Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Alex Jones, Ron DeSantis, Pierre Poilievre Political Cartoons

Alex Jones, Ron DeSantis, Pierre Poilievre Political Cartoons

Alex Jones, Ron DeSantis, Pierre Poilievre Political Cartoons post thumbnail image
Alex Jones Infowars political cartoon. I drew this after watching him eat apples off a tree talking about connecting to god and nature. I resonate with him when I see this. Of all the cartoons I could have drawn, and I did this. He didn’t make this part of his show. It played during commercial time. But him eating an apple. Was so refreshing. EATING is not about animal cemeteries, constantly. It also represents life love and sweetness. Getting the nectar of the gods. Represents bliss. Food.. doesnt come from Outback steakhouse..but from living earth.
Praying for you. Alex. Some Joe Rogan Green Smoothies would cheer you up. Bring the life back to this thing called life. It is only depressing because of the two party system. It makes us schitzos. Good and EVIL constantly battling. Never a permanent winner. Left Right, the roman way. It splits our personalities in half. Its a miserable life. I think there should be MANY parties. Plus a republic. What you look like Alex. I feel. But if I were you. I would talk about how NO KIDS DIED AT SANDY HOOK. I would feel ALIVE again. Do not buckle. You know it in your gut. It was a bunch of crisis actors. And they want your money. They fleecing your energy instead. You cannot give them any money. It is energy they did not earn. SHOW LAW AND CRIME what a REAL DETECTIVE looks like. Impress them with the CRIME of the century, these stupid false flags we are plagued with. They will never work. We will never give up 2nd ammendment. Show Law and Crime, that you solved the crime of the century…how the deep state fools everyone with fake shootings and DEADLY hoaxes, and donation heists. Everyone gets a cut and new identity. Your old identity will be killed off of course.
Ron Desantis farmers in florida love him. They stand with him. Like a Farmer’s stand I drew here. They do grow magical fruit in florida. 100 varieties of bananas. Not just THE YELLOW ONE. Why cannot we get fruit like that all over the usa straight from FLORIDA? Why are we giving Mexico money for chemical sprayed avocados? They grow fine WITHOUT PESTICIDES all over Florida. Ever have a SUPER LONG CREAMY one?

Fruit, organic fruit and Tropical Fruit need to be in the heart and minds of conservatives. Republicans are not cows and Democrats are not Fruit.

LIKING fruit, dos not make you VEGAN.

Liking food, made for us BY GOD, does NOT MEAN, you are now a Social justice starbucks warrior. Get that out of your head. \

Healthy sun ripened, tree ripe fruit..does not make you effeminate. Taking up those protests for organic farming, does not make you a pink haired anarchist.

Conservatives stand for farming..and farmers, and not just livestock farming. ALL FARMING. ALL of it!! All farming is conservative issue.

Vegan doesnt mean fruit. The left does not own fruit. Lefty does not mean vegan. The right does not mean carnivore. Being a republican does not mean you want to eat animals. Remember, with capitalism comes GREAT CHOICE GREAT VARIETY. There are aspects to raw foods and healing for all people. The left will just poison all that is good. The left will try to own the food. ok? Conservatives like to CONSERVE..the old traditions like ORGANIC FARMING.

Do not confuse corporatism to capitalism. What corporate communists do, is try to control the food. They lessen the soil. The pollute and use poison and vaccines in the earth. No bugs or birds lay nests near gmo farms. We as conservatives should CONSERVE nature.

Patenting fruit IS NOT ALLOWED. Conservatives have an appreciation for life. We should not want our produce grown in labs. We deserve real ingredients in our food. Not Strawberry FLAVOR.

Do you like the beaver butt raspberry flavors? Are you upset all almonds have to be pasteurized, against people’s wills, in the USA? You are sick of the orange orange the red waxy apple and the yellow banana? Are not you tired of bugs in your foods, labeled as natural flavors? THAT IS NOT VEGAN. EATING BUGS, is not vegan. Caring about where our berries comes not a vegan topic. IT IS ALL HUMAN. Plus as conservatives, the saviors of mankind, we need to make it OUR MISSION.

Sick of neglected animal abuse at factories? They get injected with MRNA soon too. You did not hear?

You do not have to be a leftist to care about FRUITS VEGGIES AND NUTS. We all need them. Do not let Lefties own the fruit kingdom. They destroy everything. Noone wants to eat GMOS. Or lab food. We need to focus on TREE RIPENED FRUIT. All tropical fruit should be sun ripened from FLORIDA.

All of us, our health is so bad for our age. It doesnt have to be this way.

The Grape Cure is how to melt tumors away in two weeks eating all you can eat grapes. Even stage 4 . 100 percent success rate. But those hospitals were all shut down. Even Bircher Benner.. But the USA grapes are filled with pesticides and not that appealing. You need ORGANIC GRAPES that you pick yourself. Yeah, like in your vineyard.

Mono Island, banana island, mango island.. is One FRUIT for ten days or so. Your health will improve so much. Has to be sugar sweet tree ripened. You need to live in the tropics really.

You will find people charging alot of money for 15 minute consults. Do this raw HIGH RAW FRUIT HIGH RAW VEGGIES HIGH RAW NUTS lifestyle for yourself, first. Rescue your life. Have a second chance. You are not a SOY BOY or LEFTY DEMOCRAT if you decide you want to take a political stand for CLEAN PRODUCE.

Provide the best conditions and your life will THRIVE!

Coconut sugar many fruity people like, to add sweet to something. Frozen mangos make a good meal when pureed. Jackfruits, are heaven sent when low energy.

A giant bowl of fresh grapes would make a great lunch. Especially outside the usa sometimes, to try different varieties. In Europe GRAPES, they taste completely different. Also, try to grow grapes in your yard if you can.

Get a chaos garden going, anytime you find seeds, plant them. Water. Take care of them like pets. Have the garden out your kitchen window and throw seeds out there. I have grown so many peppers watermelons and cantaloupes that way. Just thrown out a window. A chaos garden. It is magical.

Do not buy a bunch of vegetables just to cook it. Remember, there is LIFE FORCE in raw produce. Straight from the sun. Baked by the earth. It interacts with life inside you. Learn some raw recipes.

Remember, Republicans are not ranchers and Democrats are not Organic fruitarians. Republicans love beauty. They choose good health over makeup and plastic surgery. They choose good bodies. Remember that. Lefties are gross. They are not vegans ok.. They are not the spokespeople for the fruit kingdom.

There is a running bacon republican joke. That bacon memes are something, we just do.. First of all. Its unclean and god forbids it. Remember your bible. Love you. No, bacon is not a REPUBLICAN symbol. Unless you want to be obese ok. It is not what we stand for..

Now, eggs, milk, cheese THOSE THINGS given order that you help those animals survive by livestock farming. Farming is good. Good for the animals too. But only if the items are freely given. But the factories, the slaughterhouses. That’s a whole lot of corruption. Alot of mystery human meat showing up in fast food. Human dna in meat. If republicans care so much about meat, make sure, you know where your meat comes from. IF it is INDEED meat of that animal. Caring about animals, is not a “lefty vegan thing”. We have dominion over all animals. We take care of them.

Bragging on social media that you are a republican because…you eat the daily food chart from the 1950s..three animals on a plate just for breakfast…that makes republicans look bad. We are not bloodthirsty animals with fangs. We appreciate the finer things..

…do you even..KNOW what it is like- to pick a tree ripened fruit -off a tree? A sugar sweet -guanabana- do you know what that tastes like? Do you know CHILDREN- will pick fruit- over a small animal, to eat? They do not salivate when you pass them a bunny. Fruit is beauty. Love. Joy, and all natural sugar. FRESH SQUEEZED tangerine juice in restaurants? Grapes with seeds in them? Oh my…you have not been outside have you?

But- do not make meat -about conservatism -and fruits veggies nuts, about liberals. DO NOT LET THEM TAKE THAT FROM US.

They would recall all of the sprouts and lettuce .. even put the vaccine in the lettuce. Yes, the left..they would. It would make veganism trendy only to ..Back the business selling you bug burgers.. because that’s what it is.

Everything conservatives do is superior and everything leftists do leftists do is inferior… One part of life is not assigned to the right and the other to the left. No ….conservatives have resources.. to scan everything.. in our entire lives and just double checking.. what is good for us and what is bad for us. That way we can help fix the future.

Being vegan CAN MEAN, you get a vaccine exemption. PERIOD. Its not vegan, aborted fetal cells, sorry! Totally in your right.. It is totally acceptable. You are vaccine exempt if you are vegan.

Many many ways you can use this …for the conservatives side.. for example …the poisoning of our agriculture. Who else is gonna take that on? The pasteurization of everything coming into the country..which kills the life nutrients… You don’t understand the reason you’re eating raw isn’t because you want to save the animals …it’s because that’s the life force.. that’s where all the healing and the magic and the energy come from. You need lettuce and tomatoes on your burgers correct ?..well you don’t want inferior products on your you? Commercial sprayed GMO fish genes in there..I mean you don’t want that stuff right?.

We don’t want monsanto… that’s clear ..that is not .. Capitalism.. monsanto is not capitalist.. they are corporatists they are like communists but sitting behind the board.

Being Vegan CAN MEAN…you care about YOUR TEMPLE. Keep the blood pure…for it is… the …life! Make sure you get greens, for yourself, daily!.. Cure any disease with greens ..the greener.. the darker.. the better.. you can put them kale 🍃 in fruit can chiffonade them on top of every cooked meal so you always have that greens in you …clean it from the inside. Get yourself clean ..

Yes..chlorophyll is like our AdrenoChrome …it’s the magic.. I mean you can’t drink too much.. of course you’re gonna throw up.. Just take a few sips at a time and dump the rest until you build-up the tolerance. it’s better to have 92 mineral wheatgrass.. you can grow.. from a solution you can make with ocean water and it’ll absorb 92 minerals. Don’t forget sugarcane juice it’s also a grass. No sugar crash because it’s natural sugar but you will be like in Bliss for like a good half hour… Blend dates medjool dates with water in a vitamix blender and make dateorade.. and it’s super sweet all natural and it will give you super energy… Instead of reaching for Gatorade why not hack open a fresh coconut? These are things conservatives should ask because we are superior and we have better bodies. How can Ron Desantis.. governor of Florida.. heal America? Easy!.. by delivering fruit.. tropical fruit like Miami fruit.. to the entire country overnight delivery ..tree ripened sunripened sugar sweet fruit tropical that tastes like grapes and strawberry. With a nice fatty creamy vanilla cream. Because farmers stand with Ron Desantis…it’s not just the cow farmers that stand with him’s the vegetable farmers and the fruit farmers. You understand he made Strawberry Shortcake the state dessert? There’s a reason for that strawberries are big business in Florida….the UPICKS. U PICK UR OWN… I’m telling you it is super cool to backup raw fruits raw vegetables and raw nuts in this a political arena. And it’s what the people want they want good food. You don’t want to go your entire life only having one variety of banana? Eaten unripe? Rotting on counters.. Waiting to get soft.. no.. you Want . fruit that’s picked off a tree. .ready to eat ..perfect. You should demand this ..of your politicians and people working in the supermarket.

Raw nuts are so different than the bottled roasted nuts. Cashews that are truly raw, no heat processing, are creamy. Very fatty meat like. Appreciating wild nuts, is not a left thing. It is a conservative issue. Getting them fresh, from Hawaii, like Macadamias..all raw.. its like a gift.

Being vegan does not mean soy. It is hard to wrap your head around the negative mind control programs all our lives. It does not mean you are ANTIFA. It is something far greater, unexplainable…you have to experience.

We are all born with angel bodies. We are all meant to die with perfect sets of teeth, in our sleep. You can be a 60 year old teenager again.

All disease comes from…well, things that are not at ease. As conservatives we don’t want humanity running around being scared of phantasms and ghosts that are displayed on Hollywood screens on the 5 o’clock news and in your education. All health is personal responsibility. All disease comes from big medicine and big pharma all disease comes from them. People raised on junk food the generations they have afterwards are born with all sorts of bone malformities.

You can stare at peacocks all day long on instagram, but you will never get the beauty of knowing a peacock in real life and having a bond. the world, of beauty. As conservative women we don’t just put on slave paint makeup and wear high heels we actually watch the food we put into our body. We love ourselves and we love our bodies. True beauty comes from the glow within. Comes from happiness. Lots of organic fruit guaranteed emotional happiness.

I know, break out of the- RIGHT eats MEAT,- LEFT eats veggies -dichotomy.

The right eat BEST WE KNOW HOW.. and the left eat garbage.!

…If good and right were a thing…try to align with that. ADD MORE PURE STUFF TO YOUR DIET. No changing. JUST ADD. Don’t think about what other conservatives are eating. Don’t eat bacon just because it Pisses off the leftists. You must forget everything you learned about nutrition in elementary school.. We know about fake news and we deftly know about fake nutrition.. just know the difference… Have you seen the lefty health ministers of the world?

Take a vacation, chop down some a durian in some mystery fruit and a lime..hang out in a bikini everyday. Take walks. NUDE SUNBATHE. Go on a watermelon juice fast just blended watermelon juice all you can drink. Buy a juicer a food processor and a vitamix. How else are you gonna take 4 zumba classes.. in a row.. at equinox?

Take a look in the mirror after a bath. How is..the meat diet going for you? Ask seriously.

We all take care of each other best we know how ..we are used to being generation x..parents too busy working. Boy did the boomers lie to us they it actually believed their own lies.. We watched the boomers turn into old senior citizens by age 30 …and our generation is going to be different.We raise each other ..even to this day. Alex is like a father figure. to millions. We all take care..of things. We do not just pick and choose what we like ..and sit down. No ..we sit in a circle and all speak our minds. We look over gaze over thin we believed our whole lives..and say, is it really that simple..

A diet? Including more raw living foods..? What damage has processed foods, actually done to me? is the missing link. RAW LIVING FOODS. No, it is not a vegan lefty thing.. Ask Mike Adams health ranger, about diet and nutrition. He was a raw vegan decades back. I remember his raw vegan podcast. So was Alex’s friend Dr GRUP. BIG RAW VEGAN once. He knows alot about that. Too many famous people to name and NO it is not lefty hollywood celebs but names you would even be impressed with. But you will never find the truth on google. They want to OWN YOU and pervert your healthy ways.

Fix the NWO inside of us all. We let them in. By buying their food.. by taking their poison injections…pills, etc..the NWO is within. We got to clean it out of ourselves. And then, we can stop seeing them in the world we live in.

..get hercules to fight the hydra, in your bloodstream..

You want to look like Melania Trump, and you are a woman? I know what gives her the glow… 7 servings of fruit a day. 7. She said it herself. It is NOT liberal, to appreciate Fruitarianism.

Pierre Poilievre political cartoon. He is a wrangler and he got the little WEF bug. I can see him winning. Only if we fix voter fraud. We fix it the world will follow. Everyone follows what the conservatives are doing in USA. We lead the way to the path of righteousness. If we can do it, then the world will copy. We get voter fraud fixed, election overturned.., Canada gets Pierre. We want Pierre and so does Canada… and so does the world.

Please collect my nfts. I think you will have fun collecting mine!