Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Bret Baier Fox News antifa political cartoon for President Donald Trump

Bret Baier Fox News antifa political cartoon for President Donald Trump

Bret Baier Fox News antifa political cartoon for President Donald Trump post thumbnail image
Bret Baier Fox News antifa political cartoon for President Donald Trump🏋️‍♂️ now I woke up this morning and I had this Vision crystal clear in my head🏌️‍♀️ except the antifa face was a little different but I did it my way I guess and I had no idea what happened❤ I guess yesterday Bret Baier cause the shitstorm with Trump supporters 💫and I had no idea I just woke up with his vision 🖤and it’s funny because the past two mornings I woke up with visions for my political cartoon💬 and I didn’t know what they meant💨 like they’re just so strange and odd💭 here I’ll show you all of these cartoons from November have been totally from my Visions 🤟I wake up in the morning and I I’m barely woken up 🤞and I see my cartoon Crystal clearly and then I try to copy

I had no idea Bret Baier did anything and I was like is he a trump supporter? 💗 and I felt bad about drawing it 👿but then I found out later that yesterday everyone was upset at him 😡so it’s like I’m definitely feeling something 👾and I was not paying attention to this at all last night 🙀I was just kind of watching Facebook mystery crime videos just to get my mind off things. Bailey Sairan! Brad Mondo! Relax. 🙈

when I woke up that morning I had this Vision I saw him counting the votes and Trump was like losing patience because Joe Biden was he had to start all over again cuz he was losing track
now my laptop broke so it’s very hard🖤 I had to hook up my very nice tablet to my daughter’s computer💥 and I have to wait till she’s off the computer to draw 🕳so while she was watching her anime videos 💭I drew this on my cell phone✋ with my stylus pen🤎 my Android..
I seen this to in a Vision so I think that’s the effect of doing inktober for a month and really pushing pushing now I don’t have to push I just wake up and I have my cartoon and it’s just getting out of bed that’s the issue with me just getting out of bed and getting to the tablet that’s hard and I have to keep repeating the cartoon idea over and over in my mind because sometimes you forget dreams unless you repeat it or write it down so I have to go over it three or four times before I go back to sleep

I pray to God to help me get the best ideas all the time so that could be what’s going on also

Screenshots off my phone things that I was looking at

so 😞 sad they got her. just b aware.. when they come knocking on your door you better be more evil than they are that’s all I’m saying

Reasoning with them reading the Bible isn’t going to do anything when they come knocking on your door that’s all I’m saying

and sometimes the best weapon is a smile it can be the most debilitating to your enemy and an extremely calm presence and focus can win the fight no matter how tiny you are. You get the enemy calm down and that’s when you strike. And if you’re focused on one and someone else gets you you never let that person you focused on get away you always take one down with you because we’re dealing with the collective here they are all one. This is a spiritual mental battle and you let’s just say you got to be more scary than they are when they come to you

You could also hit from the back and hit an other ways back in other ways for example if you’re talented in something and yet you’re having a brawl in the streets with leftists.. well you should walk away from that bra or even wear a mask if you’re forced to and you could hit back in other areas of your expertise especially if you’re in an important person in society.

For example someone who’s a lawmaker shouldn’t be brawling in the streets.😚 Someone who is very talented at making memes should wear a mask if they’re asked to. 🥰Their talents are more important ..different areas ☠ and for example if there’s somebody who doesn’t do anything that is the person that says no I’m not going to wear a mask😸 because everybody’s got their specialty or you know someone who doesn’t really do anything for politics maybe they’re one thing they can do is brawl in the streets 💖you know. That’s why antifa they’re screwing everything up there putting their school teachers and they are putting their lawyers on the battlefield 👻and that is it’s hilarious it’s like the worst thing you can do. Meanwhile the Chumps are just making the plans up.

Somebody who is Behind Enemy Lines shouldn’t exactly fight people in the grocery store😃 they should fight people with the means they have at their disposal 😛 there’s different strengths for every area

Because it’s all imaginary and I know those truth-seekers don’t want to stray too far from the herd because they want to believe that the cold virus is real but that the pandemics fake they want to believe that the flu is real but the pandemics fake there’s no such virus for either it’s archaic it’s when you listen to someone explain it to you it makes sense and I explained it so many times I just don’t want to go over it over and over again but it’s like two decades of my research

Stop using so much Heating in your home’s would heating office eating airplane heating it dries your lungs out you will get an infection. That’s what the flu is its you’ve dried out your lungs with heaters left on overnight.. no cold virus has ever existed.

Wear socks wear a sweater wear a turtleneck Cashmere slippers robes I mean make winter special again we don’t need that heater on all night

I love Johnny Rotten I’ll Always Love Johnny Rotten I will he was one of the first cassette tapes I ever bought in sixth grade or something💨 Sex Pistols never mind the bollocks 💯oh I know all the words by heart of every Sex Pistols song 💜I even saw SID AND Nancy the movie with Gary Oldman💥 I knew all the words to THOSE songs 🎵 too in fact I was listening to that soundtrack when I visited the World Trade center..🙄 in the 80s with my mother. Walkman! And I bought every single PIL cd!😝 That’s when he was in Public Image Limited😂 it was on MTV Saturday nights 😚 at like a Midnight Special they played alternative music for 2 hours. Show was called 120 Minutes😘 I used to see all the sex pistols and pil Public Image Limited videos💪 so there🤩 you know I’m not a poser

I had the Sex Pistols painted on the back of my motorcycle jacket when I was in high school

John Lydon he’s in my blood

In fact let me post my favorite Sex Pistols song of all time

love it. good music 🎶 punk.
Yeah sure he invented all of this💣 looks like he was just one of those men of Secrets💦 BACK engineering everything ..found. from the old world order

What can I say I’m just so honored 😇and I know what you’re thinking 😗but you have no idea😏 his strategy🤗 and his buttering up 🙄 and what it does 🤭and like I said there’s many strategies to beat the left 🤗and it’s extremely risky to be 100% good ..”on tv” all the time🤫 there’s just we’re all in this together 🤐and we all have different ways of fighting evil and this man this Senator is a Real Genius he’s so good we could all learn from watching him 😘and I’m so honored 🍒honoured thank 🌶 he is one of the smartest men in the Senate🍆 you have no idea he’s really smart 🧄he’s going to outsmart the left🍓 watch and they’re so entranced by him🥕 because of his politeness the way he defends some of them and it just it weakens them .. that’s how you do it but you calm the enemy down before you strike

I look at this as a possibility🍐 that this is possible 🥒and this could be done🍆 in the future 🍄and what a way to sneak up on them🥦 and trick them🥞 I mean this is amazing it’s like just a way to make sure a good idea


I really like this I love these hippie feminists you know that embrace all sorts of exotic cultures that really really are not pro feminism at all🌽 they just like what’s different 🍅what’s different🍇 and all these feminist 💡 ideas💡 they’re controlled by the left🍞 a lot of them🥔 and that’s why the right 🥭needs to have a say🧄 and move into all of these areas🍞 in life and subcultures because if not the leftist going to control everything

I never thought I would love Homeland Security so much🍅 but all of these agencies 🥑good people can be put in them🌰 and I mean good people 🥕not half good half-bad 🧇to make it even, No 🍒 u know 100% good🥝 people imagine the Society we would live in if 100% good people were in these agencies🧀
I just I’m so stressed out about this🏟 but you know what💒 the left they had four years to have their Revolution 💒and they failed🏯 they failed🗼 I mean they failed🏦 they had four years to have a revolution 🏯and they completely failed🗼 and solemnly I am saying 🎪they had their chance🚗 they failed 🛺they they lost🛺

Now about this project now🥔 I’ve seen this many times🍒 before they tear down🍅 demolish the structure🥥 and then they publish the drawings as if they were plan or projects 🌰but they were discarded🌽 “supposedly “🌶 so you’re possibly looking at a Old Lighthouse from the old world in the Suez Canal 🥭the suez canal. before they destroyed it🌰 blew it up with dynamite🍓 that doesn’t even look like a project it looks weathered even there..🧱 why would people in the 80s design something like that 🏪that’s not even how we dress 🏝and oh don’t give me the “was to copy the Romans “…crap!

was always there b4 had to be excavated again🌽 it’s a long story🍅 but a lot of those people who knew died.. just like the chain gangs Excavating the old train tracks they died too America is not new🥕

Interesting American history alternative history mystery history stuff 😊I found this🤣 and I thought it was interesting🤔 I don’t believe this is the truth🤩 but it’s an interesting work of fiction👇 and just take it as that 🤲because when you use your imagination🤜 and look at different angles it’s always good 💅because the one you believe in👐 is the least believable 🤩so maybe we’ll relax…😚just you know 😜it’s like storytime 🤭it’s 🤩don’t take anything serious 🤗just relax 🤫and you know use your imagination 🤑and it’s it’s just something to look at

Return of the Merovingians
The Real American Revolution

The Royal House of Stuart were direct ancestors of the Merovingian Kings of Gaul, who were in turn direct descendants of the Union between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, in the succession of the House of Judah, heirs to the secrets of mono-atomic gold, going back to the bloodline of the very first Offspring of Enki, the Anunnaki “Genetic Father” of All Humanity.

In 1688, a pivotal event occurred in England which would change the fate of the world forever. King James (of the House of Stuart) had two daughters and a son. The oldest daughter, Mary, married Prince William of Orange (of the Netherlands), and it was King James’ hope that this marriage would result in peace between England and Holland. However, the opposite occurred. William of Orange, working in secret partnership with both the Vatican and the Anglican Church, came to England in 1688 with a large fleet of 6,000 troops and gave King James an ultimatum.

Due to the fact that Westminister Parliament had denied the King to fund a standing army during times of peace, the Coup was sudden, dramatic, and instantaneous. King James threw the symbol of the monarchy (the Great Seal of England) into the Thames River, and fled into exile in Paris. Thus, the House of Hanover took control of England, leaving the ancestral House of Stuart in shambles. With the fall of the House of Stuart, along went all the sacred traditions of the King of Scots and the legacy of the Sinclairs (exemplified within the endless symbols to be found inside the enigmatic Rosalyn Chapel).

In 1745, the former Stuart King James’ grandson, Bonnie Prince Charlie, attempted to regain the throne. After a few initial victories against King George’s son William, Duke of Cumberland, the crushing defeat came in 1746 at the Battle of Culloden Moor. Barely escaping with his life, Bonnie Prince Charlie went first to the Isle of Skye and then finally back into exile in Paris. What do these events have to do with the American Revolution across the pond? Everything.

In the lead up to the American War of Independence, the Scottish influence within the colonies was greatly enhanced due to their common enemy: The House of Hanover. After the Battle of Culloden Moor, the retaliation against those who supported the House of Stuart was brutal. In London, prisoners who had fought for Bonnie Prince Charlie were hanged, publicly disembowelled, and their heads placed on stakes at Temple Bar. The son of King George, William, instituted radical measures against the Scots who had fought for the House of Stuart. In retaliation, the Scottish Highland dress was banned, as was the playing of bagpipes, the ancestral clan system, and even the Scots Gaelic language itself.

Anyone found guilty of the “Disarming Act” was sentenced to either instant death, lifelong imprisonment, or transportation to the distant colonies across the sea. This was the state of affairs during the American Revolution, many of the “English soldiers” actually Scottish prisoners of war forced into military service. More than this, they were sympathetic to the American cause much more than their subjugators, the brutal House of Hanover. Behind the scenes, all these battles were really about the power and authority of the reigning “secret societies”. The House of Stuart was an integral part of the Ancient “Freemasonic culture”, going back to the days of Moses at the House of Gold in Heliopolis, followed by King Solomon’s House of Gold in Jerusalem.

In contrast, the newly-installed “House of Hanover” had no such ancestral link, or knowledge, of the historical secrets, and thus created their own version of the society to be called the Grand Lodge of England (which is the mainstream version of Freemasonry used today). This new version of the Old Guilds invented all sorts of codes and secrets which had absolutely nothing to do with the True Secrets held by the House of Stuart. To compensate for this lack of knowledge, their official version of the story was that “the old secrets” of Freemasonry had been lost, and they were “picking up the pieces”.

However, the link to the Ancient Freemasons (of Scotland, and before that, the Merovingian Legacy in France) was emergent in the American Colonies from the very beginning. The Highest Rank was that of The Royal Arch, whose secrets pertain to the link between the Sun, the Soul, Mono-atomic Gold, and the Evolution of Consciousness. George Washington was raised to Master Mason in the Royal Arch tradition in Fredericksburg, Virginia 1754. Because these Societies represented the ancient secrets unknown to the new-coming House of Hanover in England, these American “Lodges” were not recognized as being official by England.

Not only was George Washington raised in the Secrets of the Ancients, but James Oglethorpe (of Georgia) was also a member of the Ancient Freemasonic structure (unrecognized by England and their newly-invented “Grand Lodge” system). Other members of the Ancient Secrets of Gold (inherited from the exiled House of Stuart) included the silversmith Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and John Adams. Half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were Freemasons of the Ancient Scottish Tradition (originating in Egypt and Mesopotamia), as well as nearly half of Washington’s Generals.

— End of Part One — To Be Continued —

Return of the Merovingians
The Real American Revolution
Part Two

To create a newly-styled Republic was not the original intention of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Being staunch supporters of the Jacobite Uprising against the House of Hanover, their Original Intention was to create a New Monarchy of the House of Stuart. Charles Edward Stuart (Bonnie Prince Charlie) had failed to reclaim the Crown in England, and so the original hope of the Founding Fathers was that the Bonnie Prince would instead assume the Throne of the new United States of America.

From his base in exile in Paris, the Bonnie Prince followed the events occurring in the colonies with great interest, however ultimately was dissuaded from claiming the American Crown, even after being given the offer. This was not because he did not want the position, but because he did not have a legitimate heir and it was assumed that upon his death the position would be converted once again to the British Crown (House of Hanover), and this was the thing they were all fighting against, therefore it was decided that a Republic would be the best route to long-term victory. The sights of the Founding Fathers were set on the Far Future, when the circumstances would become ripe to finally reinstate the Ancient Kingdom of the Merovingian Legacy.

George Washington, John Hancock and many others dreamed of creating the new United States in the image of a Resurrected Egypt. They had plans for new Pyramids and Sphinxes to dot the lands, a Return to the Olden Age. Many of the names of the new cities were taken from ancient places, such as Philadelphia. The “City of Brotherly Love” (Philadelphia) was an ancient city in Lydia (modern-day Turkey) with a connection to the historical Odin (a descendant of Trojan Royalty), Ancient Philadelphia being an outpost of Troy.

However, there was another group of Founding Fathers who disagreed with this idea of a return to a Monarchy. This group, led by Thomas Jefferson, had a different idea. Instead of returning to the style of Old Egypt, Jefferson (and others of the persuasion of the “Illuminist” Revolution in Germany) wanted to create a country which would, on the outside, be seen as a Republic, but “on the inside” would be controlled by Secret Societies.

One of the most instrumental people in Orchestrating the War of Independence was Benjamin Franklin, elected to be the Ambassador to France in 1776. Franklin was one of the first Freemasons in America in the Ancient Traditions (extremely different from the newly-formed Grand Lodge of England, which has been passed down to the mainstream establishment today). Franklin’s Masonic Lodge was Saint John’s Lodge of Philadelphia, operating since around 1730, where the Bible came from that George Washington was eventually sworn in on as the first President.

When Benjamin Franklin went to France in 1776, he traveled to the infamous Languedoc region which historically saw the arrival of Mary Magdalene, and later the Merovingian Kings, and then the Knights Templar and Cathars. In short, the Languedoc was the “Womb of the Ancient Mysteries”. Franklin met with the Rosicrucian Brotherhood, which included face to face meetings with both Bonnie Prince Charlie and his mentor the Comte de Saint Germain. Together, in the city of Carcassonne, they decided not to pursue the path of the Monarchy and began planning the Great War of Independence. The French officially joined the effort in 1778 with the help of the Marquis de Lafayette and the arrival of the powerful French Fleet.

The details of the War of Independence are quite unusual, and according to the “numbers” England should have easily won. As explained in Part One, many of the British soldiers were forced into the armed forces as a kind of slavery for once supporting the Bonnie Prince, many of the soldiers being of Scottish origin. The Americans won many of the initial “skirmishes”, and before long the French joined the cause with the esteemed persona of the Marquis de Lafayette, due to the efforts of Benjamin Franklin at the ancient Merovingian Stronghold in France.

However, in 1782 the substantial French fleet of battleships was decimated by the British. This should have been the major turning point in the War, and from this point England should have been able to attain a relatively easy victory. However, in a strange turn of events, King George decided to call off the whole war altogether, surrendering. He realized that from the highest to the lowest levels of his army, the hearts of the soldiers were not in the fight, and more than that, the majority of them were sympathetic to the American cause.

— End of Part Two — To Be Continued —

Pictures — Benjamin Franklin, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Comte de Saint Germain, and Marquis de Lafayette..

I met a video about the winged wheel on my YouTube channel 🏥and I just find this interesting⛪ the winged wheel is actually more important than you think .🏭 It’s a technology that the Ancients used and they didn’t have to pay anybody for electricity🏥 it’s in the air it’s free it’s atmospheric 🏥you’re not robbing electricity from anybody🏭 it’s just there and a lot of these things in the past used symbols🏗 great technology 🏦that’s been lost

Secret mystery history about America is my specialty 🏜and just because I look at different things 🏥does not mean I’m necessarily promoting🏢 sometimes I write using imagination🏨 and I tell stories🏤 but everything I write about this 🏫it’s just entertainment🏦 I’m just kind of opening my mind 🏜and because I find that when I do that 🧭I understand more 🏩that what we know🏘 is completely false🚙 we are actually way better.

I do this because I love America🌌 and if you love America too..🌈truly love America☔ and would want America to love you back 🌫and you have to find out the truth 🌪about her correct ⛈you can’t just believe everything you’ve been taught.

That would be like 🌐believing everything CNN says 🌏

We went way better than we’ve been taught🏚 you have no idea 🏘and I’m not going to repeat everything 🏥I’ve learned 🗽I’m just going to move forward so if you want to know my ideas 🏪just read my blog🏪

we all have something different to bring to the table you know I mean I could sit around and listen to Fox News all day long but what’s really going to help this war against the globalists really stretching and sneaking ideas outside the box okay

I have a feeling that world leaders everywhere are starting to pay attention and think maybe they don’t want to do business with the globalists because they’re really rotten people and everybody knows it and they don’t have great families and they have to give up so much.. who wants to give up their first born? I mean really.. who wants to eat baby meat.. I mean.. you know what I mean ..all this is coming out ..and people are realizing that that’s what it takes to get in the club’s just nobody wants that.. they want Merit they want Heroes ..they want people who really work hard they want people who can bring results and President Trump will bring even what the globalist want which is money and power he can bring that using his mind he’s a businessman nobody else is none of these globalists are.. they just control people ..they make them slaves ..they forced them to do stuff ..that’s not a boss that’s not someone you want to work for.

Aztecs and…Hebrews.

The Erie Canal. Clinton’s Ditch. Thousands of small tributary lakes supply the water to the locke system that moved cargo from the East coat to the Great Lakes.Was this ancient canal system built by men in the early 1800’s or did they dig it out and use it? Many buried buildings and star forts in the surrounding areas sound… light..

Update I knew I knew about Lindsey Graham way before you did 🛣all these conservatives talk talk..about him 🛹but they just don’t understand⛵ he’s a little more complex in the games he plays🏥 and he wins🗻 I support him… the Senate Republicans they’re a class of their own.. they’re not like the House GOP at all ..there a level of class above.. and they fight by it’s really an art it’s really an art the way they do things in the Senate sure everything is Sparkles when you see them and everything sounds so sweet and it’s impossible to be mad at them but that’s the trick.. Senate GOP they are finer their hands have never done hard work their brains are gigantic and they have a sneakiness and wit and cleverness and mischieviousness. 🎠about them that you would never suspect 🎠unless you follow them ♨️and you know how they think 🎡they are very careful🏘 and they like to please both sides🏞 and that’s a weapon 🏯it’s actually a weapon to be able to seduce The Other Side🏢 by just you know trickery flattery….🌁 buttering them up with words before you attack them🌇 it can weaken your enemy.🌄 And have I ever talked about the building’s the Senate Works inside of? 🏛 it would just make me swoon to be inside 🏛those Stone buildings with columns and pillars oh my God and triangles over the door 🗽some the statues and the marble💈

me right now I don’t know if I like this picture it’s just taken with my cell phone I used to take really good pictures I had a D70 nikon. but now I just have a cell phone

They have been doing this for so long and the only time they don’t do it is when one of their own get elected as Republicans covertly…

And you know what..WAR IS ONE OF some things that men have always done it’s just Destiny it’s just something that men do it’s nothing to freak out about it’s just what men do when they have something to protect…

You can’t really be famous for being a world leader without a serious battle between souls w each other. time to battle. real it well.

You can’t put this off another 4 years you can’t they’ll just come back even worse one thing they’re really good at and that’s lying they’re not good at anything else