Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Eric Schmidt, Google, Alphabet INC, Adult Babysitter, Step down, Political Cartoon.

Eric Schmidt, Google, Alphabet INC, Adult Babysitter, Step down, Political Cartoon.

Eric Schmidt, Google, Alphabet INC, Adult Babysitter, Step down, Political Cartoon. post thumbnail image
Eric Schmidt from Google is stepping down from Alphabet inc a company that looks over Google. He is an adult babysitter for Googles cofounders, because they are so young. Its like Eric is the father over Larry Page and Sergey Brin, cofounders of Google.
Its creepy that robots will take over human jobs, as a way for evil to hide behind responsibility. SO I put in that element that he himself would be replaced. And what does he do? Watch over Google, so I made the robots giant babysitters.

Thank you I feel much better for talking about things