Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Chuck Schumer Prince Charles..George Soros..President Donald Trump Political CARTOONS

Chuck Schumer Prince Charles..George Soros..President Donald Trump Political CARTOONS

Chuck Schumer Prince Charles..George Soros..President Donald Trump Political CARTOONS post thumbnail image

Prince Charles Chuck Schumer political cartoon
Plus there is a little Corona virus in the upper corner.

George soros pac funding anti trump ad about how hes handling the Corona virus so I show the Prince of darkness with ATV showing anti trump ads and then trump which is bringing you hope for Easter…

A super famous youtuber …who does documentaries..

I’ve watched all his documentaries I can’t believe..

🧄🍆🥥 he shared one of my cartoons.. the one with George Soros..🍓🍍

Like he is on my subscription list.. I love his videos.

How is that for resonance and alignment

He shared my George soros political cartoon…
On facebook…he shared my cartoon. Wow.

I posted his last video to this blog here and I talked about it on this blog here. That means I’m gonna have a good night.
I’m still not done I’m going to do another cartoon I’ve been doing like 3…..a day. But then again I took off a week when Corona virus 1st hit I was completely floored I had no energy I was just hit by such a negative energy..

I couldn’t even function properly I could feel the energy in America and now I’m used to it and I could feel there is a renewed hope for Easter which is what trump is saying that we are going to go back to work.

Lent is about fasting sacrifice and being chastened… We are in lent now. Everything about our president trump is biblical.

So I asked my buddy flat Earth sub genius to send me chet hanks Tom Hanks son trans stuff and I took some screenshots

doesn’t it look like hes had breast removal surgery those are not pectoral implants go in your arm pit.

What do u think. Plus look at kirk Douglas “son”
To be in their satanic army ..or in movies you have to raise one of your children as a transgendered either Covert or open
Adams apple? Abs??
Orion’s b er lt? Caduceus?
International paedo love symbol
The ring
The ring
Leo’s wife loves my madonna cartoon..🍒🍒🍒
Beautiful lady
I wonder why they do it like this

I commented on chets last Instagram post
This one:
You know I’ve seen other pictures of him on line like professional looking photos and I could see an Adonis belt and I could see an Adam’s Apple but I don’t see them in the picture it doesn’t look like it’s professional looks candid but you never now it’s a mystery…

Using my psychic powers I can see that hes very uncomfortable talking hes angry probly…
Too much testosterone.

I can definitely read that he is or Zee is very angry person prone to violence aggressive maybe been abused so much I don’t know but there’s an insincerity .playing a character it’s like artifice it’s not who chet really is I don’t know but if chet wants to get out of what hes in he can easily escape and be like a defector…

I’m sure he has all the names of the people who’s ever abused him and hes probably blocked out many painful memories that he can work with a hypnosis person to find out because once you remember something that’s blocked it all comes back to you crystal clear it’s just you never thought of it before you sealed it away . As a child.

If he came clean now he would be a victum escaping…
He has a chance to come clean and tell the world like give names etc there could be its chance for chet..
He could totally be saved and there definitely could be a chance at forgiveness because I’m sure he knows a lot.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle did it.