Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Alexandria ocasio-cortez political editorial cartoon nft AOC

Alexandria ocasio-cortez political editorial cartoon nft AOC

Alexandria ocasio-cortez political editorial cartoon nft AOC post thumbnail image
Alexandria ocasio-cortez political cartoon nft
There’s an urgency in her voice she says we’re not safe we’re not safe we have to figure out why the capital police letting the insurrectionists and I felt like it was a cry for help so I drew a political cartoon
Democrats everywhere got to figure this out who are the capital police on that day and who opened the doors to let the Insurrectionists in. She says no one in Congress is given the knowledge of what happened and she feels like the people that work there like the janitors are not safe!

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez AOC Political Cartoon capitol january 6th NFT #alexandriaocasiocortez #politicalcartoon #nft #aoc #Jan6thHearings #donaldtrump

That is the link to the nft. I can’t make this one but I think the minting is only like $6 right now because I was minting another cartoon and rarible kept freezing. .. so I reloaded it ..and I minted one cartoon four times it took all my crypto. But if you buy it go ahead you can mint it and it’s yours you can resell it for a lot of money. And forever it will be linked to me so you know it’s not a forgery it’s the real deal for collectors and the proof of stake the proof of work is all on there. In the art world there’s so many forgeries and scams and with nfts you have the blockchain linking directly to me!

.. here’s what happened on January 6th’re welcome Alexandria Ocasio Cortez. I hope this helps and I hope you switch sides to Maga ..because I’m telling you.. you don’t want to be on these people’s sides they are losers!!.. remember we got Alex Stein he likes you I heard! ❤️