Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Jeb Bush and Secretary of Coffee Ron Desantis Political Cartoon

Jeb Bush and Secretary of Coffee Ron Desantis Political Cartoon

Ron Desantis Political cartoon nft #rondesantis #politicalcartoon #nft #trump2024 #donaldtrump #desanctimonious

Newspapers all over the world have the right to publish this in their translated language. They must know they are in great danger. Globalists being elected to the US would mean death to the world. You do not want it to be true but it is! It is a great evil. This is something conservatives have to be on high alert for

Tarot reading

Is the fieud between Ron Dion Desantis and President Donald Trump real or fake?

It is very real and it’s very debilitating blow. The scorpion definitely stung the sun with this move to run against him with fellow evil globalists one world order Ron. In the bed there’s a great battle a great battle and it may have been won but there’s a lot of grief around it. There is a lot of anxiety around this field and a lot of nightmares. There was a great great disappointment that Ron decided to side with the globalists. Ayn rand had characters in her book and Ron De Santis would fit the one about the man who could have been but chose not to. DESANTIS is the Lord of Cruelty. Trump is being dragged down by the dishonor of others like Desantis. Ron is a fallen angel of the right. He will never ever get Into our hearts the way he has before. He has caused us all to wake up and cry. He betrayed us, sliced us through the ribs with a sword. We need to heal.

Sorry Herschel. ๐Ÿ˜ž I know no one wants it to be true but it is very true it is harmful because people can’t believe it’s true so they assume that they’re just fighting but no this is just controlled opposition view that they’re just hammering this up in order for Ron to get through without opposition from the enemy.

Because after all he seems to be doing a lot of good work and it’s hard to reconcile that evil can do works of good it doesn’t make sense but it does when you realize someone is trying to win the hearts and minds of Americans. And all this work hes doing it’s great and all but it’s a little bit too late and I do remember Florida did shut down and I think they were one of the 1st ones that had issues with the nursing homes.
His disloyalty, or actually loyalty to the globalists, so they can rule over the world, is a big blow. Conservatives fell in love with Ron because we thought he was a best friend to Trump.
Judas The Scorpion stung the sun. It was necessary though, so we can drop him and move forward without. Remember the SUN comes back! I am talking about constellations. If you know you know.
At the last minute when it counts, if he apologizes and stands with Trump, we will help him deal with the globalists, but I think he is an owned man.


Healthy Fruitarian snacks ๐Ÿ˜‹

I got a new centrifugal juicer.
All American Almonds sold as raw are fraud hoaxes. They pasteurize them and sell them as raw, per law federal. You can not grow an almond tree from almonds grown in California or Oregon. They are dead, they been radiated. You have to buy them from a country like Spain that they do not kill the seed. Raw sprouted almonds one of best anti cancer foods. You have to ask for unpasteurized. Health stores make this easy.
Berry Soup ๐Ÿฒ
Dinner. Reject fruit without seeds.
Guavas. Eat ripe from trees. Do not pick unripe and ripen on counters like 100% of supermarket fruit.

You can partake. but for me, no. Conservatives, stand up with me. This is wrong. No animal deserves to be culled or tortured. This is not free range. This is not grass fed. This is not organic. But it is sold to you as it is. That is considered grass fed, cuz its outside. Organic cows- VACCINATIONS. You eat the misery. The adrenochrome. At least if you eat 1lb a night make it 1/2lb and use veggies to make up for the rest. Once a day, eat, and not three times. And one animal per meal. Cancer, creatures, parasites= only eat dead foods. Eggs milk ok if freely given. If you eat of slavery you…become it. You are next. You are next in those pens! Eating the pain with Podesta. Thou shall not kill. Even vampires wont eat anything dead! Just saying if you are gonna eat it, you are better off with muskrats and squirrels! Have I ever mentioned how yummy RAW NUTS are? Filling. Meat like. Conservatives come from all forms of life, each has something unique to bring to the table. Conservatives love meat, then it should be their number one political movement, WHAT IS GOING ON WITH OUR MEAT. They should be in authority. But no. YOU HAVE ALWAYS LEFT THAT TO THE ANTIFA POLITICAL ACTIVISTs BECAUSE ITS CONSIDERED leftist VEGAN TO POLITICALLY CARE FOR FOOD. Conservatives think it is like a lefty thing, the food. Its time conservatives woke up and started talking about food. Here is a secret- those vegans you see dumping milk, are not vegans, they are political activists like Antifa. They want to starve you. THEY DO THIS BECAUSE THEY WANT YOU TO DIE. NOT BECAUSE THEY LOVE ANIMALS. Big difference. They get paid to do it. It is not organic movement. They want you to KNOW if you care about how animals are treated, then you are no better than a MONET, Picasso, or Renoir DESTROYER, splashing paint on them.. These are sophisticated weapons used against you. Mind Control. If you do not want to die, MEET YOUR MEAT. Famine is the next horse, the Food Its being poisoned, like the wells. In one lb. of meat you can have meat from 100 different animals from 100 different countries. You could be sitting down to a dinner 10 animals had to die from. Ground up food still in plastic as their feed. Cows never meant to eat grains. Thats bird food! That aint cow. How many animals at your dinner meal? Count next time, be aware. The dairy industry IS the veal industry, so you know. Love your kids? well, imagine them being taken from you just so you can get re-pregnant over and over again .. Rotting meat does what inside your body? ROT! Putrefaction. Its waste! It does not beautify you. I do this because I love you. I am you, you are me, just sharing some information. I know you imagining life without it is hard. I understand. But just know, and the way will be shown. You are more than a composting machine. You are a child of sunshine, who is supposed to be born and die with the body of an angel. You are supposed to be a 30 40 or 50 year old teenager. You can start a post with ” Fellow CONSERVATIVES, What is going on with our meat?” What is going on with our hearts? And is this karma thing really real? This adrenochrome thing, do you really eat the pain? Conservatives are godly people. We do not want suffering. Least you can do is say a prayer over your food and bless it, my frens! Thank that sweet animal no-one ever loved.

Do you know how many varieties of bananas there are than you never tried? Hundreds! Thousands! Why when we go to a grocery store, it is the same red apple, the same orange orange and the same yellow banana? Ever ask yourself that? Why are all the nuts roasted! WHY?? The tropical fruit section, none of it is ripe or it is all rotten. Why is that you ask, when we have sunny Florida right there doing nothing? We need more than orange juice, Florida!