Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Hunter Biden laptop Joe Obama Dog Political Editorial Cartoon NFT Ukraine

Hunter Biden laptop Joe Obama Dog Political Editorial Cartoon NFT Ukraine

Hunter Biden laptop Joe Obama Dog Political Editorial Cartoon NFT Ukraine post thumbnail image
Hunter Biden laptop Joe Obama Dog Political Editorial Cartoon

Hunter Biden laptop Joe Obama Dog Political Editorial Cartoon #hunterbiden #joebiden #HuntersLaptop #obamadog #politicalcartoon #editorialcartoon NFT #nfts #nft #nonfungibletoken #digitalcurrency #cryptoart #politics #news #cartoon #funny #nft #nfts NFT Non Fungible token #crypto #ukraine

NFT for sale is here. It is 50$ but you have to pay gas fees. Cheapest at 4 am. Plus whatever you put on it, buy it for, that money grows!! It is an investment,

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden Illustration
Hunter Biden drawing Art
The Obama KIDS! I posted here before on Hunter Biden’s laptop he took a photo of her credit card with her name, cutting coke! Malia Obama the credit card said.! I wanted to bring this into my political cartoon. Do you see his dog? On the bed! YOU KNOW the dog was made to have its fun. These people are into beastiality.
Hunter Biden’s lap top pictures ..
Update on my constant Facebook Harrassment

You want it on a mug?

Hunter Biden Mug

The link here:

Look Matt posted my cartoon again, I like him, I am sorry I was mad at him!
Screenshot in case his account gets taken down. He is second wave of the purge.

Here is a clipping I saved. Noted.

*When PUTIN did mass Arrests in Russia (current) and SACTIONED top [ DS] U.S. Officials… He closed OFF their BANKING ACCOUNTS connected to subsidiary investors/ bankers/money laundering ops/ ( the payments the FSB was taking from the U.S. world deep state )//


THE SANCTIONS PUTIN IMPOSED IS > SEIZING < ALL BANK ACCOUNTS CONNECTED TO DEEP STATE BIDENS/HUNTER BIDEN/ CLINTONS/OBAMA/SOROS /subsidiary companies and ghost investment holdings through RUSSIA…..//) The FSB and many organization in RUSSIA were still being payed by the DEEP STATE ///>>> Attempted COUP FAILED<


VERY INTERESTING, all is CAPS! I found it online. It is curious.

Let’s Talk About Steam Engines I think President Trump should bring them back when he returns to the White House.

why do we want to bring them back? Because water and steam is free energy and it’s very cheap almost free

I’m going to sneak this video in here

πŸš…πŸš…πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš‚πŸš„πŸš„πŸš…πŸš…πŸš…πŸš†πŸš‡πŸšˆπŸšˆπŸš‰ President Trump is Howard Roark in this short story.

The infrastructure is still there ..

They’ve done a number on Humanity it would be so cheap to bring these back and give this to us again and it’s so clean it’s just steam that’s all it is hot water . They scared us so much away from so much stuff.. that’s actually good for us.. terrifying us. . Just like people were scared to breathe air..past two years..back then.. people were scared of this technology.. anything that was good for us they got us scared and thinking that it’s nuclear something
They’ve done a number on Humanity it would be so cheap to bring these back and give this to us again and it’s so clean it’s just steam that’s all it is hot water . They scared us so much away from so much stuff.. that’s actually good for us.. terrifying us. . Just like people were scared to breathe air..past two years..back then.. people were scared of this technology.. anything that was good for us they got us scared and thinking that it’s nuclear something..

They’ve done a number on Humanity it would be so cheap to bring these back and give this to us again and it’s so clean it’s just steam that’s all it is hot water . They scared us so much away from so much stuff.. that’s actually good for us.. terrifying us. . Just like people were scared to breathe air..past two years..back then.. people were scared of this technology.. anything that was good for us they got us scared and thinking that it’s nuclear something
They’ve done a number on Humanity it would be so cheap to bring these back and give this to us again and it’s so clean it’s just steam that’s all it is hot water . They scared us so much away from so much stuff.. that’s actually good for us.. terrifying us. . Just like people were scared to breathe air..past two years..back then.. people were scared of this technology.. anything that was good for us they got us scared and thinking that it’s nuclear something.. people are terrified of yellowcake now but there’s other ways to heat up water.

..they smashed up steam engine trains in the 30s and 40s because they wanted to get rid of this technology so instead they could sell you fuel..

What you think Trump will bring back when he comes back? Do you think you will bring back steam or electromagnetic? Yes these Technologies are coming back… what good is it to just look at this stuff? Every little boy in the world loves steam engine trains! What’s the point in talking about it if you don’t want to bring it back?. YES you see politics is always about the future..not the past.. (Roger Stone Quote) and this is the future I don’t bring this up to talk about the past and cry over it I bring it up because it’s great ideas for the future.

DO YOU want to see Moscow’s train stations?

Steam Locomotives πŸš‚ Gay used to mean HAPPY. Blue Point oysters got in their advertising there in the film for a minute.

God loves steam power πŸ”‹!

There was seven City Halls in Chicago that they had to demolish to hide our past history because Americans were to believe that we were colonial and it was just cowboys and Indians but no.. they were many civilizations and cultures here even before the Roman times it’s all hidden in plain sight and I’ve talked about it so much and showed you I can’t bring it up every time I write a blog. The way that structure is built is that in the next flood it would have survived and the top floor would have been where you see the building start above. That’s what buildings like the White House in the Capitol look like underneath the mud. We didn’t build any of our infrastructure We inherited it from a previous reset. All falsely attributed to some Architects never built anything before in their life.. just follow the hand signals.

I mean you can ride a steam train but only like a tourist trap thing I’ve done it in the mountains of Oregon and Washington. But I’m talking about opening this up to everybody ..for travel and Logistics

Those balls that technology is in front of every structure and in front of every fireplace from the old world order it’s to get the electricity from the air and bring it down thru the chimney.

Electricity is completely free and that’s the biggest secret.

πŸ—»πŸ—»πŸ—»πŸ—»πŸ—» I didn’t write this I didn’t believe I don’t believe all of it but it’s worth looking at

Water was the fuel of our past advanced civilization. Water powered reactors and steam engines moved a complex civilization. All the current “nuclear” reactors use water as fuel too. As in the past, they all have domes and are located by the water.
Parasites did the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters. They may have also used Chernobyl for the purpose of creating fear about fictitious danger of water-powered nuclear power plants. Parasites had been fighting against the proliferation of this type of power plants. Those endless technical inspections at Iranian plants were perhaps meant to create this fear. Numerous accidents in power plants occurred all over the world by design. Probably sabotaged by the parasites. At that time Germany announced that it would no longer manufacture plants of this type. Parasites wanted the world to revolve around oil as a source of energy and not water. As we are seeing, they lost. I think that Russia is currently the largest producer of such water powered plants.The past and the present civilization use water as great propeller. The present disguised it as β€œnuclear”.
The core of a reactor contains uranium, an element like mercury, with high conductivity. It will be the connecting element between water and the aether. Uranium is not radioactive, contrary to the official narrative. I think enriched uranium contains mercury at its base. Mercury is also a highly conductive element of electricity and condemned as harmful to health so that no one has access to the technology of “making” free electricity. It is precisely so that we cannot have electricity generation in our homes that the purchase and sale of mercury and asbestos has been banned worldwide.
Mercury was used on top of all the houses and buildings of the old civilization and at the end of the antennas that the current civilization has transformed into flagpoles to hide its true function.

Water as fuel ..

A lot of steam.. thank God the Diesel engine was invented & followed by gasoline… & now electric motor.. but we should truly go back to steam πŸš‚

That’s what they call steampunk.

It hasn’t changed that much remember telecommunications, flight, electricity and even the petrol or steam engines are all rediscovered and reverse engineering. The earth is still the same playing field, we all just got another chance to try again and get it right.

LET me guess the parasites came along and killed’s ARIZONA. All American.

I used sell moonshine stills and I remember making an ethanol bike and it was like a motorcycle.. it was just a bicycle. It was like a fast motorcycle. A motorbike 🏍. But Nothing Compares Steam. .

Guys look ..there is an energy crisis I’m just trying to be helpful this is so obvious..

Oh look ! πŸͺ¨ the Russians again are doing it ! Yes. they’re doing it.. they’re doing everything first ..They’re bringing back everything first I’m telling you we have to catch up

The Chinese are doing it too ! Yes. βœ…οΈ they are. What’s wrong with us?
So are the BRITISH.
Hoot hoot… all aboard the Trump train !

The Reagan Airport and Pentagon are heated by steam.. all the ancient structures are geothermal steam or they have boilers. See below.

They are not stupid enough to pay a heating bill. 😀 Steam heating. Radiators! A lot of them are geothermally warmed and they really don’t want you to know about that because you can heat your house like that too.. when they rip up New York City ..and build something new.. they’re always finding ancient steam pipes Underground and they’re still intact. Still working from ancient times when NYC used to be called. .Arcadia. and people… used the Empire State Building.. for blimps and air balloons and blimps .. AS a docking πŸš‰ station.. .Yes. there’s photos of this.. that is why when you look at ancient pictures of America ..the sky is whited out. it’s called Vanilla Sky.. there’s just a white background everywhere.. because they’re trying to hide how everybody.. was riding around in 🎈Balloons! They wiped out the sky so you can’t see it in all the old photographs.

People remember Elon Musk tweaking out on weed with Joe Rogan.. but they forget what the question was that made him so nervous.. Joe Rogan had asked him that people in the past were far more advanced and had balloons and steam engines and stuff and that’s when Elon tweaked out.. it wasn’t that it was pot smoking.

New York City uses underground hotspots.. and create Steam.. from nothing that’s why the large pipes are in New York. Geothermal connections. In the book New York Master Plumbers…. they’re looking after the old buildings in New York and they have quite a story to tell and our history is quite a mystery.

it’s fun as a tourist thing but wouldn’t it be more to make this our way of traveling
Sunken temple, Sardis Turkey (1910-1912). What in the world is that train track doing here. I don’t know when this temple was covered in mud but surely the mud didn’t come and find this track running straight into the wall.

…all train tracks are excavated ..and have been excavated… there’s photos of it all across America . the train tracks were excavated dug out of the mud ..and they use prisoners to do it and then after they were done a lot of the prisoners wound up dying some freak accident.. it’s a huge secret. I’ve collected tons of pictures over the years on this blog about it. Nothing is new.

But. .. the glory would belong to any world leader who brings back this technology full steam.


.. Volodymyr…like Voldemort…Zelensky here.. is such an obvious Greenscreen.. you know they do this for entertainment.. it’s true they do this.. for our entertainment.. it’s hilarious it’s like being in on the Joke. is the spoof on it from Drafanzor. My buddy we follow each other.
Thats some serious Masonry . Under Zelensky… it would just be blown up somebody has to come and protect the structures.
Not the first post the second post already saw the first post above..
His arm disappears Schumer Rocky Horror Picture Show