Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized ANGELA MERKEL Political Cartoon ELECTIONS GERMANY 🍒


ANGELA MERKEL Political Cartoon ELECTIONS GERMANY 🍒 post thumbnail image

Angela Merkel is defiant with her protesters when she speaks at crowded rallies. People are holding up signs. It was on DRUDGE.

I have no internet. Impossible where I live they say. Baby Daddy too underpaid. I am helpless. I have no car. I am homeridden. I cant leave if I wanted to. I live in a LARGE HOUSE with no furniture. I eat from my garden and trees. I make the best and do cartoons.

My graphic tablet broke. I been writing HUION since July 27 and they keep avoiding me or ask me to try something new, or I get a new person…I just want a return a new one. Mine broke. I use for now an old tablet, thats like a big mouse I use with a pen. I am used to it. I would love a CINTIQ graphic tablet you can draw on screen with.

Or I can use my android cell phone. Its not as nice the line work. The stylus isnt so detailed like it is on a tablet. But if I could master this…

Here he is ANTHONY ZACA, my Baby Daddy, at a potential clients’; he is 5 minutes in.

(They spelled his name wrong, it’s THC on the live chats) 5:00 in.

You can be plugged into google hangouts 24 hours a day live if you have a good one going. 
I would love to be added to one with Roger Stone, Steve Pieczenik or Alex Jones… I would go on and talk for hours my ideas how Trump can beat the “GLOBE-alists”. 🍐
PLEASE send me invite for Trump hangouts or Pizzagate ones. 
I am more of an introvert. But I love conversations with Quality people. I hate being alone while baby daddy is being heralded, invited to every party, flown places…me I got noone. He has so many friends! I have none. I wouldnt get lonely. But I do. I like being alone. I just dont like housecleaning, or being poor. 
I wish I can cartoon more, last night I gave it up for family. They ask me, can you not do one a day? I said yes. I will be with you. I have alarm on my phone that commands me to love them with all my love every day 5 pm.
 I gave them the best father in the world. Genius Brain. Alcohol Extracted. Thats THC at the top. 

He can do high CBD and low THC too if you want. He has been off the market since 2015, working in an office, building a cannabis business up the legal way, so slow…paperwork, etc.. change of life.. partnership travel poverty its very hard but I cant complain with this view and this beautiful 10 acres. Empty horse stables and chicken coops. I have a long driveway you can ride in, a whole place for goats. But empty.
 I have a bowl full of blackberries’ sugar season now. I froze them. I should blend some now. From yard. Figs plums apricots all over the neighbors floor. 

I got a TRUMP bumper sticker in the mail from SCOTT PRESSLER on facebook. I am so happy. He says dont forget to vote for Trump.

I was live chatting last night. Look see the ongoing call 30 hours! Every day its like that. You can talk whenever on that topic the group made on…news…vids…show things… Anywhere your phone goes..

You hit ongoing call and your cam turns on with your mike. You set it down. People say hi and ask you questions. They can see and hear you. One man was driving a cab and he would tell you about who he just picked up in between his jobs. 
These people whose links they have usually post later to youtube. So everyone anyone can be a panelist on any subject. 
Hint Steve Pieczenik. Great idea!! Or Roger Stone or even Trump army.