Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Jared Kushner Richard grenell political cartoons for President Donald Trump White House Press briefing kosovo-serbia

Jared Kushner Richard grenell political cartoons for President Donald Trump White House Press briefing kosovo-serbia

Jared Kushner Richard grenell political cartoons for President Donald Trump White House Press briefing kosovo-serbia post thumbnail image
Jared Kushner spoke so well he’s such a sweet man and he talked about peace and stuff like that I really liked his speech and I did the Ace of Pentacles tarot card but with President Trump’s hand bringing peace I actually didn’t really know what to do so I drew a tarot card and that’s what came up I really wanted to draw him he’s really beautiful
Richard grenell is another beautiful man and boy did he take charge I really like this I like the original but I think I made him to Pink So I try to make him or injure and I edited the whole thing put a filter on it and it’s not as colorful but I like it anyways
here’s a tiktok I made of Richard grenell so you see that I don’t just Trace things I really take time to draw the face I’m trying to do caricatures but it’s hard for me to exaggerate so it’s like I’m more like doing portraits
you can hear him speak carrots she’s really good and he really charging he really said that and someone said I’m not here for a lecture so I made him there for eating Donuts
Nancy Pelosi big hair High School picture just kidding
support them
hey maybe I’ll be on his radio show one day who knows I really like Paranormal mixed with political I should ask him I’ve been on radio shows before even as a co-host sometimes these political shows I would love to talk to him about paranormal and politics I could do it I’m really I’m really smart in that area I could really do something that would be really amazing
will Johnson inFo wars boy do I love him sometimes he likes some of my comments and stuff like that and I’m just putting it here for sentimental reasons cuz I like it show Firepower

So check this out

Proof of censorship RIGHT HERE all these people are liking my posts and I’m using this video as an example but Instagram is only when you go to the video only says” 2 people liked it “

you see it says two people likes my Richard grenell tiktok in the whole world two people liked it nobody searching for Richard grenell on Instagram nobody
yet in my notifications I have about five pages of these of that same video being like so what gifts?
There’s more pages but you get the point

‘Im so sick of this it’s like I’m so sick of this I mean I don’t care I’m not doing this for likes but and just like you know when people look at my cartoon and they only see two likes they must think I’m like a nobody or something that’s not true I’ve got a lot of followers than following me for a long time that are always liking my post but when you go to my post it only says..for 2 likes πŸ‘ when I have a whole stream of them on my notifications

There’s a few more pages of likes but you get the picture

Now Shane is one of my oldest friends on Twitter I would never ever unfollow him even by accident

I had to re follow him can you believe that I’m thinking to myself have I ever followed him no I followed him because he comes up on my notifications because I have always clicked select all notifications sometimes we chat private message about the news and he is one of my oldest friends on Twitter so yes I’m not crazy and I’ve been following him this entire four years about Trump I’d see every single one of his tweets I follow
and I haven’t seen him around for a WHILE I know why.

and I just think that’s weird and one day I lost like 80 followers and then when I hit 7,000 followers and then when I hit seven thousand followers πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Όagain πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’ΌI lost about 100.

I thought to myself maybe I tweeted something that everybody hated and you know that I was like no way there is no way I would lose that many in one day for no reason I mean it was just when I hit 7,000 and then when I hit it again it did the same thing so I’m about to hit it again so I’ll let you know if I lose a bunch of followers I’m definitely keeping track of this to take down proof

I should post this on social media but you know what I I don’t like negativity and scaring people and making people sad so I’m just going to write it here on my blog but you know that is proof of censorship I have proof I I would never unfollow Shane not even by accident I am not even around his page to hit unfollow I get all his Tweets in my notification so I don’t really go to his profile to unfollow and I would never even click by accident and I don’t think anyone went on my phone and unfollowed him this is just you know this is really solid proof that there censorship out there and you know he does support my cartoons he retweets a lot of them so I really feel like I take this personally.

I say to myself well maybe it’s good that I don’t get too popular because look what happens to popular people I mean like just look what happens to them and fighting a war is about being covert and its Cloak and Dagger you know if you want to survive and you know I don’t want to be the tip of the spear I just kind of want to be Word of Mouth I just want to build a collection and you know if I have a cult following I have a cult following but I you know what I’m saying I just want to build a collection for President Trump and you know I look at people who get too popular or get retweeted by the president and it’s almost like they get banned off all social media and people write articles about them and you know I’m very way too careful.. for that I just want to be I don’t even sign my full name on my cartoons I just put them out you know so maybe I just lay low and I do have a gift for being invisible I really do I have a gift for being invisible and it doesn’t mean I’m a nobody it’s just that sometimes introverts do the best work behind the scenes you know so in a way I’m just you know categorizing I’m making history with my cartoon so people have the original history of what really happened in the Trump presidency you know they’ll always be that you know from a woman’s point of view from a cartoonist cartoonist who doesn’t work for a newspaper who thinks for herself you know you don’t get more true and honest than that and there’s no agenda I just do it my way

Believe me I hashtag #all of my cartoons so these cartoons damage Trump’s enemies because you know they Google themselves so you know maybe the message of my political cartoons is strictly for world leaders and not the masses…

Yes my political cartoons are for world leaders it’s not necessarily for the masses it’s an adult kind of humor a darker humor symbols stuff like this I can lift people up I can record their glory and also damaged Trump’s enemies in a big way because believe you me they look up themselves

And everything trickle down from the intellectuals the people who think and everybody on the Internet is running the agenda so you know I am what they call a pamphleteer

And believe me I have such a love for political cartoons and Obsession I it gives me such pleasure to read one that I like and I analyze them and I see symbols that maybe the artist himself didn’t even know he put in there you know there r whole College classrooms just analyzing political cartoons it’s an art it’s there’s a lot of subliminals you know you can do a lot with cartoons that you can’t do just making collages or you know when you hand draw something instead of tracing and just you know filling with the bucket tool….when you hand draw something and paint you could put an energy into that cartoon like you can think of something while you’re painting and I don’t know it there’s a lot you can do when you have art..

Plus I think someone who studies the Reilly method in caricature art can be useful because I can tell when a photo isn’t the same person because of the lines of the face I study you know like the mouth mound to the nasolabial the line that goes from your eye socket down to your chin the there’s a line that goes from your ear to your head it’s like a disc on the side and for every person these lines πŸ˜™ are different so when I analyzed faces like this I can easily see The Fakes and I can easily see if you tell someone had a sex change years ago I can tell if that’s the same person because of those lines. Definitely like a fingerprint it’s definitely like a fingerprint so also when I study faces I pick up things you know I’m a little bit psychic I am I it’s more like if I ask a question I will get an answer you know it’s kind of like that so when I look at these faces and draw them you know I can pick up things I get these thoughts so you know it’s I study the character of the person through his lines and you know I can see you know it’s Nancy Pelosi tapes up her eyebrows and then has her makeup artist cover it up with concealer you know I can tell if she’s done that I can tell if someone’s had plastic surgery or if it’s just you know like lift up makeup tape I can tell if someone’s tired depressed or evil or good person I can just tell these things because of the lines in the face you know these our gifts this is something I’ve been doing every day for four years politically so you know when your drawing pictures of the enemy over and over and over again sometimes you see things in the backgrounds of the photographs you know that normal people can’t see even when it’s plastered all over the news so you. when you study these pictures and I always use that that day’s news photo as my reference so I’m always studying these photographs and I’m picking up a lot of things things that are on their desk things they’re on their walls maybe magazine pictures in the back you know so I definitely can read a photo also because I’ve looked at them for so long. I’m aware of colors symbols I am I’m aware of them I can see them if someone’s doing it for example Richard grenells TIE there’s pink in it you know that’s to celebrate the human trafficking busts.. I just know it I’ve known I’ve drawn Trump for a 4 years and I’ve never seen him wear pink ties like he has been lately I knew something was up the day he did it I know the exact moment when President Trump wore a purple tie and an orange tie once and that was both on the meeting with the same guy..years apart! I know these things or something when you’re a cartoonist and you study the news that day’s news you see things because you’re drawing them you’re you’re studying them you’re trying to get what’s really going on it’s you know nothing is what it is on the news believe me there’s so much going on behind the scenes that these people are communicating to one another and they think they’re being really covert but when it’s out in the open it’s not everybody can see it but most people see it but it doesn’t register it’s like unconscious but I can see it and it’s conscious

So that’s why political cartoonists are important and I know it’s not my time I know I’m not ready I will be ready after Trump wins 2020 then I will be ready my will be professional I would have cleaned up everything embarrassing boring you know weird I mean I was in a lot of weird things .. and I was a raw vegan for many years I was a fruitarian for 3 years I mean these things you know I got to clean up online I have always been a capitalist though since about 2003 I was the first person officially the first person to call Obama socialist on the internet so I’m proud of that I thought that this was before Google messed with any of the searches I was the first person when you typed in “Obama socialist “my blog article came up FIRST ONE.. so .. was not on my current blog but on the long deleted blog.. I was the first person online to call Obama socialist you know I mean I think that’s very important I think that’s proof you know that I am who I say I am..I think it was Obama’s first speech ever that is when I went online and called Obama socialist and I put that in the title of my blog cuz this was a long time ago and the whole world was in love with Obama so I was really you know out there I was an outlier I was you know I stranded too far from The Herd you know but I am true to Myself and I definitely wear my heart on my sleeve so anyways we’re all Sinners and you know I shouldn’t look to my faults or anything like that but I’m just trying to label some of my strengths and I think that’s important I think you know to call Obama a socialist online and do the first one ever like the first post that comes up when you type in those two world Obama and socialist that my article came up you know I think I think that’s very important I don’t know I think it’s very very important yes I was the first person online to call Obama a socialist after his first speech I think that’s a big deal and my article came up first for a long time many years probably like on the first page.

And I had to suffer eight years of it I had to suffer 8 years of Obama it was brutal it was brutal I lived through it I mean I mean I suffered you know I really suffered so you know I think it’s okay for you know these Democrats to suffer a little bit because Trump is President I it’s just only fair you know it’s only fair.

But they refuse to suffer and instead they fight and that is what’s not fair because you know we all have to suffer through Obama and nobody you know started riots in the streets over Obama nobody so I think the Democrats can just sit down and take it .

Honestly the only Ray of Hope for a lot of people was Ron Paul and don’t forget his son Rand Paul is his daddy’s son and you know that bloodline of integrity and truth you know that goes a long way and I’m really glad Rand Paul is sticking up speaking out against antifa and supporting Trump and supporting him because a vote from a Paul goes a long way and no I don’t believe his mother called him Rand after Randall I think that’s just a tall tale I think the truth is he was the son of a huge Ayn Rand fan and I read absolutely everything volumes about Ayn Rand so you know I know a little bit about what’s good for a man.. I believe Ron Paul was a huge fan of her philosophy and named his son Rand after her I know it because I just he just listened to his language I’m an expert hey I’m an expert I read Atlas Shrugged three times and that’s a large feat for me because I read everything else I had all the books all the letters all the lectures I had it that’s huge volumes of work I’ve read I even read you know the gossipy stuff so I’m an expert I I know these things I know you know all these are True Believers in capitalism and you know that I’m a True Believer in capitalism..

I’m just telling you who I am who I believe myself to be you know we’re all Sinners but I want to make all my wrongs right and I want to redeem myself and I really want my soul to be saved and you know I have a lot of knowledge of evil growing up reading you know really bad books and into goth music ..bad choices..

but you know I really believe that all of our weaknesses are actually strengths to use against evil because you have knowledge of evil most people don’t even imagine that this kind of evil exists you understand that’s why you need people that have redeem themselves from Evil because they know exactly who these people are and someone innocent would not be able to see it you understand.. and I do believe everything everybody can be saved if they so choose it’s very possible I believe everybody should be giving a chance and I see Trump does that he gives everybody a chance he basically puts everybody a trial when he puts these globalists and it’s huge positions he’s giving them a chance to come clean to either be the greatest man ever or basically a loser forever and sometimes they step up but most of the time they just go on being evil and you know what they ruin themselves in the eyes of the American public and we ultimately are the judge we are the judge the American public is the judge we are the judge we are the Christian base we are the land of the Christians I mean what else this is our homeland America this is our motherland this is the holy land I mean really it could be.. and don’t let the globalists ever take America’s Glory away from us and they have believe you me they have since the beginning of time when all of that stuff it belongs here in America and it could have all..happened here in America 2 this is such a rabbit hole


Here is a 1960s editorial political cartoon about communists.. πŸ˜† things haven’t changed much it’s very similar to antifa
I noticed this too.

Next year I will be gardening like never b4. I have all my Infowars seeds I ordered in …🏚2010 🏞 still have the receipt! Proof I am who I say I am.

first comment with the greatest
you don’t have to be suspicious of me I may think outside the box and I may have really wild ideas but you know what I’m on your side.. and I bring Trump to many subcultures I bring the movement and I try to change the narrative to make it work for Maga
he read my name but he didn’t read the comment he says oh I can’t read that out loud…but he read my name.. I thought that was cool hey those who know” know “…but those who don’t know it’s okay Martin is extremely influential and prolific and banned and censored also.. team UK..!!
bad bad bad bad bad bad bad I first heard about it on Martin’s live stream

and to make things worse there’s see the latest covid-19 BS information I hate those things I get a warning every time I do a coronavirus cartoon I get one of these like posts about links to covid-19 news nobody wants nobody cares I don’t want any of my followers to go to you so stop posting your crap on my social media

Famous political cartoonist.. Check!!!

I don’t know it’s freaking weird.. its I’m bored it’s Saturday I don’t know why this is inmy feed but I commented on this random lady on Facebook and she read my comment and she burst out laughing for like 5 minutes I mean it was funny and the guy came over and read my comment too and she said I made her day… so when you comment on the live streams people can definitely see it she’s doing like a makeup tutorial and she’s listening to like soul music a singing to herself I don’t know why this is in my feed but she exploded when she read my comment and I couldn’t screen save it because there’s something wrong with my phone but she was like girl you made my day and she laughed and she read my comment and the guy came over and read my comment too

So I really do see the beauty in all people no matter what no matter what race what color what political agenda I can be nice to people I love in.. I love people and you know she’s doing her thing

So I just went back to the livestream and she says Maria you made my day that comment was so funny you made my day she’s still talking about my comment. She looked into the camera with her eyes and said Maria you made my day

why is this in my feed

Update on my censorship Facebook Banned Me from commenting on any group without any reason I just got this and when I click on it it doesn’t give me any reason why so I appealed it..

I can’t comment in any group and there’s no reason why I have no strikes nothing..

Let’s see what could this be I’m trying to figure it out I commented today on several groups I think there was a group where someone posted a story about a teenage boy who had like a 75 year old sugar daddy and they were kissing each other and I said I’m not sure this is a real story..and I mentioned it possibly is illegal I think that’s what did it.. I don’t think I was being homophobic I really don’t think that’s that should be glorified on Facebook and I didn’t think it was a real story it was just too crazy to see this young boy kissing an old man I talkin about their love for each other I thought it was possibly a fake story because I thought that was illegal I mentioned that. I can’t really think of anything else I posted today.

And my last post to a group was this one

I posted this to the Mysteries group I don’t understand why I can’t post this to the Mysteries group this was my very last post to a group
like if I belong to a group called Mysteries this is the mystery I mean this is a mystery why am I not allowed to post a mystery to a mystery board this is the last post to a group the other thing was a comment and I’m obviously banned from posting to groups so it was probably this post

First of all Facebook mind your own business stay out of my feed stop spying on me stop watching me stopped telling me what I can and can’t talk about stop it when I signed up I did not agree to these rules and I gave up like 10 years investing in data to you and information and post so I’m like well invested and all of a sudden you change the rules on me it’s like bait-and-switch I don’t think that’s legal that’s like belonging to a gym and then all of a sudden there’s new gym owners who all of a sudden have all your information and you didn’t agreed to any of it and they start charging you and you didn’t even sign up with the new gym you have like crazy rules and they charge your card.. way more than the last gym required without your permission that’s how bad this is this is it feels like the crime I’m well invested this is my feed this is where all my family is this is where the news is this is you know I’m not guilty of anything I didn’t do anything I didn’t post anything I just look man I just think something’s up something’s weird why am I temporarily blocked and why am I not getting a reason I just I think this is horrible discrimination how was this allowed