Freelancer Political Cartoons Uncategorized Jake Tapper Nancy Pelosi political cartoon #donaldtrump #jaketapper #nancypelosi #politicalcartoon

Jake Tapper Nancy Pelosi political cartoon #donaldtrump #jaketapper #nancypelosi #politicalcartoon

Jake Tapper Nancy Pelosi political cartoon #donaldtrump #jaketapper #nancypelosi #politicalcartoon post thumbnail image
everyone in comments section wanted to know what Jake tapper was asking..and Nancy… video below. She tweaked. Must be speed. Or adrenochrome replacement 🤔. See my tiny comment lower left.
crosshatching..brushes.first attempt. Will try better. But I like effect. Like they are behind a wire fence.
I think she was trying to say Mister…instead of the proper address of Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

She thought she was shortening it. Possibly? Her thoughts racing. Her bite…locked 🔒 up

This was awful. What’s wrong w Nervous Nancy it the adrenal Chrome withdrawal?

Poor Jake signals he is done w embarrassing nancy. The left are turning on her!
👀 Mark Levin this 🌄. Listen 🎶 ing to Mark Levin podcast.
right to try is saving lives. Yes.

The all Natural way using your existing insurance . I THINK.. 2 weeks green smoothies 4 times a day will heal you. 1 quart each meal.. I tried it my mole fell off my back. I took photo of it.

Let thy medicine…

The lady who invented that..sold her ideas and it was shelved. Hidden.. I met her. Lived at retreat w her 2 weeks. Every recipe was different. Wild greens. Exotic fruits. Every 4 hours 4x a stomach was begging for that Mason jar filled. With life. My mole fell off my back! Never to return. I took a photo of my mole in my hands. It works. I felt peace inner clean. Glow. Too much energy. I hiked. Watched sunset. Sungazed.. natural color hair. No gray.

The body will heal itself. No other animal…eats processed food. In the world. Naturally. All pets who eat it..die riddled w tumors.

I love 💘 laratrump beaming w health about health. She can sell health with her own health. You always listen to want to look like. Taking health advice from someone ugly…doesn’t work. Taking health advice from someone beautiful…u listen.
Now sub photo tonic called out my name in the live chats and it was pretty exciting to me because I found his new account hes been consecutively banned off youtube for his crazy ideas and I don’t know if it’s his ideas or how he says it or his tone of voice but hes a very unique YouTuber and this is his new account I found him and he actually read my entire name out and I’m going to work on him..

Explosion of subs..viral videos… His specialty is melted exploded buildings now I know that sounds really weird but just the way he talks about it that there was some sort of heat that melted buildings turning them to rock and that’s a specialty and I’m not talking about how you can see vaguely an elephant shape in rocks I’m talking melted buildings and it’s really strange why he got an explosion of subs and he went viral and then he got deleted a few times on YouTube and now hes back

I’m definitely going to work on him because I don’t think he trusts too much in the government and I’ll try to get him on our side but he had an explosion of subs.. and all over Facebook and the groups people are talking about his wacky ideas I don’t know if they’re wacky they’re just interesting and a lot of things he says when he points them out it makes senses and he may not get hits on everyone but there are a few ideas of his that are really good anyways I was excited he called out my name and we talked about John Levy’s face reveal..
jon levi. Every one knows who he is in the undergrounds

Bigbigsubs. Big big ideas. cool voice. He’s on our side. Your 🙏 welcome.

These are diamonds 💎 in the rough. Likable personalities. Whit.

A note on sub photo tonic he did mention he mentions casually shooting up the globalists exploding them bombing them and it’s unusual to hear this kind of talk…

Here are some his ideas. All offline now. But I seen them all.

very mysterious ideas. Proving our buildings ancient. Here in America. Weathered even when newly “built”
the buildings…the biggest secret of them all. Spooky!
Anyways he didn’t call me out in the live chat by name just once but several times and he laughed about a lot of my jokes so there you go.
electric everything ..all stolen from us. Had to have gone somewhere.