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I juiced three watermelons and had that. 
Watermelon juice

Every night I made savory veggie stew. I added laver seaweed for a salt craving I had.
Savory green veggie stew raw vegan

I ordered dates from srjdate@yahoo.com. From a farm. They were super juicy and big. I eat alot of dates.

I made Kale Apple soup with celery and grapes on top. It was a Cherie Soria recipe.
2 Oranges peeled, Apple, Kale. I added a few dates and lemon juice.
Kale Apple Soup

I am watching Fred Patenaude’s dvds and maybe I will make a recipe from it.
I got 4 thai coconuts. I eat them with a spoon. I love them. I have lots of oranges.
Also making a lot of banana smoothies with dates and a teaspoon tahini