Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Political cartoon for Donald Trump #Alexandriaocasiocortez #politicalcartoon

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Political cartoon for Donald Trump #Alexandriaocasiocortez #politicalcartoon

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Political cartoon for Donald Trump  #Alexandriaocasiocortez #politicalcartoon post thumbnail image

I don’t know why I like drawing Alexandria ocasio Cortez so much when I look at her face I just think well I really want to do a caricature because it’s pretty easy and I’m a beginner and her face is really easy to exaggerate.

I can’t listen to her talk she makes absolutely no sense she kind of makes me angry because it’s like she has this confidence it’s like almost like it’s crazy.

Like she really can’t be serious when she says all the stuff in her green new deal but she is dead serious and it’s very scary and it’s pissing a lot of people off but you don’t know if it’s pissing them off or they’re actually obeying her it’s very strange.

I drew this on Autodesk sketchbook for the line art because I’m used to it and then my new program which is art rage I really like using it but I’m a beginner so it’s really hard for me to do it I just I’m starting out with bright colors because that’s the easiest. When you’re a colourist and there’s like Simson type fill color it’s really easy cause all you do is tap the color.

I made it green neon green for her green bell and on the piece of paper that she’s holding there’s Riley Roberts new email address it’s an official house. gov email it’s very fancy people pay for emails like that.

I just imagine Alexandria high on power and showering him with titles and names and BMW’s you now to show off her power over him. Hes gotta be a male feminist who hates his race.