knowledge and consent of the people.

Miracles can happen, someone unknown in politics, can become well known overnight and the winner. These things do happen. Just like in 2016! You can’t always go with the one the TV promotes. You can fight it.

The recent case of Dr. Oz exemplifies the complexity of these political chess games. Despite the Trump endorsement, compatriots, especially Poso, launched a barrage of criticism. These instances serve as litmus tests – do we blindly follow the chosen, or do we exercise our own judgment? The people, in the end, hold the reins of decision. The voters, have the choice. And most of them do not even follow politics so you have to make extra room for ignorance. And back it up with simple to understand words. But ultimately, its Maga who run the agenda. The people of.

Endorsements, though powerful, do not always guarantee the chosen candidate’s infallibility. It’s a game of discernment, an acknowledgment that sometimes, strategic moves necessitate feigning ignorance. To the enemy, one must occasionally appear naive, stay out of the malevolent gaze, and play along, especially in the face of real danger.

You may Hate KING CHARLES, biggest child trafficker, ever, but when Trump says things like He is a wonderful man. You do not think, the King is a wonderful see, instead, that Trump wrote his name is all caps. Which is the language of the dead. Meaning he has been executed. You see, not everything in politics, is on the table.

Sometimes you promote the enemy, to blind them..

And then, just when the adversary least expects it, the decisive strike is executed. A calculated pounce, orchestrated with precision. It is a strategy that involves letting the enemy bask in the spotlight for a moment, only to reveal their vulnerabilities TO THE ENTIRE WORLD, when they least suspect it. In this political chess match, the wise player knows when to play along and when to pounce, a delicate balance between deception and revelation in the pursuit of a greater cause.

I toil in the service of conservatives, wielding my pen as a loyal scribe for the President and his kin. My artistic creations, born from the depths of my imagination, are destined to be a lasting legacy, an artistic bequest that shall endure long after the final breath escapes my mortal frame. My political Cartoons belong to the Trump Dynasty family, long after I am dead.

Yet, my allegiance to conservatism is not without discernment. There are moments when I am summoned to delve into the shadows, to scrutinize those with peculiar pasts or disquieting voting records. Recently, a task was laid before me – to craft a VIVEK Cartoon. Making him look good..I peered beyond the surface, recognizing the figure as one entangled in the pursuit of personal gain, a grifter, a mere imitator, a voice echoing the sentiments of others. In the face of financial strain, with the hum of my powerless abode, I chose to cast a spectral rejection upon this endeavor. Not every commission shall claim my artistic hand, for principles weigh heavier than pecuniary allure. I ghosted the job offer. Even though I was poor and about to be homeless. I couldn’t take that money.

My artistic endeavors demand an unwavering replication, a mirrored reflection of my conservative creed. Any deviation, any incongruity, renders the subject suspect in my discerning eyes. Politicians HAVE TO BE EXACT COPIES OF ME or they are suspect. As should all voters look… Politicians may feign loyalty to Trump, and he plays along, a strategic dance to keep adversaries within arm’s reach. Yet, the true arbiter rests with the voters, the custodians of their own destiny. It is their trust that we must honor, a trust placed for decades in the integrity of the electoral system.

A disconcerting truth lingers – the specter of rigged elections, a stain upon the American tapestry. The moment Al Gore succumbed to defeat, the seeds of doubt were sown. I knew back then, elections fixed… Yet, the collective memory is fleeting, and people often forget the lessons learned. To rectify this grievous flaw, we must embark on a crusade for unblemished elections. Our inherent goodness, our trust, has been exploited for far too long. If we mend this fractured system, the victor shall be none other than Maga. The dichotomy of two parties shall dissolve, paving the way for a new era where unity prevails, and the clarion call of a single, undivided nation rings triumphant.

In the hallowed halls of revolutionary discourse, one cannot help but question the very essence of voter participation. Is it not a paradox that in this supposed exercise of free will, we find ourselves subjected to the bureaucratic intricacies of registration? Must we not ask: Is this not a form of voting in itself? When you register to vote, isn’t that like voting twice? You tell everyone who you are voting for, so they balance they scales and fake ballots. I do not think we should register to vote. I think it should be done in one day, all of it, to give everyone the surprise. Plus, if you register Democrat, you cannot vote for anyone else from the other party? SAYS WHO? You VOTE FOR WHO YOU WANT REGARDLESS OF PARTY. It strongarms people, forces them, they do not want to leave their party. You should be able to vote for whoever, whatever party you are. It should be a secret. I thought voting was secret, behind booths and what not. BUT WHY when, YOU REGISTER TO VOTE, you are actually voting. They know. Now your party is on the outside of the ballots. Isn’t that like voting?

And behold the curious clause that binds one’s allegiance to a particular party upon registration. Is this not a subtle coercion, an imposition on the sacred act of individual choice? Can such constraints be deemed constitutional? Is it not an affront to the principles we hold dear?

Consider the enigma of voting twice, an act that seemingly defies the sanctity of the democratic process. Does it not sow the seeds of doubt, revealing the winner before the very act of voting commences? Is it not a perilous dance with fate, a prelude to potential malfeasance?

The proclamation of one’s party allegiance before the actual vote raises an eyebrow. Does it not render the democratic ballet susceptible to manipulation and skulduggery? Could it not be a calculated move, allowing malevolent forces to gauge the strength of their opposition and strategize accordingly?

And what of the insidious specter of illegal mail in ballots? I voted for mail in ballots, to Trump, and it was never counted. The very notion that knowledge of party affiliations could be exploited to orchestrate electoral mischief is a disconcerting revelation. A clandestine calculation, a sinister ballet of deceit.

DO away with parties. Make that a social thing, not something you have to register for, thus voting and letting everyone KNOW who you are voting for, which should be private.

Republicans, stalwarts of unity, cry out against the divisive forces that threaten their ranks. They yearn for singularity, rejecting the notion of a bifurcated identity that breeds internal discord. Registering to Vote, is VOTING. It should be done in one day, to the politicians surprise!! Not voting ahead of time, and forcing you to vote for that party in a closed booth, they already know.. you already voted! By registration.


No longer shall the political arena resemble an unruly football game, marred by infighting and accusations of foul play. No longer should they know ahead of time, who is voting for who. Transparency is for the politicians not us. We need to see what THEY are doing and they should be blocked from what WE ARE THINKING.

In this discourse, the clarion call resounds – a plea for a singular, undivided allegiance. No more shall the faithful be torn between two factions; instead, they shall unite under a singular banner, MAGA.

You want 2 parties? We can have the Maga-Right and the Maga-left. FIXED! The election PURISTS. The real DEMOCRATS, heck we should even take that name too..take it from them, who have lost the honor…There you have it two parties..a UNITED bastion against the specter of cheating that haunts the democratic-process. In the spirit of America, let unity prevail and let the republic flourish, unencumbered by the divisive gamesmanship that threatens its very essence. Throw out, what the BOOMERS allowed to happen. They are in our care now. They are forced to listen.

I routinely commit to nondisclosure agreements, I sign nda’s sure, for work privately made that I cannot share, or tell..ensuring the confidentiality of my work, and promptly eliminate any personal copies. I delete copies of my cartoons so only the client has them. If only you could glimpse the unrevealed cartoons I’ve crafted, locked away from public view. There’s also the clandestine cartooning I engage in, where someone else claims credit after reworking my creations. I do ghost-political-cartooning. Despite my strong attachment to my art, the allure of extra income often leads me down this path. It’s not solely about the financial aspect for me, although I must admit I’m currently facing financial challenges. I sustain myself on a unique diet centered around raw fruits, nuts, and greens. I lack the role models in my life. I have energy vampires all around me. I long to find friends who love the art of the political cartoon. I would like to connect with someone!

Yo, you might be like, “Bruh, your art ain’t that traditional political cartoon vibe with those basic scribbles, color fills, and gradients, you feel me?”

But hold up, if I’m all about copying that one style and sticking to it, I’d straight up die of boredom. I’m an artist- man! I’m all about those textures, those imperfections that give my work its flavor. Maybe it is my style. In the style of a real person.. I vibe with the natural, none of that curve tool or ruler nonsense. I’m out here drawing my curves and lines by hand, none of that automated stuff. Bucket filles. Anyone can do that. I like LEARNING. I like OIL PAINTING. I like Textures and messy lines. I have to feel it. I add stickers.

Why would I wanna use a bucket tool for colors when I can get my hands dirty with some new brushes digital hand painting? Don’t be telling me to check out political cartoonists from the beginning of time. We got legends like Charles Addams, breaking all those cartoon stereotypes, you know?

Playboy cartoons were my secret stash growing up, not for the nudes, but for those dope cartoons that spoke to my soul.

So, before you try to box me into some traditional cartoon box, remember, I’m out here thriving in my own lane, embracing the imperfect, and keeping it real. My art ain’t about following the norm; it’s about breaking free and letting my strokes tell a story that’s far from ordinary, but straight up extraordinary. It is about creating something new. Not one cartoon is a replica of another. I use new brushes for almost everyone, because I LIKE ART. I want to play!!

The greatest political cartoonists are the ones that don’t fit any stereo types or draw a simple scribbles. Not those in newspapers like the New York Post onwards from 2016. Those will be forgotten. Written off as dark money propaganda. LIES. Whereas the pizzagate cartoons I have privately saved, they all been deleted, will be remembered!

I had a political cartoonist. .. well known.. who got the Pulitzer Prize!! ..threatening me on Twitter, giving me a death threat. In public!

Before you compare me to other political cartoonists in my party, be aware, how many times they plagiarized me! They get paid massive! I was banned on Patreon Reddit Twitter X Facebook and they were not …so….

Like I said , if I were to draw like everyone else and have the same style for every cartoon I would literally kill myself. I am an artist, not a slave driver for newspapers.

This was my latest banning I actually have another one after this my last cartoon I posted was also taken down.

Do you know how old this cartoon is ? Why am I being banned for it now?

it’s unfair. I am a political cartoonist and I am allowed to comment on news commentary! If its in public, it is fair game. David Hogg is not a child and I have been banned from monetizing my content, for drawing him, no matter how many accounts I start up.

YouTube I am going to get you. That cartoon is so old. Recently an old cartoon was deleted, the same day ELON MUSK mentioned that issue..

You cannot GO BACK IN TIME TO CENSOR ME, especially if you make money off my accounts on the secondary markets!! I am a real political cartoonist I don’t just draw cartoons for the masses … I don’t just draw American eagles, flags, and …Trump on a tank. I draw about The real issues… the real secrets… that will get.. our enemies. My political cartoons are not for dumb men.. and most people won’t understand them… But in time they will. When it matters in history when all of this is over.

AI art cannot reproduce my work because every single cartoon is different in a different style with different brushes, different pens! I used to draw in handwriting that you couldn’t scan. Maybe I should go back to that handwriting.

Hiding my political cartoons from the AI…

That’s what they are doing. They don’t want the ai to know what I am drawing. When I tell the AI what these people are doing my Query or request gets blocked as dangerous. I suggest all of you tell ai what these people are doing and see for yourself.

No one can see them, because the algorithms ONLY push first the MSM cartoons. On google too, if you type in the name of this website, I am 14 pages down. IT TAKES TWO YEARS FOR MY CARTOONS TO SHOW UP IN GOOGLE SEARCH. Then they are all over!

courtesy Azazel News..on Telegram..this whole collectible set:

We can have a two party system, sure!

MAGA Right: The Nationalists, MAGA Imperialists: The Authoritarian Conservatives

A stalwart leader, answerable to none, presiding over the entire system with centralized authority, stands as the bedrock of our vision. MAGA Right champions economic nationalism, upholding strong borders, America-first policies, and traditional values like genuine homeschooling and private education. Envisaging a magnificent border wall reminiscent of ancient fortifications, their robust military, well-funded and potent, takes center stage. These leaders, adorned in suits as representatives of the people, share allegiance to both Maga parties, uniting as Collectivists of Individuals.

Ensuring the protection of thriving enterprises from tyranny, they focus on secure elections held on a single day, with voting coinciding with registration – a surprise for politicians. Advocating for friendship with nations and global influence through exemplary success, they reject artificial narratives propagated by mainstream media. Liberty from stifling regulations and licenses is paramount, with banking reforms aimed at rectifying past injustices. The return to the gold standard and the elimination of income tax are foundational principles.

The Maga Right supports a potent executive branch, stringent law enforcement, and economic policies promoting stability. Traditional values are emphasized for social cohesion, and postal reform grants additional powers to the postmaster general in service to the people. Transformation of police into peace officers, abolition of unelected agencies, empowerment of states, churches, and businesses, and the prohibition of governmental sanctioning of political parties underline their commitment to individual freedoms.

The call for the death penalty for treasonous acts, the revival of jury nullifications, and innovative projects such as copper tops on government structures or gold embellishments on the White House are expressions of their determination to reclaim and preserve heritage without destruction. Traditionalists advocate for continuity with improvement, introducing new gold coins featuring Trump’s likeness under treasury management for the benefit of the people. This leadership aspires to transform citizens into the living and restore their rightful inheritances.

The Maga right are protecting big businesses like the Trump Blimps and Zeppelins..AIRSHIPS.. That’s how we travel.. It’s much more luxurious and Especially when you land on American Tartarian spires… It will be super cheap to fly this way. And it will be the most safe. And it will use free energy basically hot air. There will be no helium use so you don’t have to worry about things like you’ve heard like the Hindenburg. And the Empire state building. and that’s how we replace those terrible airplanes, planes and pilots, look a sign!

They are the guardians of a strong nation, and resilient people. Let the border walls stand tall. There lies the prosperity of the citizens. Ensuring America’s primacy on the world stage!

MAGA Left: The Populist Revolutionaries, MAGA Liberty: The Innovators

In their unique pursuit of social justice, MAGA Left prioritizes equality by empowering the smallest minority—the individual. The minority is the smallest individual, which they champion.

They foster charitable efforts within Christian churches, emphasizing environmental conservation through genuine organic farming and a pro-citizen stance that challenges establishment norms. Beautiful parks, rivers and streams, freedom to hunt. Advocating for diversity in grocery stores, meaning more tropical fruit, less monopolizing on the kinds of apples we eat, humane farming practices, and addressing income inequality via church-based welfare programs.

The Maga left advocates for the pursuit of FREE energy, delving into innovations such as water-powered cars, complimentary wifi, and electricity harnessed from the atmosphere – a resource owned by none. We aspire to be the harbingers of light, championing the idea that wifi should be universally accessible, allowing everyone the opportunity to engage in capitalist endeavors. Liberating ourselves from the burden of bills, we propose geothermal steam heating for every household and the collection of free electricity through towers installed on each home.

Many Many different ways. No more slavery to bills!

It’s always been free. We are electric. Our charger is the earth to our bare feet.

Noone owns it! It’s Natural!

Also television sets big screens that don’t need to be plugged in that work forever I mean… if that is not high-tech and worthy of the saviors of the world..? But yes the light is just a trinket of god… it is not God.

We will shine and the world will follow. That is what President Trump means.

Emperor God Trump, that is! He will have earned it. This will be given to him by all humanity. By our free will.

Environmental initiatives ..of the Maga Left..will..span from ensuring universal access to clean water to the picturesque delivery of fresh spring water through iconic downtown fountains. The grandest water fountains in the world will be in all of our downtowns. Implementing systems for home access through irrigation and water collection is a priority, coupled with a commitment to clear skies and the prohibition of all chemtrails.

This water is free nobody owns water it is natural.

Copper wire gardening. Grow giant fruits and vegetables. People too, we have a body electric! We can make Giants! Electro Farming…

In the realm of criminal justice reform, We are judged by our people and our peers.. The judges cannot sell our case numbers on the secondary markets that’s for sure… They cannot own businesses with the legal bonds… They cannot act as lawyers and judges at the same time… And they don’t have total immunity if they do crimes against the people.. And we can choose whatever and whoever we want as legal counsel… For there is no such thing As a lawyer in the Constitution in fact I think they are banned before that was amended, in politics… There is no such thing as a license to practice law in the government no such thing it is instead an association… Legal council can be anyone. Also the focus lies on liberating individuals incarcerated for minor offenses, like traffic citations…championing the medicinal benefits of cannabis.. or homeschooling. Or those falsely accused of shaking their kids when it was just a vaccine injury… All these have to be reconsidered the cases.

Protecting and preserving historical structures while revisiting and truthfully recounting the nation’s history. Legal reform is pursued by dismantling the notion of a license to practice law, there is NONE. Its an association. Our legal counsel can be ANYBODY per Constitution… emphasizing citizen participation in courts, and educating students on winning cases without lawyers. The revival of Latin, cursive writing, and heroic literature is coupled with a commitment to unmasking truths about our world, rejecting NASA tax schemes, and fostering a grassroots approach to education.

Rejecting racism in favor of challenging bad ideas, the Maga left excels at engaging and mobilizing crowds. The movement envisions the global export of water-powered cars, leveraging proprietary patents. Advocating for a departure from conventional sources, the Maga left calls for the abandonment of the Encyclopedia Britannica and a rejection of false world history, aiming to discard connections to the Crown and Britain in favor of an ancient, timeless America. Art is to be liberated from money laundering and artistic conformity, fostering genuine expression and providing every artist with the opportunity to achieve the American Dream.

They are putting an end to the compulsory pasteurization of almonds and milk, recognizing its detrimental impact on the life force. No longer will cows suffer from holes in their sides for human intrusion; we will cease this practice and usher in comprehensive reforms for slaughterhouses. The era of mandatory chicken vaccinations is over, kids and people too, challenging the dominance of Big Medical. ALL THOSE VACCINE INJURED OR DEAD, the families GET COMPENSATION. We restore all changes to the original constitution. The power to heal will be restored to practitioners, enabling private patient care, and information will flow freely. The Right to Try becomes the standard, promoting individual autonomy in healthcare decisions.

Moreover, we champion the Right to Travel without the need for a license, as enshrined in the constitution, except when engaging in commerce. DUI checkpoints and mandatory drug testing become relics of the past. Our bodies and homes are inviolable properties, free from taxation. Family matters remain private, and we ensure that the courts serve our interests. Legal counsel can be anyone, ANYONE, does not have to be a lawyer…as mandated by the Constitution, and we maintain control over the judiciary. Judges found guilty of legal transgressions face immediate imprisonment. This is a vision where individual freedoms and constitutional rights reign supreme.

A Revolution of Hearts and Minds unfolds, where charity flourishes within liberated churches. We embrace stewardship of our land, forests, and waters, fostering a harmonious coexistence with nature. Every individual is not only heard but profoundly valued. The abundance of our nation will manifest in the richness of our soil, and supermarkets will become showcases for the diverse array of fruits grown on our land.

Ever experienced the delightful taste of cherimoya, sapote, or durian? We’ll cultivate these exotic fruits in greenhouses, alongside a bounty of microgreens, wild peanuts, and jungle berries. Our agricultural output will emerge as a national strength, presenting a vibrant kaleidoscope of produce that contributes to the overall health of our nation. No more subsidies on meat; you pay the true cost!

Balancing the number of Maga workers with Maga bankers is crucial. We recognize the significance of bees and lions in our ecosystem. Individuals will pursue their passions, whether innovating in various industries or navigating the system. Not everyone can navigate the paperwork for treasury-based bill payments, only 3 percent will do this, the rest are not into it…and there’s a place for every worker, old or blind, to contribute. Left to their own devices, people inherently do good; disease stems from Big Medical, end this, and all disease stops..and suffering results from those who harbor ill will towards our country. Release the people, and goodness will follow. Everything becomes self responsibility. Remove the swamp and the mosquitoes will disappear. Stop corporations and make individuals accountable for their companies..and the country starts healing from the poison.

In this vision, Good holds a supreme position. Give everyone a chance to do good and be a part of the greatest nation, to empower and uplift them and protect them from their enemies. Allow everyone to make as much money as they want, they will do good.

Represent the strong the successful and penalize -the weak, poor, lazy, criminal. In business and in life. Those who harm children, do not get to go to prison where they fake their death and get new identities. They DIE, IN A VERY FAST WAY. Speedy Trials- then Iron Maidens!

Globalists have to be banished, to the undergrounds. Seal it up. They can grow wheat down there w fiber optics, and drive around. They cannot be on the same plane as us. God forbids it, they are abominations. It is very moral, as they invoke and pal around with demons. They can be with them! The ones who have bunkers, they are not actually, bunkers, they have built their tombs like the Pharaohs. They will have wifi and be fine in the metaverse. Everyone is happy! Seal it up! Playfully, we can call it HELL.

Mark 🎲 :

I hope you liked my short story.

Water Powered Car… Buffalo NY. This is what nuclear Maga means and it will devastate bad people and liberate the good.. Which we’ve all voted on.

The directions are online.