
Cherries post thumbnail image

I made tons of Smoothies with cherries and bananas and dates.

There is my cherry pitter.

I went out to eat with another friend and I had two salads with Pico and avocado as dressing. No big deal, but can’t do that every night..

Mostly all night I ate frozen bananas and sun dried tomatoes. I had a few mandarin oranges. I watched Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory show on Tru tv. Love it.

I made a veggie stew, based of Fred Patenaude’s recipe. I added and changed some things.

It had tomatos, cucumbers, lots of mango to make sweet, thai chili dried pepper, bell pepper, chives, and lots of basil. It was good. I would add more mango next time. Its blended to make chunky. All 811 recipes should be sweet. If savory.

veggie soup