Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Brian Stelter fired from CNN Monkeypox Political Cartoon NFT

Brian Stelter fired from CNN Monkeypox Political Cartoon NFT

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Brian Stelter fired from CNN Political Cartoon NFT collectible! #brianstelter #cnn #politicalcartoon #monkeypox

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I drew Anderson Cooper wearing shorts, because they do that. They just wear a blazer and shirt and underwear and sandals. Just for the cameras. Whatever behind the desk you do not see.

Why Does Brian Stelter Look Like a Serial Killing Clown?

Brian Stelter’s face has been popping up everywhere. He’s often on CNN talking about the media, and he’s probably been mentioned in your newsfeed more than once this week. Maybe you know him as that guy who looks like a serial killer clown? Now, it could be that Brian Stelter has a very interesting and unique appearance. Maybe he just has one of those faces with features that make him look like an unearthly creature when illuminated by camera lights. His teeth look demonic. His eyes open too wide. Or maybe Stelter is just trying to stand out from other media analysts by looking like a serial killer clown. To help understand why Brian Stelter looks like a serial killer clown, here are some facts about him:

Who is Brian Stelter?

Brian Stelter is a media analyst, television presenter, and the host of CNN’s media show, “Reliable Sources”. He also hosts the program, “CNN Newsroom”, which he took over from Carol Costello in 2016. Stelter is a senior media correspondent for CNN and he is also the host of “The Brian Stelter Show” podcast. His show, “Reliable Sources” was just canceled. Before joining CNN, Stelter worked as a media reporter for the New York Times and the New York Daily News. Stelter is also a contributing editor for The New York Times Magazine. He has published three books about the media, including “Top of the Morning: Inside the Wild and Crazy World of Morning TV” (2014) as well as “The Age of Outrage: How the Great Barrier of Disintermediation Will Change the Way We Think, Live, and Become Successful” (2016). Stelter was born in 1985 in New York City, New York. He graduated from the University of Colorado in Boulder with a degree in journalism.

Why do they call him “Mr. Super fake news”?

Stelter has been called the “king of fake news” by InfoWars host Alex Jones and other right-wing commentators. Stelter has spoken out about being called “fake news” by President Trump. He says that the President’s use of the term is “the biggest story in the country and the world”. Stelter added that Trump is trying to “delegitimize the press” by calling them “fake news”. Stelter also said that people who don’t like the news should “change the channel, read another newspaper, read another website, find a new radio station”. He added that the President “doesn’t like the fact that people don’t like him” and that Trump’s attacks on the media “are really about him trying to change the channel, trying to find a way to get people off his back”. The truth is, no one likes him. We are force-fed his show. There is one viewer who watches every show and that is Stephen King. Brian Stelter WAS Stephen King’s MUSE when he wrote the book ” IT”.

His show, “Reliable Sources” was canceled.

Stelter’s show, “Reliable Sources” was canceled after two years. Stelter’s audience had fallen from 350,000 viewers each week to about 150,000 viewers. CNN had planned to cancel Stelter’s show for some time but had held off because “Reliable Sources” was one of few regular offerings on the network that did not revolve around politics. Stelter had been criticized for biased reporting by conservative media. Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity had also criticized Stelter for not covering the so-called “Deep State”. CNN President Jeff Zucker decided to cancel the show after seeing the ratings fall.

What is wrong with his voice?

Stelter’s voice has been described as “nasal” and “piercing”. He has been criticized for “over-enunciating” his words, which some people say makes his voice sound “robotic”. Stelter is often compared to an “annoying salesperson” when he talks. The “Robotic Stelter” meme has been used to mock his speaking style. Stelter says that he loves talking about the media and he never considers whether or not his voice is annoying. He also says that he has no idea how he sounds. Stelter also says that he has a “nasal” voice, but that it’s just “how [he] talks”. CNN commentator David Frum has defended Stelter’s voice, saying that Stelter is “excessively polite for the world we live in”. Frum also said that Stelter’s voice would “get better with time”.

The Serial Killer Clown Look: Why Does he look like one?

Stelter has been compared to a serial killer clown on multiple occasions. People have called him a “creepy looking clown”, a “serial killing clown”, and a “carnival freak”. Stelter has also been called a “clown-faced, cretinoid, weasely, pipsqueak”. The “clown” comments appear to stem from Stelter’s extremely pale skin, large eyes, and a large mouth. Stelter has admitted that his skin is “ashen”. He says he is “always outside” and doesn’t like to be inside. Stelter says that he hates the “winter months” because he hates the “lack of sunlight”. He calls himself a “sad, indoor guy” and says that he is happiest when he is outside. Stelter has also said that he doesn’t like to work out or “do anything athletic” and that he prefers to “sit inside, read a book, and write for hours”.


Stelter’s appearance has been the subject of much discussion online. His voice, facial features, and his pale skin have all been mocked. Stelter has been called the “king of fake news” and he has been criticized for biased reporting. He has also been called a “creepy looking clown”, a “serial killing clown”, and a “carnival freak”. Stelter’s appearance may have something to do with these criticisms. The “serial killing clown” comments appear to stem from his extremely pale skin, large eyes, and a large mouth. He has really big teeth and when he smiles he looks just like Alfred Kinsey.

TODAY IN HISTORY 8/18 flashback political cartoons I did this day.

Little stars in baby corona eyes. Star struck.

My signature has changed throughout the years. I used to do it all in pink but now I just sign the M pink and rest black. I used to sign my whole name. I also used to frame my cartoons in white. I should do that again.