Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Devin Nunes Sally Yates Senate GOP Joe Biden Jill Biden political cartoons vice president Michael Pence Mike Pence editorial cartoon for President Donald Trump

Devin Nunes Sally Yates Senate GOP Joe Biden Jill Biden political cartoons vice president Michael Pence Mike Pence editorial cartoon for President Donald Trump

Devin Nunes Sally Yates Senate GOP Joe Biden Jill Biden political cartoons vice president Michael Pence Mike Pence editorial cartoon for President Donald Trump post thumbnail image
Congressman Devin Nunes spoke about the Sally Yates hearing today and I just did a little cartoon about it because I think her saying James call me when trobe I bet she was trying to like makeup for get some points but Devin Nunes did not let her off the hook and he called her the most oblivious deputy attorney general who signed off on the fisa warrant illegally when she knew it was false information but she’s saying she didn’t knowingly and I think Lindsey Graham helped her come clean a little bit about that
vice president Mike Pence spoke at the Susan B Anthony list and he talked about all the lives they’ve saved and I thought I would throw in my little story with a little anime right character I don’t know I just wanted to draw him and that’s how it turned out the little wordy I know but sometimes cartoons can tell a story
Joe Biden will be anything you want he’s an empty vessel that is what President Trump said on Fox & Friends this morning they were commenting on how Jill Biden is saying he’s a moderate and Donald Trump really explain who Joe Biden really is an empty vessel and I thought it was funny and I also did some pizzagate art like in the background he’s having an out-of-body experience
he’s got such a beautiful face I’m sorry if I made him look bad I just really like drawing him he’s just such such a softie for Liberty and I really love that he’s got a sweet face and you’ve got these like tractors behind him on his bookshelf I didn’t want to put too much in the cartoons
vice president Pence hard to draw really hard to draw I can’t really get a good read on him sometimes but I think I did okay here
empty vessel Joe Biden and I kind of copied the artist below the pizzagate artist with the out-of-body experiences I hope I did it correctly and I gave it the same background
there’s my comment on the Devin Nunes replying about the Senate GOP Lindsey Graham Sally Yates hearing today
Joe Biden is an empty vessel that is such a great line
President Trump said this and I thought it was so funny

Fun fact political cartoonist have put political enemies in prison before check the story out

Thomas Nast is a political cartoonist who put Boss Tweed in prison and apparently when he went into prison he had all copies of the cartoons he had drawn of him so there you go the power of the political cartoonist who would I like to put in prison I would like to put in Hillary Clinton George Soros into prison if I can please God give me that power
there you go fun fact political cartoonist one of the world’s most dangerous jobs and the most rewarding and definitely definitely powerful
you can hear Devin Nunes yourself calling Sally Yates the most oblivious

Screenshots off my phone

these people look to me like giants
in these old paintings I always like to zoom in on the backgrounds because I love the architecture while these people were living really well
I doubt it. The people that painted these pictures as ancient as it is we’re the builders I think they just moved in like all the other cultures over time I think these structures are way more important than we are told and I think that every culture that comes along claims that they were the Builder so it’s really hard to figure out the mystery but I know that whoever is in power controls these buildings
I was wondering what this thing is in is old ancient painting I’ve seen it around
I don’t know if these drawings are real or fantasy or they’re real ancient artifacts or it’s like camera obscura I have no idea but the possibilities are endless what this could be
I saw this in a painting and I didn’t know what it was and I thought well maybe I’ll see it again some other time so I’d like to start collecting little weird things it could just be imagine a nation
now this to me looks like either ice fishing with the whole or it’s like some sort of water device with little floaties on it like a raft it looks like ice though and then there’s like a dunking thing I’m not sure if they’re Giants next small people or not or if it’s just dimensions
I don’t know if this is a War weapon or imagination or symbol symbol people I don’t know but I noticed it and I thought it was interesting
I’m not sure if this is an underwater breathing apparatus I don’t know what this is
I do not know what she’s holding it could be hourglass sands of time or it could be an electrical weapon or something but usually things these people are holding an old paintings are very very important and are overlooked so I’m just wondering
beautiful is there a person inside of the statue because it’s just so beautiful a lot of these old statues we never get to see any of any of them all we get to see our reproductions and museums none of them are real in museums none of them the global taking the real ones away some of these are marble and the hardest Stone to carve it’s just unbelievable that’s why I think there may be people inside or this could be a different technology it’s just the detail
now what is that what is that
look at his shield it’s like one of those weird Shields when the electric spark Wars or something that I’ve documented it’s a strange Shield it’s like electrical I don’t know what he’s fighting is he fighting Mermaid Man or is he a giant fighting a midget I don’t know anything it’s just very weird
I wonder what this does
here is a giant or Titan wine casket for bigger men I don’t know it seems too large for us but it’s filled with wine apparently

Let’s look at some homes of Titans that we have inherited and moved into

look at the size of that doorway how tall of a person would you have to be
just so real looking so wow I wonder how they did this maybe with camera obscura and they drew it and then cuz it’s so detailed and just a Craftsman workmanship
how the hell do you carve a solid marble pillar like that and it’s not even in section to carve the whole way like someone very giant would have to have done that like even bigger than a giant like or Titan
what are these things these strange antennas from the old world

What’s the story with the people holding models of ancient churches and castles are they Giants are they Titans are those really buildings or are they models what’s with this

are these Titans building toy houses that are the size of castles to us they would be considered gods if they really made the castles
I know I posted this before this is the Parthenon of Nashville but do you see that the lady she’s holding another person so she’s actually a giant holding a little person now the Parthenon of Nashville was not built in the 1800 they never teach you about this in school that’s because it’s as old as the real Parthenon and the pyramids and you know men of Secrets claim that they’ve built it just for a fair but if you look at the whole thing it’s a perfect condition and they want you to think it was built to copy ancient Greece but now is the real thing it’s proof of the old world order all around us but anyway it’s a giant holding a lady I didnt notice that the other day when I posted this picture
here are people are size pulling out the brain of a Titan

What’s this strange technology inside of this little miniature Tower or Castle is it free energy light

you’re supposed to put like something encased in glass in these things and if you notice royalty they always pull these things out when they have their big events that they mean something something they’ve stolen from us some sort of Technology that secret societies are built around these items artifacts they lie about them don’t ever believe anything you read in a history book
you see this giantess nun she’s like a giant and she’s holding it like an electrical weapon or something
this lady has one too maybe she’s just holding it looking at it trying to figure out how it works
see here’s a big one and it’s emitting some sort of free energy light atmospheric static elimination
you find them in almost all the old paintings in the details so I can zoom in on the ones and I see this equipment here to the same thing
so here’s a black guy and his head is Illuminating sonoluminescence and his staff is lighting up to there must be a field turn on
it’s free energy Lighting in there
what kind of electrical equipment is this in our Christian history they wouldn’t tell us they would keep this for themselves the globalist probably have all of them
not candle holders but they do like like their candle holders next to it
this would be a baby giant compared to the Giants that made all the castles my blog is I’m a short story writer and I like imagination so don’t take me seriously it’s about relaxation and just thinking different thoughts
are they carrying away the dead what’s that gold thing on top of the coffin is that one of those things
this is an electrical weapon of some sort
I know it on these old staffs did they illuminate when the field was turned on or are they hand me down staffs are walking sticks I don’t know but they’re really elaborate and their gold and they have really strange compartments
what used to be inside of them
is this a weapon or did it used to give off Sparks or throw Flames or what
do people that study history realize that these are electrical generators it’s like a giant motherboard that’s why these buildings are so important before there were churches before they were temples before they were City Hall’s every culture who’s ever lived in them claimed to their people that they were the builders happened over and over and over again but the globalists like to blow them up and Destroy them because they hold the keys to free energy some sort of a electrical world of our past

Demolished: this was demolished in Paris but we had one in St Louis Buffalo San Francisco almost all of our American cities used to look like the Vatican and had such important stone masonry it was so beautiful and it was all robbed everything was empty America was completely abandoned all our cities weren’t back as we moved in all of those stone structures were already there nothing was built to copy your upper London or Rome nothing it was all here we have just a recent history as any other country but it’s been kept from us and most of it’s been demolished just like this one in Paris
Paris 1900 do you see that Ferris wheel while they were the size of studio apartments and they were run on some sort of free energy electricity impossible of people that time into a power this and there were things in the middle of the buildings that glowed with light at night and there was no power bill nothing it was free that’s why these buildings are so important
unfortunately the New World Order people Old As Time destroyed all of this masonry of Titans and robbed it or claimed it as their own didn’t pay the rent moved in didn’t pay the rent and they took all the free stuff away cuz all of the stuff was found after a great cataclysm we aren’t even on the right timeline they give us none of nothing is true about history nothing they like to tell everybody they built everything and they put themselves back in time a few hundred years also to explain it all away and year after year they’re destroying these structures and the only things we have left are federal buildings that’s it America’s ancient.. American was Rome sweetheart. Once you know you’ll see it everywhere but unless somebody tells you you’ll never ever know and you’ll think everything is new and you won’t even see the beauty that’s all around you the Ancients and all the structures the Palaces of Titans they’ve demolished torn down the globalist have year after year just like Notre Dame they start fires and rebuild Remodel and then tell their people they built the whole thing and put a new ground stones and pony construction site photos almost every ruler who’s ever lived has taken the marvels of their country and claimed that they were the builders or that you know they are in inheritors and down a family bloodline or something when everyone’s just liar we all showed up the same time as each other around 1800 something we just appeared we just picked up where everybody left off and so hard to explain this in just one post but if you follow me you’ll understand
very little of the old world is left and no one can see it because they think that the rulers of their country built everything or that their society did it’s just a trick it’s a 33 hoax almost everything in our country was here before we arrived and the rest is fiction
I have a collection of these little vials all over ancient artwork they were creating something inside of it it was Alchemy it was some sonoluminescence stuff and it was real definitely had technology that we don’t have but some scientists are messing around with it but it’s just all this time and it’s free energy
how the hell would people of our stature build such a feat in horse carts and I mean where does the stone get poured from you know a lot of theories is that these feelings and structures and old Cathedrals whatever were made with sound just because of the design very interesting Theory and they can do this stuff you can make like 3D stuff like this with sound frequencies also in like perfect designs I don’t know
how would even our President Trump be able to build something this beautiful it would be a challenge other than remodeling renovating something already there but I know he’s a master builder and I know he appreciates Beauty wouldn’t he like to know how to build these buildings would it be simple if there was another technique besides Titans going around carrying these pillars
look how small we are really think about it how could we have done this where to Tiny this was before engines before Motors before cars I mean before airplanes I mean you got to really think hard because it’s just it seems like we’re like little ants and it’s meant for bigger taller people if you just look at it look at the doorways I need culture keeps making the doorway smaller and smaller to fit us it wasn’t built this way for atmosphere all of the buildings are like this
and I don’t even think these people were capable of building buildings like that either sold people who build like this aren’t decadent at all their artists they would take pictures or paint on how they’re doing it and and I’m not talking about phony construction photos every ruler does around these buildings but like how it was really done no such thing exists these buildings are even older than all history too bad the globalists demolished all of them and the only ones that are left our federal buildings don’t believe the lies about who built them when you look into it it’s such a cosmic joke and definitely don’t believe whoever renovated it felt it or whoever covered the stone with brick was the original Builder or those who do ancient Photoshop Victorian Photoshop style double exposures or Whiting out the background don’t buy those stories I mean when you look at the construction of the Statue of Liberty you notice all the dimensions are wrong is Photoshop Statue of Liberty is never moved it wasn’t a gift from anybody it was already here with the rest of the buildings and the submarines and the free energy stuff that all the globalist took and blamed on phony fires Wars earthquakes that never happened they demolished everything with dynamite are there still doing it today
there’s that strange Boat Island made out of stone in my last log I found two ancient drawings of this but I don’t know how I lost this one in my screenshots but if you’re following my blog you’ll see more of it when you go back further it’s definitely was a real place there’s so many artwork of it and it’s in the exact dimensions it was made out of solid Stone this looks like Camera Obscura painted upside down the reflection and then someone you ruin on paper
lock the windows look way too big for us to look out of
you know I have hundreds of these photos of these old ceiling art that I just can’t comprehend how they were built there’s too many to post hear my fingers are getting tired but I have a huge collection
impossible for men of our size to build go ahead just ask for the blueprints ask for photographs of this being built he’ll never see any of them the only thing you’ll get is really bad Photoshop jobs or they’ll throw up some ladders and say we’re finishing up or they’ll just double expose a miniature there’s many ways to trick people into thinking you built these that’s how you control a culture you tell everyone you built everything otherwise you can’t roll over the people properly and they have a past they have a history a different form of government and you definitely can’t ever have them remembering
so this is a doorway into a labyrinth I’m thinking unless it’s something electrical I don’t know
the labyrinth
the Labyrinth on the floor

Were these just amazing Mazes

Titan women?

just got rope from one of the buildings I documented this too it must be some sort of game

Jericho is supposed to be inside of a labyrinth I think
city labyrinths?

Jerusalem Surrounded by GIANTS,?
they look like white guys
the old world is all around us disguised as something new men don’t build things another strange gods and different outfits and you know what they do is they rename everything Statue of Freedom Statue of Liberty whatever but that’s not new none of the stuff was invented or created in the 1800 that’s all from the old world order which was America number one we were the greatest everything you’ve ever read about mythology happened here they’ve moved everything the globalists have moved everything over to Europe in the Middle East because they have hated us so much for so long you’re talking about the original Canaanites they are still around and even before that the Canaanites had many names and so did Christianity and they’ve always ruined it for us but good will always Prevail and these old ancient writing no matter how many times you sanitize them the Good Will Shine through and reach us
who else would fit through these doorways
I just have a thing for buildings I really do I think they’re more interesting than people sometimes when I look at how beautiful all the old buildings are any I can’t tell you I definitely have a bone to pick with the globalist who have been bombing these for centuries to hide them from us
I’m going to figure out what these are for

I have a lot of screenshots but one thing I like to collect is these structures on fire and I have a lot of these pictures and I think I found a few more to add

A few more goodies

now if you zoom in on the boat you’ll see some sort of weird electrical antenna device on it may be to get atmospheric energy
I don’t know what this is. if you say cannons cannons aren’t what you think they are
you know what I’m thinking this is like a Wi-Fi gun
electrical weapon
just absolutely beautiful now you see those three prongs underneath I’ve got a collection of those prongs on these buildings and I wonder if they used to light up or illuminate because you can get stone to illuminate with atmospheric energy I’ve recorded it many times but I noticed a bunch of these but I didn’t really collect I can’t save every screenshot I see but maybe I’ll look into this next time
the beauty
electrical antennas of a far greater people
strange machines Motors
what are these

there’s quite a few but I can’t post every screenshot these are just the best pictures
oh my God look at the size
so apparently a sound brings great destruction there’s a frequency that just destroys everything that’s what the theory about the trumpets are looks like a giant maybe the Giants were considered gods or angels
looks like a musical instrument
Past resets imposed on our ancestors… These buildings were ALREADY THERE when earlier parasites/elite controllers found them. Lied about history, cropped photos, burned books… Total savagery… We’ve been lied to our whole lives, our ancestors were lied to, there has been a catastrophic RESET before… Memories and history wiped clean. Tragic. We deserve the truth

I can’t vouch for the narration but look at the pretty pictures all around the world of the Old World Order the reason you don’t see a lot of American ones in there is because the greatest palaces and castles have all been bombed and blowed up and made into military stuff what do you think they were doing bombing in the desert they were bombing castles what do you think all these civil wars were they were to destroy the buildings what about World War 2 destroy the buildings in Europe would you look at actual would actually happen and what got bombed you’ll see the pattern happens over and over again along with a phony pandemic reset every hundred years or plague cholera anything to kill us Spanish flu whatever it’s all to kill us there’s no such thing there’s many ways to kill people and blame it on a pandemic they’ve been doing it for a long time
A one world order existed in America was its greatest masterpiece and no matter how many buildings they destroy they’ll always be more buildings left because there’s just so many if you think your city hall was built in the eighteen hundreds look again it’s as old as the Grecian ruins it’s as old as the pyramids it’s as old as the Arc de Triomphe and even that wasn’t built to memorize a war all the rulers have lied about these structures even the ones in America and wait till you see the ones they destroyed they blew up with dynamite whoever controls these buildings controls the world and before they were churches they were temples before they were temples they were gifts to rulers wives and before they were gifts they were War memorials and before that they had many different names many different cultures have lived in them they originally were some sort of electrical motherboard of some sort like a generators frequency all the old mansions in New York City carry electricity down the chimney and when they do excavations they pull up ancient pipes from geothermal steam heating nothing is new it was all here intact every one of our cities was intact the way it is now I’m just talkin about the old buildings the stone structures definition Pyrenees bricks the Latin on our libraries is not carved in there to copy the Latin people no it was done by the same people
these videos I haven’t watched yet but I’m posting them here because I’ve saved them and I will watch them tonight and you could watch them with me I can’t vouch for any of them but just look at the pretty pictures and if you think they are boring which a lot of these are very very boring you can just set it at twice the speed to watch it at Double the speed to get through it faster
I’m only posting this so you see my process at where I get these pictures or these ideas I do a lot of nerdy stuff go through a lot of stuff that’s really off coffin off-kilter and I go through a lot and sometimes I find something sometimes I don’t but if you just want to see my process I’ll post a few videos I’ve saved to put on my watch list I can’t vouch for any of them I’m just looking at pictures
this looks really interesting now it’s not what you think you have to forget everything you’ve learned about history and just look at the pictures because then and only then you’ll learn something
what on Earth was going on in the 1800 nobody knows that’s like when there could be hundreds and hundreds of millenia’s in between we don’t know no one can trace their ancestry back no country can trace anything back we aren’t even on the right timeline they give us we just went from capital J 700 to 1700 there was a thousand years added and nobody knows what happened in between a huge reset

I can’t vouch for the narration or the theories but just look at the pretty pictures

Take a look at some pictures of St Louis Illuminating the stone buildings self illuminated there were no light bulbs on The Fountains illuminated this was a few years after General Electric was in power so nobody knows how this was powered this is proof of the old world in the United States of America all of our cities look like this every single wine and it’s all been demolished and now you only see Tiny remnants and clues when you’re looking for it in your city

all of our American cities had Marvel’s like this they’ve all been bombed around 1900 and nobody was even here people are just arriving I know it sounds crazy but there’s a lot you don’t know about our history and this was illumination this was free energy this is Saint Louis Missouri I mean you can only imagine what the rest of our cities look like very similar but San Francisco Buffalo was by far the greatest illuminations and they still have some of the obelisks that used to light up still intact but every year they’re cutting down more antennas more things that will make the buildings not work anymore because free energy is something we can’t have
1900 water fountains lighting up with atmospheric energy illuminations this was not electricity there was no way the people at this time could have done this this is from the old world order and here in America many many cultures have lived in these buildings and experienced these illuminations every night just lit up
St Louis Missouri there you go that’s what it look like at night

And I know what you’re thinking well you can’t really put this out because people will be so crushed because they believed in the colonial therapy retail and George Washington and all that and there’s a grain of Truth in some things but you’re not getting the entire picture of what really happened and you know what this knowledge will make people really motivated against toppling the globalists once and for all once they learned what they’ve done for our building and it’s something the world can experience because it’s been happening all over the world these buildings have been torn down in place in favor of parking lots it’s just not right he must be held accountable and Aldi’s industrialists who claim they built these buildings and given them to museums and stuff like that they dropped them from us and they demolish them that’s why they claim they built them to demolish them and how many City Hall’s do we all have to go through every city in America has like five or six City Hall’s these masterpieces and they just demolish it and go to the next one demolish it go to the next one demolish it go to the next one it’s been happening for centuries under our very noses that’s why antifa want to destroy all our federal courthouses and City Hall’s because they’re following orders from the globalists

These are the same people that have destroyed our buildings these…

they are monsters don’t you ever forgive them once you’ve learned don’t you ever forgive them

Speaking of these Global has General Flynn had a post where he told people to do what you can with in your limit and for me it’s political cartoons and he also said to stay out loud what you believe in so here I go

I am a True Believer in President Trump I believe he will have a life term I believe he will bring free energy to America I believe he will banish the globalist underground at gitmo in the underground I believe that Americans will be begging for him to have a life term I believe he will usher in a hundred or a thousand years of peace I believe he is walking just like Jesus I’m not saying he is Jesus but he’s walking like Jesus cuz we are all Jesus inside with her father Consciousness so yes if you were to compare him to a world savior he would be a world cigarettes and that’s what he’s doing he’s going to topple big Pharma he’s going to topple the genocides of the medical industry and the virus hopes you put a top well that he’s just playing politics he’s going to topple eventually fake face people is going to topple the bad Bankers the evil pedophiles he’s going to topple everybody he’s going to find the world still in gold and all stolen Treasures of the world and learn the secrets of how the Titans built these buildings using sound and alternative therapies and he’s going to make it so we will have Trump Dynasty after he’s left his playing and that’s what I believe in and I’m a capitalist and I believe in individual rights and freedom from everybody no taxes unless voluntary gun rights I believe in I do trust Trump way too much and I probably trust him no matter what I’m that type of person that no matter where he goes I’ll follow him cuz I I just love him so much I’m a lifelong Celebrity Apprentice fan I’ve seen every single one I am a true Trump family believer I love them and I want to be a political cartoonist more than anything since I was a child I was pressured to be one for my grandfather so this is like my life’s Mission all I want is to be able to support my family and to be able to do political cartoons in an office without bothering anybody without anyone bothering me and I would like to do at a toil cartoons based on articles journalists right and who knows that’s my mission statement I also think the globalist should punish dearly and we should set up a dungeon for them where they have parkour games that you know only the very best would it be able to pass you know really scary hunting games also I don’t know have some fun with them and I feel this is necessary in order for people to heal because they’ve caused so much pain they need to be shut away underground sealed up only their clones and body doubles can go to gitmo also when I first found out President Trump was running for president I’ve been saying the same thing for 4 years that he’s going to bring back the gold standard and I was right well you know he’s he owns the FED pretty much and he is going to make every evil globalist in the world and evil country and evil group like all those you know United Nations and NATO and all that all of them are going to capitulate to him all countries are going to call our President Trump king I said this is because it’s a long time ago and I love more than anything I love people like Rodger Stone I love General Flynn I love qanon I love mud flood I love flat-earthers I love everybody because every subculture no matter how weird they are they have a lot of followers and with that comes a lot of CIA Scheels in trolls that I like to counter in there trying to get people to hate Trump and I like to go in there and counter that I like to make friends with you no high roller YouTubers and watch them and see if they support Trump and if they don’t I like to comment and get them on our side so I like to go into subcultures that’s like my thing and turn people on I like to save people I like to get evil people to come clean with their knowledge of evil and help out the Trump movement I like believe in forgiveness that Jesus will forgive you no matter what you’ve done as long as you come clean and you bring proof positive and you make your wrongs right and you bring names and all that whatever it is whatever it is that Trump needs there’s a place for you I believe in that and the people who don’t complain I believe you know I believe in torture I’m a big believer and torture I’m an expert in torture and I could design a dungeon I can design games I could design parkour I don’t think you should let the prisoners live I think you should let them suffer that’s just my mission statement and I’m sorry it’s just who I am and what President Trump teaches is don’t be afraid to be different everyone’s different everyone can bring something to the movement. I also like writing short stories I write a lot of short stories here on this blog it’s all Fiction it’s all fiction I constantly have to remind people that I’m just imagination playing I like delving into the Fantastic talking about things and I’m just seeking information because once you put it to your higher self you will find answers so I like saying things people don’t think about and I like delving into new research like mud fossils and only I could do something like this because the usual person won’t make it past Wikipedia because there’s so many Gatekeepers around this information so many mockeries and Photoshop and fake stories that you know I’m pretty good at seeing these things sometimes I fall for them you know but I usually don’t fall for false flag like most people do and I go step further and I see things sometimes one else sees for example the Coronavirus I know I’m a hundred percent sure it’s imaginary I can explain this I can prove it I’ve written about it over and over again but you can have to take my word there’s no such thing as the coronavirus okay people getting sick is not proof people dying is not proof I mean just because of doctor says you had it isn’t proof just because you think you know what it looks like that’s not proof that start work I mean I I can go on and on but my mission statement is you know I can see things most people can’t and I think that’s important because sometimes when you’re brainstorming you need all the information so I think I’m important cuz I bring out weird information or I introduced new popular subcultures that are happening that no one’s heard about but have gained a lot of followers and a lot of shadow people.

and I like history’s Mysteries also
believe me I’m looking to tie into the Trump movement everything I learned I know that there’s a way to Canvas information about the past to help the future I don’t know it could just be fantasy but I think that there is very much things that could be of interest to nationalists everywhere especially about technology of the past and stuff like that and who really built the buildings
saw the reflection of the sun is the great weapon to burn down City that’s a theory about this that Black Mirror again

You can put one of these mirrors on a plane right and do this kind of damage

I know what the weapon is it’s an ancient weapon I forget the name but a few weeks ago I posted tons of pictures of it doing the same thing burning down cities from hilltops people used to do it it’s a special mirror it’s got like a mosaic of mirrors on it and it’s con cave
big Pharma and the virus hoax has to be taken on or these people will do it every hundred years and tell off everyone and take their kids from them and repopulate other places with the children and if war is needed they will do Wars just to cover all this up this displacement of people that that is necessary for the the evil globalists to be in power
here are the stone building is Illuminating without light bulbs atmospheric this wasn’t the United States this was demolished I think it’s Ohio
that wasn’t no earthquake
I posted lots of these before but when you find new stuff when I’m constantly seeing new ones new pictures but I’m when you X-ray swords you find out there are electrical conductors so they were throwing off Sparks or doing something when a field was turned on and I think the pyramids had something to do with the field being turned on I’m not sure they shot up something in the air maybe I don’t know I’m just guessing but there’s definitely old depictions and all of our ancient literature that men of Secrets claim they wrote or whatever stuff you learned about him literature class the great in the mythology stuff they’ve erased all of the electrical weapons out of there
this is an electrical weapon that once belonged to a Titan
Nimrod was a giant he had a pet lion that he carried around by the neck
Zeus with an electrical weapon they’ve taken many depictions of God many depictions of Son Of The Gods and made them evil cannibalistic lunatic Gods demonic that’s what the globalists do they ruin everything in the secret technology handed down in these stories they erase from our history books through the translations
like lightning supposed to come out of
weapons of war
you can shoot Sparks and electric like lightning out of those weapons

America was populated by children they are the foundlings of America 250 million Americans are descended from them and hey have no idea because they took on the genealogy of their adoptive parents America was completely empty when we arrived was populated by children that’s why people didn’t ask questions about what happened to these buildings and why the buildings were being destroyed and they were all children mostly

stolen from the parents murdered in phony pandemics Star Wars or a different country is Ireland in Europe Germany
the official story is that they were runaways in New York City but there were so many that were accounted for and the numbers were tremendous and the official story doesn’t make sense and these kids were being trafficked everywhere even babies entire hospitals filled with pinky Vader’s and they were giving away kids free and Raffles three at a time and the postmaster delivered the child to you through USPS oh yes you never heard about white slavery before
foundlings of America the Midwest was all empty there was nobody in America nobody in the cities that’s something they’ll never teach you.. you could look up any photographs of American cities in that time before or after the globalist burned everything to the ground it’s so wicked I’m not ready to introduce me yet it’s just so wicked I’m just want everybody to be caught up with me because it’s it’s so big what happened

Promise me no matter what you look up never ever trust Google never ever trust Wikipedia don’t even look at the pictures because the pictures are designed to scare you off and to laugh at you okay there are Gatekeepers around these truths liked you wouldn’t believe but if you want I can hold your hand in through my blog through the medium of my fairy tale short story Fantastical writings I could give you a few Peaks you’re not going to believe it forget everything you’ve learned in school I mean everything welcome to the Real World is source

plasma technology helmet?
what do these wheels do

Interesting illustration

chose to be a depiction of a reset


here is a starport being blown up in America
I wonder which star fort..its here they are trying to destroy I think 1500s or so they say
this is in America
depictions of America look they got massive Jones and stone structures
aha funny.