Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Donald Trump jr. Ron DeSantis Alex Jones Joe Biden Dandelion Ted Cruz Sketches Political Cartoons

Donald Trump jr. Ron DeSantis Alex Jones Joe Biden Dandelion Ted Cruz Sketches Political Cartoons

Donald Trump jr. Ron DeSantis Alex Jones Joe Biden Dandelion Ted Cruz Sketches Political Cartoons post thumbnail image
Beautiful faces. So Pretty. I did best I could under an hour.
I admit this was naughty. But It was best I could come up with under an hour. At least I tried. Got to keep pushing.
He is great to draw great features. I am listening to his show now. Only thing that relaxes me is Alex Jones voice. He speaks to me. I feel his words. He understands things that I do. He sees things like I do. And he is a great spirited entertainer. Plus he has the buffer to know when to accept an idea…versus head on, sometimes you make mistakes. If you pounce on something too quick. He does not. He is VERY careful. He will hardly ever make a mistake. Sometimes I want to watch mainstream news. But they are not talking about the underlying symptoms. Alex covers it all. So I get the juice with Alex. Those on tv cannot talk about certain things because they are paid for adverts in their shows. Like Big Pharma. So you really do not get the juice. You just get hints. But with Alex Jones, He teaches you. Sometimes just an inflection of his voice. I know he means business. I can tell what he is just about to say ..and I know what he means. If he doesnt say it. Or sometimes he says one thing and in next breath says the opposite. So he IS telling you. But leaving door open for you to CHOOSE.

Words cannot express the debt I owe to Infowars for all the knowledge I have gained.

Watching Ted Cruz on Watters world I got this vision. Its about being brave and courageous.

I am learning a new art program called Clip Studio and it takes me soooo long to learn it so my brain is fried. Changing a habit is hard for me. Plus I use Vector Magic and then I have to convert it back to png. I get very caught up in technique. I want to be the best at this. I work really hard. My only reward is an entire collection of cartoons editorial from 2016 Summer to now. I want to really get better in my art. My brain is friend because alot of my cartoons are unfinished. These are some that barely made it. But I need more effort put into this.

I have been spending hours trying to decode the world and what is going on. Its such a puzzle. I get sometimes 12 hours straight listening to news a day. Yet I am not sure where I belong. I CANT EXACTLY DRAW POLITICAL CARTOONS on Psyops, can I? I got to get at the heart of something.

This is the time the wheat is separated from the chaff. And I want to go with the wheat. I want to be with the winners. Its hard to find your place in life. The MSM even our side is..powerful with Tucker and Sean but the rest MEH. You have to pick and choose from many places. And the undergrounds can get really scary with all the vaccine adverse events. Most people do not see those. Its hard to find or even cross over this stuff to the population. You get mocked every which way. Qanon. Alex hahaha I hear it all the time.. but you know what. All these terms ANTI VAXXERS or Qtard.. they are products of the TV. The dying media. They mean nothing. Its best to tell the truth and stand alone. Then join a herd playing along with fake political tv theatre. And many groups hold knowledge the other doesnt. So there.

What exactly is reality? Is it what the tv says it is? Your first grade teacher? Universities? You may be in the grinder, if you say yes.

And who do we belong to? Some of us are very lonely in this lockdown. Yet we are offered choices. And they are very hard. To find your people. Every group has valid arguments against the other. There is a grain of truth in everything. But the monster that is TV hogs up everything and spits it out for many of us.

For example if you get a group together of those people who like to eat raw unprocessed foods for healing. You get the fruitarians, the raw vegans, the raw primal meat ones, the high fat, sprouted grains, no grains.. the high versus low fat crowd..they all argue with each other. All day long. And even with in those groups. You will get people shunning those who like to eat sugary dates versus probiotics. Everyone wants to be pure. in their ideals. So even within subcultures, you get infighting and shunning. So we all must do best to be individuals.

Same thing with Conservatives. They shun others. Only Christianity. Only straight family stuff. But all groups need their voices heard. 5 major religions here. Many preferences.

For example… Bruce Jenner is a winner. Won the olympics on sheer will power. Caitlyn can always change back. Plus he- she can bring celebrity. Remember. Politics is about addition. At least hear what zee has to say. Can bring many to the Conservative side. Alot of people of the right are calling Zir an enemy.

(But if I could vote I would vote for Cernovich. Thats my guy. He’s got a chance)…same thing. There are Many colors to conservatism. Many groups. Its about many things. Including me. I was writing about conservatism in 2003. I was lsitening to Alex Jones..When alot of these conservative superstars were watching The HILLS. My say is just as important. Is there an ideal conservative? Yes. But says who. Everyone brings their flair to an idea. So you have a grain of truth….then you add your flair to it. People on tv may not believe 911 was an inside job. But others do. And all of them on the same team. So really. Let’s just get together!

Plus you get the ex lefties who turned right. But yet at their core they still are left. Its a hard pill to swallow. But a ex lefty / now conservative.. is going to run out and still believe in the old ways. So its tough. You have to be right, in your blood. And you cannot bow down to “science” when you know its dead wrong these days. Speak up. Even if they argue with you and dismiss you as conspiracy theorist. Which is tv talk.

Science is a religion. Corona is their god. Reject it. Accept real science. Observation. If people are dying around you and they are covering it up. That is not science. If this thing is experimental. You investigate. If it could be a bioweapon. And has happened in history and covered up. That is science too, Depopulation is indeed a science. You are a scientist if you are into this. So are we to just stop with our own studies? If all the ferrets die in experiment. That is an observation. Right. If you have a microscope and steam a mask and see morgellons. Thats science too. If you do not find anything that’s science too. Its just something we can all do. But there is no samples for any coronavirus. CDC has no samples and scientists have never found it. Just regular flu. That is science? If its not repeatable? If only high priests have access to it?

What about political science? Have governments lied to their populations in secret experiments? Is Bill Gates banned from other countries for harming people? Thats political science. And ignoring not. What about money? Does money influence a study? Do these people talk about New World Orders and Childhood death?

I will start refocusing and try to be more funny. Truth is, alot of the news is so depressing and I got caught up in it. I can’t save the world. I can’t. I can’t teach anything. I just have to go with the flow and try to focus on one political cartoon a day that is it. I have 2k screenshots. But I do not think I am going to post them. They take from my funniness or wit and drown my message. I should only speak in political cartoons. I will try. So much going on. World changing events. And I need to just sit and concentrate on my own goal here and that is political cartooning the worlds greatest events, from my perspective. Not trying to save anyone. I do not know it all. And I travel far and wide for my information. Because whats on tv. Is not reality. Its theatre. Actors. I am regrouping my brain. Defragment. I should be out of this rut by tonight. A new clean slate. Simple. Its about making it easier. I am obsessed about NEW information and sometimes its an overload and I forget my daily routines. New changes to my workspace, new equipment. It must be learned all over again.