Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Alex Jones with MEGYN KELLY at Infowars, Political Cartoon

Alex Jones with MEGYN KELLY at Infowars, Political Cartoon

Alex Jones with MEGYN KELLY at Infowars, Political Cartoon post thumbnail image

Alex Jones and Megyn Kelly what a pair, I loved the photo of them two driving. Thats what I modeled her on. I dont know sometimes I just want to do art.

I got a handsome follow here: Bill Clintons kid, he is just a spitting image. I love Danney so much. I heard his story. He is Bill Clinton’s son. Snopes said never proved. Because evil protects evil.

His pic didnt load, my internet so slow.

Look what book I found today, in a box. In a shop. I just took it.
Thats why. I opened it up and the words I read were JULY 3 STATE DEPARTMENT.

I love him! I DO He is so smart, when is he on radio next? I have to look. Load the youtube and wait ten minutes to watch 5.  Frontier Internet service I cant say enough bad things about them. They push me this far. Capping my internet, making me a data slave. Like this in Venezeula and there is a shoirtage of internet…no, there isnt. I have to beg for tokens, pay them for them, and its for a few days, and it feels like when I call the man hints that he can see all the websites I visit.