Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Devin Nunes. Christopher wray political cartoon #devinnunes for Donald Trump

Devin Nunes. Christopher wray political cartoon #devinnunes for Donald Trump

Devin Nunes. Christopher wray political cartoon #devinnunes for Donald Trump post thumbnail image
Thats christopher wray. Angry that Potus used Spying word.

I mean it appears that hes just defending the FBI in defending the deep so because that’s his job and maybe that’s what hes supposed to do but his boss is Donald Trump and his boss was spied on and he really should work hard to find out who did this and he should fire them for it and he should get to the bottom of it he shouldn’t be arguing over words.
Devin Nunes is.. he always looks so kind his face hes got these black eyes very enduring you almost want to love him it’s hard to be mad at Devin Nunes.. and the words that he speaks may be lethal but they’re spoken in such a nice way that you almost like the man no matter what he says.
I wonder if hes Hispanic or Cuban you know these lefties wear their colors on their sleeves they wear their identity’s like badges but Devon Nunes hes just an American I wonder what nationality he is because Nunes sounds kind of Hispanic. More than Beto sounds it.

I really like Jared kushner . He is really an attractive guy I like looking at him who cares what he wears as an an identity badge hes a good looking person like I say… we should all be Americans 1st Americans.. 1st because that’s the greatest group of them all.
I think all religions have to fear this because everyone who moves to America you almost want to assimilate you want to be a part of this better thing it’s greater than where you came from.
America is better than any other place and if it were false you would be in that other place in if that other place was so great well why didn’t it make you rich why is America the only thing that will make you rich think about that.
That doesn’t mean prey on the weak and go to other countries and exploit their children and their women because of their lax laws that’s horrible what being a real man is is keeping the jobs in America for our sons and daughters and not letting it be a place of pirates and strangers.
I listen to Alex Jones daily and today he was talking about satanism within the Democratic Party we’ve all known about this for years and the innocence of America the innocence that so many prey upon the christians so many parasite on and latch on their books to us.. and then tell the christians that.. they came 1st …all these lies ..

whence the christians who came 1st we are the ancient Sun God religion and it’s never changed many sons of gods have come and had same EXACT life story of jesus..the sun god. With the halo.

Many come and gone but the religion stays the same.. it’s Christ’s life in the stars every part of Jesus is christ life is in the stars it’s written in the stars..all but an astrological holiday. Three days. He is risen. The event that happens dec 25 w virgo…and the three kings of orions belt. The scorpion Judas. Easter. The sun religion.
Christians we came 1st we are the original religion all other religions would love to pirate on us Hi Jack us take all of our churches and put their own symbols on them and believe me They want to turn our religion into theirs and slowly but surely they’re doing it. Adding books adding chapters re writing things telling us all these secret societies symbols about Jesus’s life come on guys come on wake up there’s nothing wrong with the 10 commandments but there is something wrong about deception.
Anyways I was listening to Alex Jones and I really really get him I really get him and I really appreciate him but satanism is what drives the Democratic Party it’s how they keep their people in wine and they thrive on secrecy so you if you hear any rumor you think it’s just a Hollywood movie when no they really do chop kids up they really do drink blood and they have creepy women that look like witches eating them.

Satanism hides behind Christianity it hides behind everybody else too. Believe me they make you betray your own people they made Obama do a bunch of horrible stuff to muslims but you know why he still held on. Because their god forgives all..if you further the..political agenda…their god..commands you to take sex slaves..
Heck he even married a zirsexual sheman.

I do believe we could have muslims on the right and I’m not sure if Lewis FarahKhan is one of them or if it’s possible to reform Islam to be able to assimilate with American philosophy because if you can assimilate all these religions under the America first umbrella you will have numbers that you would never believe possible numbers and you could change the world with those numbers.
You must reason with people everybody has free will.. you must reason ..pledge allegiance to the flag.. that will make you wealthy no religion no cults will make you wealthy unless you’re preying upon victims… No religion will make you rich you can’t pray to God to make you rich go ahead try I’ve done it a million times but you can be rich with freedom that comes with United States the freedom to do whatever it is you want to do as long as it doesn’t hurt the free will of someone else.
You could play video games and make money you could draw and make money you can sell cars and make money you could do whatever it is as long as it doesn’t hurt the free will of someone else and it doesn’t involve anything masters and slaves.
And who exactly is the dirty one those who live in caves in the desert or those who live in on top of skyscrapers whose cleaner
I would rather be someone who works hard doing what I love then doing some horrible government job were no one cares in everybody watches YouTube and Facebook and when the boss comes they all laugh and call boyfriends up.
Or even worse welfare I would hate myself if I was on welfare but honestly if I was on welfare I would use all the resources to make myself able to live on my own I don’t care how much money they give me I just don’t want it.
My mom may have a phD all paid for But I don’t and I paid my entire college off and I paid it off.. and it really sucks. It sucks that people get things for free but I I don’t want that and maybe that makes me dumber I don’t know but I like working for my own things. Because that way I’m in control of my destiny.
I believe everybody should own their own companies and their own business is nobody should work for somebody else. If you’ve got a talent make it work for you and try hard people don’t try to steal your intellectual property because that’s a very real thing I’ve witnessed it over and over and over again people want to own ideas these days and if you have a good idea people want to own that idea and they think they can buy it and it’s crazy because these are just control freaks then they wind up .which is bunch of projects a bunch of businesses and they never really find happiness….
I have beauty in my life I’m slender I eat well I love my skin I love Donald Trump I love the people I follow I love my children they are teaching and learning many different things my daughter’s learning karate Latin they learn how to digitally draw they are on tinker they know how to code make programs for games.

A lot of people parasite on christians and a lot of christians are completely blind to this but just wake up and once you guys become almost like an anomaly a rarity things are gonna be really ugly in this world and there’s not gonna be any beauty and all the buildings will be torn down and rebuilt in some weird image like all of them the world will be ugly we won’t know where we came from we won’t know who built these machines these sound machines that they turned into cathedrals.
You will never know who built these buildings we will never know .
With an S he says. Word games. Lets play!

He says thats not a word He would use. The fbi defends the fbi.

Spying. Peeping thomases!

My video If you can’t see that I Uploaded it to one of my vimeo accounts.
Some giants
Ancient living ruin. Many take credot for building these. They burn a roof. Then say it was rebuilt. They turn them into govt buildings or churches. They used yo be temples to the gods. Before that..these buildings were used as machines. Free electricity.
Set free. A goldfish is giant fish. In captivity it stays miniature.
All the old buildings..built for giants. Look at the arches steps doors stairs.

Living ruins! The builders lied. These were here before we arrived.

You think you photos…right?

Little quirky sentiments! Statue liberty! Statue of victory! Statue of freedom. Lady justice.
The gods are pissed we renamed them.