Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Laura Ingraham Fox News Political Cartoon State of the Union address political cartoon

Laura Ingraham Fox News Political Cartoon State of the Union address political cartoon

Laura Ingraham Fox News Political Cartoon State of the Union address political cartoon post thumbnail image
Laura Ingraham Angle Fox News Political cartoon
Laura on her earrings.
The post by Gateway Pundit that inspired me
Cult like!!!

I have an uncanny ability walk invisibly. To blend in and I’m definitely an observer. I know it looks like I’m posting everywhere but actually I do not engage much. My favorite weapon is the block feature. Anytime I see anything displeasing about trump it gets blocked right away you have to because they will report you.
I check everybody’s follow list who isn’t overtly maga. Any engagement I get I judge. I call that erasing.