James Comey Cartoon

James Comey Cartoon post thumbnail image


this is me it’s 11:00 p.m. and I’m thinking of doing something different. Instead of coming here last ..I’ve decided that from now on I should come to my blog 1st

Yes.. it’s just I only have one cell phone and I have very little time and everything takes so long. My patreon wants me to paint my cartoons in so I have to use this tiny lenovo tablet which is what I have this art rage program on. But I was on it and the power shut off twice it’s real hard to get your work back. Plus I don’t have any Internet. I use this samsung for everything and it’s starting to act up. I know I complain about it . Yes I’ve been complaining for 2 years.. how hard it is for me to do these cartoons but you know what.. I still do them anyway and who cares if my hands are fried ..who cares if it takes me 8 hours to do something that should only take a few. I love doing it sometimes I think I should drop my subscribers because it’s just so much work doing extra posting on different websites. But I don’t know . I like cartooning. Yes and you know what I should just focus on cartooning as long as I get 1 cartoon A-day.

Next paragraph:

I’m just trying to find a routine a habit something that I can do every day that I can pop off these cartoons in an hour just like Dilbert was. Drawn in an hour. And then maybe you know I need to find the idea in under an hour too. At least get in the habit.

Like today for example as I was listened to the news I decided on I’m not going to just listen to the news ..also I am gonna do a doodletoo.. while I listen to the news and that’s when I started sketching out James Comey but I didn’t have a joke so I just started drawing and listening different interviews and sometimes I don’t really have a gag ..it’s just like political art . Yes sometimes it’s really surreal ..but at least I put my imprint on a current event. I really love my patreon I have one good art patron I really really love him I just I can’t believe hes been here for me and I know it’s hard to do a cartoon every day like I say but he keeps me on track.

I have so many people on messenger and Facebook wanting to chat with me wanting me to send them pictures and stuff I just say.. if they like me so much why don’t they become a paying subscriber?

  OK so this new set up with word press is really hard. Everything is different and everything is changed. I think I’m working on blocks..yes with blocks.. now in this blog posting it’s going to take some getting used to . Yes some of these posts may not come out right.

And also an update on my mental health I’ve been waking up and drinking on hot Cocoa powder with water with stevia with almond milk. And then you now I have my salad and my fruits and I nibble on everything else. I think I’m doing quite well living in the cold. I’m really a tropical person at heart. 

I used to live in Florida ..Buffalo.. San Francisco Boston New York City on and on. 

My first sale was in an art gallery in Valencia district in San Francisco. It was three women painted blue with mouse ears. 

I also did some pages for a zine in NYC. I worked at an anarchist bookstore. Anti George Bush sr. stuff. I drew anarchist comics.  Yes one summer I worked at an anarchist bookstore.  I did. The anarchists you hear about today are really communists. They have infiltrated that movement as well as the Democrats. I have vivid memories of protests. I handed out flyers. I remember police on horses. I was innocent. I was a teenager. 

To cartoon Trumps entire Presidency. It’s a work greater than myself. It’s my life’s work. It’s the destiny Given to me.  It’s my childhood command. To be a Political cartoonist. 

I was a good kid. I had a short haircut. Like feathered. I wore wool pleated skirts. Knit sweaters. Turtlenecks and pearls. Benetton and Esprit were my brands.  Penny loafers. Very preppy. 

I have extensive knowledge of evil. I grew up watching every American Italian horror movie. I remember Amityville in the theatres. I remember the first book of Anne Rice. I was very educated in horror. I seen marathons. Sequels. By the time I was 17 I read volumes of Marquis deSade .. sacher masoch..  and I was thoroughly educated by books .. mostly.  Usa channel horror marathons. Vincent Price. DRACULA. B movies. Dario Argento. Stephen King. ROSEMARYS BABY. exorcism movies. Books. I seen them all. EVERY Freddie  Damien Jason. Children of damned Corn Beetlejuice.

I was a “trad” goth for 7 years.  Not just fashion. But I  embraced the lifestyle.  

 I know evil. That is why I can bring a lot to the table. I use my knowledge to do good. I fully didn’t grasp it until Trump ran. My soul was lost. Now it’s found.

I can see in the dark. I read them all. I sped read. I know . I can spot their symbols. I read these out of curiosity. 

I learned it all in a seminary too. All girls schools.  Libraries.  Cable tv. 

I know quite a few things.  Best I use what I know to help Trump. To help America. To save others from. 

Not once did I ever come across child sacrifice or torture. They hide that very well.  I can’t explain this blind spot. To me what was vampy was beautiful. Now I see things different. 

I took Ed Dames course. I remote viewed 2 years. .  I still never saw this. 

James Comey 


So here’s the plan for this block. I’m just gonna make a video for each of my cartoons and maybe upload 1 or 2 sources to keep it simple and then that’s it.  I’m terribly organized and disorganized at the same time . YES like I’m obsessive compulsive collector .  Yes collecting and I like collecting things .. it causes me anxiety if it’s not organized. Because I have  control.  If I can amass a Political Cartoon collection..I feel I will have control over my life as being a success.  It is dead serious. 

I don’t each much.  Not a lot of care is given to me. So I am grateful for what I do get. I don’t get gifts either except from my mom. All I have are my cartoons. Online penpals and patreons and my kids. That s all. Everything. 

I have  a lot of time on my hands. When I exact revenge it takes years. Any slight these social media companies do to me..I carefully construct my plan. Usually I will cartoon them. Pejoratively cartoon them. 

I beginning to think I will die if I stop cartooning. I have reached an age where I am learning. Resolving. Coming full circle to New things. Life is best when you have skills. I need to get better.  To do something. One thing w my entire life. One project.