Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Bill Gates wins the lottery POLITICAL CARTOON

Bill Gates wins the lottery POLITICAL CARTOON

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Bill Gates Political Cartoon

The essence of my political caricatures remains impervious to the mimicry of AI, for I weave a tapestry of distinct styles, employing a myriad of brushes, palettes, pens, pencils, crayons, and the very essence of oils reminiscent of Sargent’s mastery. Moreover, with each stroke, I inscribe a unique semblance, akin to the delicate variance of handwriting fonts, bearing witness to my unwavering commitment to uniqueness with every single manifestation. Alex Jones gave me the idea, from infowars. Its a quote.

Employing TWITTER as his conduit, he ensnared the multitudes within the expanse of an all-encompassing BRAND NEW X COMPANY..application, enrolling them without their accord. Your association with X is devoid of any binding agreement. He harbors intentions to seize hold of your confidential correspondences, transmuting them into nourishment for his burgeoning artificial intelligence endeavor. Would you find yourself discomposed conversing with this AWKWARD individual, who underwent a transformation, should you chance upon them in a public setting alongside cherished companions? Is your affection for them genuine, or has the allure been implanted by the television’s persuasion or Hollywood’s artifice? THIS IS WHO HE IS. A “HAND MODEL” a COVEN of witches have their way with her, every sabbat. YOU BAN ALEX JONES you are POS!! I am IN certain groups, such as q people and I vouch for alex jones alot. Sometimes I get responded too. They are very mad right now that General Flynn said something bad about q. ON ALEX was it? The interview? That is the gossip for the day.

Verily, I grow weary of lingering, expecting the bowtied conservatives to swiftly come to Trump’s aid. It is imperative that we forge forth with a MAGA Left – an entity that completes the political spectrum, encompassing the facets of both ends. Behold, a MAGA Right and a MAGA Left stand united, for this, my fellow citizens, is the sole path to redemption! By this means, the extant structure shall be salvaged. A duality of MAGA ideologies, encapsulated within a two-party framework – one adorned with bowties, representing, the “COVER” the other steadfastly committed to the task at hand. As the red MAGA hat finds its counterpart in blue, so shall the MAGA spirit pervade both sides. RED MAGA HATS and BLUE MAGA HATS. TWO DIFFERENT FACTIONS! Let it be so. WE both try to win TRUMPS favor, imagine the contests.

YOU SEE there are DIFFERENT IDEAS about how things shall be done. Yeah not every conservative likes eating meat also. BUT WE WANT FULL CONTROL OF HOW PURE OUR PRODUCE SHOULD BE, which is NOT A LEFTY THING. Its OUR CONCERN.. ORGANIC MUST BE THE STANDARD. NO VACCINATIONS IN ANIMALS and UNPASTEURIZE OUR MILKS CHEESES AND ALMONDS! What are they feeding your animals. DO YOU MEAT EATER CONSERVATIVES EVEN KNOW what is going on with your meat right now? Its all microplastics and cooties vaccinations. There is no law saying they even have to tell you. EVEN ORGANIC. You see, this is why you need a Maga left. WHAT DOES “CERTIFIED ORGANIC BEEF, BRAND” mean? No, You have all said that stuff is for the left to rule over. Its their territory, our food? SO WE CAN BECOME LEFT, and have all this control, right? WE can GET RID OF food spraying and all GMOS, ONE EXAMPLE. Let’s just move in, if we become LEFT, but MAGA LEFT. It’s both parties now guys!

We, are the new two party system. Imagine if there existed a counterpoint to the MAGA right, a movement that aligned with leftist ideals. This would entail a broader, more inclusive approach, uniting a larger segment of the population for the ” greater good.” and both sides work TOGETHER!!! Competing for best of skills? WHO an bring back TRUMP FASTER ENOUGH…

We embrace a leftist perspective and support policies aligned with our personal MAGA preferences. Which is not bowtie. Maybe plaid. Patchwork pants. We participate as Democrats and consistently vote in favor of Trump’s initiatives. Why shouldn’t Trump supporters adopt some of the tactics used by leftists? Think of it as the “MAGA Left” or the spirit of the 1776 revolution against King George, but from a conservative angle. We harness the benefits of these approaches for positive ends. While we differ from the right-wing ideology, our shared goal is the reinstatement of our chosen president. Trump. JUt waiting for the conservatives to save him. Maybe there needs to be a left to the NORM.. It’s clear that the right-wing movement isn’t exactly swift either. Too angelic. Maybe Naive. Thinking they can use reason when antifa comes marching on their doorstep? I WILL DEBATE YOU DUDE!!

Consider this: Is the right truly superior to the left? Look at the advantages they enjoy, including monetary gains like stimulus funds, which are typically associated with the left. In this sense, we can align with leftist values strategically to secure these benefits. For Maga. The MAGA LEFT. However, our aims also encompass loftier objectives such as ending chemtrail planes and temporarily granting citizens extended powers to safeguard the world. These powers would exist outside the governmental sphere, uniting us as a collective force. Our unity would extend to establishing independent courts, legal representation, and a collective determination of guilt or innocence. We would redefine treason cautiously, prioritizing caution over recklessness. But also. Better safe than sorry. King LOUIE was THE RIGHT and.. the French ” REPUBLICANS” were the LEFT. KING GEORGE was ” THE RIGHT” that would make GEORGE WASHINGTON the LEFT. Continental Army. 1776 OHHH who was the GENERAL.. LAFAYETTE? Motier.. from the #FRENCHREVOLUTION According to our inheritance. George WAshington JUST GAVE HIM AN ENTIRE ARMY?? YES>

In this vision, government input and political influence are entirely absent. Our singular focus is a president Trump who emerges from our ranks. You have to be kidding me. I cannot BELIEVE what i going on. I hope you find my concepts intriguing, akin to short stories that provoke thought. I am a fiction writer.