Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized David A. Clarke, JR. DONALD TRUMP James Comey, Political cartoon

David A. Clarke, JR. DONALD TRUMP James Comey, Political cartoon

David A. Clarke, JR. DONALD TRUMP James Comey, Political cartoon post thumbnail image

National interest Article said that Comeys revenge is telling people, leaking, or lieing, more like it. Sometimes things are unsaid, and I think James Comey was jusy assuming by body language. That Trump didnt want Flynn to go. Noone wanted Flynn to go, but Trump had to let government do itself in. You know Trump always rehired people he fired, on the Apprentice. It made so much drama and challenged everyone. I hope he can add back FLYNN later.

Anyways, Comey Drafted a MEMO for revenge. I thought at first like a post it?

It was a headline on Drudge earlier COMEYS REVENGE and it sounds like ahorror movie. But its just a post it, and what horrible thing did it say>

That Donald Trump didnt want the FBI to get rid of FLynn, he was a good guy.

I hope you can let this go, Trump supposedly asked JAMES COMEY.

And also today the internet was going nuts with David Clarke Jr Sheriff David, the guy who tweeted its time for torches and pitchforks. I love it. I am ready Trump army, organize.


Thats why I put the pithcfork and torch in my cartoon

symbolic.  DAVID has the people,  Thats what that means, David has the best mob in the world. AMERICANS. We make money for the world to run. We are the innocents. The Christians who produce the most. I mean he has America. He got me, too, I love the man so much for his guts, for his love of America. He earned it with me, and Donald Trump is surrounded by scum, by beta males, and I am so glad David Clarke is there to watch Donald Trumps back.

See how the negative comments all go to the top, on Twitter purpose.